
Benevolent King and His Tyrant Queen

I'm not Grace Finley. I can't remember my actual name anymore. I'm afraid I might forget what my family looks like, I miss them. I need to go back to my life. I want to go back to my life. Forget my overnight Cinderella status, I'm a wife?! Who married me without my knowledge?! My husband, The Grand Prince, happens to be the richest, most feared and most admired man in all of Valoria. His harsh words don't match his kind gestures. And he has got quite a handsome face. Also, did I mention that he is popular despite being the husband of someone? I won't surprised if he happens to have a secret cult of followers/admirers. Anyway, He is a kind man, that's all you have to know. As of now, my only way back seems to be the god of this world. So I first asked him politely, I truly was polite, I'm not lying! But with no reply to my polite inquires, I proceeded to commit blasphemy on my first public outing, and threatened to commit genocide but to no avail. At least tell me the reason for bringing me here, You damn god! I spoke in a 'very flowery' language that was not meant for children and always cursed him to my heart's content but I wasn't struck by lightning. I seriously don't want this privilege okay? Finally, The story of the body I possessed... I don't know. The only onslaught I felt was the severe head and body aches after opening my eyes in this body. I didn't mind until I learned that I woke up from an incident that was an attempt to take my life but covered up as an accident. If only I could find the perpetrator, I would like to encourage them to make another attempt and cooperate as long as it is painless. No memories, People after my life, a family to look after and a kingdom to rule, I have never been this responsible in my entire life! Is this a punishment for living the privileged life of the youngest child in the family? I'm only nineteen for god sake! Let me live!

alwys_fictional · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

CH. 11 Intriguing Company

"Good Evening, Your Highness." The Young Lady of House Felipe, Lady Jude, greeted me as soon as I entered the garden where the tea party was taking place. Normally she, as the host of the party, was supposed to come greet me along with her parents who were the Lord and Lady of the house but none came. But I let it go, My mind was already full of worry for the two adorable little children in my house. So the stares of the attendees who were surprised by my changed hair and eyes didn't register in my mind.

I didn't acknowledge her greeting as I took a seat in the chair that was supposed to be for the most high-ranking and well-respected person among the many attendees. The Young Ladies and Lords who were already seated by the time I arrived all exchanged looks of surprise. Soon their surprise turned into nervousness as a Young Lady entered the garden. I suppose the place I'm sitting was prepared for her. The flower of Valoria's High Society.

"Lady Isla!" Jude jumped up in greeting and warmly welcomed Isla. A complete contrast to her attitude towards me. Also, I was surprised to see Lady Jude kissing Isla's ass despite their families being in different factions but it was not entirely unexpected. Normally the high-ranking people would be the last to attend an event but Jude Felipe and the rest of the young ladies and lords including Isla Argyle, behaved like this was the obvious order. Everyone stood in greeting but I sat there, with half of my mind still somewhere else.

"Good Evening, Your Highness." Isla greeted but she didn't bow. Her address was of respect but her attitude was not so I watched her silently in amusement. She stood there in silence wearing an amicable smile and without a single glitch in her calm face.

"Lady Isla, Please take a seat." Jude said hurriedly, ignoring my silence but Isla didn't move and only stood there. Interesting character, I mused and waved my hand. Only after I responded did Isla take her seat and the tea party started normally. As soon as the party fell into a rhythm, some young lords were busy singing praises to Isla Argyle while another group of young ladies were trying to make a good impression on the flower. Isla Argyle was probably the only one who noticed something was out of place with me and then there was someone else.

"You." I called the Lady who everyone blatantly ignored. She was silent but not upset about others' attitude towards her. I gestured to the empty chair beside me. The young lady, with soft blue hair and sapphire eyes, looked a little taken back but she calmly obliged.

"What's your name?" I asked after she took a seat beside me.

"Your Highness, It was good to see you so healthy. We were all very worried after hearing about your unfortunate accident." One of the ladies interrupted.

"You were?" I asked and she stuttered, unable to reply immediately to my unexpected reaction.

"Of course!" Lady Jude covered for her. "We were all worried. I wonder if you found the cause of the accident." She asked.

"Someone planned it." I said and the other ladies gasped in surprise. They all had mocking gazes except for Isla Argyle who still had her calm smile. It was getting boring at this point.

"Have you found who it is, Your Highness?" One of the lords asked immediately, faking excessive worry.

"We didn't but I might have an idea." I said and they looked at me curiously.

"It must be one of the bitches who is lusting after my husband." I said and the party fell into silence. A few young lords coughed in surprise and the young ladies frowned at my use of vulgar language.

"Your Highness! This is a pleasant tea party and we are all dignified people here. How could you use such indecent language?" Lady Jude chastised.

"Pleasant? To whom? You? Me? Her?" I pointed to the lady whose name I am yet to learn.

"Dignified? Where?" I looked around in surprise. 

"And Lady Jude, What else am I supposed to call someone who goes after a married man who is also a father of two? Saint?" I looked at the stunned Lady. And I finally saw a little crack in Isla Argyle's porcelain face. Ah, what a satisfying sight.

"At least wait until I'm gone. Handsome single Dads are the most attractive if you ask me." I added and the lady beside me coughed but I believe she was stifling her laughter.

"Have I cleared all your doubts? Good." I said and turned to look at the lady beside me. I raised a brow and she cleared her throat to introduce herself.

"Ellie Hazel, Your Highness." She stood and bowed. Though I found the over-the-top gesture a little excessive for an introduction, It was still very respectful.

"Ah, The daughter-in-law." I nodded realising who she was. Ellie Hazel was the daughter of a fallen noble family and the beloved wife of the Heir of Felipe Duchy. Rowan Felipe fell in love with her during his academy years and married her against the wishes of House Felipe. No wonder, even Jude Felipe treated her like that. I heard of this Ellie X Rowan love story from my all-knowing little maid, Ivy. It was apparently that fun academic rivals-to-lovers trope.

"I came here expecting nothing but you are an excellent find, My Lady." I kissed the back of her hand. The party fell silent again and Lady Ellie blushed furiously.

"I'm most honoured, Your Highness." She hurriedly bowed.

"So, Is he a fool too?" I asked.

"I beg your pardon?" Ellie blurted out in confusion.

"Your Husband. Is he a fool too? Mine's a fool through and through." I said, clicking my tongue. Seth was a kind fool.

"How dare you call His Highness such things?" One of the ladies exclaimed. It was clear that every single person in Valoria respected Seth either out of loyal admiration or fear.

"How bold." A young lord commented and his friends snickered.

"How impertinent." I said and the smiles on their faces disappeared.

"Forgive them, Your Highness. Their words might have come out disrespectful in their haste but your misunderstood words merely ruffled them. We are all the most loyal towards His Highness. I hope you understand them, Your Highness." Isla Argyle spoke softly and shielded them.

"Is that so? Is it His Highness' fault that they couldn't control their tongues? Should I forgive them and blame His Highness because they were only acting out of their bottomless loyalty?" I asked and Isla looked at a loss for words.

"I could do that. Warnings exist exactly for situations like this don't they." I smiled at the young lords and ladies behind Isla.

"Thank you, Your Highness." They stuttered hastily and I couldn't help but shake my head. I wondered if they would put up a fight but that was for nothing.

"I'm bored." I sighed but Lady Jude's face contorted.

"Do not fret, It wasn't entirely boring." I consoled her only to her annoyance.

"Now, What else does House Felipe have to offer this evening? I want to be distracted." I asked but only met with silence.

"If you do not mind, Your Highness. House Felipe has a decent collection of dungeon grimoires. Her Grace was an avid collector." Lady Ellie offered and I was immediately interested. Dungeon Grimoires were rare and they contained powerful potion recipes and complex runes that took ages to decipher. With my body's mana deficiency, this was the closest I could come to Dungeons because it was dangerous.

"You-" Lady Jude was about to voice her objection but I stopped her.

"Easy now. The Daughter had her chance now let the Daughter-in-law give it a try." I spoke gently.

"It was the Duchess' collection but I don't see her anywhere. So, after you Lady Ellie Felipe." I said leisurely and followed after an equally stunned Lady Ellie.

So I spent my next hour going through a few rare dungeon grimoires and other rare vases that were in the duchess' collection. But Ellie's explanation was easy to follow and pleasant on the ears so I had a good time.

"Would you be fine?" I asked while taking a stroll through the garden.

"Whatever do you mean, Your Highness." Lady Ellie smiled. I guess she would be fine so I didn't bother.

"What do you do all day?" I asked. Seeing how she was treated in the family, they must not trust her with anything.

"I spend my time writing papers on dungeon theory for the academy, Your Highness." She replied and I sensed that she was happy with her current life. Seeing how she was content despite not being able to do much given her academic background and how the young lord Rowan married her despite his family's objections, they must love each other very much.

"Have you been to the dungeons?" I asked.

"I have been, Your Highness. During my academy years and another two years after that. I'm a B-class adventurer, Your Highness." She informed me. That was a decent rank to achieve in just two years.

After that she talked about her experience and the rarest and weirdest dungeon experiences she had. It was a fun story and I couldn't help but forget my worries for a while. Her stories were the things that one would find in a fantasy book. I really did transmigrate to a magical world. When I thought about it, I felt anxiety filling up my heart again but I curbed it.

"How do you feel about becoming my Aide?" I asked and she came to an immediate halt.

"I… I- uh… I would be honoured!" She jumped a moment later, Her sapphire eyes alight.

"Glad to hear." I smiled satisfied.

"I will send you a letter soon then." I said and let her send me off as the tea party came to an end. Some tried to talk to me but I didn't give them a chance before I let the knight that came with me escort me into the carriage and my maid May followed after.

I had a good time.