
Ben in Konoha (Naruto × Ben 10)

Naruto learns of a conspiracy against him after the retrieval mission. As he runs away he is picked up by a mysterious scientist, who opens up Naruto's eyes to so much more than just his world. Contains OP Naruto (of course), Super Ben (later on), Konoha getting trashed (you should expect no less) Pairing undecided. Author: Isom

Infernal_Infinite · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: On the road to earth.

It had been one year, since Naruto had gotten enhanced by the nanites. One year, since discovering the alien factory that crashed into the moon. One year, since his fight with the enhanced techadon machine…and it had not been a lazy year.

With the finding of the techadon factory, Merlin immediately set his robotic drones and the AI Caretaker to get the factory in working order, and getting all the system fully functional. Much like his base, he connected it with the AI Caretaker and began using the nanotechnology in the techadons to enhance his drones. They were faster, stronger, could carry more systems and weaponry, and could adapt to their opponents. He also found various upgrades and system that would be useful in Naruto's armor until he got the DNA system in the nanites to work. Sadly, he hadn't made any progress in getting the DNA conversion process. He had taken a sample of Kyuubi's chakra to do so, but was shocked to find that it wasn't the source of the DNA degradation. This lead to him believing that there was a flaw in the nanites, which wasn't that much of a stretch. He was incredibly intelligent, but that didn't mean he didn't make mistakes.

Speaking of Naruto, with new technology Naruto's workout got a lot more intense. He found himself lifting heavier weights, using more powerful techniques, learned by the new and enhanced spy drones. Naruto also found himself practicing with multiple weapons, ranging from powerful mid to long range guns to brutal melee weapons, and with the drones now able to learn and adapt to Naruto's strategies, even becoming wary of his ability to plan on the fly, and even using it themselves. It was then that Naruto truly became aware of how dangerous his ability to think ahead was. This was only made more dangerous when Naruto found himself studying and practicing combat tactics and strategies.

If that wasn't enough, Merlin had said that he would work on a few vehicles for Naruto to use. Vehicles to fly through the sky, space, and the various terrains of his own home planet, all of which could reach speeds that even the most well-trained ninja couldn't go. To help with this, Naruto went through simulations, in a new chamber built into the factory, to practice driving. It was a good thing he did, because he got into a lot of crashes when he first tested the simulator, not to mention the issue where he accidently launched himself out of it by pressing the emergency eject button.

Naruto walked through the factory with no helmet on, having no need for it. He made his way through the halls and towards Merlin's new and improved laboratory. He entered and found the galvan sitting at his work bench, going over a new weapon, most likely.

"Hey, working hard there, frog man?" Naruto asked using the new nickname he had given the frog-like alien.

Merlin looked up with an exasperated sigh and said, "I know you find that nickname funny, but I find it rather annoying."

Naruto said, "I know, but that won't stop me from calling you that. Nicknames aside what is it that you called me down here for."

Merlin turned away from his workbench and said, "Naruto, you have been here for over a year. I believe now is the time for you for you to go to Earth."

Naruto blinked and said, "Am I hearing you right, I'm going to another planet?"

The galvan answered, "Yes. Given everything that we've done so far, I estimate that you are now ready to fight Ben Ten. Also, you won't be going alone. I'll be going with you, but it may take some time."

Naruto asked, "Can't you just, warp across the galaxy in a few minutes."

Merlin answered, "Unfortunately, no. The machine we have would not allow us to do so. The factory's coating and the material the hull is made of would not withstand such speeds. We will, however, be able to move at light speed for the duration of the journey. We should be able to reach Earth in, by my estimates, three days."

Merlin sat down in a chair, and fastened a seatbelt around his tiny waist.

He looked at Naruto and said, "You might want to sit down somewhere. This is going to get a little bumpy."

Naruto nodded and immediately moved for a nearby chair. The blond sat down and put on a seatbelt.

As soon as he did, Merlin said, "Caretaker, prepare to launch and fly towards planet Earth."

"Orders recognized. Beginning launch in 3…2…1…launch."

A loud rumble was heard by the two lifeforms as they felt themselves being lifted from the surface of the moon. Outside of the factory, the large ship was lifted off the ground by powerful thrusters, which broke through the gravity.

Moment's after doing so caretaker's voice was heard.

"Artificial gravity increasing to levels necessary for space travel…complete. Light speed preparing…are you ready?"

Merlin said, "Go."

Caretaker's voice said, "Acknowledged. Preparing light speed to planet Earth. Arrival time in 72 Earth hours. Enjoy your flight."

The ship briefly rumbled for a moment before calming. Merlin then undid his belt and said, "With that now done, we need to get to work. I want to run some final diagnostics on your new suit. Would you be willing to try out a few new moves and some of the new weapons I've added?"

Naruto nodded and said, "You got it, frog man."

Merlin sighed and said, "I still wish you wouldn't call me that."

Later, the new training room…

The training room was a recent addition to the factory. The room was round, with dome-shaped ceiling. Through it looked plain there were panels that hid different weapons for weapons, targets, and system used for obstacle courses. From the center of the ceiling a cylindrical metal chamber hung. This was an observation room, where Merlin currently stood, waiting for Naruto to finish suiting up.

A door opened, and Naruto soon walked out, in a brand new and enhanced armored suit.

It looked like it had the same basic design, but now it was completely black with dark orange areas, over his arms, legs, and chest, something Naruto had asked for specifically. Merlin had said that it was unnecessary, but Naruto was firm, and he agreed to make it darker orange, so it wouldn't stand out as much. His left forearm still had the screen on it, and the right forearm was now sleeker, replaced with a pad on back of his right hand, which had a glowing blue circle near the knuckles. Speaking of knuckles, there were now some wicked looking spikes jutting out of the four knuckles on Naruto's hands. On his waist was still the belt, with pouches that had the high frequency kunai, and shuriken. There were also a pair of holsters on the belt, on either side of Naruto's belt.

Naruto raised his arms and looked at his hands. The view through the HUD showed him a clear vision of his hands.

"Naruto, can you hear me?" said Merlin's voice over the intercom from the observation room.

"I hear you loud and clear, doc," Naruto said, "So this is what. You've been working on. I have to say the suit feels nice…and a bit lighter."

"That's because I made it out of new allow, that is not only just as strong as the original, but lighter as well," Merlin explained, "I also added a special mesh under the armor that hardens in response to trauma, to add some extra defense."

Naruto flexed his hands and then slammed his fist down on his forearm, carefully to avoid the screen. He could feel something hardening under his arm guard as he did so.

Merlin said, 'I also made some adjustment to the armor. I've added a few new systems to the headset. The suit is now linked to your thoughts, as I've introduced similar nanites into the suit. The stealth mode can now be activated with a thought, as well as a new enhanced armor mode, that defensive capabilities even further."

Naruto didn't answer. He then thought about it, and stealth mode activated, light bending around him and making him appear invisible. With another thought, Naruto deactivated it, nodding in approval. He then proceeded to use the enhanced armor. Upon doing so, he found it a bit harder to move, something he made note of. He quickly deactivated it, and then moved around a bit.

"Now, that that is out of the way, I want you to look at your right arm. No doubt, you have noticed that it is now not as thick. That is because, I have replaced it with a special kinetic tether. As opposed to the original grappling hook, the tether has a near unlimited reach and can reach great distances. Give it a try."

The training room floor rumbled as five pillars, each taller than the last rose up. They flashed brightly with technology, with a special sheen that Naruto immediately recognized. A special anti-chakra alloy that Merlin developed, usually for obstacle courses so Naruto would be able to use the wall walking exercise to get up walls.

"Squeeze your fist, aim, and fire."

Naruto did so as the object on the back of his hand lit up. A bright beam of pure energy shot out and the end attached to the top of one of the pillars. Naruto was caught off guard by how fast, but quickly managed to get a hold of it and caught himself before flipping upwards and landing on the pillar. He repeated the process, though with less near crashing, and the pillars were soon lowered.

"Good, good. The tether can also be used to pull objects and people close to you, suspending them for a few brief moments of time in a temporary stasis field. Don't you just love technology?"

The panels on the walls opened and platforms with white orbs that had red targets painted on them.

"Just point it at your target, fire, and pull back hard."

Naruto did just that, aiming his hand, and firing. As soon as he saw the beam connect, he ripped back, pulling the target towards him. As it flew, it slowed down, now glowing bright blue, indicating the stasis field that Merlin mentioned. Naruto then proceeded to perform a spinning kick, knocking the target away. The blond repeated this with the rest of the targets until they ran out.

"Good working at optimal efficiency. Now that that is out of the way, we can move on to the next portion. I have a new set of weapons and gadgets for you."

Several targets, formed again, and then seven small areas in the floor opened, and pedestals rose out, each having a small rectangular box on them, seven in total.

"Uh, I don't want to ask a stupid sounding question, but these are jus ta bunch of boxes," Naruto said.

"Well get to those in a minute. Now the two weapons on your waist, could be called your default weapons. They are based off weapons used by Sotoraggian hand guns, specifically these two are called the Aklex Prime Pistols, or APP for short."

Naruto drew the two weapons from his waist and twirled them in his hands.

"These two guns only hold about sixteen shots, total, but those shots are incredibly powerful. Take a few shots."

A target appeared in front of Naruto. The blond took out his guns and fired them blowing holes through the targets. Naruto immediately noticed that the HUD had a picture of the weapon in the right corner of his vision, showing two numbers, with one number shrinking with each shot he took.

"The bullets are also chakra conductive. They by taking on wind chakra they become powerful enough to pierce armor, and lightning chakra will shock your enemies. Give them a go."

Naruto took aim and focused said chakra into his weapons. Wind chakra on the left, and lightning chakra on the right. Both bullets flew at the targets, piercing one target completely while the other was lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Nice…" Naruto said, "Tenten would be going crazy over these. Wait, what about water chakra?"

Merlin answered, "I have been unable to find a use for that type of chakra in the bullets. However, I should note that these are the only ones that I've been able to add this technology to. The others proved to be unstable."

Naruto simply nodded and put his weapons away.

Merlin continued, "Your next weapon is something that you may be familiar with."

The small platform glowed, showing which one to reach for. Naruto reached out and opened it, pressed it, the box expanded into a large shuriken, and we mean large, so large that he would have to carry it on his back. He was immediately reminded of the shuriken that Mizuki used when he tried to defect and steal the forbidden scroll.

"I combined some of my technology with something else. A group of hunters call the Yautja, use special target seeking discs, referred to as smart disks, to hunt dangerous creatures. This Shuriken combines that technology, and as a bonus, it can return like a boomerang."

A panel on the wall opened and a round target came out. It began moving through the air, very quickly. Naruto picked up the large high frequency shuriken, and took aim, the HUD in his helmet locking onto the target, indicated by a shrinking circle that started off red, then yellow and green as it got smaller. Naruto threw it hard with a grunt, the weapon spinning like a buzz saw as it flew the target moved out of the way, but the smart shuriken turned and caught up to it, slashing through it like a piece of scrap metal.

The weapon then flew back towards Naruto, who caught it easily.

"Nice," Naruto said as he set it down.

"Next, is something that I believe you will enjoy. It works like your handguns, but they are not as powerful, however, it fires at a much faster rate and has a lot more ammunition. They are dubbed, the Dual Raptors."

Naruto reached for the lit up the targets, seeing that the guns nearly had three hundred rounds of ammo, but he saw it decreasing quickly, and they didn't seem to do a lot of damage. Naruto made a note not to use this against enemies with thick armor.

Naruto laid them down, and looked at the next box. Picking it up, he opened it up revealing a rifle.

"Also based on the weapons used by the Sotoraggian, this is the Sybaris Prime rifle. This is more powerful than the gun, but it makes a lot of noise, and has a strong recoil. Be sure to hold the butt against your shoulder, or it may shatter even your collarbone."

As he spoke, Naruto picked it up and took aim. Naruto made sure to hold it tight as he pulled the trigger. Naruto wince slightly as the recoil caused his shoulder to shake, something the guns from before hadn't done.

"Next is the Hek Shotgun. As opposed to your other weapons, this is more suited for more close-range encounters due to the ammunition type. I would not recommend using this in an area where there are a lot of bystanders, as someone is bound to die."

Naruto opened the Hek's box and held out the gun, he had to admit this one looked slightly different then the rest of them, as it didn't seem as advanced. Then again, he probably shouldn't look a new weapon the barrel.

Naruto then aimed at the weapon and fired. Naruto immediately noticed a difference as the blast left a barrage of bullet holes on the target. Naruto realized this would not be good from a distance, and that it would be very difficult to aim with the spread, and would probably be better if an opponent was close.

"Next, we have something very special. An asymmetrical recoilless carbine…or as some of the more combat oriented races would call it…a rail gun, that fires special explosive rounds. It will take two seconds to charge, but that shouldn't be a problem."

Naruto picked up the gun and was surprised by the weight of it. He aimed and fire da round, which exploded on contact with a significant amount of force. Naruto then proceeded to open fire on more targets that appeared. He smiled at the large amount of damage that he had unloaded.

"Next, we have something that I think you will remember quite well. I believe the words you used to describe it were simple enough, the big freaking gun."

Naruto's eyes widened in familiarity of the powerful weapon he had used to defeat the enhanced techadon. The boy smirked, before he picked it up and a large target appeared. Naruto turned around and aimed, holding down the trigger as the weapon charged. He let it go and the familiar ball of green energy shot forward, striking the target and exploding with a massive amount of force and leaving plasma burns on the surrounding area.

"Unfortunately, the BFG only has about five shots," Merlin said, "Use them wisely. Next up, we have something for dealing with someone at close range."

Naruto asked, "Like a sword or something?"

Merlin smiled, thought Naruto couldn't see it, and said, "Actually yes. It is referred to as a Type-1 Energy Weapon…more simply referred to as a plasma sword."

Naruto picked up the last box. He opened it, revealing a large handheld object. Naruto held it in his hand, and squzzed it, causing two large glowing energy blades to shoot out, parallel to each other. Naruto whistled as he moved it through the air, pouting slightly as it didn't' make that humming noise like it did in a science fiction movie he saw. Then again, he'd already figured out that science fiction had nothing to do with science fact.

Naruto was brought out of his thoughts when targets shot out of the walls at high speed. Naruto spun around and started slashing through the targets, leaving behind burnt and warped metal. Naruto continued to do so, until they stopped.

"Now we just have one last thing to pick," Merlin said, "Located on the bottom of your left wrist is one last powerful weapon. Squeeze your hand to release it, and then you can loosen your grip to bring it back."

Naruto held out his hand, half expecting his arm to transform into a cannon. What he didn't expect was for a small gun, barely big enough to fit in his hand to pop out while connected to a small mechanism.

Naruto looked at it and asked, "Is this a joke?"

Merlin seemed to be holding back some laughter as he said, "No. It is a energy pistol, known for it's incredible strength. Some circles refer to it as the noisy cricket because it sounds like the insects on Earth, and your planet."

Naruto said, "I don't see how it is powerful. Heck, I may just break this thing by accident."

Merlin said, "Just try it Naruto."

Naruto sighed and aimed at the target that appeared. After a second he pulled the trigger…and was immediately thrown across the room as a massive shocked fire out of the gun and smashed the target to pieces.

Naruto moaned in pain as he tried to get up and said, "Okay, that hurt. What the heck?

Merlin was heard laughing over the intercom as he said, "Consider that payback for putting hot sauce in food, you little runt."

Naruto looked up at the observation room and asked, "You do know that I'm going to get you back for this right?"

Merlin simply chuckled and said, "Worth it. Back to serious matters, we have three days to get to Earth, I want you to practice with these weapons until then. In the meantime, why don't you walk off your little accident?"

Naruto grumbled as he stood up and grumbled, "He is going to pay for that later."

With that, Naruto left the room to prepare for his upcoming battle with the hero of the planet earth.

Meanwhile on the planet Earth…

Ben Tennyson was currently sitting on his couch, watching his favorite show, Sumo Slammers. Ben had been in a bit of a slump recently. He had recently just broken up with his long-time girlfriend, Julie. Julie had been given a spot on an international tennis tour, and wound up having to leave his home town of Bellwood. They had tried to make the long-distance thing work, but unfortunately, even with his fastest alien, he was currently unable to make it work. The two broke up on good terms, but Ben was still in a bit of a breakup slump. At least he knew she would be safe as she had Ship, the small galvanic mechamorph with her.

A knock came at the door, and it opened, revealing his cousin Gwen Tennyson and her boyfriend of some time, Kevin Levin.

"Still feeling bummed, Ben?" Gwen asked.

"Come on man," Kevin said, "So your girl moved away. It's not like the world is going to end."

Ben said, "Well, how would you feel if Gwen suddenly had to leave town?"

Kevin didn't answer, as he already knew what he would probably say. That and saying anything else with his girlfriend in the room would probably not go very well.

Gwen said, "Come on, Ben. You've been in a funk for a few days now. You need to move on. Why don't you come with us? Get some smoothies, see some stuff around town…chase off a few fangirls and haters. It'll be fun, just like the good old days."

Ben looked at his show and sighed.

"Yeah, maybe getting out of the house would be a good idea. It's not like anything exciting is going to happen around here," Ben said, "a lot of aliens have been laying low since Vilgax got beaten and Diagon got taken down."

Kevin said, "Easy there, Tennyson. The last thing we need is for you to start tempting fate, especially with the old Tennyson luck."

Ben said, "Yeah…to be honest though, I could use a little bit of excitement."

Unknown to Ben, the beginning of a new adventure was charging right towards him.

Cut! Okay, I'm sorry for the long wait. I wanted to jump right into the fight with Ben, but I figured that wouldn't be a good idea. For those of you who seemed to be confused by the timeline, as I received a message about it, for Naruto, the beginning of this story was after the Sasuke retrieval mission during the beginning Shippuden, and for the Ben 10 universe, it starts just after Ultimate Alien, but before Omniverse, so don't expect Rook or other Omniverse characters to show up right away. Now, I'm glad for all the weapon ideas everyone has sent me, but I only gave some to Naruto. I have plans for the other characters.

Anyway, here are Naruto's weapons in the order they came in.

Aklex Prime

Giant Shuriken/ Predator Smart Disc

Dual Raptors

Sybaris Prime

Hek shot gun

Halo Railgun


Plasma Sword

Noisy cricket