
Ben 10: In Pokemon World with Different Omnitrix

Waking up and realizing he was dead wasn't what he wanted to do today. And he didn't want to be around such colorful and dangerous "Animals". And why is there a weird Omnitrix replica on his chest? Question after question, the answers to which 31 year old Thomas Andre hoped to get. P.S Art belongs to @heavanly.shrey on Instagram

Just_Moron · Ti vi
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16 Chs

5.Something Else.

[Thomas Andre POV]

This is one of the most colorful hospitals I've ever seen. It's amazing. Not without the standard white colors, of course, but there was more pink, a lot more. And to top it all off there was a pink-haired girl in a pink nurse's uniform who I noticed right after I came through the doors. Which were pretty tall, but I still had to keep my head down to get through them. To Clemont's surprise, there weren't that many people here. So we were early.

Few people didn't mean no one was here. A nurse and some kind of pink Pokémon, a happy ocgular shape that resembled the more oval shape of that game character who's cycle only said "Poyo". Plus the feathers, yeah.

The nurse, on the other hand, looked tidy. A clean and smooth nurse's uniform of a shade of pink. Looked fairly young, maybe twenty years old.... She was standing not far from the entrance, and was handing this okrgul Pokémon some cubes in a bowl.

The doors were sliding, so there was a distinctive sound as we entered, and to that there was the sound of a bell.

And the way the locals looked at us.

I hadn't seen faces like that in a long time, and it always made me laugh.


Nurse Joy sighed, rubbing her temples tiredly and handing the bowls of Pokémon food to her partner. The last few days at the Pokémon Center had been quite stressful. Yesterday had been especially hard, she reflected.

The image of a tired Bisharp, who had been admitted the day before in critical condition after a brutal battle, came to her mind. Poor Pokemon was scarred and dehydrated.

Joy frowned, remembering how hard she had fought for his life. This case had been one of the most difficult in all her years of experience. As his trainer had explained, they had accidentally stumbled upon a pack of wild pokémon that were much more vicious and they had to fight them off. Joy was glad that the trainer could get out of the mess with Bisharp.... But how she wished the young trainers were so careless, not hurting so sure of themselves to choose detours and climb into the thick of the forest. Their pokémon suffer the most from this, because in case of danger, they are sent forward.

They bandaged Bisharp's wounds, administered painkillers and washed his wounds thoroughly. Thankfully, after several hours of intensive care, the pokémon's condition stabilized. But the battle he went through was truly terrifying.

Today, Joy has prescribed Bisharp full bed rest and strict monitoring of his vital signs. He's a real fighter and is on the mend quickly, but injuries like this take time to recover from, the nurse thought.

Her gaze fell to her computer which displayed her other patients, other injured Pokémon. She was used to such sightings over her many years of work, but each new case was unique and painful in its own way. Her job can be really hard at times, but she loves these amazing creatures endlessly. "We'll do everything we can to make sure they make a full recovery..." - Joy promised herself as she handed over the bowls. The bell sounded and she turned to the sliding doors intending to greet her guests, " Pull yourself together Joy, don't show yourself tired.... " she thought as she looked up to see them.

" Hello dear trainers... " and she saw this.

Nurse Joy's attention was drawn to the entrance, where she spotted a group of children accompanied by an incredibly tall and imposing figure. At first, she didn't pay much attention to the 8'2" giant, as her focus shifted to the children. But as her gaze lingered on the newcomer, she couldn't help but be taken aback.

Dressed in a long trench coat and a peculiar vest adorned with a green symbol, the man exuded an air of mystery. His shirt peeked out from under the vest, and he sported a beard that was neither long nor short, meticulously styled. Dark gold glasses concealed his eyes, adding to his enigmatic aura. With a Pikachu perched on his shoulder, he cut an imposing figure, exuding an air of masculinity and maturity.

Joy blinked a few times, as if trying to confirm what she was seeing. She had never encountered a man with such striking features and such towering height. The sight was so unusual that she couldn't help but wonder if she was imagining things. Never before had she seen a man of such stature, and it left her momentarily stunned.

Again, she blinked.

Oh yeah, there was kid also.

"Wow... Wait, work first, keep it professional ,Joy! " she encouraged herself mentally. " Maybe he's some star from another region, maybe get an autograph, we'll have to take selfies... Stop, That's later! " ran her thought quickly through her head. No one could blame her for her curiosity, it's always interesting to see something unusual. She pushed those musings away so they wouldn't get in the way. Not so for her partner Chansey. Who knew a pokémon's jaw could drop from surprise.... Neither did she. It's a good thing they have a camera here, it's Joy's moment to show Chansey later, and her rather funny look on her face.


As they stepped into the Pokémon Center, Thomas immediately noticed a difference in the air compared to a regular hospital. It was fresher somehow, though he couldn't quite put finger on why. Nevertheless, it felt invigorating to breathe in, a welcome change from the sterile atmosphere of medical facilities.

Seeing the main desk ahead, he gestured for Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont to proceed while I followed at a slower pace. "You three go ahead and take care of business. I'll catch up," Andre said, prompting Ash to nod in understanding before they moved ahead.

And As soon as Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont left, Andre couldn't help but notice a few curious looks thrown his way by some of the kids and teenagers in the Pokémon Center. Before long, a young boy in a green vest and short hair approached him, a Pichu perched on his shoulder.

"Sir," the boy called out, coughing into his fist to get Andre's attention. Though Andre had seen him approaching earlier, he waited patiently for the boy to address him directly.

"Yes?" Andre replied in a calm, velvet voice, trying to convey a sense of approachability and warmth, hoping not to scare the child away.

"Pika? " and Beatrice said sweetly also talkin to a kid.

" My name is Derek, and...Ahem...can I take selfie with you...?"

Andre chuckled softly, finding the request endearing. He knelt down to Derek's level and reached for his phone, ready to capture the moment in a selfie.

"Sure thing, Derek," Andre replied with a smile.

As Andre prepared to take the photo, Derek made another request. "Could you also hold my Pichu?" he asked eagerly.

Andre understood Derek's intention—to better showcase the size difference between himself and the tiny Pokémon. Without hesitation, he gently took the Pichu from Derek's shoulder, cradling it carefully in his hand as they posed for the picture.

The little Pichu flapped its big eyes, looking curiously at Andre's face, seemingly mesmerized by its reflection in his glasses. The small Pokémon appeared even tinier in Andre's large hand, its petite form contrasting with his imposing stature.

Derek stepped forward to take the picture. With a gentle motion, he settled the Pichu onto his arm, ensuring its comfort. But just as Derek prepared to capture the moment, Beatrice, sensing the opportunity for mischief, decided to leave Andre's shoulder and climbed onto the top of his head, co-surprising Derek and Andre both.

Andre couldn't help but laugh at Beatrice's spontaneous antics, the unexpected weight atop his head adding to the lighthearted moment. " With a smile, he posed for the picture, " Faster boy, take a picture! "picture

The camera flash illuminated the scene, it captured the moment in all its spontaneous glory—the towering figure of Andre, kneeling with a warm smile, Derek standing beside him with a look of pure joy, tiny Pichu on his hand, and Beatrice erched atop Andre's head.

As soon as the flash subsided, Derek walked up to Andre, gratitude evident in his expression. "Thank you so much," he said earnestly. "I'm sorry I didn't ask your name."

Andre chuckled warmly, extending his hand so there would be a way for Pichu, "Thomas Andre, Derek," he replied, his gaze following as Derek held out his hand for Pichu to return to him. With a small hop, the Pichu leaped back into Derek's waiting

"It was nice to meet you, Derek. " stood back up in all Andre and Beatrice didn't get off his head. She was pleased with the view she was getting from there, so she decided to savor the pleasure a little more. Andre stepped away from Derek a little, turning towards Ash and the others. He raised his hand and said a little louder, " Bonnie, come here for a second. " he shouted weakly into the hall. Nurse Joy jumped up a little.

" That was funny. "

The whole trio turned around at first, but when they realised to who it was addressed, Ash and Clemont turned to the nurse again, and Bonnie separated and ran to Andre on her little legs.

" Yes, Mr. Thomas? " she asked on reaching. Her Dedene shared her questioning look. " Oh, and Beatrice is on your head! " she smiled upon seeing Pikachu.

" Yes, I noticed. Apparently our Beatrice likes to look down on everyone. " he replied warmly, hugging his left arm up to his head to pet Beatrice.

"Pika! " she agreed with his words.

" Heh... " grinned Thomas, " Bonnie, tell your Brother and Ash that I'll be back soon. "

" Are you leaving us Mr. Thomas? " she tilted her head to the side. Dedene repeated after her.

" Only temporarily." replied Andre briefly, not going into detail about his purpose. She's a child, there's a lot she shouldn't know. No one should know where he's going.

" Alright Mr. Thomas, take care of yourself. " she said sincerely with a nod of her head. " De-Dene! " Dedene also wished him good luck.

Thomas turned around and headed for the exit, but only stopped for a second. " And one thing, Bonnie, ask the Nurse not to freak out like that, bvhahahaha! " he laughed, remembering her reaction to his voice. Also he didn't know the exact name of the nurse, he just didn't remember. And since she's dressed as a nurse and works at a hospital for Pokémon, so it would make sense to call her... Nurse...

" I'll tell her Mr. Thomas, goodbye! " she waved to Andre as she walked out of the building, lowering herself a bit again to walk through the doors.


As Andre walked away from the Pokémon Center, he followed the path with purposeful strides, his thoughts consumed by the events of the day. A faint breeze brushed across his face, carrying with it the scent of nature and adventure. He couldn't help but smile as a few Pokémon peeked out from the bushes, their curious eyes watching his progress.

Glancing up at the sky, Andre observed the sun slowly sinking on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape. He continued walking, searching for a secluded spot away from unwanted attention. While he enjoyed having an audience, he preferred solitude when it came to moments of introspection.

" Beatrice," he began, turning to his little friend.

" Pika? " she answered him.

" You're likely to see something incredible, you might see some very strange creatures... " he continued, nodding to himself, and trying to find simpler words for her to better understand, " Or maybe you won't... And you and I are just walk. But if something changes, if there's a green light around me and someone else appears in my place... Don't be scared of it. "

" Pika? " she asked from his head, her ears twitching. Thomas raised a hand to his head, bringing his palm closer to her and inviting her to sit on it. She immediately did so.

Andre gently cradled Beatrice in his palm, lowering her to the level of his chest, right where the Omnitrix mark was located. "Look," he began softly, his voice carrying a reassuring tone. "If you see such a mark on a creature, know that there is no need to be afraid. It will be me," he explained, hoping she understood the significance of the mark.

But Beatrice tilted her head to the side, her expression questioning as she emitted a curious "Pika?" Unsure of why she needed the information, but trusting in Andre's guidance.

"Just be ready, my little Storyteller," Andre answered calmly, his voice steady as he stepped over the broken tree, leading them back into the forest where he had previously destroyed the tree.

Andre approached the stump that had formed as a result of his previous actions, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He gently lowered Beatrice beside him, the little Pikachu looking up at him with an inquisitive gaze.

"Let's begin," Andre said nervously, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he inhaled deeply, trying to steady his nerves. With a trembling hand, he reached out to touch the dial of the Omnitrix, his fingers hovering over the device.

As he made contact with the dial, a surge of energy pulsed through him, sending a shiver down his spine



Wielder : Thomas Andre

Location : Earth-011997

Task : At the sole discretion of the Wielder

[ -▶]


Okay, I've seen it all before. My name, geolocation, and missions.

So "Earth-011997" is the designation for Pokemon World. But what do these numbers mean? Does it say that there are 11997 different universes, so many different Earth planets? Or are these numbers some kind of cipher making a reference to something? And who's putting up these numbers, who's doing the numbering? Maybe whoever put me in this thing.

And wait and what is that arrow at the bottom..... I've never seen it before.

And if I click on this " [-▶] "



Models and Functions


More info[...]


From all of this, nothing makes sense to me. Even though the model and transportation sounds good, maybe I'll learn more from the More Info section. And always read the instructions from the beginning rather than playing with luck and doing a test drive without knowing shit, that's not my thing. So, hopefully after clicking on this I'll have some information on how I got here.... Maybe a little more scientific. Please, something useful.


Due to the genetic characteristics inherent in the host organism, the manifestations of its transformations are expected to undergo variations. The final sizes of these transformations are anticipated to diverge significantly from the initial representations of the species depicted in HighTrix.

[ ↺ ] [ -▶]


So I can transform. Shit. God, what you gave me to possess. But I still don't have the information I wanted.

"FUCK! "

Uh, okay, inhale and exhale. So "HighTrix" is what it's called. That's a good name. If I was in the mood for a joke I'd make a weed joke, but I'd better get back to the last menu.

Let's find out about the Models.


Selection mode

Active mode

DNA Scanner

Self Destructive Mode

Third Party DNA changer

Hybrid Mode

Universal Translator

Master Control [√]

Voice call and Command

Slide Off Function


Wow, that's a lot of stuff. It's an incredible amount, even too much. But I'm more eager to get started on the aliens, and now to make sure it's real. Also to make sure I'm not high. Okay, that was a joke, because NOW I'm in the mood.

Let's hit selection mode.


Choose Variety of Selection:





I know all the forms of Ben 10(maybe), but since this is a completely different version of Omnitrix and with completely different commands and functions I would start small, i.e. with the more "noob" version.

That is, by "press"

That's what I'll do.


As he made his choice, a digital dial materialized before him, its glowing interface awaiting his command. With trembling fingers, he pressed his digit against the smooth surface, nudging the dial in the direction of his desire. Each movement heightened his anticipation, his heart pounding in disbelief at the surreal moment unfolding before him. He desperately hoped to find his favorite among the options presented. With each twist of the dial, his anxiety grew, until finally, there it was, nestled among the choices.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself. This was it—the moment of truth. With a shaky hand, he hovered over the chest, his gaze flickering between the dial and the expectant gaze of Beatrice, who observed his every move with eager curiosity. Sensing her presence, he reached out and gently caressed her, seeking solace in her quiet companionship

"It's better take a distance, little Story Teller."

" Pika -Pika! "

Once she had moved far enough away, he pressed the dial.


(A/N) Guys, if there are errors, I deeply apologize for that. And I'd appreciate it if you could point them out to me. And if it's possible, maybe I'm being cheeky, can you please write a "review" with a rating, I'd like to hear your criticism.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Like it ? Add to library!

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