
Ben 10: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Ben is sent to the world of Earth's Mightiest Heroes! With political and cosmic danger on the rise, it's up to Ben and the Marvel heroes to set things straight. | (Ben 10xAvengers EMH/Marvel) | Patreon.com/Firestorm808 | Discord Server: discord.gg/2uP8ka2

Firestorm808 · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Second Chances

Tony blasted off from the basement, leaving Hank behind in a cloud of dust. His suit's systems were buzzing with activity, directing him toward the source of the alert. Within a minute, he spotted a massive blue lightning bolt striking across town, carving a massive hole into an office building.

"Okay... Someone certainly hates the nine-to-five," Tony quipped, his voice masking the seriousness of the situation.

His sensors detected an unusual energy reading as he scanned the ruined office. "What the hell? That can't be right," he muttered. His eyes locked onto the figure of Simon, now transformed into a being of pure energy, sprawled against a pile of broken office desks.

Iron Man cautiously approached the recovering energy humanoid. Before Tony could react, Simon sprang to his feet, gripping the billionaire by his armor with his bare hands. "Another insect to my queen," Simon growled.

"Who?" Tony managed to ask, but Simon didn't answer. Instead, he began to tear off Tony's armor like tissue paper. The sheer force of Simon's blows made Tony cry out in pain as pieces of his suit were ripped away.

Simon's strength was overwhelming. He slammed Tony's head through several concrete walls, each impact causing Tony to see stars. Fortunately, his helmet absorbed some shock, but the suit barely held together. Simon then slammed Tony against a plastic trout hanging on the office wall before chucking him through the window.

Tony plummeted to the streets below, crashing into the pavement. Every part of his body ached, and he struggled to move, his suit's systems flickering.

As Simon was about to follow, a massive shadow loomed over him. He looked up just in time to see a green giant in shorts—Hulk. Simon barely had time to react before Hulk's massive fist connected with his face, sending him backward.

"Gwaaargh!" Simon's vision blacked out momentarily as he crashed into the opposite side of the office.

Hulk turned his attention to Tony, who was trying to get back on his feet. "Okay?"

Tony managed a weak smile; his helmet cracked but still functional. "I've had better days, but I've also had worse."

Hulk nodded, then turned back to Simon. "You ruin Hulk's day, Hulk smash you!"

Simon roared. "Defiance shall be punished!"

Hulk's response was a thunderous roar of his own as he charged.

"Thank god for insurance." Tony, watching from below, activated his emergency repair systems. "Avengers: Assemble"

AIM Laboratory 5

Turning his head, Astrodactyl locked eyes with a glowing blue cube suspended in a strange glass container. "What the hell is that?!"

"I'm not sure," answered Azmuth. "It appears stable. Try and remove it from the casing." Meanwhile, a beam of green light washed over a nearby terminal. Azmuth sifted through files while also leaving a few surprises of his own.

Without hesitation, Astrodactyl smashed the glass case and picked up the cube.

"Real gentle," Azmuth rolled his eyes. The Omnitrix began to scan the object. "It's some sort of Containment Unit. Extra-dimensional energy from somewhere seems to flow into it."

"Is that bad?"

Azmuth hummed thoughtfully. "This level of technology is up there with the Naljians."

"Definitely bad," Ben replied, his voice tinged with concern.

As the scan continued, a sudden arc of anomalous energy from the cube struck the Omnitrix. Ben yelped in surprise and dropped the cube, which seemed dimmer than before. "Is the Omnitrix okay, Azmuth?"

Azmuth's voice was stunned. "There haven't been any changes to the core systems, but it seemed to accelerate the scan. You could say that it uploaded something into the database."

Ben blinked in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm not sure. I can't even make heads or tails of it yet. The complexity of the information is greater than I expected." Azmuth's tone suggested they had stumbled into something far beyond their understanding.

As Astrodactyl bent down to grab the cube again, an alarm echoed through the facility. The cube seemed to react, teleporting out of the room in a flash of light.

"Well, crap," groaned Ben, watching as the cube disappeared. "That can't be good."

Azmuth's voice was grave. "Indeed."

AIM Laboratory 1

"You're a disgrace to real scientists!" Wasp shouted as she darted towards MODOC, aiming a kick at his oversized head.

"Agh!" MODOC grunted as her kick connected, sending him into a nearby wall.

AIM soldiers flooded into the room, firing their weapons. Wasp expertly weaved between the laser fire, her tiny form darting and dodging easily. "So, tell me the truth. Your boss, he freaks you out, right?" she asked, firing off her stingers at the soldiers. Each shot found its mark, and the downed soldiers groaned in pain. "I mean, look at him! Why would somebody do that?"

MODOC picked himself up, his eyes glaring with rage. "Not that it is of any concern to you, but my creation was not voluntary."

Suddenly, Astrodactyl flew into the room, and a green flash engulfed him. In his place stood a humanoid made of extremely durable stone and crystal. The impact of his landing generated a shockwave, sending the AIM soldiers stumbling. His body was overall indigo, with several dark lines and spots. His hands and face were magenta, and he also sported six magenta shards on his back, two on his chest, and one on the top of his head that resembled a horn. His face had a mouth and one large green eye at the center.

Laser fire from the soldiers simply absorbed into his body, making him glow like a rainbow. With a raised hand, Chromastone fired twice the energy, knocking out half the AIM soldiers in a single blast.

Chromastone then grabbed hold of MODOC, lifting him effortlessly. "Who's the purple guy? Did you do sick and twisted experiments on him too?"

MODOC struggled in his grasp, his mechanical limbs flailing. "Simon Williams consented to the experiment in exchange for monetary compensation. His current mental state was not anticipated."

Chromastone frowned, the name ringing a bell. "Seriously?" He paused, thinking. "Wait. Is he related to—"

MODOC's thrusters activated, slipping him out of Chromastone's grasp. "And you! The alarms indicated that you made contact with our unfinished project."

"That cube thing?" Chromastone glared. "How did clowns like you get your hands on something like that anyway? Do you know what kind of power you're playing with?!"

"You dared to lay a hand on our Cosmic Cube and question our intelligence?!" MODOC seethed. "That cube shall be my magnum opus, far away from prying eyes like yourself!"

Wasp ducked another attack before blasting an AIM soldier. "Uh, Ben, what are you guys talking about?"

Chromastone kicked away an AIM soldier who was charging at him. "I'll tell you later."

"Silence! Get out of my laboratory!" MODOC then fired the thrusters on his chair to their maximum, slamming Chromastone through the wall of the AIM headquarters and into the side of the building that housed it. "My mental rays will tear your mind apart!"

When Chromastone saw red streaks of light headed his way, he paid no mind, believing he could absorb them like the others. He was sorely mistaken; on contact, he felt like throwing up. It was like the worst hangover multiplied by ten, with church bells around him. The hero fell to his knees, clutching his head. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" While Chromastone was highly resistant to typical energy projections, psychic attacks differed entirely. He started banging his head against the floor. "FUCK!" BANG "YOU!" BANG "Psychic Damage!"

"No mind is a match for MODOC," the AIM leader smirked.

"Yeah? Well, the moon is no match for your head!" A shrunken Wasp sneaked up behind MODOC and fired stingers into the gem on his forehead.

With MODOC's concentration broken, Chromastone managed to stand back up. "You are so paying for that!" Chromastone placed both hands to his side and began charging up an attack. Any remaining laser fire from AIM soldiers who fired on him only added to his power. With a shout, Chromastone unleashed a prismatic beam at MODOC, sending him back into the lab.

MODOC crashed into a bank of computers, sparks flying everywhere. He struggled to rise, his systems malfunctioning. MODOC was barely floating, his chair sparking and sputtering. "Substantial damage sustained. Defeat is unacceptable! Begin self-preservation subroutine," MODOC commanded, typing furiously on his control panel. A second later, the entire complex went on lockdown, heavy metal doors slamming shut and locking the heroes out.

Chromastone pounded on the doors, leaving massive dents and minuscule holes, but his efforts were futile. Suddenly, the entire building began to shake violently. "Oh no..."

"The entire base..." Wasp began, eyes wide with realization.

"Is a ship," Chromastone finished in surprise as he saw the thrusters moving directly over them.

"Man, would Hank love that," Wasp commented with glee. Then, the thrusters began to start up. "Uh…this seems bad!"

Chromastone quickly flew to Wasp and pulled her into his chest. Not wasting any more time, he and Wasp blasted through the building, punching through several walls until they reached the city's open air. Inside, the AIM base's thrusters roared to life, propelling the entire structure upward and destroying the building as it did. Smoke filled the city blocks, obscuring visibility.

It took a minute or two for the air to clear, and by that time, the AIM base had rocketed away, leaving only a trail of smoke behind. Chromastone and Wasp landed on a rooftop a safe distance away. Chromastone gently set Wasp down, allowing her to catch her breath.

"Not that I'm ungrateful, but how does a crystally-rock alien fly?" Wasp asked, still slightly breathless.

Chromastone chuckled. "It's a long story. I'll tell you later."

Wasp shook her head in amusement. "We kinda lost the bad guys. Think the others will be upset?"

"A little bit, but I think they'll be happy to know about some malware I uploaded into one of their computers. If they connect to the wider net, we should be able to get something." He huffed. "I don't trust them with that Cube."

Wasp chuckled. "Alright, some good news then. So, how do you think the others are handling that weird purple guy?"

Barely a second after she asked that question, their Avengers ID cards began beeping, indicating that someone was calling the team into action. Wasp pulled hers out, seeing its alarm flashing.

Chromastone sighed. "Not great."

Wasp tapped her ID card, bringing up the emergency alert. "Looks like Hank is in trouble. We need to regroup with the others."

"Right. Before we go, let me make a call. I think I have a lead."


Simon fired beams of ionic energy from his eyes. The blasts struck Hulk, pushing him back but failing to penetrate his thick skin.

Hulk roared and charged forward. With a speed that belied his size, Hulk closed the distance and swung a massive fist at Simon. The blow connected, sending Simon crashing through a row of abandoned cars. The vehicles crumpled like tin cans under the impact.

Simon quickly recovered, hovering back into the air. He sneered, his voice echoing with an otherworldly timbre. "I am beyond human!"

Hulk leaped into the air, bringing both fists down in a hammer strike. Simon met him halfway, intercepting the blow with a barrier of ionic energy. The collision unleashed a shockwave that shattered windows and sent debris flying.

The two were locked in a stalemate, raw strength against raw energy for a moment. Then, with a surge of power, Simon pushed Hulk back, sending him skidding across the asphalt.

Hulk dug his feet in, leaving deep gouges in the road as he came to a stop.

Simon unleashed another barrage of energy blasts.

Hulk shielded himself with his massive forearms, gritting his teeth against the onslaught. With a growl, he pushed through the pain and charged again, dodging to avoid the blasts. He reached Simon in a heartbeat, grabbing him by the torso and slamming him into the ground.

The impact created a crater, and Hulk didn't let up. He pummeled Simon with relentless blows, each one shaking the surrounding buildings.

But Simon wasn't done yet. He gathered his energy and released a pulse of ionic force, throwing Hulk off him and into the side of a nearby skyscraper.

Hulk recovered quickly, shaking off the debris, and charged once more. Simon rose from the crater, his form glowing brighter with accumulated energy. The two met in a titanic clash, exchanging blows that could level entire buildings.

Simon delivered a powerful uppercut that lifted Hulk off his feet. Hulk retaliated with a thunderous clap of his hands, the shockwave disorienting Simon. Taking advantage, Hulk grabbed Simon by the leg and swung him around, smashing him into the ground repeatedly before tossing him back into the building. Before Hulk could advance further, a shrunken Hank flew in front of the green giant. "Hold on, Hulk. I just got a call from Ben and Janet. I know this guy, kinda.

Hulk looked back at their battle damage and raised a skeptical brow.

Hank slacked. "I know. I know. The others might have a plan, but we must restrain or keep him calm. Hulk could hear Thor land close by.

Simon seemed haggard, reeled back from the last attack.

Hank flew closer to the man before returning to normal size. "Simon, please calm down. I know your father. I can't even imagine how you ended up as ionic energy."

The green haze around Simon's head flickered but remained. "S-Shut up!"

He charged at Hank, tackling him and crashing through the window. Simon first crashed into the pavement below, while Hank turned into Giant-Man to break his fall.

However, being slammed into concrete and up against a titan-sized Hank Pym doesn't deter Simon.

Hank held up a hand to the others to stay back. "Please, stay down, Simon. We want to help you." Hank used his massive hand to pin him down.

Simon struggled and forced Hank's giant hand off him. To top things off, Simon's body grew to outmatch Giant-Man's. "You're able to expand the ionic energy? That's amazing!" Hank's pupils shrunk as he took a sucker punch, sending him into a building.

"Should we do something?" asked Thor.

Hulk shrugged.

Iron Man waved a hand. "Eh. He can take a bit more."

Hank caught Simon's fist before it could meet his face again. Hank tries to pin him, but Simon grows even bigger to break free, throwing Hank over his shoulder onto some more buildings. "A little help, please!"

The trio stared up at the enemy, now twice the size of Giant-Man. "Okay, now we intervene."

Behind Iron Man, a large pod landed, opening to reveal a large suit.

Hulk glared at the rather familiar design. "You mad the Hulkbusters?!"

Tony paused, looking back at his heavy-duty suit and Hulk. "I know it looks bad, but I swear it's not what you think."


As Ant-Man approached, Simon turned and fired a beam of ionic energy at him. Scott shrank just in time, the blast passing harmlessly over his head. He grew back to his normal size, leaping onto a nearby car and using it as a springboard to launch himself at Simon. Ant-Man aimed a punch at Simon's midsection.

Simon caught his fist effortlessly, his grip like iron. He flung Ant-Man aside, sending him skidding across the pavement. Scott grunted, trying to right himself as Hulk charged in, delivering a powerful punch to Simon's leg. The impact knocked Simon off balance, and he staggered.

Thor seized the opportunity, flying in and striking Simon's back with Mjolnir. The blow sent a lightning surge through Simon, causing him to roar in pain. Scott quickly righted himself, using his suit to shrink down and avoid a follow-up blast from Simon. He darted forward, weaving through Simon's attacks with agility and precision. Growing to full size, he delivered a powerful kick to Simon's chest, pushing him back a few steps.

Hulk followed up with a mighty uppercut, his fists connecting with Simon's jaw. Simon reeled from the blow, and Thor conjured lightning, blasting Simon with a powerful bolt that crackled and sizzled around him. Ant-Man took advantage of the distraction, growing to giant size and bringing a massive fist down on Simon.

Simon caught the punch again, but this time, the sheer force of the blow drove him into the ground, creating a small crater. Scott didn't let up, using his size to his advantage and pummeling Simon with a barrage of giant punches.

With a surge of energy, Simon pushed back, sending Ant-Man stumbling. He flew into the air, firing down a concentrated beam of ionic energy. Scott dodged, shrinking to avoid the blast and growing again to deliver another powerful strike. Simon countered with a punch of his own, the impact sending shockwaves through the surrounding buildings. Scott rolled with the blow, using his momentum to flip over Simon and land behind him.

Hulk seized the moment, grabbing Simon by the neck and pulling him to the ground. Simon struggled, his ionic energy flaring wildly, but Hulk's grip was unyielding. Thor landed beside them, placing Mjolnir on Simon's chest.

"Stay down," Thor commanded, his voice thunderous.

Simon thrashed beneath Mjolnir's enchantment. His strength was immense but not enough to lift the enchanted hammer. The ionic energy around him cracked and sparked, but with Hulk holding him down and Thor's hammer restraining him, his resistance waned.

A beam of light shone directly down on Simon.

Now armed with his Hulkbuster Armor, Tony covered Simon in a forcefield emanating from the giant gauntlet. "That should keep him from phasing out."

Scott, returning to normal size, stood beside his teammates. "Think that'll hold him?"

Thor nodded. "It will. For now."

Simon glared up at them, his eyes glowing with anger and confusion.

"You're not yourself, Simon," Ant-Man said, his tone firm but empathetic. "We're here to help you."

Simon continued to struggle, but the fight was leaving him, slowly shrinking to human size.

Chromastone Arrives

"Alright, we're here," called a voice.

Alongside Wasp, Chromastone soared through the sky, carrying Stanford Williams gently but swiftly toward the street.

As they landed nearby, Stanford's eyes widened in shock and horror. "My God, Simon... what have they done to you?" he whispered, barely able to believe his eyes.

Chromastone set Stanford down gently. "You need to talk to him, Mr. Williams. He's not completely gone. Your voice might reach him."

"Mr. Williams?" Iron Man turned to Chromastone. "Why did you bring him here?!"

Chromastone and Wasp pointed ahead. "That."

Stanford's feet felt weighted as he walked toward the being the Avengers called his son. The energy flickered around Simon, unstable and erratic. "Simon. Son, is that you?"

Simon's eyes flickered with recognition, the green haze of mind control dimming slightly. "Dad?" he muttered, his voice a mix of confusion and anger.

Stanford nodded, swallowing hard. He approached his son cautiously, his heart pounding in his chest. "Simon... it's me. What... What happened to you?" Shock filled Stanford's chest.

"Y-You were right, Dad. I just wanted to pursue my dreams, but I failed." Simon ached. "To pay off my massive debts, I went to Eric. They promised payment..."

"Eric?!" Stanford faltered at the mention of his estranged son. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have helped you!"

"Not because you cared! You never cared about my dreams. All you cared about was the family business."

Sanford had wanted Simon to learn the business. "Your future would have been secured."

"But would I have been happy? You weren't the greatest father, but I tried to see things your way. But no matter what I did, you still weren't satisfied. I even learned chess for us."

Sanford was a hard and stern father to both of his sons, never satisfied with their achievements, and even prone to physically punishing them. "What I did to you was wrong!" Sanford offered only a frown at Simon's A-minus result in math. "I never meant to..."

"I couldn't bear admitting you were right about me. I was a failure." Tears welled up in Simon's eyes as he struggled to sit up. "You pushed me away. You made me feel like I was never good enough."

Stanford's eyes filled with regret. "I know, Simon. I know I failed you. I was so focused on my business and legacy that I didn't see what was right in front of me. I didn't see you."

Simon's expression twisted with pain and anger. "You were never there for me, Dad. All you cared about was your company. You never supported my dreams, my acting career."

Stanford reached out, placing a trembling hand on Simon's shoulder. "I'm sorry, son. I'm so sorry. I should have supported you and encouraged you. I should have been the father you needed."

Simon shook his head, the energy around him fluctuating. "It's too late, Dad. Look at me. Look at what I've become."

"It's not too late, Simon," Stanford insisted. "We can still fix this. We can find a way to help you. Let me make it up to you. Let me be the father you deserve."

Simon's eyes softened, the anger giving way to sorrow. "I... I wanted you to be proud of me."

"I am proud of you, Simon," Stanford said, his voice breaking. "I always have been, even if I never showed it. You're my son, and nothing will ever change that."

The mind control over Simon continued to wane, the green haze dissipating completely. He reached out and embraced his father, the energy around him stabilizing. "I... I don't know what to do, Dad. I'm scared."

"We'll figure it out together," Stanford promised, holding his son tightly. "We'll get through this. You're not alone anymore."

Suddenly, Simon cried, doubling over as his body flickered with unstable ionic energy. Sparks flew from him, his form convulsing and destabilizing.

Ant-Man saw bursts of ionic energy coming from Simon's form. "Something's not right."

"Warning: Energy flux detected," JARVIS warned. Simon's body began to lose its humanoid shape, becoming more like wisps of smoke being lost to the wind.

"Simon...Oh, no. Simon, your energy! It's destabilizing!" Stanford warned. "Whatever you did to become this, it's tearing you apart!"

At the same time, Simon's body continued to lose its shape.

"Simon's ionic field is unstable; I think he's going into critical," Tony explained. "Hank, we've got to save him."

"I-I don't know if we can. Look at the ions; he's too far—"

"We have to do something! We can't just let him die!" urged Wasp.

"Okay. We need something to contain the energy, to stabilize it."

"Got it." Iron Man affirmed. Looking over his shoulder back to Stark Tower, he immediately took hold of Simon's destabilizing form, busting down the wall into his tower's basement to the Arc reactor.

Simon's arm completely lost its form, becoming nothing but wisping energy from a stub at the end of his arm. "Wait. What's... What's happening to me?" The continued loss of ionic energy from Simon's body caused his body to lose the ability to stand.

"Simon, listen," Tony urged, leaving no room for arguments. "The Arc reactor can absorb your energy. It can keep you alive!"

The others arrived in tow.

"Listen to him, Simon," Stanford insisted. "If you don't let us help, you'll—"

"Help me get him into the reactor!" Tony called out.

"Come on, Son. Hold it together. We'll figure out a way to save you."

Simon's body flickered more violently, beams of energy shooting out uncontrollably.

"He's not gonna make it!" Stanford shouted, panic in his voice. "Do something, please!"

Chromastone made a split-second decision. "I have an idea, but it's risky. Trust me." He positioned himself before Simon, energy resonating with the unstable ionic waves.

"What are you doing?" Stanford asked, his voice filled with urgency.

"Something drastic," Chromastone replied. He reached out, his crystalline hand glowing intensely. He placed his hand on Simon's chest, focusing all his energy. He began absorbing Simon's ionic essence, drawing it into his body.

Simon cried out in pain and fear, but Chromastone didn't waver. He concentrated fiercely, using his Crystalsapien abilities to carve Simon's mind and body into the molecular lattice of his backup crystal.

Stanford watched in shock, his heart in his throat. "Please... please let this work."

Chromastone's body glowed brightly, and his energy shifted and stabilized as he absorbed more of Simon's essence. This was a delicate process, and any mistake could mean the end for Simon.

Finally, with a surge of power, Chromastone absorbed the last of Simon's ionic form. The glow around him intensified briefly before slowly fading, leaving only a soft, steady energy pulse within his crystalline structure.

Stanford rushed forward, his eyes wide with hope and fear. "Simon? Can you hear me?"

Chromastone nodded, his voice calm but strained. "He's in here. I can feel him. He's safe... for now."

Tony let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "We need to get you both to the labs immediately. We can work on a more permanent solution there."

Stanford kept his hand on Chromastone's shoulder, tears streaming down his face. "Thank you. Thank you for saving my son."

Chromastone gave a small, reassuring smile. "We'll get him back, Mr. Williams. I promise."


Amora the Enchantress stood in her lair, thick with the scent of exotic herbs and the glow of enchanted candles. Her frustration was palpable as she paced back and forth, her emerald eyes flashing with anger. The loss of Simon Williams was a significant setback.

"Damn those Avengers," she muttered, her voice dripping with venom. "Simon was supposed to be my tool to keep them occupied while Loki carried out our plan." At first, she wanted to have a test drive of the new lackey, but she got carried away.

She stopped before a large, ornate mirror, its surface rippling like water. With a flick of her wrist, the mirror showed images of the recent battle, highlighting the moment Simon was freed from her control and absorbed into Chromastone's crystal form. Her delicate fingers clenched into fists.

"I need more allies," she declared, echoing in the chamber. "Thor and his team must be kept distracted at all costs."

Omnitrix DNA Entry:

Name: Chromastone

Species: Crystalsapien

Home World: Petropia

Powers and Abilities:

Chromastone can produce rainbow-colored energy from inside his body. He can then expel it out as powerful beams from either his hands, the shards on his body, or his eye, but only to a limited extent, as he will eventually run out of energy until he absorbs more. Chromastone also has dynakinesis, allowing him to control the direction of his energy with extreme precision. Chromastone can also use its energy to corrupt and manipulate external energy sources. Chromastone can allow nearly any kind of energy, including lasers, electricity, mana, and any type of electromagnetic radiation, from ultraviolet light to cosmic rays, to collect within or phase through his body without harm; which he can then convert into his rainbow energy. Absorbing external energy will supercharge Chromastone's beams, making them more powerful depending on what was absorbed. Chromastone can redirect energy attacks instead of absorbing them. In addition to being immune to electricity, Chromastone can conduct it back at the attacker. Chromastone is capable of instant levitation and flight. Chromastone can survive in the vacuum of space. Due to him being made of super dense silicon-based crystals, Chromastone is immune to possession from a Xenocite. Chromastone has the power to generate focused gamma rays and prismatic explosions.


A/N: Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

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