
Ben 10 Altered DNA

MasterrThinker2003 · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Diamond head vs Attack Robot

Ben aimed one of his hands towards the crab robot and started to throw the crystal shards at a fast pace like a machine gun.

No, the crystals were being shot out at a rate much faster than a machine gun.

And it seems to be taking effect on the robot as electricity circuits started to appear around the parts of the robot where the crystal shards landed.

"It seems to be working," Ben said as he gives off a cheeky and confident smile.

He stepped forward and the crystal appears on the ground that he was stepping on which carry him towards the robot.

With this boost, Diamond Head was able to jump towards the giant crab robot as one of its legs turns into a sharp crystal sword.

Ben intended to slice the head of the robot with this.

Hopefully ending the whole machine in the process.

But the robot seems to have some sort of sentient ai that is advanced enough to try to cover its head with one of its arms.

Of course, this goes as well as expected with its machine's limb getting sliced off.

However Ben failed to finish it off with one final attack as he failed his intended goal and landed on the ground right in front of the robot.

The robot back off a little away from Ben. Probably to find his weakness.

"Huh." Ben was taken off guard as the Omnitrix symbol on the right side of his chest started flashing dim bright red colour.

"Titititi tuiiiiii ." With a strange noise, Ben's crystal body of diamond head now reverted to his weak human form.

"Oh, man. Really? In the middle of a fight." Ben said.

He then tries to press the same buttons that he used to make the dial pop up to transform into Diamond head again but the watch didn't let him as the red colour on the dial stays persistent.

"Come on. If you don't work I might have to meet Jesus sooner than I expected. Well, if he exists that is." Ben said as he started to run away from the robot while trying to transform again.

As he now realized he should always try to eliminate or defeat his future foes as fast as possible or there is a chance that he is going to be forced into a disadvantageous situation like this one.

Well, that is if he survives this in the first place.

Thankfully for him, the mass of the robot was very large so the speed at that the robot moves is slow enough that he could keep some distance between himself and the robot by running away.

The robot started to shoot laser beams at Ben to injure him.

Ben in his human form without any training or battle experience was not able to react in time.

But because its body was injured during its fight with Diamond head the robot's functions were not able to work properly and the laser beams were off target and missed Ben's body, the target that it was aiming for.

However Ben knew that if the robot keeps firing lasers at him sooner or later he is going to get hit.

[Damn. If I get directly hit by that I might seriously be atomized.] Ben thought in his mind.

Then he realizes that there is a way he can stall the robot to escape.

Then he started to take off his shirt while running towards the place crowded by the trees.

[I just hope that the robot doesn't have heat sensors or scouting drones.] Ben thought as he tells off his shirt and throws it into the air and dashed into the woods.

The robot's laser beam was supposed to be aimed at Ben's accidentally locked onto the shirt that Ben throw towards it and started to shoot at the shirt. Before it was eventually atomized.

But the duration that the shirt brought was for Ben to escape as the robot looked at Ben.

Then at that moment, the head of the robot was hit by a giant blue laser that went through its head.

Causing the remaining robot's body to fall onto the ground.

"Huh." Ben looked in the direction where the laser came from and saw Gwen holding a laser gun that was as large as a size of a sports bag.

"No one other than me messes with Ben," Gwen said as she put down the laser gun.