

{WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18} "Well, isn't it just a cliche to have your heart ripped out by a rockstar? But fear not, because when life hands Belle lemons, she's not just making lemonade—she's mixing up a whole new cocktail of danger and desire with the mysterious biker, Keo, in a romance that's bound to set hearts racing." ***** Amidst the glittering chaos of fame's aftermath, Belle finds herself adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises. But just when she's about to drown in the paparazzi's flashbulbs, along comes Keo, a brooding biker with a past as shadowy as his smoldering gaze. As Belle tumbles headfirst into Keo's world of danger and desire, she discovers a passion that burns hotter than the spotlight that once consumed her. But with the ghosts of her past haunting every twist and turn, will Belle find the courage to trust in love again, or will she be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?

bluebeeryl · Thành thị
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49 Chs

Twenty five

Belle, caught in the intrigue of the mysterious biker's journey, discreetly followed him down a dark and suspicious route. Initially fearing she had been detected, she soon realized he had led her to an unexpected biking event. Determined to uncover the truth, she parked Olivia's boyfriend's car in a hidden spot, locked it, and stealthily made her way into the clandestine gathering.

Hiding behind a parked bike, Belle eavesdropped on a conversation between two handsome guys discussing the race's illegality. Their words echoed with concern about the boss getting caught by the police, particularly because of a mysterious girl who had distracted him, leaving a trail behind.

Fear gripped Belle as she absorbed the implications of her inadvertent involvement in what seemed to be an underground racing scene. As the conversation concluded, she braved the shadows and witnessed the beginning of the race.

The atmosphere crackled with excitement as Keo, clad in biker's gear, positioned himself for the race. Belle's heart raced along with the engines as she observed a mix of girls and boys smoking, their cheers filling the air.

The race commenced, and Keo surged ahead, the crowd erupting into a chorus of screams and cheers. However, the unexpected happened – another skilled biker passed Keo, stealing victory in a swift and surprising move. Belle, hidden in the shadows, watched in awe, realizing she had stumbled upon a world she never knew existed, filled with adrenaline, danger, and a mysterious connection between Keo and the enigmatic biker event.

The heavy thud against her head plunged Belle into a disorienting darkness, unconsciousness claiming her briefly before relinquishing its hold. As awareness trickled back, she found herself in a disconcerting reality—a dimly lit room, blindfolded by a black head mask, and silenced by the coarse grip of duct tape over her mouth. The distant sounds of engines and music persisted, the unmistakable ambiance of the biking event a haunting reminder.

The room stirred with activity, the shuffle of footsteps indicating the presence of others. A woman's voice, laden with anger and accusation, pierced through the air, creating an unsettling symphony as it seamlessly blended between Spanish and English. "You stole Keo away from me," the voice declared, and a chill ran down Belle's spine. Recognition dawned on her; it was Mia, the same woman who had warned her to stay away from Keo just days before.

Muffled by the blindfold and duct tape, Belle strained to make sense of the unfolding drama. Mia's voice, a tempest of rage, filled the room as she vowed to teach Belle a lesson. The mixture of Spanish and English heightened the emotional intensity, adding a layer of complexity to Mia's vehement accusations.

As Mia's words echoed, the room filled with a disconcerting tension. Belle's mind raced, connecting the dots between the phone call and the current perilous circumstance. Mia's animosity toward her heightened the fear that gripped Belle, amplifying the ominous atmosphere of the dimly lit room.

The biking event continued outside, oblivious to the drama unfolding within the shadows. Belle, blindfolded and bound, could only listen as Mia's anger reverberated in a linguistic dance, each word carrying the weight of both languages. The room became a cavern of uncertainty, each sound and utterance intensifying the sense of impending peril.

Mia's voice cut through the dimly lit room like a blade, a tumultuous blend of Spanish and English that reverberated with accusation and fury. "Lo advertí, Belle. I warned you to stay away from Keo, but no escuchaste, you didn't listen," she declared, her words carrying the weight of a warning unheeded. The room seemed to pulse with tension as the linguistic dance mirrored the intensity of Mia's emotions.

Her tone shifted seamlessly into English, a linguistic bridge connecting her message to Belle in both worlds. "Now, you'll face las consecuencias de tus acciones, the consequences of your actions. Keo belongs to me, and a nadie más, to no one else."

In that moment, the air hung heavy with the gravity of Mia's possessiveness, each word a sharp reminder of the territorial claim she staked over Keo. Belle, blindfolded and bound, felt the weight of Mia's anger settling around her like an inescapable shroud.

With a lingering gaze that seemed to pierce through the blindfold, Mia turned her attention to Juan and Carlos, the enforcers of her wrath. "Juan, Carlos, enséñenle una lección que nunca olvidará en su vida," she commanded, her Spanish directive emphasized in its gravity. In English, her tone held the cold determination of one determined to deliver an unforgettable lesson. "Teach her a lesson she'll never forget in her life."

As Mia walked out, her presence left an indelible mark on the room, a lingering essence of dominance and retribution. The air was charged with the impending ordeal that awaited Belle, the weight of Mia's words settling into the shadows that seemed to close in around her. In the aftermath of Mia's departure, Belle was left to face the impending storm, bound in darkness, with Juan and Carlos standing as silent wardens of the impending lesson.

Belle's desperate struggle against the confining ropes continued in the dimly lit room, her nimble fingers working tirelessly to free herself from the tight restraints that bound her. Through the coarse duct tape that stifled her voice, she attempted to plead her case. "I haven't done anything wrong. Please, leave me alone," her muffled words struggled to pierce the oppressive atmosphere.

As Juan and Carlos, the enforcers of Mia's will, drew near, their tall and commanding figures cast a shadow over Belle's vulnerable form. The room held its breath, awaiting the unfolding of the captive's fate as blindfolded eyes strained to discern the intentions of her captors.

With a calculated motion, the blindfold was lifted, revealing Belle to Juan and Carlos, and vice versa. The dim light accentuated the contours of her face as their eyes met, creating a charged moment where beauty and captivity collided.

Juan, his voice carrying a note of admiration, broke the silence. "Qué hermosa eres," he whispered, his Spanish words a testament to the captivating beauty that held them spellbound. In English, he echoed the sentiment, "How beautiful you are." The room seemed to absorb the weight of his words, each syllable adding complexity to the unfolding tableau.

Carlos, equally captivated, added his voice to the whispered chorus. "Tan hermosa," he murmured in Spanish, his words weaving into the dimly lit tapestry that surrounded Belle. In English, he echoed the sentiment once more, "So beautiful." The room, now a witness to the interplay of captor and captive, remained suspended in a surreal moment where beauty and captivity entwined.

However, the unsettling charm took an abrupt turn when Carlos, seemingly breaking from the orchestrated admiration, delivered a sharp slap across Belle's face. The unexpected blow left her recoiling, her eyes wide with shock and pain. Carlos admonished her in both Spanish and English, his words stark and harsh against the previous backdrop of whispered admiration.

"¡Cállate! No somos Keo, que te tratará como una princesa," he declared in Spanish, his tone cutting through the air. In English, the message was delivered just as coldly, "Shut up! We're not Keo, who'd treat you like a princess." The echo of the slap lingered, and the room hung heavy with the realization that Belle's captors had no intentions of mirroring Keo's supposed gentleness.

Carlos knelt down in front of Belle, a sinister smile tugging at the corners of his lips as she emitted a soft whimper, muffled by the duct tape he was placing over her mouth. The room was filled with a tense silence, broken only by the sound of Belle's shallow breaths and the faint rustling of fabric as Carlos carefully unzipped her leather jacket.

"Tell me, Belle," Carlos's voice was low and menacing, "what does it feel like to be in your current position? To feel utterly helpless, to be stripped of your power and agency simply because you are a woman. I want to know, because I am not the one who finds themselves in your place."

As he spoke, a single tear escaped Belle's eye, followed by another, and then another, until her face was streaked with the evidence of her fear and despair. Her sobs grew louder, echoing off the walls of the dimly lit room, as Carlos's smirk widened in satisfaction at the sight of her anguish.

The air was heavy with tension, the atmosphere charged with a palpable sense of danger as Carlos continued to taunt and torment Belle, reveling in her vulnerability and pain. Each moment seemed to stretch on endlessly, each breath she took a painful reminder of her captivity and powerlessness.

And as Belle's sobs filled the room, mingling with the sound of her own heartbeat pounding in her ears, she knew that she was at the mercy of a man who took pleasure in her suffering, a man who saw her only as a pawn in his twisted game of control and domination. And in that moment, as she stared into the cold, unfeeling eyes of her captor, Belle realized that she was truly alone, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.