

{WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18} "Well, isn't it just a cliche to have your heart ripped out by a rockstar? But fear not, because when life hands Belle lemons, she's not just making lemonade—she's mixing up a whole new cocktail of danger and desire with the mysterious biker, Keo, in a romance that's bound to set hearts racing." ***** Amidst the glittering chaos of fame's aftermath, Belle finds herself adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises. But just when she's about to drown in the paparazzi's flashbulbs, along comes Keo, a brooding biker with a past as shadowy as his smoldering gaze. As Belle tumbles headfirst into Keo's world of danger and desire, she discovers a passion that burns hotter than the spotlight that once consumed her. But with the ghosts of her past haunting every twist and turn, will Belle find the courage to trust in love again, or will she be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?

bluebeeryl · Thành thị
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49 Chs

Thirty six

After Keo released in Belle's hands with a playful smirk, he proceeded to produce a handkerchief as if coming to her rescue. "Allow me to remedy the aftermath of our escapade," he quipped, sensually wiping her hands. Their banter flowed with a mixture of sarcasm and flirtation, creating an electric atmosphere between them.

With the banter settling, Keo smoothly adjusted himself, putting everything back in its place. As he zipped up his trousers, he chuckled. "Adventure comes with its surprises," he teased, starting the engine with a confident demeanor. The drive back to Belle's house was filled with shared glances and laughter, the tension from earlier now replaced with a comfortable ease.

Upon arriving at her doorstep, Keo leaned in for a lingering kiss, sealing the night's escapade. Belle, with a mischievous smile, entered her house. The scene unfolded with Olivia peacefully asleep on the bed. Deciding it was time for a refreshing change, Belle took a soothing shower.

Dressed in fresh clothes, Belle slipped into bed beside Olivia. The fatigue of the eventful night was evident, but the warmth of friendship and shared experiences brought a sense of peace. As they both succumbed to the embrace of sleep, the night closed its curtains, leaving behind memories of an extraordinary and unforgettable evening.

As the morning light gently crept into the room, Olivia stirred awake. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she noticed Belle beside her. "Morning, Belle," Olivia greeted with a yawn, stretching languidly.

Belle grinned, "Good morning, Liv. You won't believe the night I had." Before she could delve into the details, Olivia interrupted with a mischievous smile. "Hold on, darling. Today, you're on a VIP treatment. No chores for you. Just sit there, look pretty, and spill all the juicy details about last night. I'm taking over the kitchen."

Belle raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure? I can help."

Olivia wagged a playful finger, "Nope. You had your adventures last night; now it's my turn in the kitchen. I want all the gossip while I whip up something delicious. Deal?"

Belle chuckled, "Deal. But you better prepare yourself for some scandalous tales." She settled on the bed, looking effortlessly elegant.

Olivia disappeared into the kitchen, and the air filled with the comforting sounds of clinking utensils and sizzling ingredients. As the aroma of breakfast wafted through the air, Belle regaled Olivia with every thrilling detail of the previous night, their laughter echoing through the house. The morning unfolded in a delightful symphony of friendship, laughter, and the promise of more shared adventures.

Amidst the clinking of utensils and the aroma of breakfast, Olivia and Belle enjoyed a leisurely morning, relishing the joy of friendship. After a hearty breakfast, they decided to venture out to continue selling Belle's books. As they set up their makeshift stall, the day unfolded into a bustling rhythm of interactions with potential readers and passersby.

Engaged in conversation about everything and nothing, Olivia and Belle found themselves immersed in the ebb and flow of the day. Suddenly, a distinguished figure with gray hair mixed with black caught their attention. The stranger exuded an air of sophistication as he approached, his gaze fixed on Belle.

With a charming smile, the stranger spoke, "Excuse me, are you Belle, the author of these captivating books?" Belle nodded, slightly taken aback. "I must say, your work is exceptional. I'd like to purchase a thousand copies."

Belle and Olivia exchanged surprised glances. "A thousand?" Belle exclaimed, "I'm afraid we don't have that many copies available right now."

The stranger chuckled, "No worries, Belle. Your book is gaining immense popularity, and that's a good problem to have. However, we need to address it. I believe we should discuss this matter privately."

Intrigued yet cautious, Belle agreed. Olivia, sensing the need for privacy, excused herself to tend to the stall, leaving Belle and Alexander Grant alone. The stranger introduced himself, "I'm Alexander Grant, owner of 'PrintCraft Publishing.' I specialize in high-quality printing, and I see great potential in your book. Let's work together to ensure it remains available to your growing audience."

As the conversation took an unexpected turn, Belle listened intently, realizing that this encounter could mark a new chapter in her journey as an author.

As Alexander delved into the advantages and potential drawbacks of partnering with his publishing company, he painted a compelling picture for Belle. He outlined the meticulous printing processes, global distribution networks, and promotional opportunities that could elevate her book to new heights. Intrigued, Belle listened intently, weighing the possibilities.

With a confident smile, Alexander leaned in, "Belle, I see enormous potential in your work. Let's make it official. Sign with 'PrintCraft Publishing,' and together, we can take your book to places you've never imagined.

"Caught off guard, Belle hesitated, "I appreciate the offer, Alexander. But I need to discuss this with my boyfriend first. It's a big decision."

With a knowing smile, Alexander leaned in, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief, "Ah, your boyfriend. I must say, he has quite the impressive physique. The tattoos, the distinct style—quite a fascinating individual."

Belle's eyes widened in shock, "How do you know about Keo's tattoos? Have you been spying on us?"

Alexander chuckled, "Not spying, my dear. I happened to catch a glimpse when you two were enjoying my mansion's swimming pool."

The realization hit Belle like a tidal wave. The secret swim she and Keo had taken was in Alexander's mansion. Panic and embarrassment washed over her, "Oh no, I had no idea it was your pool! Please don't report Keo to the police. We didn't mean any harm."

A smirk played on Alexander's lips as he reassured her, "Relax, Belle. I have no intention of involving the authorities. Your secret swim is safe with me. Now, about the publishing offer, take your time to consider. I believe we can create something extraordinary together."

Grateful yet bewildered, Belle managed a nod. "Thank you, Alexander. I'll seriously think about it." As he stood up to leave, she couldn't shake the surreal nature of the encounter, contemplating how a seemingly ordinary day had transformed into a pivotal moment in her writing journey.

After Alexander left, Belle approached Olivia with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "You won't believe what just happened," Belle exclaimed, relaying the entire conversation with Alexander, from the unexpected encounter to the surprising revelation about the swimming pool.

Olivia listened intently, her eyes widening at the twists and turns of the tale. "Wow, Belle, this is incredible! Imagine the doors this could open for your writing career. I say go for it!"

Belle sighed, "I know, Liv. The offer is tempting, and he painted such a promising picture. But I can't make this decision without talking to Keo first. It's a big step."

Olivia grinned, "True, but think about the advantages—global distribution, top-notch printing, and promotional opportunities. This could be the breakthrough you've been waiting for."

Belle nodded, acknowledging the potential. "I get that, Liv, and I appreciate your enthusiasm. But Keo is a significant part of my life, and I need his input on such a crucial decision."

Olivia leaned in, a supportive smile on her face. "Absolutely, Belle. Discuss it with Keo. I'm sure he'll understand. We'll be here to support you, no matter what you decide."

Encouraged by Olivia's understanding, Belle felt a sense of reassurance. "Thanks, Liv. Let's just hope Keo sees it the same way."

As they continued discussing the possibilities, Belle couldn't shake the mix of emotions swirling within her. The decision ahead held the potential to shape her future, and with Olivia by her side, she felt ready to navigate the uncharted waters of publishing opportunities and personal relationships.

After Belle received Alexander's letter, she went through the evening routine, freshening up and changing into her nightwear. As she contemplated the decision ahead, she decided to call Keo to share the news. However, Keo's sarcastic voice caught her off guard, and there he sat in the corner of her room, exuding charm in his leather jacket.

Belle, startled, asked, "How did you get in here?"

Sarcastically, Keo answered, "Well, the door was wide open, my dear," as he stood up and playfully kissed her, his tongue adding a teasing touch. Breaking the kiss, Belle gathered herself, "Wait, Keo, I have something important to tell you."

As she explained Alexander's offer and the invitation to sign the contract at the upcoming party, Keo, still in his playful demeanor, answered, "No."

Belle, puzzled, asked, "What do you mean, 'no'?"

With a smirk, Keo continued in Spanish, "No es una buena idea," emphasizing that it's not a good idea.

Belle, now serious, confronted him, "Why won't you agree? This could be a chance for me to fulfill my dream, and you're denying me."

Keo, maintaining his skepticism, countered, "You don't even know this man. He just popped out of nowhere with an imaginary publishing company, asking you to sign a contract."

Belle disagreed, defending the opportunity, "It's not imaginary, Keo. He has a real company, and this could be a turning point for my career. Why can't you see that?"

Their conversation took a heated turn as Belle grappled with the conflicting desires of fulfilling her dream and Keo's protective skepticism. The room buzzed with tension as they navigated the complexities of trust, ambition, and the uncertain path laid out before them.

The atmosphere in Belle's room grew tense as she and Keo entered into a heated argument about the contract. Belle, determined to pursue this opportunity, confronted Keo with a sense of frustration.

"Why can't you support me in this, Keo? This is a chance for my book to reach new heights," Belle insisted, her eyes reflecting a mix of passion and exasperation.

Keo, maintaining his skepticism, crossed his arms and retorted, "Belle, you're rushing into this without knowing who this guy really is. It's risky, and I won't stand by while you make a decision that might harm you."

Belle, frustrated by his resistance, shot back, "You're being overly protective! I can handle myself. This is my dream we're talking about, and I won't let fear hold me back."

Keo's eyes narrowed, his voice rising, "Fear? Belle, it's not about fear; it's about being cautious. You're about to sign a contract with someone you barely know. What if it's a scam? What if he has ulterior motives?"

Belle, undeterred, argued passionately, "I've checked him out, Keo. He's legitimate. This could open doors for me, and I won't let your doubts stand in the way."

Keo sighed, frustration etched on his face. "You're being stubborn, Belle. I just don't want to see you get hurt. What if he takes advantage of you?"

Belle, now angry, shot back, "I can take care of myself! I can't believe you're not supporting me in pursuing my dreams. I thought you cared about what makes me happy."

Keo, realizing the impact of their argument, softened his tone, "Belle, I do care. But this feels rushed, and I'm worried about you. Can't we figure out a safer way to achieve your dreams?"

"Why can't you understand, Keo? This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and I won't let fear dictate my decisions!" Belle's frustration was evident in her voice.

Keo, growing more agitated, retorted, "I understand, Belle, but you're blinded by ambition. What if this guy is just using you? You can't trust everyone who comes into your life offering success."

The room crackled with tension, and Belle, her patience wearing thin, exclaimed, "I've done my research! It's a legitimate opportunity, and I won't let you hold me back."

Keo, his frustration mirroring hers, snapped back, "And I won't let you blindly walk into a situation that might harm you. You're being reckless."

Their voices rose, the argument reaching its climax. Belle, her determination undeterred, declared, "I'm going to that party, Keo, and I'm signing that contract. Whether you like it or not!"

Keo, his anger boiling over, retorted sharply, "Fine, do whatever you want!" With that, he turned away, leaving the room in a storm of emotions. The door slammed shut behind him, echoing the intensity of their argument.

In the aftermath of their heated exchange, the room fell into a heavy silence. Belle, torn between her dreams and the strained relationship, felt a mix of determination and regret. The air hung heavy with the weight of their conflicting desires as the reality of their disagreement settled in.