

{WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18} "Well, isn't it just a cliche to have your heart ripped out by a rockstar? But fear not, because when life hands Belle lemons, she's not just making lemonade—she's mixing up a whole new cocktail of danger and desire with the mysterious biker, Keo, in a romance that's bound to set hearts racing." ***** Amidst the glittering chaos of fame's aftermath, Belle finds herself adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises. But just when she's about to drown in the paparazzi's flashbulbs, along comes Keo, a brooding biker with a past as shadowy as his smoldering gaze. As Belle tumbles headfirst into Keo's world of danger and desire, she discovers a passion that burns hotter than the spotlight that once consumed her. But with the ghosts of her past haunting every twist and turn, will Belle find the courage to trust in love again, or will she be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?

bluebeeryl · Thành thị
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49 Chs

Thirty seven

Belle slumped onto the bed, the vibrant comforter failing to cheer her despondent mood. Tears welled up, blurring the room into a watercolor painting of misery. Keo's words, sharp and dismissive, echoed in her mind, each syllable a fresh wound. Grabbing her phone, she dialed Olivia with trembling fingers.

"Hey Bells, everything alright?" Olivia's voice, usually brimming with sunshine, held a hint of concern this time.

Belle choked back a sob. "Liv, listen," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "It's Keo."

A beat of surprised silence followed. "Keo? What did he do?"

Belle took a shuddering breath, forcing out the events of the fight. Each sentence was punctuated by a fresh tear rolling down her cheek. She recounted Keo's scathing dismissal of her dream to be a published author, his suspicion of Alexander, the publisher who wanted to work with her. Keo hadn't even met the man!

Olivia listened intently, a frown furrowing her brow with each passing second. Surprise morphed into disbelief as Belle finished. "Wait," Olivia finally said, her voice tight. "He doesn't... He doesn't WANT you to pursue writing? But... you're amazing, Belle! Your stories are incredible!"

Frustration bubbled up in Belle's voice. "That's what I said! But he... he just thinks it's a pipe dream, that this publisher guy is after something. He doesn't trust him!"

Silence stretched across the line, thick with tension. The only sound was Belle's sniffles. Finally, Olivia spoke, her voice low and dangerous. "Keo... doesn't support your dreams? That's unbelievable. You, of all people, deserve to have someone cheer you on, not hold you back."

Shame flickered across Belle's face. Deep down, she knew Olivia was right. Keo's words, meant to protect her, felt more like a prison sentence. "I... I don't know what to do, Liv," she whispered.

A determined glint entered Olivia's voice. "Pack a bag, honey. I'm coming over in fifteen minutes. We'll brainstorm, vent, and eat ice cream. We'll get you through this, Keo or no Keo."

The click of the phone ended the call, but a flicker of hope ignited in Belle's chest. Olivia's unwavering support was a lifeline thrown in the churning sea of her emotions. Maybe Keo was wrong. Maybe her dream wasn't a silly fantasy. With Olivia by her side, Belle knew she could weather any storm, even one brewed by someone who claimed to love her.

A frantic rapping on the front door shattered the tense silence in the bedroom. Belle leaped to her feet, a mix of relief and apprehension washing over her. Throwing open the door, she was met with the sight of Olivia, a whirlwind of concern and determination.

Olivia swept into the house, her eyes scanning Belle's tear-streaked face. "Alright, spill. What happened with Keo?"

Belle, finding solace in Olivia's unwavering gaze, recounted the events of the argument, her voice thickening with emotion at times. Olivia listened intently, her brow furrowed in a frown that mirrored Belle's own.

Once Belle finished, Olivia let out a frustrated huff. "Keo can be such a… well, Keo sometimes. He just doesn't understand how much this means to you."

"Exactly!" Belle exclaimed, grateful to have her feelings validated. "He thinks this publisher is some kind of predator just because he hasn't met him!"

Olivia mulled this over, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. "Tell you what," she declared, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Why don't I have a little chat with Mr. Overprotective? Maybe some logic and a good dose of reality will do him some good."

Belle's eyes widened. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to get caught in the middle."

Olivia scoffed. "Please. After all the times I've dragged you out of relationship disasters, a little Keo-wrangling is child's play."

Belle couldn't help but grin at her friend's bravado. A wave of gratitude washed over her. Olivia was more than just a friend; she was a sister in all but blood, a fierce defender, and a champion of dreams.

Suddenly, Belle remembered something tucked away on her nightstand. "Oh, Olivia, you won't believe this!" she exclaimed, hurrying to retrieve a crisp, white envelope.

Unfolding the letter, she read aloud, a tremor of excitement in her voice: "'Dear Ms. Belle, We are thrilled to invite you to a special book party in celebration of your upcoming novel, 'Him and Her.' The event will be hosted by Alexander Grant himself…'"

Olivia's jaw dropped. "A book party? Hosted by the publisher himself? Belle, this is huge!"

Belle's face broke into a radiant smile. The fight with Keo, the tears, the doubts – all of it seemed to fade away in the face of this incredible opportunity. Her dream, once a fragile hope, was now taking flight.

"See?" Belle declared, her voice ringing with newfound confidence. "Maybe Keo just needs a little time to see how amazing this is."

Olivia placed a hand on Belle's shoulder, her gaze unwavering. "He will. But for now, let's celebrate! We've got a book party to plan, hurricane to unleash!"

The weight of Keo's disapproval seemed to lift from Belle's shoulders, replaced by a giddy anticipation. With Olivia by her side, she knew she could weather any storm, chase any dream. In the warm embrace of friendship and the promise of a bright future, the bedroom, once a space of despair, transformed into a launchpad for a journey of words and dreams.

The front door clicked shut, signaling Olivia's departure. Belle, buoyed by her friend's unwavering support, sank back onto the bed, a triumphant smile playing on her lips. Reaching for her phone, she dialed Keo's number, the anticipation bubbling within her.

The first ring went unanswered. A frown creased Belle's brow, but she brushed it aside, attributing it to him cooling down. The second ring, then the third, each unanswered call chipping away at her newfound confidence. By the fifth unanswered ring, a cold knot of worry tightened in her stomach.

She tried again, and this time, the call went straight to voicemail. Disappointment gnawed at her. Keo, usually so quick to respond, was now actively avoiding her. The playful banter she'd envisioned with Olivia suddenly felt naive. Tears welled up again, blurring the image of the book party invitation in her hand.

Just then, her phone vibrated, shattering the silence. An unknown number flashed on the screen. Hesitantly, she answered.


A smooth, articulate voice, laced with a hint of amusement, filled her ear. "Good evening, Ms. Thompson. This is Alexander Grant from PrintCraft Publishing."

Belle's breath hitched. "Mr. Grant? Hello."

"The pleasure is all mine," he replied, his voice warm and inviting. "I was hoping we could discuss your upcoming novel in more detail. Perhaps over coffee sometime this week?"

The invitation hung in the air, an unexpected development. A flicker of apprehension warred with the thrill of the opportunity.

"Coffee sounds… lovely," she stammered, "but I actually have a boyfriend, and—"

"Ah, of course," he interrupted smoothly, a hint of amusement coloring his tone. "No need to worry, Ms. Harper. This would be strictly business, a chance to get to know the brilliant mind behind 'Him and Her.'"

Belle felt a blush creep up her neck. His words, though professional, felt a touch flirtatious, a stark contrast to Keo's stern disapproval.

"Well, Mr. Grant," she said, regaining some composure, "I appreciate the offer. How about this? Let me check my schedule and get back to you?"

"Excellent," he replied, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "I look forward to hearing from you soon, Ms. Harper."

The call ended, leaving Belle with a whirlwind of emotions. The excitement of the book party was now shadowed by the growing distance between her and Keo. She stared at the unknown number on her screen, a symbol of the opportunity she craved and the potential conflict it might bring. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to focus on the positive. This was her dream, and she wouldn't let anyone, not even Keo, stand in her way. But a nagging worry remained – could she navigate the publishing world and her relationship at the same time?