

{WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18} "Well, isn't it just a cliche to have your heart ripped out by a rockstar? But fear not, because when life hands Belle lemons, she's not just making lemonade—she's mixing up a whole new cocktail of danger and desire with the mysterious biker, Keo, in a romance that's bound to set hearts racing." ***** Amidst the glittering chaos of fame's aftermath, Belle finds herself adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises. But just when she's about to drown in the paparazzi's flashbulbs, along comes Keo, a brooding biker with a past as shadowy as his smoldering gaze. As Belle tumbles headfirst into Keo's world of danger and desire, she discovers a passion that burns hotter than the spotlight that once consumed her. But with the ghosts of her past haunting every twist and turn, will Belle find the courage to trust in love again, or will she be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?

bluebeeryl · Thành thị
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49 Chs


After bidding Olivia farewell, Belle found solace in the quietude of her home. She embarked on a meticulous mission to restore order, each piece of furniture finding its designated place. The scent of candles infused the air, casting a serene ambiance that inspired both calmness and creativity.

As she settled into the cozy nook of her writing space, the allure of her novel beckoned. Belle, with pen in hand and a blank notebook before her, began weaving the tapestry of her imagination onto paper. The room, once filled with laughter and the aroma of their feast, now resonated with the soft scratch of pen against paper.

In the midst of her creative sanctuary, a sudden ping disrupted the tranquility. Belle, momentarily startled, discovered an email notification on her laptop. The message, ominous in nature, delivered an unexpected blow. Her heart sank as she read the stark words notifying her that her rent had expired, and she was required to vacate her cherished abode.

The room, once a haven of creativity, now echoed with the dissonance of an impending departure. Belle sat in stunned silence, grappling with the reality of an unforeseen chapter closing. With a heavy heart, she pondered the uncertain road that lay ahead, the tendrils of her novel temporarily forgotten in the face of this unforeseen twist in her own narrative.

Amidst the sobering realization of her impending move, Belle's solitude was disrupted by the insistent buzz of her phone. A glance at the screen revealed a text message from an unknown number, a mystery that beckoned her curiosity. Tentatively, she opened the message, only to be met with an unexpected and cryptic statement.

"Well, did you enjoy our little escapade last night? 😉"

Belle's eyes widened in bewilderment as she racked her brain, struggling to recall any recent encounters that might explain the provocative message. The unfamiliar number heightened the intrigue, leaving her momentarily at a loss.

Confused but determined, she replied cautiously, "I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person. I don't recall any recent interactions."

The mysterious sender, seemingly unfazed, responded with a hint of sarcasm, "Oh, come on, Belle. Don't play innocent. I thought you enjoyed our time together."

Belle, now a mixture of intrigue and agitation, shot back a more assertive message, "I assure you, you've got the wrong person. I don't know who you are or what you're talking about."

As the conversation hung in suspense, the uncertainty surrounding the unknown sender deepened, casting a veil of mystery over Belle's already eventful day. Little did she know that this unexpected text would unravel a chapter of her life she hadn't anticipated, setting the stage for unforeseen twists and turns.

Belle's bewilderment transformed into realization as she read the mysterious sender's words. "Oh, come on, Belle. Don't play innocent. I thought you enjoyed our time together."

In an instant, the puzzle pieces fell into place, and she knew it could only be Keo. The reference to their shared intimate experience left her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and surprise.

Belle, her fingers hovering over the keys, cautiously typed, "Keo? Is that you?"

His response, swift and filled with playful sarcasm, arrived, "Bingo! Looks like you figured it out, Belle. Remember how I licked your intimate folds? Fun times, right? 😉"

A wave of embarrassment swept over Belle, her cheeks now adorned with a rosy hue. Keo's bold reference to their encounter left her both flustered and amused. As she sat there, grappling with a mix of emotions, she managed a sheepish reply, "Keo, seriously? Could you be any more direct?"

Keo's response echoed with laughter, "Well, I thought a little sarcasm would lighten the mood. Don't tell me you're blushing on the other side of the screen, Belle."

Unable to deny the truth, Belle confessed, "Okay, fine. Maybe a little."

The digital banter continued, a dance of teasing exchanges and genuine connection, as Belle navigated the unexpected turns of her day. Keo's unabashed reminder, though bold, added a new layer to their dynamic, leaving Belle to ponder the intricacies of the unforeseen path that had unfolded before her.

The banter continued between Belle and Keo, a digital dance of words and playful teasing.

Keo, with his characteristic sarcasm, texted, "So, Belle, are you blushing behind the screen yet? Or should I remind you of more 'fun times'?"

Belle, quick to respond, replied, "Oh, Keo, you're such a charmer. I'm practically glowing over here. Remind me, how many 'fun times' are you planning to bring up today?"

Keo, keeping the sarcasm alive, shot back, "Well, I have a whole list, but I'll pace myself. Don't want to overwhelm you with memories, Belle."

Belle, typing almost instantly, fired back, "How considerate of you, Keo. Wouldn't want my phone to crash from too much nostalgia."

Their banter continued, each text punctuated with humor and a subtle undercurrent of connection. Belle, while feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, couldn't deny the playful chemistry that existed between them. The almost immediate responses revealed the rhythm of their banter, a digital tango that unfolded in the midst of Belle's unexpected day.

Keo, reveling in his sarcastic charm, couldn't help but notice Belle's almost immediate responses. He playfully texted, "Belle, you're replying so quickly. Are you secretly falling for me?"

Belle, her cheeks warming, fired back, "Oh, Keo, you wish! Quick replies just happen to be my superpower. Nothing to do with falling for your charm, trust me."

Keo, with a faux gasp, replied, "My charm? Belle, you wound me. I thought I was irresistible."

Belle's fingers danced across the keyboard, "Sorry to burst your bubble, Keo, but irresistible might be pushing it. I'm just exceptionally efficient in my text game."

Keo, continuing the banter, teased, "Efficient, huh? You're not fooling anyone, Belle. I bet you're blushing on the other side of the screen."

Belle, unable to deny the teasing truth, conceded, "Maybe just a little. But that's purely because of your unmatched sarcasm, not any secret feelings."

Keo, seizing the opportunity, continued, "Ah, so my sarcasm has an effect on you. Interesting."

Belle, with a hint of defiance, replied, "Effect, yes. But don't get too excited, Keo. It's more amusement than infatuation."

Keo, keeping the sarcasm alive, concluded, "Amusement, efficiency, and a bit of blushing. Sounds like a winning combination, Belle."

Belle, rolling her eyes, responded, "Only in your dreams, Keo. Now, let's switch topics before your ego gets too inflated."

Their banter, a delightful blend of sarcasm and playful exchanges, continued, leaving Belle to navigate the unexpected twists of the day with a mix of laughter and mild embarrassment.

As their banter continued, Keo, with a hint of sarcasm, suggested, "Hey, Belle, feeling adventurous tonight? How about a late-night ride on my bike? You know, to keep the excitement going."

Belle, trying to play along, responded, "Nice try, Keo, but I'll pass. I'm not up for spontaneous night rides on a whim."

Keo, persistent in his sarcasm, pressed on, "Come on, Belle! Imagine the thrill of the wind in your hair and the open road. It's practically a cinematic experience waiting to happen."

Belle, chuckling, replied, "As tempting as your description sounds, Keo, I think I'll stick to the comfort of my cozy home tonight."

Keo, undeterred, continued his playful persuasion, "But think about the stories we could tell. Late-night escapades, daring adventures – it's practically a novel in the making!"

Belle, now more amused than resistant, finally relented, "Alright, Keo, you win. Let's make it a short ride, though. I'm not signing up for a cross-country tour."

Keo, triumphant in his victory, responded, "Deal! Get ready for a night of unexpected adventures, Belle."

And just like that, the unexpected twists of the day took a new turn as Belle found herself agreeing to Keo's spontaneous proposition. As she prepared for a late-night ride, she couldn't help but wonder where the winding roads and the playful banter would lead them next.