

{WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18} "Well, isn't it just a cliche to have your heart ripped out by a rockstar? But fear not, because when life hands Belle lemons, she's not just making lemonade—she's mixing up a whole new cocktail of danger and desire with the mysterious biker, Keo, in a romance that's bound to set hearts racing." ***** Amidst the glittering chaos of fame's aftermath, Belle finds herself adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises. But just when she's about to drown in the paparazzi's flashbulbs, along comes Keo, a brooding biker with a past as shadowy as his smoldering gaze. As Belle tumbles headfirst into Keo's world of danger and desire, she discovers a passion that burns hotter than the spotlight that once consumed her. But with the ghosts of her past haunting every twist and turn, will Belle find the courage to trust in love again, or will she be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?

bluebeeryl · Thành thị
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49 Chs


Belle and Olivia found themselves nestled in the comfort of Belle's living room, a haven for shared secrets and unabashed conversations. The air was charged with a peculiar blend of curiosity and mischievousness as Olivia, with theatrical enthusiasm, couldn't contain her intrigue.

"Alright, Belle, spill the details. Why in the world would you let a random stranger go down on you?" Olivia's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and playfulness, making it clear that this was not a topic she intended to let slide.

Belle, caught off guard, blushed as she attempted to downplay the situation. "Olivia, it was just a crazy night out. Things got a bit out of hand, that's all."

Olivia, leaning forward with an exaggerated gasp, teased, "Out of hand? More like out of clothes! Come on, Belle, you can't leave me hanging. I need all the juicy details."

Belle, nervously fidgeting with a loose strand of hair, sighed. "I didn't plan it, Liv. It was spontaneous, and I can't believe we're sitting here discussing this."

Undeterred, Olivia continued to press for more. "Spontaneous? I love it! You, my dear friend, have officially broken free from the 'virgin at 28' club. Who's the mysterious man?"

Belle, feeling a mix of embarrassment and defensiveness, responded, "He's just a guy I met at the bar. It doesn't mean anything serious, Liv."

With a mischievous grin, Olivia leaned back, reveling in the unfolding drama. "Spontaneous encounters can be the best, Belle. You're officially part of the adventurous club now."

Belle, attempting to regain control of the conversation, asserted, "I didn't join any club, Olivia. Can we please change the topic?"

Laughing heartily, Olivia agreed, "Alright, but mark my words, Belle Harper, you'll be spilling more details over a bottle of wine next time. I need the full scoop."

As Belle rolled her eyes, she couldn't help but acknowledge that Olivia's insatiable curiosity would undoubtedly ensure that this particular escapade remained a topic of discussion for days to come.

In the warmth of Belle's living room, bathed in the soft glow of lamplight, the topic of conversation between Belle and Olivia took an unexpected turn. As they sipped on their drinks, Olivia, the perpetual provocateur, raised an eyebrow and playfully nudged Belle.

"You know, Belle, maybe it's time to get yourself laid. Live a little!" Olivia suggested, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Belle, catching Olivia's drift, responded with a raised eyebrow, "Olivia, seriously? I'm not ready for that, and it's not just about finding anyone."

Undeterred, Olivia wore a sly grin, encouraging Belle to embrace spontaneity. "Come on, Belle, you're 28. You've got to break free from this 'waiting for Mr. Right' thing. Have some fun!"

Belle, in a defensive tone, insisted, "It's not about waiting for Mr. Right; it's about waiting for the right time and the right connection. I'm not just going to do it for the sake of doing it."

Olivia, always quick with a retort, teased, "Well, you better find Mr. Right soon, or you'll be the last one standing in the 'haven't-been-laid' club."

Rolling her eyes, Belle responded, "Olivia, I don't need your taunts. I'll find the right man when the time is right."

With a taunting smirk, Olivia declared confidently, "Fine, Belle. If you won't find him, I'll find him for you. A perfect matchmaker, that's me!"

Belle, amused, retorted, "Oh, please. I'm not letting you set me up on some random blind date."

Unfazed, Olivia wore an air of determination. "Just trust me, Belle. I'll find someone who'll sweep you off your feet, and then you won't be able to resist."

Laughing, Belle concluded, "I highly doubt that, but knock yourself out, Olivia. Just don't expect me to thank you if your matchmaking skills fail."

As the banter echoed in the room, it was clear that a friendly clash of perspectives on matters of the heart was unfolding between Belle, the steadfast romantic, and Olivia, the enthusiastic matchmaker. Only time would reveal the twists and turns of Belle's romantic journey, orchestrated, or perhaps challenged, by Olivia's unwavering determination.

In the cozy embrace of Belle's living room, the evening unfolded with a surprising decision. Belle, after moments of reluctant contemplation, conceded to Olivia's matchmaking enthusiasm.

"Alright, fine, Olivia. I'll trust your matchmaking skills. Let's give it a shot," Belle said with a mixture of amusement and resignation.

Olivia, wearing a triumphant grin, responded, "That's the spirit! Tomorrow, my dear, we're heading to a place where all the hot boys hang out, and you can pick your match."

Belle chuckled at Olivia's choice of words, teasing her, "Hot boys, really? You sound like a teenage girl planning a night out."

Olivia, playfully rolling her eyes, retorted, "Well, teenage girls might be onto something. Now, prepare yourself, Belle, for a night of potential romance and endless possibilities!"

Laughter filled the room, echoing the newfound adventure that awaited them. As the decision settled, Belle, with a determined look, stood up.

"Alright, let's do this. But before that, how about I whip up something for you to eat? We need to fuel up for the mission, Matchmaker Liv," Belle proposed, adding a touch of lightheartedness to the unfolding scenario.

Olivia, happily accepting the offer, replied, "You're the best, Belle! Matchmaking works up quite an appetite, you know."

With laughter lingering in the air, Belle gracefully made her way to the kitchen. Little did they anticipate that the whimsical journey into matchmaking, set to unfold the next day, would become a cherished chapter in their friendship — a story filled with laughter, surprises, and, perhaps, a sprinkle of unexpected romance.

As the evening draped Belle's cozy home in a warm, amber glow, she gracefully took on the role of culinary architect in her kitchen. The symphony of sizzling ingredients and aromatic spices transformed the air, announcing the imminent arrival of a delectable feast. Meanwhile, Olivia, comfortably ensconced in the living room, eagerly awaited the gastronomic spectacle.

Emerging from the kitchen, Belle presented a tray adorned with a culinary masterpiece, a prelude to the evening ahead.

"Here you go, Liv. A little pre-matchmaking feast," Belle announced, a smile playing on her lips.

Olivia's eyes lit up with genuine delight. "You really outdid yourself, Belle. Let's dig in!"

They settled into a rhythmic cadence of conversation, laughter, and the gentle clinking of utensils. The air resonated with the shared stories and the comfortable familiarity that defined their friendship. Time slipped away as they reveled in the joy of each other's company.

As the evening matured, Olivia, with a mischievous glint in her eye, teased, "Belle, I have high expectations for tomorrow's adventure. The hot boys better be on standby!"

Belle, rolling her eyes in playful exasperation, responded, "Don't worry, Liv. I'll do my best to meet your expectations."

With the clock ticking toward Olivia's departure, she rose from her seat, expressing her gratitude.

"Thanks for the feast and the company, Belle. Tomorrow's going to be epic, I can feel it," Olivia remarked, her excitement palpable.

Walking Olivia to the door, Belle chuckled, "Epic or not, you always manage to make things interesting. See you tomorrow, Liv."

The door closed behind Olivia, leaving Belle to bask in the residual warmth of the evening. As she reflected on the laughter-filled hours and the promise of tomorrow's matchmaking escapade, Belle couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the whimsical journey that awaited them.