

{WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18} "Well, isn't it just a cliche to have your heart ripped out by a rockstar? But fear not, because when life hands Belle lemons, she's not just making lemonade—she's mixing up a whole new cocktail of danger and desire with the mysterious biker, Keo, in a romance that's bound to set hearts racing." ***** Amidst the glittering chaos of fame's aftermath, Belle finds herself adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises. But just when she's about to drown in the paparazzi's flashbulbs, along comes Keo, a brooding biker with a past as shadowy as his smoldering gaze. As Belle tumbles headfirst into Keo's world of danger and desire, she discovers a passion that burns hotter than the spotlight that once consumed her. But with the ghosts of her past haunting every twist and turn, will Belle find the courage to trust in love again, or will she be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?

bluebeeryl · Thành thị
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49 Chs

Chapter forty two

The mall bustled with Saturday afternoon activity as Belle and Olivia entered, a stark contrast to the quiet tension of the morning. Olivia, ever the pragmatist, steered Belle towards the elegant boutique Alexander had suggested.

"He's not wrong," Olivia said, eyeing the sleek window displays filled with designer gowns. "This place screams 'book launch party.'"

Belle, however, couldn't shake off a sense of detachment. The luxurious fabrics and sparkling embellishments felt worlds away from her current emotional state.

"Maybe something simple?" she suggested, her voice lacking conviction.

Olivia shot her a playful glare. "Simple? Belle, this is your moment! Forget Keo. He clearly doesn't deserve the chance to see you shine." Her eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint. "We're going to find you a dress that says 'independent, confident woman' and maybe sends a subliminal message: 'next!' to a certain ex-boyfriend."

Despite herself, a small smile tugged at Belle's lips. Olivia always knew how to lift her spirits. They spent the next hour browsing through the racks, Olivia picking out a series of stunning gowns. One was a fiery red that cascaded elegantly down Belle's slender frame, another a shimmering silver that hugged her curves perfectly.

Belle held each dress up to herself, the luxurious fabrics whispering promises of elegance and confidence. But the reflection staring back at her still held a hint of sadness in its eyes.

"I don't know, Olivia," she said, hanging a sequined emerald gown back on the rack. "It all feels a little… much. Knowing Keo won't be there…"

Olivia placed a hand on her shoulder, her voice firm but laced with affection. "He doesn't deserve to be there, Belle. You deserve someone who respects you, someone who sees your worth. And who knows, maybe you'll meet someone tonight who will make you forget all about Mr. Grumpy Pants."

The image of a new romance, a connection based on respect and understanding, was a welcome one. Maybe, just maybe, Olivia was right.

"Alright, you win," Belle said, a spark of defiance replacing the sadness in her eyes. "Let's find me a dress that screams fierce and fabulous."

Together, they continued their search. Finally, their eyes landed on a dress that seemed to embody Belle's newfound determination. It was a midnight-blue evening gown, the fabric a smooth, luxurious satin that shimmered under the boutique lights. The cut was simple yet elegant, showcasing her slender figure without being overly revealing.

As Belle slipped into the dress, a gasp escaped her lips. The way it hugged her curves, the way the blue accentuated her hazel eyes, it was like looking at a completely different person – a confident, empowered woman ready to take on the world.

Looking at her reflection, Belle finally understood what Olivia meant. This wasn't just about a dress for a party; it was about a new chapter in her life. A chapter where she wouldn't settle for anything less than she deserved.

"Perfect!" Olivia exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight. "That dress is practically begging for a red carpet. Now, let's find you some killer shoes and we'll have you ready to turn heads."

Stepping out of the changing room, Belle held her head high, a flicker of excitement replacing the previous dejection. This party wasn't just about celebrating her book; it was about celebrating herself, a woman embarking on a new journey, one stiletto step at a time.

The weight of shopping bags threatened to topple them over as Belle and Olivia fumbled with their keys at Olivia's front door. Laughter erupted as Belle accidentally dropped a bag, sending a cascade of tissue paper and a pair of sparkly high heels skittering across the porch.

"Seriously, Belle?" Olivia gasped, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. "That dress is going to slay the party, but those heels might just be lethal before you even get there!"

Belle joined in the laughter, retrieving the fallen items. The afternoon had been a whirlwind – a much-needed escape from the emotional rollercoaster of the past few days. Browsing through racks of luxurious dresses, dissecting the latest celebrity gossip, and the sheer joy of indulging in some retail therapy had been a potent antidote.

Inside, they deposited the spoils of their shopping spree with an air of triumph. The stunning midnight-blue dress hung suspended in its protective bag, a silent promise of a dazzling transformation.

"That dress," Olivia exclaimed once more, circling Belle with mock seriousness. "It's going to need its own security detail at the party. No one's going to be able to take their eyes off you."

Belle couldn't help but grin, twirling slightly to admire the way the dress flowed around her envisioned image. "I have to admit," she conceded, "I was starting to lose hope amidst tulle explosions and sequined nightmares, but that dress… it just felt right."

As they collapsed onto the couch, a bottle of wine magically appearing in Olivia's hand, the conversation flowed easily. They dissected the intricacies of the dress, critiqued celebrity outfits spotted online, and reminisced about past shopping sprees that ended in hilarious disasters. It felt good to laugh, to shed the weight of worry and simply enjoy each other's company.

The wine loosened Belle's tongue, and she found herself confiding in Olivia about the remnants of her feelings for Keo, the conflicting emotions that still tugged at her heartstrings. Olivia listened patiently, offering a supportive ear and a healthy dose of reality.

"Belle," she said, her voice firm but laced with understanding, "you deserve someone who respects your dreams and boundaries. You deserve someone who sees your worth, not someone who tries to control you. Don't let him dim your shine. You have this incredible book coming out, a whole new world of possibilities ahead of you. Don't let him hold you back."

Belle's heart swelled with gratitude. Olivia's unwavering loyalty and strength were a constant source of support in the emotional storm. However, before the conversation could delve deeper, an idea sparked in Olivia's eyes.

"Alright, enough Keo talk!" she declared, standing up abruptly. "We need a serious distraction. How about a hike? The fresh air and some exercise will do wonders for your mood."

Intrigued by the sudden change of subject, Belle readily agreed. Soon, they were back outside, backpacks filled with water and snacks, ready to conquer the nearby nature reserve.

The hike was a revelation. The crisp air invigorated Belle's senses, the rhythmic crunch of their footsteps on the trail a soothing counterpoint to the chaos within her. As they ascended the winding paths, surrounded by the emerald embrace of the forest, a sense of calm washed over her.

Reaching a scenic overlook, they spread out a blanket and enjoyed a breathtaking panorama of the sprawling city below. The setting sun cast an orange glow on the horizon, painting the clouds in a fiery canvas of orange and pink.

"This is perfect," Belle sighed contentedly, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "Thank you, Olivia. For everything."

Olivia squeezed her hand, a knowing glint in her eyes. "That's what friends are for, silly. Now, tell me all about your dream vacation spot. Let's plan something amazing for after your book launch, somewhere miles away from any ex-boyfriends!"

A shared laugh filled the air, echoing through the quiet landscape. As they talked about exotic beaches and faraway adventures, a newfound sense of hope bloomed in Belle's heart. The future was uncertain, but with Olivia by her side and her dreams as her compass, she felt ready to face it head-on. The events of the past few days had shaken her, but they hadn't broken her. In fact, they had made her stronger, more determined to take control of her life and write her own happily ever after. And that happily ever after, she realized with a newfound clarity, wouldn't be defined by a man, but by the strength of her own spirit and the unwavering support of a true friend.