

{WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18} "Well, isn't it just a cliche to have your heart ripped out by a rockstar? But fear not, because when life hands Belle lemons, she's not just making lemonade—she's mixing up a whole new cocktail of danger and desire with the mysterious biker, Keo, in a romance that's bound to set hearts racing." ***** Amidst the glittering chaos of fame's aftermath, Belle finds herself adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises. But just when she's about to drown in the paparazzi's flashbulbs, along comes Keo, a brooding biker with a past as shadowy as his smoldering gaze. As Belle tumbles headfirst into Keo's world of danger and desire, she discovers a passion that burns hotter than the spotlight that once consumed her. But with the ghosts of her past haunting every twist and turn, will Belle find the courage to trust in love again, or will she be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?

bluebeeryl · Thành thị
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49 Chs

Chapter forty three

A sliver of sunlight peeked through the blinds, painting stripes across Belle's eyelids. She stretched luxuriously, a content sigh escaping her lips. Today was the day – the day of her book launch party. Excitement bubbled in her chest, replacing the nervous tension that had plagued her for the past few days.

Reaching for her phone, she blearily checked for messages. A pang of disappointment shot through her when she saw no missed calls or texts from Keo. He had promised to call, to apologize, and yet… silence.

A frown creased her brow. Maybe he was just busy? Or maybe… the thought trailed off, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. Maybe he had simply changed his mind, the apology a fleeting thought lost in the whirlwind of his life.

Pushing the unwelcome thoughts aside, Belle threw back the covers and hopped out of bed. Today was about her, about celebrating her achievement. Keo's actions, or inactions, wouldn't dampen her spirits.

Just then, a loud groan echoed from the hallway. Olivia, her hair a wild mess, peeked into the room, a sleepy smile on her face.

"Morning, sunshine!" she rasped, her voice thick with sleep. "Ready to rock your book launch party?"

Belle forced a smile. "Almost," she said, her voice betraying a hint of worry. "I just… haven't heard from Keo yet."

Olivia's smile faltered for a moment. "Don't worry about him, honey," she said, her voice firm but laced with concern. "Today is all about you. Besides, you deserve better than someone who makes you wait and worry."

Belle nodded, taking a deep breath. "You're right," she said, forcing a conviction she didn't quite feel. "Let's just focus on the party, okay?"

Olivia's smile returned, brighter than before. "Now that's the spirit!" she declared. "But first, food. Cooking is definitely not happening in this state."

Belle chuckled, understanding dawning. "Fast food for breakfast, then?"

Olivia's grin widened. "You read my mind, girl. Let's go fuel up for your big night!"

As they piled into Olivia's car, the disappointment over Keo faded further into the background. Olivia's unwavering support and the promise of a delicious breakfast were just the boost Belle needed to push aside her worries and embrace the day. Today, she wouldn't let anything dim her light. Today, she would shine.

The air buzzed with a delightful chaos as Belle and Olivia entered the familiar fast-food joint. The aroma of crispy fries and sizzling burgers filled their senses, instantly sparking a craving. Laughter erupted as they debated the merits of various menu items, their previous somber mood banished by the sheer joy of a shared breakfast.

Olivia, fueled by a large breakfast burrito, launched into a detailed account of her latest online dating disaster. Belle, between bites of her fluffy pancakes, listened with rapt attention, her worries melting away with each hilarious anecdote. As they recounted past dating experiences, both successes and spectacular failures, the restaurant became a haven of laughter and lighthearted teasing.

By the time they finished their breakfast, their bellies were full and their spirits were soaring. Returning to Olivia's house, they entered to find a surprise waiting for them. A beautiful bouquet of lilies, their pristine white petals a stark contrast against the vibrant living room, stood proudly on the coffee table.

A gasp escaped Belle's lips as her eyes landed on the flowers. A familiar warmth bloomed in her chest, a flicker of hope battling against the lingering disappointment of Keo's silence.

Olivia, noticing Belle's reaction, raised an eyebrow. "Well, well, well," she said, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Looks like someone has a secret admirer."

Belle shook her head, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "It's probably just… a well-wisher for the party."

Just then, the doorbell rang, shattering the comfortable silence. Olivia exchanged a surprised glance with Belle before heading towards the door.

Opening the door, Olivia's face broke into a warm smile. "Alexander! What a surprise. Come in, come in."

Alexander stepped inside, holding another bouquet of lilies, identical to the one gracing the coffee table. "Good morning, Olivia. Belle," he greeted them with a polite smile.

Belle felt a wave of confusion wash over her. Two bouquets of lilies? Was this some kind of strange coincidence?

"Good morning, Alexander," Belle stammered, her voice laced with uncertainty. "This is… a surprise."

Alexander's smile faltered slightly as he noticed the first bouquet. "Oh," he said, a hint of awkwardness creeping into his voice. "I see there are already flowers here. I…"

Olivia chuckled, sensing the misunderstanding. "Don't worry about it, Alexander," she said, ushering him further into the room. "These must be for Belle, for the party, right?"

Alexander glanced at Belle, his gaze filled with a mixture of hope and hesitation. "Actually," he confessed, "these were for you, Belle. To congratulate you on your book launch."

Belle's heart skipped a beat. Two bouquets of lilies, both seemingly meant for her, from two very different men. Keo's silence hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to Alexander's thoughtful gesture.

"Thank you, Alexander," she said softly, accepting the flowers with a grateful smile. "They're beautiful."

Olivia, ever the observer, noted the flicker of emotions that played across Belle's face. She nudged Belle playfully, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Well, it seems you have quite the fan club brewing, Belle. Now, why don't you show Alexander around the house while I get us some coffee?"

Belle, grateful for Olivia's intervention, took a deep breath and offered Alexander a tour. As they walked through the rooms, a conversation unfolded, filled with nervous laughter and hesitant smiles. The surprise visit had thrown a curveball into Belle's already complicated day, leaving her with a heart full of questions and a future that seemed more uncertain than ever.

Belle led Alexander on a tour of Olivia's house, the air thick with unspoken tension despite the cheerful chatter they forced. They paused before a picture of Belle and Olivia on a past vacation, their smiles radiating an infectious joy.

"You two seem close," Alexander commented, his voice tinged with a hint of longing.

Belle smiled warmly. "Olivia's basically my sister," she said. "She's been there for me through thick and thin, even when things got… messy with you."

A flicker of surprise crossed Alexander's face, quickly replaced by a rueful smile. "Right," he chuckled, the sound lacking its usual confident ring. "That whole situation was… unfortunate, to say the least. Especially considering Keo is the very same fellow I ended up in a rather unpleasant scuffle with a few weeks back."

Belle's eyes widened. The world seemed to shrink, the realization hitting her like a physical blow. Alexander, the charming publisher hosting her book launch party, the man whose kindness and respect were a balm to her wounded spirit, was also the one who'd faced off against Keo in a fit of rage.

"You… you fought Keo?" she stammered, the image of the two men locked in a struggle a disturbing mental picture.

"Let's just say we had a… disagreement," Alexander admitted, his gaze flickering away from hers. "He showed up at my office, demanding to know the details of the party, your schedule… it got out of hand."

A wave of nausea washed over Belle. The memory of Keo's possessiveness, the raw anger in his eyes, suddenly made sense. The fight, his silence this morning – it all fit into a terrifying picture.

"Oh God," she breathed, sinking onto the plush couch. The two bouquets of lilies, a stark symbol of the two men vying for her attention, mocked her from the coffee table.

Alexander knelt before her, his voice gentle yet firm. "Belle, listen to me. What happened between Keo and me doesn't change the fact that you deserve to be treated with respect. You deserve to feel safe, to be in a relationship built on trust and understanding."

His words echoed in the silence that followed, resonating deep within Belle. Here was a man who saw her worth, who condemned Keo's behavior without hesitation. It was a stark contrast to the man who had caused her so much pain.

As they continued talking, a new layer of understanding unfolded. They spoke not just about books and dreams, but about boundaries and safety. Alexander shared his concerns about Keo's volatile behavior, his fear for Belle's well-being. Belle, in turn, confessed her confusion, her lingering hope for a future with Keo warring with the fear that had taken root in her heart.

The afternoon sun dipped below the horizon, painting the room in a soft orange glow. As they finally rose, a newfound resolve flickered in Belle's eyes. The unexpected visit, the intertwined stories, the blossoming connection with Alexander – it all felt like a turning point. The future was no longer a path dictated by Keo's possessiveness. It was a road of possibilities, and for the first time, Belle felt empowered to take the wheel.

Looking at Alexander, his kind eyes reflecting the fading light, Belle knew her journey was far from over. But with a supportive friend by her side and a newfound strength within her, she was finally ready to face it head-on, one chapter at a time.