

Spying on the Spy.

As she left the gates, the other security guards shut the gates and Bella examined the gate closely, there was no way to enter, the only way was to climb through the gates, but that was impossible because both the.walls.and gates had electric wire and warning signs, she would be no better than burnt beef if she tried it, But even if she risked it, she had no gloves. and her DNA would be everywhere, especially in the File room, where only Mr. Ted was allowed to enter, she stared at the keys in her hands, if she got in now she could be discovered and that could be disastrous. for everyone, even her finders.

She flagged down a cab and it stopped when she entered. and they drove home.

When Bella entered the room The house was in a mess, so many clothes... Lilith's clothes were lying scattered across the floor she was giggling in her bed with her phone in her ears.

"What the fuck is going on!" She groaned kicking aside a pile of clothes.

" The Anniversary is tomorrow, Don't you know?... Oh of course you wouldn't remember since all you think about is killing The Santiagos " Lilth sneered, dropping her phone while sorting her clothes

"I'm not attending that clown's celebration" She rolled her eyes, feeling the keys in her pockets with her hands she watched Lilith giggling with glee.

"Well, you better do because that'll give you the opportunity of seeing Williams Santiago, Neither of us has met him in person" Lilith tossed a peach-colored dinner gown aside whilst holding up a pink shiny strapless gown.

"You're not worried that I'll lose my temper and shove a needle into his neck," Bella said and. Liliyh rolled her eyes.

"Then you'll be messing up the whole plan, and the Don will probably kill you for fucking up his plans"

"Well, He's being too slow...."

"Bella, Santiago is always one step ahead of his enemies, He is a vile and dangerous person, and if we act recklessly. we could expose ourselves" Lilith said putting up, the other gowns in her wardrobe.

"Besides we've got to be careful, I heard Santiago's men are everywhere and they suspect there could be spies in the companies, so we need to lay low for now, Us and all our men" Lilith Advised.

"Yeah! I also heard about a new. time of closure for workers... No more overtime work for now" Bella added, lilith frowned.

"That's the only time you get to gather information, who told you this," she asked, and Bella replied coldly.

"Mako, the tall security guard... " Bella wanted to tell her about the keys but she'd rather not, lilith would probably start panicking or could end up telling Rowen or Don Armando.

Bella's phone rang and she picked up quickly, From her conduct Lilith guessed it was Menna because if it were her men or her boyfriend, she'd twist her lips in disgust while watching it ring on and on.

"I'm doing great Meena, How are you coping with the other," Bella said moving outside the verandah, lilith sighed, this was probably one of their numerous late and long calls,. put her pillow over her head muffling a tired groan into the mattress.

"How's your annoying roommate slash partner," Menna said and Bella rolled her eyes.

"On her bed with her pillow over her head, Let's talk about something more important... How was your operation at Las Vegas, did you successfully abduct the man?" She asked.

"yeah! Thankfully this time I didn't let him pee and have to fight with him like my first, The seniore peed his pants and my men had to drag him off like that Eww!" Menna narrated.

"He's owing the gang a hundred million dollars for drugs we supplied and now paying has become a challenge, I'm happy you're improving in your tactics... I am proud" Bella smiled grimly.

"Yeah yeah, boring stuff. Tell more about you and Ethan, Did he really kiss you?... Did you hurt him!... Is he even Nuts!" Menna's voice was a mixture of excitement and shock.

"He thinks I'm like every girl in Brooklyn, Trust me sweetie I've endured enough" She replied dryly.

"But How did you feel about it... I mean the kiss" Meena asked, and Bella's throat ran dry, she couldn't describe the strange feeling that washed all over her after he pulled away or how much longer she wanted him to hold her when she cried with her face buried in his chest.

"It was weird Meena... But I'm almost Convinced He's not part of his father's crew, I discovered he was part of a team against all the Mafia families in the United States and they have the backing of the government.

"Just be careful with Him okay, I don't trust him" She warned.

"Yeah, whatever. You know He can't hurt me, I'll chop off his fingers first" Bella said giving a reassuring smile.

"Not that way Bella, He's Slowly creeping into your mind and soul, and...and it's so weird" She added.

"What do you mean He's creeping into my mind and soul"

"Well, l think He's trying to get you to relate to him, He doesn't want to see him as an Evil person"

"Nobody wants anybody to view them as evil, not even me. You're just Overthinking it, He's just obsessed with me that's it, and you can kiss anyone's ass for money or just to get them to trust you and I think he trusts me by telling me all about Emily He even asked me to confide in him" Bella said and Meena laughed loudly.

"I just hope you don't hurt anyone at their Anniversary Celebration, You're going to attend right?" She asked.

"I don't plan to" Bella replied coldly.

"Damn! Sis can't you see it's some kind of trap, You not attending without a proper excuse could make you number one in their lists of suspects". Menna said but Bella rolled her eyes.

"I... I can't, Seeing that man alone is torture for me especially the only thing I'm allowed to do is fake a smile and shake him, They should fucking put my name up in the list, I don't fucking care" She said dryly.

"Won't you be thwarting Don's orders by not attending, He could get angry"

"You think I care what Armando thinks" Bella responded dryly, "If I'm going it's just because I wanna snoop around their great mansion, it must hold many secrets and I could discover Their weak points"

Menna smiled at the other side of the phone, She expected that to be the only thing that would move her, Revenge!.

"I'm glad you're going through, Don't get too comfortable with Ethan" She warned

"Yes little Sis, Order received" Bella joked.

"Don't let him Kiss you anymore... I thought we were better at seducing men, not letting them seduce you" Menna giggled.

"Go to bed Menna" Bella yelled into the phone and Menna giggled. Bella put off the phone and as she jumped into her bed covering herself with her duvet, Lilith's eyes fluttered open, and a sly grin crawled up her lips.

'Kissing Ethan huh, This is going to be a very interesting topic for Rowen' She thought. Her hands swiftly removed the earphones she wore. She just hoped that Bella wouldn't discover the tiny recorder on her earrings, It wasn't easy planting it in and if Bella finds out it wasn't going to be a pretty day for both of them.

' I'm glad she's going to attend the Anniversary tomorrow, this is taking a new turn' She thought to herself closing her eyes to Sleep.