


When they got home, Lilith jumped on her bed with her heels on, while Bella took a quick shower and began working with her laptop, a few minutes later her cell phone rang, and Lilith's eyes widened, could it be?

Bella picked up the phone, Lilith saw a lively spark in her eyes, one she sees only when she's together with one person.

"Big Sissy, how are you " a tiny feminine voice rang out.

"I'm good Meena, what about you? " her voice was still cold.

"I'm very fine, Did you pass the interview? " she asked excitedly.

"I don't know, We'll be told if we passed later today " Bella replied.

"OK, I miss you so much, I wish you good luck"

"Thank you, Meena, bye".


"I thought it was the company that called," Lilith said rolling her eyes just then Lilith's phone rang, It was the company, and she rushed to pick up the call.

"Hello," she swallowed hard.

"Is this Lily Trevor going for the position of a Marketer in the textile industry of Williams Empire, The female voice asked?

"Ye..yes " She stammered.

"You're hired, you're starting work on Monday," the voice said and just as she dropped her phone, Bella's phone rang.

"Miss Bella Bartimeus, you have been hired as a secretary to the vice president and manager of the textile industry of Williams Empire, and you'll be starting on Monday " he announced, Bella wasn't shocked, she allowed the man to blabber a bit before cutting him off the phone. She gave Lilith a triumphant look and Lilith rolled her eyes.

"If not for Kazzaski's position as a board member, your scary face wouldn't even get a chance as a cleaner talk more of a Secretary ".

Who said they were the only spies, they've got eyes and ears everywhere in the conglomerate, but Bella's mission was to bring Him down bit by bit. She had trained for and waited for so many years and now her time for revenge had just begun.


Don Armando sat near the window enjoying the view of the clear landscape, He was surrounded by so many men dressed in black, and right in front of him was an ashtray with a few cigarette butts scattered like dead bodies. A tall bearded young man walked in slowly, standing beside him. Both looked almost identical but the first man was older, their aura's bloody and dangerous.

"Dad, any news from Bella? " He asked taking a cigarette from the pile on the table, he proceeded to light it up with a lighter.

"The young Lasses are in my boy, Thanks to our men from the inside" He replied grinning. He looked pleased with himself like he had won the lottery.

"So what's our next move?" The younger man asked curiously.

"They'll learn Santiago's secrets and that of the company. A leopard doesn't lose its stripes you know, He must have something else going on in his companies, we'll just have to show them to the world, it's gonna be heartbreaking when I crush him like a little ant" Don Armando said slowly crushing his cigar with his fingers.

seethed his teeth. He knew that That man was the reason his mother died, and his father lost himself.

"Yes my boy, I'll be the one to send the bullets through his heart" He smiled wickedly, With his thoughts in motion.

"Oh! How satisfying will it be to watch him die Slowly as the clock ticks".

A week passed and Bella and Lilith gathered so much information from the textile industry, the number of workers, the number of smaller industries in other states, their biggest customers which were clothing industries and designer brands, and even some confidential information on their sales and their connection with the sugar industry, which was the second flourishing company they had, and unlike the textile industry it Was just one big industry and it had no other branches.

Every information gotten was sent to Don, and unfortunately, they couldn't get dirt on Santiago He began to plot his very first attack, to bring Santiago down slowly from the inside.

"Send me everything you know about the sugar industry" was the last thing He said to them.

One morning, Bella and Lilith arrived very late to work due to traffic issues and Mr.Ted wasn't pleased.

"We uphold punctuality here Ladies, you're very late" He frowned.

"on! Sir, we got stuck in traffic, we apologize" Lilith coaxed. Their Uber driver had arrived very late that morning plus they were held back by traffic.

"We assure you that it won't happen again" Bella added.

"Miss Bella, All the files on your desk must be sent to the Manager," He instructed. and Bella's brows creased subconsciously, Lilith was quick to catch the change in her expression, It was logical to hate the son of the man that killed your parents, or was there more to it?. "He hasn't been around to arrange and approve them, so they've accumulated".

"I'll see to it sir" She replied. They left to their respective position.

Bella got to her desk and got the required files ready. She took them to the manager's office. Sipping in a deep breath, She knocked.

"Come in," A familiar voice rang out. Bella walked into the fine furnished office boldly. She tried diverting her eyes to avoid his gaze. Mr. Ethan was seated magnificently like a god on his chair. His office housed a long white couch, a wide oak desk, a Credenza, and some impressive paintings.

He was one of those spoilt brats that had their way in society because of their parents money, his life was perfect, he didn't need to suffer, his office was so cool as the air conditioner blew...Son of a bitch.

His brunette hair was shorter than before, his beard lined neatly across his chiseled jaw, and his bright blue eyes dimmed as she approached his table.

"The files you asked for sir" Bella stood in front of his desk, awaiting instructions whilst trying to keep herself under control.

"Thank you, place them on the table" he pointed to the right side of his table with his eyes glued to his laptop, Bella dropped them, she raised her head, their eyes met and he held her gaze this time.

"You're the new secretary right?" He asked.

"Yes sir, I started two weeks ago," she replied, He squinted his eyes, he had seen this face last week or perhaps somewhere else.

"You look very familiar, I can't place the time or place but have we met before?" He asked, Bella hesitated a bit, if she lied to this man it could be fatal if he started getting suspicious. She had to come clean.

"De Louis, you gave me a lift in your car...I was drunk..." Bella felt she sounded so awkward, she didn't wanted to mention the hotel, she figured out that He was bound to remember. Ethan's face turned red as he remembered everything, especially the hotel.

"Oh! I remember...It is nice meeting you again...." He sputtered nervously, who would have thought that the one person he wished not to meet again was now his secretary. fate really played him well.