


The ride to Bella's place was so cold and Quiet. Ethan parked beside an old oak adjacent to Bella's house, she attempted to get out when she felt his hands on hers squeezing it lightly, their eyes locked and she noticed that his playful smile had returned.

"You made my day today, it was fun... We should do this another time" He said, Bella rolled. her eyes coldly.

"We? There is no another time " She stated blatantly, Ethan chuckled.

"I wish your little fan could see you now, she wouldn't want you upsetting your husband you know".

Bella felt her ears turn hot as she recalled little Yvette, She didn't have much fun though but it was better than being locked in alone. Bella felt the squeezing get tighter, almost like He didn't want her to go.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always there to listen so don't keep things to yourself" He advised. As he spoke their eyes locked, Bella's heart stopped and almost immediately went stiff as he quickly lunged forward pressing his lips to hers. Stunned at how quickly it happened Bella pulled out of the kiss and jumped out of the car with her pulse accelerating and thoughts flying...

"I hope to see you at the Empire's celebration this week" She heard his voice echoing from behind, Ignoring him she walked as quickly as her legs could carry her. As she approached the building, she heard the car from behind zoom off.

Ignoring the response of her body and sensations from the Kiss earlier, Bella pondered on the Information she had gotten earlier as the elevator took her to her floor.

Don Santiago had a daughter after Ethan? How come Nobody ever told her about Emily?... Maybe she was his child with another woman or could she be Ethan's Biological sister?

She picked up her phone and went incognito online browsing for Emily Williams Santiago, The Internet wasn't of much help, She existed though but no photo or any vital information online could help... Plus she noticed that Williams Santiago kept his family life private unlike other public figures, She discovered This when she recalled that Ethan was Hidden from the public for years until Williams had decided for the Soon to be CEO of his Empire to be announced in the papers and known in the business world.

Even his wife Lola Santiago was not very popular in the papers, she had appeared in just two public events. Bella had discovered how protective Williams Santiago was of his family, Perhaps she was getting very close to the apple of his eye... The lovesick fool must have some feelings for her judging from the quick kiss he gave her earlier plus the date today, of course it was a date. She noticed how he had stared at her the whole time.

It won't be hard, He just made her mission a lot easier... And just like his sister, he was going to be a bigger pawn in this game of hers.

Bella got to the floor of her room, inputting the passwords weakly, the door opened as she walked in dragging her feet sluggishly. Lilith who was seated on the couch smiled as she spotted her.

"You're finally back from your date" she mocked, Bella ignored her kicking off her shoes and rushing into the bathroom. As the water rushed onto her bright olive skin, she touched her lips as she recalled the way his lips had brushed hers softly and yet swiftly, she rubbed her hands vigorously on her lips and her skin as the water fell onto her face as if forcing his scent away from her body.

Lilith heard the rushing water from the bathroom seized and sat upright as Bella walked into the room with her red towel wrapped around her body.

"Rowen called today, He asked about you... And I told him you went out with your boss and he wasn't really pleased" Lilith revealed, Bella's brows creased.

"He knows it's Part of the mission, He doesn't have to get overly protective about it..." She sighed, applying lotion onto her skin that Lilith couldn't help but envy.

"He's your boyfriend, of course He's going to get jealous when you do the things you don't agree to do with him with another guy"

" Thanks to our outing today, I just discovered something interesting about Williams Santiago" She pursed her lips facing Lilith whose ears stood on their tips waiting for what she had to say.

" He had a daughter, Ethan had a younger sister, Emily" She revealed and Lilith's eyes widened in surprise.

"A daughter... I've never heard, where is she?" She asked curiously.

"He said she died when they were young, that they were kidnapped and when they tried escaping she was shot and he never saw her again".

"That's strange why did no one ever speak of her... Even you. No one told La Gambino's most important person?" Lilith raised her brow.

" I guess the Don felt it was too minor to discuss..." She replied.

" Could it be the gang or could other gangs be going against Santiago at that time?" Lilith wondered if this new discovery could help in this mission.

"From my discovery, I noticed most mafia gangs were against Santiago when he decided to Abandon the La Costa Nostra... Maybe it was one of the big gangs" Bella replied.

" I always asked myself how he managed to survive leaving the Group when it was a very serious offense that could lead to the death of all your family members". Lilith wondered.

"He had money lilith and a great alliance, some mafia families lowkey still support him, and. according to our Don he's still in the business but wants to profit more" Bella replied.

" Have you ever wondered why He left the Group?" Lilith asked.

"Greed!... Jealousy and That period was the period the government was fighting the mafia, he just backed out and denounced the family! Only for him to engage in the lacostra nostra in secret and that is against our law" Bella explained.

"I don't know Bella but do you think He's in the business, We've never got any dirt on him"

"He was a mafia Lilith, you can never get dirt on him, He is being very careful and he probably has squads of people working for him, Don Armando can never be wrong".

"Then what about Ethan, he seems rather too innocent for these things" Lilith suggested

"He recognized my moves while I tried catching a bully at the park, so of course he has a little knowledge of these things... He knows what his father was" Bella said and Lilith frowned, Even though Ethan appeared harmless They shouldn't get too comfortable with Him, and Bella was being a little reckless.

"Bella! Don't do anything that will create suspicion anymore... You have to be careful".

"Relax! I have it all covered, He knows I once worked as a security guard... Don Armando was right, Experience gives you more advantage" She said with her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

"What if Ethan is not part of the group, what if his father trained him because he didn't want what happened to Emily to happen to him"

Bella shrugged, it could be true because He always had his sunglasses on and hid a lot in public, and He didn't look or show any sort of skill plus she noticed he had bodyguards all over him, well except for today and during the closing hours when he had to do a lot of work.

"I don't know what other plans Don has for Santiago, but I think we have enough information to bring him down... We can't continue to beat around the bush" Bella tossed to the other side of her bed backing Lilith.

"Well, He is the Don and we take orders from Him, and He knows our target like the back of his hand so we shouldn't question his orders... He knows best".