


"We are here" he announced stopping his car right in front of the Hotel, He alighted from the vehicle and then attempted to assist Bella but she declined rudely, looks like she's sobering up," he thought. Bella managed to push herself out of the car but her legs felt like spaghetti, and he had to assist her to the hotel. They got into the building and he stood at reception, still holding her firmly.

"I'd like to make a reservation for a single room please," he said standing in front of the receptionist who was a petite woman, smiling at the two she asked.

"How long would you two be staying? "

"It's Just her and it's for tonight" he replied blatantly.

"It's a hundred dollars " she replied handing a form to him to fill, he hesitated, this was very risky especially if he was going to leave her alone here, she could do something to defame his character as an important public figure.

"So what's your name? " Ethan asked, but Bella kept mute.

"I need your name to check in" He explained but she rolled her eyes.

"I don't tell strangers my name," She said sternly, and He sighed tiredly. To avoid any more questions or the news-hungry paparazzi, he gave them a fake name but his identity was known to them. He was willing to take the risk for a drunk girl he met outside the bar.

"Ok," he replied filling out the form before handing over his credit card.

"Your checking in was successful and you were assigned room 1046 at the left wing, enjoy your room" she smiled handing him the keys.

"Thank you mam " he replied politely and Bella rolled her eyes, must he be so polite? Ewww!. When they got to the entrance of the elevator she stopped. pushing away his supporting hands she struggled to stand on her own.

"I'll take it from here, just hand me the keys," she said with her arms stretched out to collect the keys.

"What if you stumble into the wrong room or you get robbed or worse assaulted? Nope, sorry I can't do that, we've started this journey and so we'll end it together" he stated helping her into the elevator which took them to the floor where the room was situated.

He unlocked the door, helped Bella in took her to sit on the bed, and smiled as she lay down tired but with her eyes wide on full alert.

"please be good OK, I'm leaving," he said smiling at her as he patted her head turning to leave Bella caught his smooth hairy hands and when he paused in his steps and turned to look at her she dropped his hands roughly.

"You're leaving? Now?" She asked trying to hide the fact that she didn't want him to go.

"Of course I am, I can't stay here with you, it's wrong " he replied, their eyes met and Bella turned away quickly, avoiding his hot gaze that swept every feature of her face

"Ok, go then," she said nonchalantly

"Really? No thank you's and bye's" he raised his brows.

"Whatever!" She hissed turning away as she attempted to take off her clothes, he looked away and quickly rushed to the door, he turned the handle and to his dismay, the door was locked.

"Hey! How'd you'... when did you lock the door and seize the keys" he asked still with his back turned.

"When we walked in " she grinned mischievously. But how did she even do that?

" Just give me the keys please, You're drunk," he said with his back facing her, it was obvious he was trying to be modest, indeed he wasn't a bad guy he tried so hard to avoid looking back at the girl who probably had a thin piece of underwear on.

"I'm not drunk" She huffed walking butt naked into the bathroom and as the shower was turned on, he heaved a sigh of relief. She was in the bathroom and he needed to find the keys.

He turned, standing in the bathroom which had its doors wide open Bella with no single clothes under the shower with the water pouring on her shiny marble skin. Ethan swallowed hard, he was mortified, he never imagined the door to be wide open.

Bella turned and saw him standing like a person who had his legs glued to the floor, she was still tipsy. Bella turned away ignoring his presence, suddenly she felt something go up her throat, she rushed towards the sink she threw up almost losing her balance, out of reflex the man rushed to hold her, if she was to fall on the floor of the tiled bathroom the results would have been fatal.

Almost forgetting she was not clad he shook like a leaf with his hands around her thin waist holding her firmly like a brittle glassware. Bella giggled wrapping her hands around his neck weakly, it was obvious she was drunk, she looked very mean, like a rude girl, and boy she'd never believe she was naked in a hotel holding a man who was struggling to keep himself together. He led her towards the bed and attempted to push her down but her grip around his neck only tightened, at this point, all he wanted to do was find the keys and run off because he knew his self-control was at only one string of snapping.