


"Miss, please where are the keys? " he asked quietly, with his red face over her bare chest trying not to inhale the scent of lavender on her skin.

" I won't tell you" she scoffed, still holding him tight, the man was full of regrets, if only he had listened, Adrenaline rushed into his head.

"Ok, let's make a deal " he suggested hastily.

" what kind of deal" she muttered tiredly.

" If you give me the keys I won't go, I'll stay and sing you a lullaby," he said and almost immediately she reached out under her pillow and gave him the keys. Still grabbing his hands she stared deep into his eyes, they were lovely and she was breathtaking.

"Alright, sing for me" She smiled when he held out his hands and cleared his throat noisily.

"I can't seriously..." he chuckled, Bella groaned in disappointment.

"Alright... Do, reh, mi" he sang in his very deep guttural voice that sounded so silly. Bella looked displeased but the man was lost staring into her green eyes, her plump pink almond-shaped lips pursed, in a petite pout, he wasn't serious.

The man on the other hand was lost as he had seen two different emotions on Bella's face and he noticed that since their meeting she had never smiled, but when she did smile, she looked like an angel.

"You promised to sing, was that it ...? She said in disappointment, He swallowed hard wishing he could resist this temptation, he pressed his lips to hers kissing her gently while his hands wandered around her naked skin caressing, touching, pinching, and cupping her peaches. She kissed him back slowly taking his hands and guiding them down there as his fingers played with her garden, sucking in air, she gasped, moving her body back and forth


"Aa..hh!" She let out a low moan when she felt a finger slide in and he came back to his senses pushing her off gently.

"I'm so sorry miss.." he stammered storming out of the room while Bella sat up on the bed, with her hands over her chest, Ethan got into his car and slammed his fist on the wheel cursing.


That was wrong, He almost took advantage of a drunk girl, he felt so guilty, hitting his breaks he zoomed off not daring to look back.

In the morning at the hotel Bella, was awoken by a throbbing headache. She looked around the unfamiliar environment, just then memories of last night resurfaced and she kicked off the duvet violently. She remembered everything, he had seen all of her, touched, kissed, and... hell no, she had drank so much and that homeboy had taken advantage of her.

She looked at the bed and discovered that he had left a rare golden ring. He was no homeboy, whoever he was, he was rich and popular. That must have been the reason was so keen on hiding his identity and he was very foolish as well.

"I swear I'll kill him if we ever meet again " she cursed, looking at the clock it was already past nine, she bathed, put on her clothes left the hotel, and flagged down a cab to the airport.

At the airport Lilith was sat at the lounge, tapping her feet impatiently, their flight was almost ready and Bella was yet to arrive. A few minutes later she sighted her from afar, she was in the same clothes as yesterday and presumed she must have had a night out.

Bella had no luggage with her, just her handbag but luckily for her, Lilith was kind enough to pack her things.

"I thought you were the most capable, no one told me your punctuality was marked out, where were you? "She asked frowning.

" none of your business, bitch" she hissed ignoring the fact that the luggage she had left home was already at the airport without her effort.

"Ingrate" Lilith muttered, Bella shoved her roughly as she went to get her flight tickets.

The flight was a cold and silent three-hour one, but Lilith felt like they'd been on the plane forever. They got to New York in time and when they alighted from the plane an old black Lamborghini picked the girls up. The drive to the mansion was worse than the plane, no one said a word, and it was so quiet that you could hear someone's heartbeat.

" So Lilith, I heard you were selected for this new mission" the driver who had a thin bony face and structure with scanty beards asked trying to lighten the atmosphere.

" Yeah, I hope it goes well, you know who we're dealing with so it's not gonna be like the usual missions " she replied.

"The crook is a crafty one, he's done so many evils and hurt so many people, even his best friend and partner, you know the whole story right" he said and Lilith took a sharp look at Bella who had drawn out a cigarette and lighted it, He had hurt her as well and now his downfall was drawing near.

" yeah! I know Gin, we're gonna smash this mission, we're one of the best, the Don knows why he picked us instead of Pablo and his crew " Lilith said. How were they going to do that when they were not getting along, Bella didn't see her as a partner, rather she saw her as competition.

"Those guys are good though but you know we need insiders the crook would never suspect and you ladies look so innocent, well not Bella actually, she looks rather terrifying " he joked and Bella rolled her eyes puffing air out of her mouth and nose, she stared blankly at the foggy smoke as it circled round her.

"Yup, I bet they'll suspect us at a glance because of her mean face, and boy they'll be sure to find out about her mean attitude, hope she doesn't blow this up" Lilith hissed.

."you guys know I'm right here, right? " She sneered.

" of course we do darling" Gin laughed dryly.

"I Wonder how Rowen keeps up with her, Men have no taste, how could both lovers be so sick and toxic" Lilith said rolling her eyes.

"That reminds me, have you spoken with Rowen in a while, " Gin asked grinning.

"That's none of your business Gin" she hissed, Rowen was Don's only son and the underboss and everyone knew about his infatuation with her.

"What about my love?" He grinned widely Lilith could swear his smile extended to his ears.

"What love?" Lilith asked peering at him

"I never knew you had a girlfriend," she said in surprise.

"It's Meena ", he smiled and Bella shot him a deadly glare.

" I know she's your baby Sis but I'm serious about my feelings," he said and Lilith sighed slapping her forehead.

"Looks like you're tired of having your balls intact, my advice to you brother is to stay away from the mother hen's chicks, or you'll lose 'em ballz" Lilith joked.