

Williams Santiago

The Grey mansion.

A huge man in a black suit, with eyes so intimidating and scar lines at the side of his face sat across another who wore a pair of goggles and he held some documents in his hand.

"Sir, someone started a rumor online about the boxes of cocaine found in our sugar delivery buses last month and they even questioned our customers, the beverage and chocolate factories and they affirmed there was no delivery made that day. The internet is buzzing about the possibility but our lawyer omitted the findings of the drugs which were withheld from even the workers and said instead that all the engines of our vehicles were sabotaged.

He declared there was no clear proof and He defended the sabotaging of all our vehicles and raised the question of who could be responsible..."

"Armando did this! I know it's him" Santiago gritted his teeth, while the other man adjusted his glasses and squinted his eyes.

"How can you be so sure Williams, it could be a rival company that knows about your past and wants the public to question you".

"Garero we have worked together for years and I can recognize his handwork anytime, anywhere... He strikes like a cobra when you least expect"

"So how would he be getting information, do you think he has spies...?" Garrero asked and Santiago cut in slamming his fist violently on the table.

" Do you expect me to answer that question?" His voice thundered with anger, and Garrero lowered his shoulders. while drawing backward. "If I didn't know your capacity I would be taking you for a fool now!, Find me the spies!" He ordered.

"I..I.will find the spies sir Santiago I promise..." Garrero rose shakily.

"Send your men to all our companies someone must be feeding that bastard with steady and accurate information" He cursed under his breath.

"I'll send my findings to you sir... H...have a nice day" He rushed towards the door and as he left the door was shut loudly. Santiago paced back and forth and as he raised his head, up at the stairs a lovely woman in her mid-fifties gazed down at him, her left eye was covered with a eye patch, she wore a cold frown on her face.

"He's trying his best Santiago, you do not need to be too harsh on Him" She calms. voice rang out as she climbed down.

"Well, He isn't doing enough! I have to take precautions..." He said dialing a number on the telephone.

"You want to double our security... You know how much Ethan hates it, Santi he's no longer a kid and he has very good guards". Lola said calmly with her soothing voice.

"I'm doing what's best for this family and could you guys please be grateful, Nobody ever appreciates what I do for this family!"

"The reason this family is this way is because of you Santi, Why do you subject us to this? We live like thieves in the country, worse in our birth country, we are always hiding"

" I'm trying to keep us safe, If you don't appreciate it then fuck it!" He groaned, stomping out of the living room leaving Lola standing alone in the cold. and quiet living room.

At her table Bella smiled as she went through Her phone, Everyone on the media talked about the alleged cocaine in the delivery trucks and even the beverage and chocolate factories released. statements saying that such had never happened before, they were. dragged into the mess and even got investigated alongside the company, some people said it was a false rumor others agitated that it could be true due to the call received.

Several Beverage and chocolate industries ended their partnership and contracts with Santiago's sugar company and the sales have decreased drastically, Santiago's lawyer defended the company saying there was no proof of any drugs found. The old crook must have disposed of it so well.

Finally, her men did something right. She frowned as she checked her analysis on the computer, all other companies were suffering a great deal because of the rumor but not the textile industry, it rather seemed to have gained more profit continuously and she couldn't understand why.

" Looks like We underestimated your pretty boy, He actually has the company moving even as others are failing, How is He doing that?" Lilith said sitting atop Bella's desk with a cup. of coffee in her hands.

"I heard He gave a fancy speech and That he plans to extend the Invite to many people to celebrate their 24th Anniversary, He even convinced some companies to go back to doing business with The sugar factory and stated that everything was a rumor". Bella said frowning, she had been snooping around his desk all day and even though the memo had been passed, she knew beforehand.

"Wow, He should run for president next, He really is a man of the people" Liith smirked, "Well, the party is just a few days away"

"It's a shame we don't get to wreck it" Bella sighed biting her lower lip.

"Not now when the company is in a bit of a crisis, we will be caught if we make one wrong move" Lilith disagreed with her.

"We should just stick to gathering information like who the Top textile customers are, little things that could wreck this ship too".

"You know I love chaos, Lilith, it's unlike me to sit and spy without actually doing anything" Bella stood up and trashed her coffee cup.

"I'll be staying Overtime today, let me see if I can find something," Bella said, and Lilith rolled her eyes.

"Be careful, It's not like I care though" Lilth got up from the desk dragging her feet weakly out of the door.

It was getting late and the Company was completely empty, Bella sat on her desk typing when Mako a huge security officer walked in.

" I hope you don't plan on staying any longer Bella, The new instruction from the manager is that at 6:30 pm, every worker should have left the premises, this is due to the issues with the rumors" He explained.

"How does the rumor of the sugar company affect the textile company? I know Both are owned by the same person" Bella asked.

"Well, I think The Boss feels It could happen again, He thinks it's the doing of an old friend turned enemy... I don't want to bore you with details".

"That's rough," Bella said with her eyes fixed on the keys hooked on Mako's pants, she bit her lips involuntarily, she knew Mako had the spares to the file room, where Mr. Ted worked, Mr. Ted was always misplacing his keys and Mako held a spare.

"Whatever! I just wish to keep my job..." Bella began packing her bags. "See you tomorrow Mako, Lilith must be waiting for me, she rushed nudging him gently while snatching the keys so smoothly without making a sound.

"Wait!" He said and Bella froze, her heart skipped as she turned towards him with her face holding no emotion, and her hands went up, stroking the small needle holding up her hair waiting for the time to strike.

"Could we go out sometime, like you know I've been into you for quite some time now and you've not given me a chance". He pleaded Bella's mouth turned in disgust.

"Sorry Mako, I don't do love" Saying this Bella walked out of the door as quick as her legs could carry her