

The date

Ethan noticed the distant look in her eyes and noticed she had been staring at the park as they passed by.

"You must have fun memories, I had some of them too, I almost peed in my pants on a rollercoaster once" He smiled as he recalled the silly moments.

"I've never been to a park, No orphanage would arrange that, they'd rather use all the money for food," Bella said and his chest tightened, but an idea struck him.

"We can go this Saturday" He suggested "You'll be free won't you"

"What? No!... Aren't we too old to visit some park?" Bella shrieked and he chuckled.

"No! We're not too old, trust me it'll be fun. See it as a thank-you gift for helping me out with work" He smiled. Finally, they stopped at their building, Lilith was outside tapping her feet impatiently, She didn't seem to notice the flashy car in front of their building until Bella emerged from the car.

The driver waved at Bella as he drove away. Bella with shaky legs waddled towards Lilith, who stood with her hands crossed and a smug on her face.

"Do you know the fucking time" Lilith yelled as they moved into the elevator that led to their floor. Bella ignored her completely.

"Look Bella, I know you don't trust me and all but... I'm actually worried!" Lilith explained but Bella covered her ears with both hands utterly annoyed by Lilth's gibbering.

"I'm not worried about you, if you think I am then you're mistaken...." She continued as they went into their room. " I'm just making sure you don't create a case... You know like, Killing Pretty Boy or sabotaging our plans, Don's orders" Lilith said satirically.

"This mission is rather slow, Don't you think?" Bella said fighting the images of her sticking a knife in Ethan's throat with his beautiful eyes staring at her in pain, She wasn't a very patient person but she had to control herself as she was taking orders from the Don. " I can't stand another day in that office".

"The guy that dropped you earlier... was that the manager, Ethan Santiago?"

"Yeah," Bella murmured as she struggled to place an order online. her stomach grumbled loudly, she hadn't had anything other than the cheesecake and lemonade she had for breakfast that morning.

"But you have to be careful girl, you have to try not to get too close to him or else you could lose control... you could go berserk and murder him, or others standing in your way. Lilith advised that she knew how ruthless and determined Bella was and she hoped she wouldn't lose her mind or decide she wanted to kill Williams Santiago Herself, which was incredibly impossible and was going to get them all exposed.

"Killing him won't be as satisfying as killing Williams and I think getting close to him would help us get more information so don't be scared, I have control over my body even if every cell in me wants to dissect him limb by limb. Plus all this is hopefully ending soon".

"Geeze Bella, your mind is so messed up" Lilith groaned. " Besides have you heard of the Celebration of the Williams Empire's 20th Anniversary, It's next month and all Workers are invited" She announced excitedly.

"I sure love parties" Bella grinned, She remembered her first mission, When she was eight. She had to act like the child of one of the servants in a small private party. She was instructed to swiftly open fire on everyone in the building.

She recalled how scared she was as people screamed, forcing their way through to escape the huge smokey flames, the feeling of Deja Vu from her past Invaded her being as she stood in front of the burning hall. But something made her rush back into the fire fearlessly... A falling pram outside, surrounded by flames. Flames she had set.

Bella tossed on her bed as remembered how displeased Don looked, as she held up the four-month-old child in her hands shaking with tears in her eyes.

"You want me to let you keep her?" His deep voice thundered, Young Bella shuddered at his tone, and in her tiny voice, she begged.

"I couldn't leave her there... She's a baby" She cried with her arms wrapped strongly around the child who cried aggressively.

"Mon Belladonna... in a real mission, You could get traced! What normal assassin gathers all the children around while aiming for their parents... He seeped in the air and paused for a while.

"I won't make that mistake again... I promise but you have to let her stay with me" She sniffled.

"I will my little venom. But remember, Emotions make an Assassin worthless and vulnerable to the enemy or even to himself... Imagine you died in that fire you made" He scolded. squeezing his face in disgust at the child she held in her hands he sighed.

"You'll only get to meet her once in a month... I don't want you distracted" He hissed, his Adviser shook his head in disapproval, the Don was being too lenient with this child... This wasn't her first kill, though it was her first mass murder and she still let little things get in her way.

A loud squeal woke Bella from her slumber, she groaned, it was Lilith and she was staring at the Window.

"He's Here Bella" She announced cheekily as Bella Flung aside her Duvet dragging her legs to the window to peek.

Ethan wore a simple Shirt with a pair of jeans. It was obvious he was trying to keep a low profile, he had a baseball hat and dark shades as he didn't want to attract attention. Bella stared intently from her window, she still had her nighties on and her hair... Well, her hair looked like something a bird would reject for a nest. Left to her she would not want to go to the park with the son of a bitch but, she decided to play it cool for a while.

"Thy prince awaits," Lilith said dramatically waltzing to the bathroom. Bella didn't expect this Idiot to show up at her house today, He was fricking serious when he said he was going to take her to the park! What was she... Eight?.

Ethan leaned onto his car with his hands folded. He checked for the time on his watch, it had been over 30 minutes since he arrived and Bella was not done yet. He had tried calling through the line she had submitted as her phone line in the office and after two failed attempts she picked up grumbling grumpily.

Just then a slim figure in yellow emerged in from the door with another clothed in black, one quick glance and you'd think it was a pretty princess and her bodyguard. Recognizing the permanent frown and the messy ponytail he sat up and smiled.

"Bella, Hi" He greeted. With one hand in her pocket and the other with her phone her stern eyes examined him. She stopped right in front of him, giving off a masculine aura. But still, in his eyes she was gorgeous even if her plump lips were not glossed like that of other girls, her black T-shirt and black pants fit her so well. Looks like black was her color anyway.

"Good morning" She responded coldly. Lilith's hands were stretched out for a hand shake, she couldn't deny their boss was so handsome... She was pretty too and more girly. Why doesn't she get the cute guys?... Why do they like weird girls like Bella? She wondered.

"good morning Mr. Ethan, I'm Lilith Bella's Roomie, I'm also your employee" she giggled as he shook her with that annoying smile Bella abhorred so much on his face.

"Nice meeting you Lilith" he answered. "We are headed to the park, are you going somewhere?', We can take you..."

"Oh, thank you for your offer but I'm waiting for a friend out here" she declined, Ethan shrugged his shoulders, He sprinted, opening the door of the car for Bella like the gentleman that he was and she entered.

The park was a stone's throw from Bella's house, so when their car zoomed past the park, she gave Ethan a death stare.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked Coldly. Ethan adjusted his seat belt nervously, He Hoped he had not pissed her off... Well, she was mad but he hoped she would not mind.

" I want to take you to the coolest Park in Brooklyn... Trust me you'll never regret" He smiled. Bella frowned with her eyes fixed at the window as they drove further .