
Being The Duke's Temporary Fiancée

"How can I ignore someone in need? I have to help them so they can become one of my chess pieces" ____________ After dying and finding herself in her favourite novel as a character named Erionella she is determined to leave this world. The only way to leave is by finding the wishing stone which resides in the land of demons named Ulenov. The portal to the modern world could only be opened a year from now, which was day the of Latil. But she could be given off in marriage to some crazy psycopath. And only one person is capable of breaking the barrier that surrounds Ulenov. This person is the villain of the novel; Duke Crinoel Garcia. So in order to be safe from an unwanted marriage and enter the land of Ulenov she gets engaged to him. An engagement that would last only a year according to the contract. So all she has to do is live a simple life as Erionella Josephine Renowarin daughter of a Count for 365 days. But...a dangerous path awaits her during that one year. _____________ "You're one of my pawns so you can never become a player" How dare some novel characters try to kill her. ______________________________________________ Characters, plot and whole story are all originally mine. Character development and slow plot until chapter 35. Spelling and grammatical errors as its unedited. Cover made by @Serenity070 Also published on wattpad.com @Adivonna

Queen_Adivonna · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 5: Engaged to the Duke

She drew all the magical energy she had inside of her and turned it into strength just as the book had instructed.

She continuously repeated the phrase 'first meetings in books basically determine how things will go, so don't mess up'

In the novel, the last scene featuring Erionella talked about how she used a magic circle to teleport Mareeonel and admitted she was a mage before she disappeared.

Being a mage was probably her biggest trump. It could score her a ticket to Ulenov and keep her safe even if he succeeded in destroying this world.

"It's a bit to unexpected for us to meet like this but I shall introduce myself as a humble mage who is graced with your presence.

I am Erionella Josephine Renowarin, daughter of Count Renowarin. It is a pleasure to meet you, Duke" Erionella said with the brightest smile she could form.

Crinoel struggled with all his strength then started using his own magic and slowly the chains start to break but Erionella made them stronger.

"I just need you to listen to this. It may sound strange how I know but you need to enter Ulenov and so do I. And to enter Ulenov you NEED a mage. You've practically searched this whole continent and I doubt you'll ever find one that isn't me.

I want to be your mage and would like for you to take me to Ulenov"

Just as she had finished her brief statement, the chains broke and he sprang up and pointed a sword that appeared out of thin air to her neck.

"Who are you?" He said with a deadly aura as he challenged her with his eyes.

"Geesh, I just told you who I am" Erionella said pushing his sword away doing her best to show a care free attitude.

"You want to invade Ulenov and I want to enter Ulenov, you need a mage which I am and I need you who is an official person in the empire to let me through, understanding the connection"

Crinoel thought for some moment and pointed his sword at her and asked as he tried to intimidate her "How did you learn of my plans"

"Well, from my source" Erionella said casually as she sat comfortably on the couch while her inner self panicked and outside she seemed lighthearted.

"Name the source."

"Duke, I mean no harm to you. And don't worry, my source is no longer in this world" Erionella said as she made a sad face.

'Well it is true, my source is the novel which isn't in this world'

'How did she know of my plans? No, first I have to accept this blindly ignoring the suspicious scenario because without a mage the 'Lord of Nightmares' will definitely win' Crinoel thought inside his head.

"Fine. I will accept your deal, if I have a way to assure you can't stab me in the back even if you have ulterior motives"

"Well I guess there is a way, but it's also my only ulterior motive. And it's also a problem to you."  Erionella said as she toughened herself up and prepared herself for her next words.

"Before we may make plans for the invasion, I may be sent in marriage to Marquis Michael who is pressuring my family.

And my source also said in order to get access to a certain someone's army you have to get engaged to a girl who is the daughter of a Count or Viscount who is neutral in the noble world."

"This is the part where you propose right?~" A voice at the door said as Erionella and Crinoel turned around on guard as their gazed landed on a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

With a white cape and all white outfit with a sign of a golden lion on the cape. He had a one sided smile on his face that complimented his majestic presence.

"I greet the brightest star of the Empire. And wish his Majesty happiness on the stars yearly celebration" Crinoel and Erionella greeted in unison.

Erionella mentally ticked the people on her list that she had seen.







-Elliot= Now Seen

-Crinoel= Seen

Crown Prince Elliot.  The second male lead of the novel.

"I was standing here from the beginning because Miss Erionella forgot to close the door" Prince Elliot said pointing at the door.

'I really forgot to close the door! But at least Elliot already knows of Crinoel's invasion plan and is on his side'

Erionella coughed as she got down on one knee and flowers appeared in her hand "Will you be my fiancée, Duke Crinoel Garcia?"

"Yes" Crinoel said as he sighed.

Documents were signed and the Prince Elliot bared witness to the proposal, in order for Erionella to be engaged to the Duke.

For only a year. She would be his temporary fiancée.

Exactly a year from now the engagement would be annulled, and Erionella would be back to being Leilan.

They parted ways quietly as Crinoel left to his territory with the documents and Erionella back to the ballroom with the second documents.

Irliona met up with Erionella as they walked back to the ballroom, the engagement documents safe inside a box in her dressing room.

Her brother didn't pay much attention as she returned at the expected time and told her lightly of the incident of Lady Veloryn beating up Marquis Michael.

At least she wouldn't see that dirt hole  for some time.

When they got back to their territory, the maids told her all about what happened.

"Lady Veloryn came in shouting 'So you have the guts to appear here you asshole!' then landed a punch on his face.

The Count and Countess had drank a bit too much so the Young Master had to take care of them.

But Lady Veloryn needs to be punished for such an act!"

"Yeah, beating up my lady's future husband" Another maid said.

No way in hell was Michael going to get the opportunity to marry Erionella. Not now that she was engaged to the Duke.

The night ended in a flash and the nobles were all talking about the incident.

But the next week's event caused the whole empire and all neighboring kingdoms to buzz loudly as Duke Crinoel Garcia sent engagement presents to a Count's family.

And the engagement was personally announced by the Crown Prince.

The Empire was in a state of panic at this unexpected event.


Hello there! Well, I'll introduce myself.

I am the author of this book, and you can just call me Adivonna.

I am a hardcore Manwha fan who was inspired to write my own story after reading so many of them.

I am a young teenager who still has to improve her writing skills and grammatical errors, which I'm working to correct but with time, I'm sure I'll improve.

Feel free to share your thoughts and questions about the book by commenting.

I love reading every comment so far ^^

I'm not sure how sensitive I'll be, but please no hate comments :(

Thanks for taking your time to listen to me and read my story!

I update every Friday or Saturday.

Looking forward to seeing more of you lovely reader ^-^

Signing out
