
Being The Duke's Temporary Fiancée

"How can I ignore someone in need? I have to help them so they can become one of my chess pieces" ____________ After dying and finding herself in her favourite novel as a character named Erionella she is determined to leave this world. The only way to leave is by finding the wishing stone which resides in the land of demons named Ulenov. The portal to the modern world could only be opened a year from now, which was day the of Latil. But she could be given off in marriage to some crazy psycopath. And only one person is capable of breaking the barrier that surrounds Ulenov. This person is the villain of the novel; Duke Crinoel Garcia. So in order to be safe from an unwanted marriage and enter the land of Ulenov she gets engaged to him. An engagement that would last only a year according to the contract. So all she has to do is live a simple life as Erionella Josephine Renowarin daughter of a Count for 365 days. But...a dangerous path awaits her during that one year. _____________ "You're one of my pawns so you can never become a player" How dare some novel characters try to kill her. ______________________________________________ Characters, plot and whole story are all originally mine. Character development and slow plot until chapter 35. Spelling and grammatical errors as its unedited. Cover made by @Serenity070 Also published on wattpad.com @Adivonna

Queen_Adivonna · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: Demon Blood

"Only with a desperate wish and horrid fate, shall you rule a world. You will become its creator. But only under the guidance of the throne. However, I ask you to destroy it and change your belief "

These words echoed in Erionella's mind as she fell unconscious.

"You want to know the real reason why the three families lost against Garcia? What do you think?" A woman's voice echoed in her mind.

"Why don't you stop your games? If you don't want to tell me that. At least tell me were the books are!" A man's angry voice resonated in her ears.

She couldn't see the people who were speaking. But she could hear their voices in her mind. It felt as if someone was showing her something.

But it was hard to concentrate on the scene that was going through her mind.

Her surroundings changed to a white void she was familiar with. The white void was the first thing she saw after she had died.

"Erionella" She turned around reflexively as she had gotten so used to the name. The person she expected was looking at her.

The woman's red hair and silver eyes were the first sight she greeted after her death.

"Harlyn" She called out the woman's name.

A part of Erionella had this feeling that something was wrong. At the back of her mind, something told her that there was something she needed to know.

"You're thoughts are right" Harlyn's words brought her out of her thoughts. "I can read your mind and hear everything you say, because both of us have been able to cross a bridge. Metaphorically speaking"

Erionella raised an eyebrow in question but Harlyn just shook her head. "There are so many things that are happening. Bad things.

That only you have the power to solve. I can't tell you because of some rules. Rules that I very much hate.

All I can do is give you some instructions so you can break these rules. It all sounds confusing, I know"

Erionella mulled over her words then nodded in understanding. "Okay,"

"What? You calmly accepted it like that? Aren't you surprised?"

"I've reincarnated into a fantasy novel with magic and demons. Nothing is going to be more shocking or surprising. Besides, I kind of expected this.

Back in the modern world I was a crazy reincarnation story reader and in all the stories, things aren't supposed to be easy. Sitting back and waiting for the day of Latil has been boring so far. Something exciting will lighten up my mood"

A light chuckle escaped Harlyn's mouth. Erionella voiced out what she understood. "So there's something bad that's going to happen.

Which you know about, but can't tell me, because of some rules, which only I can break.

You can only tell me to do some stuff which will lead me to know about whatever is happening" Erionella repeated Harlyn's  words for confirmation.

"Correct. Also, make sure to remember all the odd dreams and scenes you've been  seeing in your head"

"Got it" Erionella recalled the scene she had just seen and spoke "Just now there was a woman talking about why the 3 families lost against Garcia. And a man talking about some books"

A flicker of hope ignited in Harlyn's heart as she listened to Erionella's word's.

''She saw a vision related to the books' Harlyn thought to herself before saying. "I can't tell you anything about your dreams except you should remember them"

"Alright. Now what do you want me to do?"

"I want you, to take control of this novel" A faraway expression came on her face as if she was remembering the past.

"What do you mean by that?" Erionella didn't grasp the meaning behind Harlyn's words.

"I can only elaborate further and tell you that I no more have power of the novel as its author. But you, are a plot hole in the story. I need you to not only change the plot of the story, but also the main characters"

Erionella understood her words and planted it in her head.

Harlyn continued. "You've done a great job so far, so keep it up. You were invited to the Empress' tea party, which is in a few days. There, you will carry out your first mission" Harlyn paused.

"Which is?" Erionella was feeling a bit excited about what she'd need to do. She was one who enjoyed challenges.

No matter how big the challenge is, she'd face it. Because she had to return to the real world.

There was just 292 days before the barrier around the demon land weakens and the portal to her world would open.

"I want you to become a hot topic in the society. Do something that will make you to be talked about" Was the mission Harlyn gave Erionella before the Harlyn was once again left alone in the white void.

'It's better than before. Now I can at least share this much. She really has done a good job. All I can do for now, is hope that her true self is awakened' Harlyn thought before teleporting to a little room.

"Hmm. If she does something worthy of gossip, my so called 'holder' can't prevent talks about Erionella spreading. And he will definitely hear about her" She said out loud to herself in the little room.

The more Erionella got a taste of negative emotions. Anger. Sadness. Hatred. The closer she'd be to her awakening.

Such is the fate of a descendant of the Royal demon clan. Erionella was the rightful heir to the throne of the demon land and in fact not the 'Lord of Nightmares'

Harlyn was really grateful, for have writing a the plot hole back then. The plot hole itself was a character in the novel, she named 'Erionella'

In the beginning of her novel, she had made 'Erionella' an insignificant side character who was the daughter of a Count.

However, after she had reached 52 chapters she saw the name in her 'characters list' but had completely forgot about her.

So she used the name for another female character who would be the second mage existing. Yes, a second mage. This meant Erionella wasn't the only mage that was currently alive.

The mage that she had written about wasn't given any description. Just a few lines in the book were she said 'the mage was the one to help Crinoel into the demon lands'

This was a great problem. Why? Because if her 'holder' found the other mage and turned them to their side, things...would be really catastrophic.

Anyways, she had given Erionella, the role pf a side character, who was a mage. Then once again she had forgotten who 'Erionella' was.

She then bestowed the name 'Erionella' to the last person to inherit the blood of the royal demon family.

'Erionella' was the one who broke the barrier between the modern world and the novel. It was a big secret that was erased from the minds of anyone who knew it. Erased by the order of fate.

No one knew about this secret. Not even Harlyn. Because if this was known by any living soul, that person would gain the power to rule the world. All the worlds.


291 Days before Latil. 1392nd Year of the Florentine Empire. 7th of October.

Her eyelids slowly fluttered opened. The first thing that came into view was the white ceiling.

The ceiling felt like it was spinning. She tried to raise up her body from the bed, but all her body parts felt numb. Her joints were stiff so she did her best to stretch out.

The first thing she felt was thirst. This led her to get up from the bed to look for water.

"Sister Erionella? You're awake!" Due to her immense thirst, she had failed to notice the person who was sitting beside her, at the left hand side of her bed.

"Mareeonel?" Erionella was confused at why the Duke's sister was currently in her room then recalled the words of a maid before she fainted.  "The duke's sister is here"

She wondered why Mareeonel had suddenly visited her house.

She stood up from the bed to first of all get water before she spoke, but fell back down on the bed because of her legs that were wobbly.

Mareeonel rushed to her side and helped her up. "You just had a magic regeneration, so it's impossible for you to walk" Mareeonel's words made her confused so she explained.

"You see. I came here for two reasons. Firstly, older brother heard your parents were coming back.

He wanted to visit them but he's been stuck in a meeting with the Emperor, so he sent me in his stead. The second reason..." Mareeonel let her words trail off.

She walked lightly to the door and opened it swiftly. She peaked out to the corridors, making sure no one was near by to listen in, on what she was going to tell Erionella.

Mareeonel opened her lips to speak but suddenly her little finger nails began to grow into claws. Her golden eyes were shining and veins popped out on her hand.

Erionella was bewildered then realised this was the curse on the Garcia family that was mentioned in the novel. The curse was activated when the Garcia family members felt the presence of a demon.

Mareeonel took a deep breath then her claws began to retract and he veins which had appeared on her hand went back to normal. She was using her holy powers to suppress the curse.

When she had gone back to normal she fiddled with her fingers then said lowly while looking Erionella in the eye. "Sister Erionella... you are dying"


"Duke Garcia it is obvious you don't want to support the 'House Reform' project"

The meeting room was tense with silence. The only sound was the voice of the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I never made such a statement. I'm simply not able to go out to the borders to fight some barbarians" Crinoel was annoyed at the Emperor's continuous pestering. It was an obvious ploy to get him out of the Empire for some time.

He probably had some trick up his sleeve in order to subdue the power of the Garcia Dukedom.

But Crinoel didn't want to be too antagonistic towards the Emperor in order to not gain more attention from the nobles because of his more important plan -- the invasion of the demon land.

That was his most important goal. Because he could only bring his mother back from the dead in the land.

The Emperor still insisted and did not hide his frown "Duke Garcia you-

"Your Majesty!" All the nobles turned towards the sound of the meeting doors opening for they all wondered who had the guts to interrupt the Emperor while he spoke.

They were all surprised to see the magic brigade. Magic had been forbidden from the Empire and it was currently rare for people to possess magic. However the magic brigade were a group of magic users who committed their lives to the imperial family and were authorised by the temple.

While everyone else was distracted they didn't notice as Crineol held his right hand with his left one, hiding it under the table.

From his right hand, grew claws that only wild animals would possess. His eyes shone with a kind of madness. Veins popped out of his hand.

The curse on his bloodline was activated. Usually he could control it but his state was currently critical. That would mean a demon was having a 'magic regeneration'

A member of the magic brigade whispered something into the Emperor's ears. He was probably reporting about the demons magic regeneration.

The Emperor immediately stood up from his throne. "The meeting is postponed" He left the meeting room immediately.

Nobles began talking about the magic brigades appearance amidst themselves. But Crinoel wasted no time leaving the meeting after the Emperor went out.

He needed to kill that demon.