
Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Just read it. It might be the most ass thing you have probably ever read. expect really horrible grammar and spelling and yes English is my first language I am ashamed.

Soapety · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 23

[Name: Izuku Midoriya - Izuku Seliara Midoriya

Bloodline: Red Dragon: 40%

Title: Battle Maniac, Goblin Slayer, Bane of Arthropods, First Made Dragon

Level: 160 EXP: 25/100%

Mana: 9272/9272 (+10292)

Class: Rune Master

Str:178 (+46)

Per:179 (+165)

Vit:176 (+34)


Int:181 (+23)

Wis:180 (+64)

Skills: Teleport, Fireball Barrage, Blinding Cloak, Reflect, Enhanced Weapon, EXPLOSION, Demonic Summon, Stealth, Sleeping Cloud, Summer Heal, Sunlight Beam, Solar Drain, Writing, Rune Making, Carving, Rune Language, Flight, Dragons Breath, Heat Resistance(P), Magic Resistance (P), Metamorphoses

Inventory- 22 Items

Dimension: Own

Live Stream: OFF


Dungeon Creation- Forest, Mountain]

How do you even like this FF it's so bad and everything I write I am just pulling it out of my ass but anyways I hope you like this chapter and hope to see you next time.

PS: I kind of just do not want to connect these worlds I have to go back and rewatch or Google information about the world like this one I just wrote some of what I remembered from recent stuff I saw and watched anyway goodbye see you next time.


"Young Mater I have brought the carriage," A woman with short black hair and a sider-themed komodo said holding a carriage behind her as she ran towards us.

"Ooh Mio I am glad you made it safe and sound. Come here I need to introduce you to our friends," Mokoto said as we stepped forward Draco stared at her with disgust for some reason.

After introductions, we see it getting dark so we find an inn for the night walking in I get a room by myself as Victoria wanted a room with the kids and Raith also wanted a solo room while Mokoto went somewhere with Mio I sat on my bed as I said goodbye to the stream and took off my armor. 

"System what is the time difference in this world compared to my home world," I asked hoping for a time change.

[One Month in this world is one day in your world.]

"What, How?" I asked confused.

"This world Rotates there sunfast you just don't feel it the system helps with time changes by changing your body a bit along with your compinions]

"Hmmmm~ Okay I guess that is perfect in my opinion I need to get more information about this world so tomorrow we go to the library," I said to myself as I fell asleep.


Waking up the next morning I eq I could see everyone already awake and eating as I walked in I could see a complicated look on Victoria's face as if she wanted to tell me something, but was not certain about my response.

"Good Morning," I said not feeling hungry so I ran down a kebab from Apeiro as he smiled and ate in a single bite. "So what do you want Victoria," I said outright just cause I didn't want her to feel like she couldn't trust me.

"well I was thinking if I could take Roxxane, Draco, and Apeiro with me around this world," she said as she looked down.

I smiled "Perfect yeah you can just every once in a while tell me about what you find I trust your strength to protect my children," I said as I leaned back in my chair and smiled happily. Now can anyone tell me who this little girl is?" I asked looking at the girl in rags with short orange hair.

"She asked for our help since we had adventures to find her sister and we agreed," Mokoto answered looking at her with a complicated look.

"Okay, how about you Raith anything you want to do?" I asked he seemed neutral, but I could feel something through our link.

"Yeah same to Victoria, but I want to research plants if I could Faint?" He asked I could feel how anxious he felt under that listless facade.

"Yeah of course just be careful and if anything happens contact me," I said as I yawned.

"Of Faint okay I am off," He said, not waiting another second.

"Okay I will be in my room see you guys later and Victoria have fun same to you goblins," I said as I walked back to my room just a bit sad that they were leaving me, but I must first look into this world just a bit and to make a somewhat successful business so I can finish these quest.

Wait I have to complete my Grind Quest I have yet to miss a day I need to finish that and then go to the library.


It has just been a bit over a few hours since I completed my training and now I am heading to the library where I had to ask for directions, sadly most people seem to not even look my way or were scared to even talk to me only a few people answered me and even then I got lost quite a bit I am embarrassed to admit. What does all of my armor have to have some sort of fright effect on people, after a bit, I have made it and it is not big, it's really kind of like an ant shop here just a bit bigger walking in I see a woman with long purple hair and quite relieving close at the front desk fantasy worlds and there a sense of decency.

"Hello how can I help you mister," She said with a smile not frightened by my armor so I was a bit relieved.

"Yes, Hello could you send me to the historical section of this library,' I said as I looked around.

"Sure, it's at eth back of the building so if you go straight that way and then turn right you will find what you are looking for I hope you enjoy my collection of books," She said with a bright smile.

"Thank you," I said as I made my way to where she pointed at.


Well, from what I got from this book is that this continent is shaped similarly to Japan and it has been at war with demons. Recently the demon has taken a good part of the continent and the god of this world summons heroes from other worlds to fight the demons, there is mostly one religion like most fantasy mangas have so yeah you "Original" plot for a fantasy manga. Looking at the stack of the book in front of me I do remember where I got them and I don't want to be a dick by just leaving them here that's rude, but I suddenly got jumped scared by the woman at the front as she appeared in front of me.

"Hello it seems you read a lot and that makes me so happy but sadly we are closing soon so please make your way out sir," Sha said smiling.

"Yes Ma'am first let me put this book away," I said as I stood up.

"Sorry, can't do that from the way you were just staring at them I could tell that you forgot where they went and it would be more work for me to tell you where they went. So please make your way out while I put these back," She said keeping her smile as she grabbed a stack with one hand and another with the other.


After leaving I make my way back to the inn I sense many living signatures so I sneak near the inn I can see people station out in front teleporting to my room I can feel them right outside listening I can hear that they want something from Tomoe and Mio and to leave Mokoto and work for them I could feel a life signature in between them also. Opening my door I am confident in my strength in this world I see a man with a bunch of adventure I remember seeing him in the guild building where I got my level tested. While the rest are foreign to me.

"SO what is this all about I am trying to sleep," I said rubbing my head, but all I touched was my helmet so yeah they would tell I was lying.

"Go back to your room This has nothing to do with you I can even feel mana from you so leave," The man in the front said as I just stood there, but some people went while in the back and started to walk away slowly.

I cast |Sleeping Cloud| as a large cloud of purple smoke came from me and knocked all of the adventures out as I walked back to my room not noticing the shock on the faces of Tomoe and Mio along with the ginger girl with them I need to wake up early tomorrow so I could get to a bigger town or city to make a store of some kind at least.

To Be Continued. . . .