
Hey, I'm Adelle

At Hua Shin Café,3pm

"Oh My God I'm so sorry,"a beautiful girl with long black hair scearm. It seems like she was talking to a man sitting there. The man stod up and then said, "I'm Shu Wei,it's nice to meet you".

"Oh I'm Adelle, nice to meet you Shu Wei",she said. " Do you have a Chinese name? ",he asked."Oh yes I do, it's Lu Ke er",she said with a smile on her face.

After that they both sat down and ordered some coffee since she doesn't like coffee she ordered hot chocolate instead."

"So how old are you?",he asked."Oh I'm 18 this year",She replied."Do you have a job yet? " "No sorry I go for some singing auditions and work part-time to teach ballet"

"Sorry Adelle, your a really pretty girl but your too young and you have plenty of things you haven't done yet so don't make this relationship the thing that will drag you down from your dreams,I'll pay the bill"