
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Thanh xuân
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40 Chs



After the last episode was aired, the discussion of "Come on, Friends" on major software platforms soared.

Ordinary people have a natural curiosity.

Especially a place like Blackwater Street that they had never heard of.

At the beginning, all major media outlets educated the public about "Blackwater Street", but later many videos were blocked by the authorities, and netizens only dared to upload videos privately.

If the government does not take action, they may not care, but once the government takes action, the public will become more curious.

At this time, the right screen is constantly refreshing——

[White vest!!?

[Sanda King!!!?

The previous fight with the white vest was circulated on the internet. He was considered one of the top ten players in UFC. It was the second time such a person appeared in China and he was very famous in the Sanda world.

[Who are you, the program team? How could you film this? ]

[Program crew, if you can interview the man in the white vest, I will be your fan for the rest of my life?


Just after the fight scene was broadcast, the audience was excited, but the next second it switched to "White Tiger Auction Tide", and the comments were not so enthusiastic -

[White Tiger Auction House, where is this?]

[It's so luxurious. I'm rich for once.]


Not many people know about the White Tiger Auction House.

When they were filming, the White Tiger Auction House was not open, so the audience just watched it for fun.

The filming on Heishui Street ended here, and the hot searches for "Sanda King" on Weibo slowly reached the top.

"No," Xu Nanjing put the teacup on the table. He stopped coughing to ease the fear in his heart. He turned his head to look at Xiao Bingwen beside him, "You... what kind of program group did you, Yan Lu, participate in?"

Even the calm Third Master Xu's fingertips were trembling. Although the White Tiger Auction House was not open for business, if Xu Nanjing stood outside the door and said he wanted to go in, the bodyguards of the White Tiger Auction House would throw him out from a distance, not to mention filming him.

"Didn't you say there was nothing good to see?" Xiao Bingwen took a deep breath and looked up.

Xu Nanjing: "..."

Xiao Bingwen slowly retracted his gaze. He saw the program switch to Yan Lu and Mei Yi going to buy groceries. He thought that this was the end of Blackwater Street, so he closed the computer and explained belatedly, "Yan Lu and I have nothing to do with each other."

"The production team must have something to do with them," Xu Nanjing tapped the table with his fingers. He put away his shock and sat up straight, realizing the importance of this matter. "Try to trap Liu Shuhe again."

Xiao Bingwen nodded.

Xu Nanjing lowered his head again, took out his cell phone, sent a message, and asked someone to check the program crew.

"Let the program team interview Bai vest?" Xu Nanjing put away his phone, thinking of the comments that just flooded the screen, and couldn't help muttering: "How dare you think that? Xiao Ming couldn't even get a photo of Bai vest."


Ji family.

Ji Heng and Jiang He hadn't seen each other for several days. At this moment, Ji Heng was holding him in his arms and sitting on a chair watching a variety show. Jiang He was holding a bag in his little hands, on which was embroidered a lifelike cabbage.

Watching TV with eyes wide open and curiosity.

The people in the room had no feelings about the auction house because they had all been there before.

Bai Su leaned lazily against the back of the chair, looking very casual.

On the screen, Yan Lu was telling Mei Yi that several friends would come to dinner.

There are fewer synchronized comments now, and some people are speculating: [Are they the students in the trailer? Not as exciting as before]

[Yan Lu is really courageous. Most people would have invited some people in the industry at this time, but she actually only hired amateurs]

[Attention, fans, please do not attack Yan Lu's amateur friends]

[I heard there is a lawyer, wait a minute, the program crew is so awesome, it must be Zhao Jingzhou?


Jiang Fuli took off his coat and sat next to her wearing only a loose white T-shirt.

When I saw the blurry back of one of them, I recognized it as Bletilla striata.

He saw that the teacup in front of Bai Su was empty, so he reached out to pick up the teapot, slowly poured her some tea, and asked her in a low voice, "Why didn't you come out as a composer?"

"It's just average." Bai Xi commented on his own composition, but looked at Jiang Fuli in surprise. The show hadn't ended yet, so how did he know that she hadn't announced it?

Jiang Fuli also added water to Ji Heng's and his own cups. Hearing this, he glanced at her.

Jiang He held his bag and looked down at his small cup: "..."

Ji Heng tilted his head to glance at Jiang Fuli, whose expression was cold, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

On the screen, the camera has turned to a man and a woman discussing a topic. Neither of them is wearing a microphone, so the voice does not sound very clear, but can be heard vaguely.

[I don't understand, what kind of show is this? Who would go on a show and answer questions? ]

[Yes, I am too lazy to write questions at home]

[But my hands seem to be hindered by the hand that plays the piano...]

In the camera, you can see a white hand holding a pen and writing on paper. It is slender, white, with smooth joints, and looks like a work of art in the camera.

As the barrage was talking, the camera suddenly gave a high-definition shot of the mobile phone.

Everyone can see the question displayed on the mobile phone: a small ball in a vacuum is irradiated with ultraviolet light of a wavelength of 280 nanometers... find the maximum speed of the photoelectrons when they escape... the speed at infinity... and the number of photoelectrons.

The program team added an emoji of a little yellow face kneeling on the ground next to it, and wrote: "It's really not easy to be a high school student nowadays"

[I can understand each question individually, but I don't recognize them when they are put together]

[You'd better make sure this is a high school question]

[Program crew, you are really outrageous. I can tolerate everything else, but which normal high school student would do this kind of question? ]

[The character setting is too obvious, can you at least understand what we normal high school students learn?

The barrage of comments started to appear again, and several comments with the name "Jiang Jing" were among them.

Jiang Fuli looked at the comments, his delicate features hesitant, "Is this question difficult?"

"It's okay." Bai Xi drank the water slowly, "I can, Ning Xiao doesn't have enough time."

Jiang Fuli leaned back and said, "He has always been pretty stupid." Next to him, Ji Heng, who didn't understand anything, said, "..."

He feels that he is now one of those netizens on the barrage.

Fortunately, it only lasted for a while. Chi Yundai's arrival changed the topic again. As soon as Chi Yundai appeared on the screen, the program team wrote his name next to it.

Chi Yundai, 39 years old, is a practicing lawyer.

Yan Lu respectfully called him Chi Lu.

[Chi Lu? I haven't heard of him. Is this hype for him? ]

[+1, I thought the program team could invite Zhao Jingzhou]

[You looked so good in the beginning, why are you so bad in the second half? ]

Soon, the scene of Chi Lu cutting potatoes appeared, and netizens were satisfied: [Program crew, be honest, this should be a five-star chef~]

[Haha, Teacher Mei made me laugh to death. He actually went back to secretly cut potatoes.]



"Come on, Friends" has become a hot topic again because of Sanda King.

The last episode was a blast.

The first half of this episode was even more popular than the previous ones, especially since "White Vest" was already the king of the fighting arena, and now his popularity is even higher. Some people even asked if there was a White Vest account.

It was just the second half that was disappointing, but Chi Yundai was at least called a "five-star chef" by netizens.

But the part in the title made netizens feel very disappointed.

Yan Lu's residence.

As someone who had been hacked all the way, she had a very good sixth sense, so she called Wang Xin directly and asked, "Sister Xin, didn't you watch the show before it aired?"

Wang Xin also saw the rhythm on the Internet. She pressed her forehead and said, "I saw it, but we didn't know that the questions Ms. Bai and the others did were so difficult. If we knew, I wouldn't let the director broadcast it."

The director just wants to resonate with the senior high school students. They have been away from campus for so long and just think that the current senior high school students are very strong.

Little did she know that the only strong ones were Bai Mi and her classmates.

Yan Lu turned on the computer and found that some people on the Internet had already started following the trend.

The last term on the hot search appeared——

[Senior high school questions from "study-loving" Miss Bai Ning]

A few voices calling out Bai Shen and Ning Xiao's names were edited into the show, and netizens are now mocking these two words.

Yan Lu frowned as he looked at this entry, then looked at the following entry -

[Xingyi Martial Arts School Owner]

Her brows were furrowed.

In the information age, there are benefits to having a popular program.

But once you enjoy the dividends, you will naturally suffer corresponding impacts.

Yan Lu is used to being criticized, so she doesn't care, but she doesn't want to see Bai Shi being criticized.

She hung up Sister Xin and called the director directly.

"You mean to cut that part?" The director heard Yan Lu's suggestion and did not hesitate. "That's a good idea. Don't worry. Information age updates quickly. It will be fine once the heat has died down. As for Miss Bai..."

The director was a little afraid that Bai Shi would be angry.

After all, people on the internet were slandering her and Ning Xiao.

"She doesn't go online." Yan Lu sighed.


She felt that Baishen wouldn't care about other people's opinions.

"That's good," the director was relieved. He lit a cigarette and ordered the website to edit the video. He was depressed and confused, "But why are Miss Bai and the others doing this kind of questions?"

He was really depressed. Bai Xi and Ning Xiao were students from Xiangcheng. What could be so special about Xiangcheng's educational resources that made netizens so excited?

Ah, this question stumped Yan Lu.

Yan Lu was not good at studying either, and she just replied: "She can do whatever questions she wants."

That's true.

The director on the other end of the phone shrugged. After all, Miss Bai was so cool and all the big names in the industry called him, so what was wrong with doing a question?

The director hung up the phone.

Next to him, the assistant director stood up from his chair and said, "They are editing the video. I hope netizens will forget about Miss Bai and Ning Xiao as soon as possible."

The director nodded, cigarette still between his fingers, brows furrowed, "How is Lawyer Chi now?"

"You know, our show is so popular now." The assistant director said helplessly.

When I was recording the show, I never thought it would become as popular as it is now. I just wanted to give Chi Lu some traffic, but I didn't expect it to backfire.

The show was so popular and the audience's expectations were so high that Chi Yundai looked too ordinary next to Sun Dan's white vest on Heishui Street.

Bai Shen and Ning Xiao could still edit, but Chi Yundai——

The second half is all about him, there's no way to edit it.

The director blew out a smoke ring, lowered his head to open his phone, and flipped to the official Weibo of "Come on, Friends". "Miss Bai and the others' segments can be edited out, but it's not easy to edit Lawyer Chi's segment."

As he spoke, he opened the comments to see the current trend. Seeing a comment that read "The two students are so pretentious", he frowned and clicked to delete it.

Yan Lu and Mei Yi's fans were trying their best to control the situation, but there were too many passers-by and they still couldn't control the crowd.

Swipe to sort by hot comments and you will see the first hot comment——

[The program crew is so awesome that they even invited Sun Dan. It's ok that they couldn't invite Dean Jian and Bai Jian later. I thought the lawyer who came later would be @赵景州. I'm a little disappointed.]

Zhao Jingzhou, a lawyer known to almost everyone on the Internet, is a top-notch lawyer in the eyes of netizens.

The director was so angry that he laughed: "Why don't they let me invite God over?"


The director deleted the comment and told the public relations department to pay attention to the online rhythm.

Sun Dan from Heishui Street is Yan Lu's connection, so how could the program crew have such omnipotent abilities?

If they had such connections, they would invite ORAs like Gao Shuwei and Xi Yuan to be permanent residents.

"How dare Mr. Zhao and the others say that," the assistant director said, "Are they really not afraid of Mr. Zhao sending them a letter of attorney?"

"It's too hot..." The director held his phone and looked toward the door. "It's at the center of the storm. I don't know if we can continue this show."

The video on the official website was quickly re-edited and uploaded, and the clips about Bai Mi and Chi Yundai were also quickly deleted. They tried to minimize the matter as much as possible.

The online turmoil seems to have subsided.


This is the white smilax.

Neither she nor Jiang Fuli thought there was anything wrong, and they didn't often go online or watch TV.

Jiang Fuli took his coat and went back, while Jiang He stayed with Ji Heng. He did not bring Lego with him when he returned to Jiangjing, and had been secretly leaving it with Ji Heng.

After everyone left, Jiang He carried his bag to get the Lego.

Ji Heng took the pajamas that Jiang He had left there and took him to take a bath. Jiang He was old enough to take a bath by himself. Ji Heng was afraid that he would be scared if he was alone, so he took a small stool and sat by the bathtub waiting for him.

Jiang He was very well behaved while taking a bath, and Ji Heng even bought him a little yellow duck and put it in the bathtub.

But Jiang He has always been a loner and never plays with the little yellow duck.

Ji Heng was looking at the picture he had drawn. When Jiang He saw that Ji Heng was no longer paying attention to him, he stretched out a short finger to poke the little yellow duck, poked the duck's head into the water, and waited for it to float up before poking it back down.

Do this a dozen times.

Ji Heng maintained the same posture for five minutes and his head was already sore. Seeing Jiang He still poking the little yellow duck, he couldn't help but cough.

Jiang He immediately let go of the little yellow duck and scooped up some water to wash his face.

Ji Heng then slowly raised his head and asked, "Have you finished washing?"

Jiang He nodded.

Ji Heng brought him a dry towel, and after Jiang He put on his pajamas, he took a look at Bai Shi's small room.

Bai Shi was staying in the small room next door. The light inside was on and through the crack in the door one could vaguely see her busy figure inside.

Ji Heng suddenly lowered his voice, "Xiao He, do you know the wave function?"

Jiang He looked up, looked at Ji Heng, and blinked in confusion.

Ji Heng: "…"

Okay, he doesn't know.

Ji Heng wondered, isn't this child a genius?

He had an expression that said, "I misjudged you."

Jiang He: "…"

He put on his clothes in silence.

In the small room.

Bai Shi was holding a triangular nail and carefully polishing the jade in her hand. Water slowly dripped onto the machine along the edge of the jade, and the shape of one of the Qilin's feet could be seen.

She polished it twice and looked at it slowly under the light: "Not bad."

A master could polish the jadeite in a few days, but she spent a month and still managed to finish it.

Fortunately, only Jiang Fuli's case is urgent, while Ji Heng's is not.

Give her time to slowly process it.


On Monday, classes went as usual.

Some students in Class 15 were discussing yesterday's program. Yang Lin came very early, and when Bai Mi arrived, she was already writing the test paper seriously.

Bai Su pulled out a stool and sat down, took out a notebook from her schoolbag and pushed it towards Yang Lin.

The notebook hit Yang Lin's elbow and she tilted her head.

"Notebooks, both physics and mathematics." Bai Xi said briefly and put her schoolbag down.

After looking at his phone, He Wen gave her a document.

He Wen: [It's been too long since the college entrance examination, just take a look]

He Wen: [The results of the last experiment were a bit strange]

He seemed busy and spoke briefly.

Bai Xi clicked on the things He Wen had sorted out, then reached out to transfer them to the class group.

The results were weird last time?

While thinking, she took out a pen and exercises. She had finished the papers for the weekend.

Senior year of high school is a process of constantly doing practice questions and finding your own loopholes.

Bai Mi almost stopped reviewing physics and mathematics and focused on chemistry, biology and English. The countdown on the poster at the back showed that there were less than sixty days left until the college entrance examination.

Lu Xiaohan and Wen Qi met at the school gate and came to the classroom together. They saw Bai Di, Yang Lin, Ning Xiao and others were already busy doing their homework.

Wen Qi opened his mouth and said, "When I got up, I saw Sister Xi was still answering questions from the study committee members in the group at 1 o'clock last night, right?"

You got up so early to do your homework in class?

The sports committee member beside him put his arm around Wen Qi's shoulder and said, "This is the academic master, Beibei, learn from him."

Hearing that Qi didn't say anything, he looked at Yang Lin. Bai Su and Ning Xiao were fine, and the two of them didn't have to worry about anything else.

But Yang Lin also has a part-time job. She is working too hard.

Beside Bai Mi, Yang Lin lowered her head and wrote the test paper seriously. No one would feel tired when trying their best for life and the college entrance examination.

"Xiaohan, how is the progress of our graduation gowns?" A girl sat down in front of Lu Xiaohan's desk and asked about the progress of the graduation gowns.

The school will soon organize graduation photos.

Lu Xiaohan took out her phone, swiped the page with her fingertips to open the conversation with Ji Heng, and showed her a new picture of him: "It's this pattern..."

The girl's eyes lit up, and then she remembered something, "Xiao Han, on the show last night, were those Xue Shen and Sister Xu?"

The two of them put their heads together and spoke in low voices so as not to disturb Bai Mi and Yang Lin behind them.

Because of Wen Qi's promotion, everyone in Class 15 watched "Come on, Friends". The senior high school student's face was not shown throughout the whole show, but his back, arms and feet appeared.

Bai Xi and the others didn't wear microphones, but her temperament was so special that people who were familiar with her could tell that it was her.

Lu Xiaohan didn't respond directly, but the girl understood: "It's really you... I was saying, how can an ordinary senior high school student do this kind of questions."

If it was the white smilax, it wouldn't be strange. She breathed a sigh of relief.


at the same time.

Jiang Fu left his residence and went to the laboratory.

He has no interest in cryptocurrencies unless there is a cutting-edge tech auction or an antique he wants.

Xu Nanjing didn't get any useful information from Jiang Fuli. He held the fish food in his hand and said, "It seems I have to go back to Jiangjing."

Xiao Bingwen nodded.

Beside the two of them, Ming Dongheng was looking at the water, his cold face tinged with frost and his brows furrowed.

"Are you still worried about your small martial arts school?" Xu Nanjing didn't care about the small martial arts school. He just looked at Ming Dongheng and found him funny. "Stay out of the spotlight. That's how public opinion works."

Ming Dongheng naturally knew all this. "This is the first time that the martial arts school is recruiting art students. Because of this incident, no students have come to sign up recently. Miss Bai will definitely be disappointed."

"Sister Bai Xi?" Xu Nanjing was stunned. He sat up straight and raised his hand. "What does this have to do with her?"

"The martial arts school was reopened with her support." Ming Dongheng looked up and explained.

Xu Nanjing tapped the railing with his fingertips.

He took out his cell phone and sent a message to Gao Yan: [Looking for a martial arts teacher who is 6th or 7th degree, need him to register with Bai Su's martial arts school]


Jiang Jing.

Xu family.

Gao Yan sat in her seat, looking at the people in front of her. Her eyes fell on a bearded old man in the middle: "Mr. Xu, I heard that your eldest son is a 7th dan?"

All the major families have some confidants, and the Xu family is no exception.

These are the strongest group of people under Xu Jueling.

"Excuse me, Madam. It is my son Xu Jiang," the old man nodded, then looked to the left, "Xu Jiang."

Xu Jiang took a step forward, suppressing his excitement: "Xu Jiang meets the Madam."

Is Gao Yan going to use him more?

The other people behind looked at Xu Jiang with a hint of envy in their eyes.

"I need you to go to Xiangcheng. This is very important to me." Gao Yan looked at Xu Jiang, "I will double your salary."

"Xiangcheng?" Xu Jiang was stunned.

Beside him, his father guessed: "Is he going to protect the Third Young Master?"

"No," Gao Yan did not hide it from them. She picked up the teacup and slowly skimmed off the tea foam. "It's a place in Xiangcheng where you can register yourself. It won't take long. The Third Young Master recently recognized a younger sister. This place is hers. Just follow her instructions when you get there."

Hearing this, Xu Jiang's smile was slightly hesitant.

He originally thought he was going to protect Xu Nanjing. After all, everyone knew that Xu Nanjing was Jiang Fuli's brother.

But I didn't expect him to go to Xiangcheng Martial Arts School?

Xiangcheng is such a far place, will he be able to come back after he goes there?

There is also a sister that the Third Young Master has adopted. How long can the Third Young Master's sense of novelty last?

More importantly, he has gone so far, and he will leave Jiang Jing's circle when he comes back...

Xu Jiang's father was ambitious and wanted to climb up the ladder. Xiangcheng was too risky. He lowered his eyes and said, "Madam, Xu Jiang has no experience in educating people, but his brother should be able to do it."

It is not easy for a branch of the Xu family to cultivate a person. Xu Jiang has a bright future, so he cannot go to Xiangcheng.

Gao Yan also saw that Xu Jiang didn't want to go, she put down the teacup, "Where is his brother?"

Xu Jiang's father looked back and said, "Xu He, you haven't met the first lady yet."

A man in a gray coat came out and said respectfully, "Madam, I am Xu He."

"Have you passed the martial arts test?" Gao Yan looked at his honest face and nodded secretly. This guy is not bad.

Not cunning.

"Six sections."

The strength also met Xu Nanjing's minimum requirements.

"Would you like to go to Xiangcheng Martial Arts School?"

"Xu He is willing."

Gao Yan was satisfied. "Okay, pack your things and go to Xiangcheng tomorrow. The Third Young Master's people will meet you there."


North city.

In the evening, Li Yang is here.

Many fans of Li Yang are discussing the show "Come on, Friends". People in the circle know that Li Yang was originally the guest invited by the program team.

But he was afraid that Yan Lu would affect his image as a pretty boy, so he didn't go.

After the show became popular, Li Yang was also ridiculed online, saying that he was picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

All his big fans know it.

Li Yang's agent saw that people in the group kept @ing him, so he couldn't help but click in to see that it was a rich fan of Li Yang, Strawberry Ice Cream——

[This dog is even more edited than the show. Did Come on Friends want to make Brother Li a god, and Brother Li didn't want to, so he chose to quit? It's not the rumor that he's flattering others and trampling on others.]

[Brother Li was badly attacked last week.]

The agent looked at the message in the group, but did not deny it, nor did he stop the fans' speculation.

The popularity of "Come On, Friends" is still growing.

Netizens like to create gods, and they also like to destroy gods the most.

The program team was highly praised for these two episodes, but the second half was criticized because it did not meet the expectations of netizens, and Li Yang was inevitably involved.

Strawberry Ice Cream is rich, and Li Yang's fans listen to her more than the studio.

Hit wherever you point.

As a big fan, her orders are more effective than Li Yang's. When "Come on, Friends" was broadcast these two days, some people slandered Li Yang and praised the weak, causing Li Yang to be laughed at by passers-by, and many fans quit the group.

Strawberry Ice Cream looked at the edited video, immediately contacted his connections in the entertainment industry, and edited a public relations copy:

v Strawberry Ice Cream: [#Li Yang is really miserable##Come on Friends delete the scene#@Come on Friends official blog, can you answer the questions of netizens? Why is the owner of Xingyi martial arts school only a fifth-dan? As we all know, the teacher of a martial arts school is very important. You don't even have a sixth-dan teacher, so why can you promote it on variety shows? May I ask if you are suspected of fraud @Xiangcheng Public Security Bureau

Second, can the production team find someone with a little more education? Which senior high school student would answer such questions? Yan Lu and Mei Yi kept calling each other "Miss Bai". Can you please read more books, ok? Do you think deleting this paragraph can cover up your stupidity? [Screenshot]

Finally, please don't treat the audience as fools. Yan Lu said that Lawyer Chi is very good, but I don't see how he is good? Is he good at cooking? Is the program trying to create a god like @赵景州律师? It's simply ridiculous. Can you search Lawyer Zhao's resume online?

Li Yang was blacklisted for a week because he didn't want to go on your show. Are you ready to apologize? ]


Li Yang's fans are rich.

By betting on hot searches, "Li Yang is so miserable" soon became the second hot search.

A bunch of passers-by fans clicked in and saw the analysis of Strawberry Ice Cream. Her analysis was very logical, but the second half of the show also disappointed the fans. Now they saw the analysis post and suddenly realized something.

"Come on, Friends" is very popular, and many people who watched the live broadcast remember the part where Bai Mi and Ning Xiao discussed the topic.

However, the footage of the latter question was deleted by the program team.

Deleting trending searches and deleting shots are manifestations of guilt. Most people who were skeptical immediately believed it when they saw the program team doing this.

[I was wondering why the production team only deleted the Weibo posts of "Miss Bai", "Lawyer Chi" and the senior high school student. It turns out it's because of this]

[The program crew thinks the audience are fools? ]

[Sorry, sorry, I was also in Heiliyang last week]

[From this perspective, Li Yang is simply untainted by the mud. There are not many artists like Li Yang in the entertainment industry.]


The heat on the Internet is growing, and Yan Lumei and the program team have both been slandered to varying degrees.

Many people asked on Li Yang's official Weibo:

[Brother Li, is this true? ]

Li Yang's agent's phone rang. It was Sister Xin.

"Sister Xin." Li Yang's agent walked to the window and answered the phone. "You are such a busy person, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Let's not beat around the bush. Those things on Weibo were made by your team, right? How can you remove them?" Sister Xin said bluntly, "You know better than me how Li Yang didn't get into the program team."

Li Yang's agent pretended to be dumbfounded. He was confused for a moment: "Sister Xin, what are you talking about? What happened on Weibo?"

Sister Xin pressed her eyebrows and said, "What do you want? Money or resources? Those kids are indeed senior high school students and will take the college entrance examination soon. You will affect their grades by doing this."

Li Yang's agent smiled and said calmly, "Sister Xin, I don't know what you are talking about."

Now that Weibo is so popular, he doesn't want Li Yang to give up this popularity easily.

He hung up the phone.

"Should we not reply?" The assistant asked Li Yang's agent while holding the phone.

Li Yang's agent looked at Weibo and hung up his phone. "Let's leave it at that for now. We don't care. Anyway, this wave of events won't harm Li Yang."

You can't catch a wolf without risking your child.

Wang Xin's residence.

"They don't want to?" The director sat down on the chair, his mouth blistered with anxiety.

Bai Su and Ning Xiao were ridiculed by the crowd, their martial arts school was questioned, and the same was true for Chi Yundai.

The program team was suspected of marketing Xiangcheng.

"Yes," Sister Xin put down her phone and opened Strawberry Ice Cream's Weibo again. She couldn't think of a good solution for a while, "I'll ask Yan Lu what she said."

She called Yan Lu.

The problem with Chi Yundai is not a big deal, but the problem with Bai Shi is difficult to solve.


The show is too popular.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, when Lu Xiaohan was getting ready to go to bed, she saw a notification.

She frowned and clicked on the comments——

[Read more books, this is the kind of questions that high school seniors normally do [screenshot]]

[Don't compare anyone to Zhao Lu, okay? ]

A message popped up on WeChat. It was someone from Class 15 chatting with her privately. Many people must have seen Li Yang's fans' Weibo.

Lu Xiaohan took screenshots of the content and sent them to Chi Yundai——

[Chi Lu, why don't you sue them? ]

Chi Yundai was reading files at home at this time.

He held a pen in his right hand and drew a symbol on the file.

He was surprised when he saw the message from Lu Xiaohan.

He didn't care about netizens' comments about him, and even laughed when he saw netizens praising his cooking skills.

Lawyer Chi: [It's a pity that I didn't show my cake]

Lu Xiaohan: [...? ?]

Lawyer Chi: [. ]

Chi Yundai coughed and guessed that the two students mentioned by netizens included Bai Shi. He thought about it and took out his mobile phone to make a call.


Xiangcheng Research Institute.

Eleven o'clock, but Jiang Fuli is not planning to go back tonight.

He had just finished his work and was walking out the door, past rows of tall machines. He passed a steel door and swiped his fingerprint next to it, and the door opened from both sides.

As he walked out, he took off his blue radiation protection suit.

The bony hands were casually holding the clothes.

The lights in the lab were always on. The cold light shone on him, making his skin look even colder and paler. The phone in his pocket rang.

It's Chi Yundai.

He glanced down, then swiped the phone and picked it up.

"Mr. Jiang," Chi Yundai couldn't help but stand up from his chair even though they were on the phone. He put down his pen and said, "It's like this. There's something going on on the Internet right now."

He sorted out what happened and reported the whole process to Jiang Fuli.

Jiang Fuli paused slightly. His focus was always different from that of ordinary people. "Which question did netizens say was difficult?"

Chi Yundai: "…Yes."

"I understand." Jiang Fuli walked to his lounge, pushed the door open, turned on the light, opened the computer to check the news online, and it didn't matter about Xingyi Martial Arts School and Chi Yundai.

But regarding the white sedge, his light-colored eyes stared at one of them——

[This Miss Bai and classmate Ning are really pretentious

Jiang Fuli typed out a string of code with a cold expression, deleted the comment, and then sent Bai Shi a message -

[What are you doing?]

Bai Shi replied promptly and gave him a picture: [[Picture]]

She is writing the abridged notation.

Student Bai: [Your typing is very cold]

I could feel his anger through the text. Jiang Fuli paused. He didn't mention what happened on the Internet, but just replied -

[People in the research institute are too stupid]

Student Bai: [Try to understand them]

Jiang Fuli replied: [Oh]

He replied lazily, looking at the computer screen with an extremely cold gaze, and clicked on Academician Ma's WeChat.


The next day, seven in the morning.

Most people are just getting up and getting ready for work.

Li Yang put on a mask and went out surrounded by a group of assistants.

The agent hung up the phone and smiled at him: "The crew of "Qingshan Ballad" gave you a message last night, asking you to go for an interview next week."

Li Yang had discussed this with Qing Shan Yao before, but the other party did not agree. They preferred Mei Yi's acting skills and popularity.

I agreed today only because I value Li Yang's current popularity.

The heat last night was really great.

Li Yang's expression also relaxed a lot.

Just at this moment, Li Yang's cell phone rang. It was his boss.

Li Yang picked up the phone directly. The other party didn't wait for him to say anything and started to scold him: "Li Yang, are you not clear-headed? How dare you take advantage of the popularity! I told you not to mess with the people from the Come on Friends production team, but you didn't listen. What are you going to do now?"

Li Yang paused. He acquiesced to what happened last night.

As soon as he heard what his boss said, he realized something was wrong, so he stopped and turned on his cell phone.

"What's wrong?" The agent looked at him in surprise.

Li Yang shook his head and said nothing. He just clicked on Weibo. Weibo was a little stuck. He waited for Weibo to react before clicking on it. "Check it out. What exactly did Yan Lu and the others do..."

The hot searches have become "Zhao Jingzhou" and "Jiang Jing Preparatory Camp".


While the majority of netizens were still watching the drama, people in Yan Lu's fan group were wailing, saying they didn't believe it and were waiting for Yan Lu to refute the rumor.

But after the whole night, Yan Lu didn't move at all.

Even when he posted a Weibo with a photo of the "sun" at six in the morning, his fans were despairing.

Until then, Yan Lu reposted three Weibo posts, and fans clicked on them with a desperate mood.

The first Weibo post she forwarded:

It was the official account of Come on Friends who reposted and commented on Strawberry Ice Cream's Weibo: [[Picture] Let us congratulate Teacher Xu He for joining Xingyi Martial Arts School]

The picture is the certificate for the sixth section of Xuhe River.

The second one is——

Zhao Jingzhou reposted and commented on Strawberry Ice Cream's Weibo: [Chi Lu is my teacher]

He always kept his words to the point.

Article 3 -

Jiangjing Research Institute reposted and commented on Strawberry Ice Cream's Weibo: [[Screenshot] Let me introduce to you, this is the app for Jiangjing University Preparatory Camp]

Jiangjing University Preparatory Camp?

What's this?

Ordinary people have never heard of this app.

The most popular comment: [For your information, the preparatory camp for Jiangjing University is for top students. Every year, the top 20 students in the province can get a place, and the top 200 students can enter Jiangjing University. The student in this screenshot is No. 14]

Netizens went completely crazy.


Zhao Jingzhou is a popular lawyer on the Internet. Everyone knows that he rarely loses a case.

When seeing Chi Yundai in "Come on Friends", the first reaction of all netizens was——

Why didn't you invite Zhao Jingzhou?

Until now, a Weibo post by Zhao Jingzhou has topped the trending searches.

Fans of Li Yang: [Zhao Lu, just blink if you are forced]

Some bystanders also expressed doubts, "No, why haven't I heard of Chi Yundai on the Internet?"

Two minutes later, a lawyer who knew about the situation quietly wrote in the comment section: [Of course you haven't heard of it. The cases he handled were all international serious cases. Have you heard about the economic loopholes in NS Group two years ago? A top 100 company in the world was gone... Yes, he did it.]

Soon, another netizen posted a screenshot: [[Picture]

When netizens clicked on the picture, it turned out to be the Criminal Code, and everyone saw the words on it:

[List of participants in the revision and editing: Chi Yundai]

At this moment, many people have reposted Strawberry Ice Cream's Weibo: [You haven't heard of him, is there a possibility that he plays in a high-end game? ]

Jiangjing University of Political Science and Law also joined in the fun, reposting the official Weibo of "Come on Friends": [No wonder Professor Chi didn't come back to give lectures, it turns out you guys have seduced him away. Anyone who tries to snatch Professor Chi from us will die [smile]]

Chi Yundai.

Seeing all these pieces of evidence, the haters have nothing to say. As for creating a god...

Can a resume like Chi Yundai's be fabricated?


Apart from Chi Yundai, netizens' attention shifted to Jiangjing Research Institute.

Few people have heard of Jiangjing Preparatory Camp, but if you mention Jiangjing University, everyone knows that it is almost the dream place for students across the country.

Netizens looked at the Weibo post from Jiangjing Research Institute, and some even quit Weibo and then called again.

I thought I was seeing things.

So, this is their daily question?

[Kneeling down and rereading the question]


This wave of popularity was too big, and by the time Li Yang realized something was wrong, it was too late to remove the trending search.

Li Yang sat in the nanny car angrily, his agent was on the phone next to him, cold sweat was pouring down his forehead, and they both realized that this time it was really over.

A large number of fans left and his popularity among the public completely collapsed.

The agent looked at the unanswered call and returned to the page, "Chi Yundai... he is so amazing why wasn't he shown on the show?"

He said dejectedly.

And those two middle school students.

He was so busy that he happened to see the strawberry ice cream screenshot posted to the fan group——

So this is real, and they didn't do it on purpose?

[You guys didn't refuse to join the group because of this? ]

The agent took one look and didn't respond.

On the other side of the phone, the girl looked at the screen for a long time without responding.

After being in the entertainment industry for so long, Strawberry Ice Cream finally realized that Li Yang's team was not what she had imagined.

She stood up, removed all the pictures of Li Yang in the room, then quit the group, opened Weibo to look at her follow list, and deleted all the people related to Li Yang. When she saw the Weibo with the word "picked up", she paused, but still did not delete it.

When a star's big fan openly stops being a fan, it has a huge impact on the star.

In a short period of time, Li Yang lost countless fans.


"Come on Friends" program team.

The director looked at the rising trending searches——

No.1. Chi Yundai

NO.2 Jiangjing University

NO.3 Zhao Jingzhou

He drank some water to calm himself down, "No, Sister Xin, why didn't you tell me such big news earlier?"

Wang Xin already knew Chi Yundai, but she was surprised by Bai Mi and Ning Xiao.

"Ms. Yan Lu, would you consider taking on two more variety shows?" The director looked at Wang Xin seriously. Of course, it would be even better if Bai Shi could come.

"She has been concentrating on honing her acting skills recently and preparing for her next interview," Wang Xin shook her head. She put away her phone and stood up. "Don't over-hype Miss Bai."

"Don't worry," the director said with some regret, "I didn't let the enthusiasm of several students go up."

Wang Xin didn't say anything more. She pulled her windbreaker together, opened the office door and went out.

After he left, the assistant director in the office whispered, "How come Yan Lu's friends..."

Are they all so outstanding?

They knew that the phone belonged to Ning Xiao, a cold and gloomy boy.

Prospective Jiangxi University student.

It would be nice if they could do a variety show.

"You also wanted to say that you wanted to advertise for Lawyer Chi and increase his popularity." The person sitting on the far right spoke silently.


"We have to hold on to Yan Lu's thigh tightly." He coughed lightly, then put down the water cup and changed the subject, looking at the other people in the office, "Everyone, please take a moment to see what other comments there are on the Internet. Also, Xingyi Martial Arts School, please edit a special video."

The director knew that Yan Lu's future achievements would definitely not be low.

"Come On, Friends" has reached a new high in popularity.

During this period, even students in closed schools have more or less heard of "Come on, Friends", "Jiang Jing Preparatory Camp" and "Chi Yundai".

Both Yan Lu and this show became extremely popular.

Yan Lu came into the public eye because of her songs, but everyone was familiar with her songs rather than her as a person. There were more people who were fans of Dean Jian and Bai Jian than her.

But after the show was broadcast, Yan Lu became popular to an unimaginable degree.

The crew of "Da Yong" also took the opportunity to release a trailer.

Zhao Jingzhou's law firm.

He swiped the screen, then found Yan Lu's Weibo and clicked to follow her.

"Zhao Lu," the assistant beside him was very surprised, "How come Professor Chi is so familiar with this celebrity?"

Logically speaking, Chi Yundai shouldn't know these people.

Zhao Jingzhou put down his phone, recalled the scene he saw in Xiangcheng before, and said calmly: "He should not be familiar with Yan Lu."

Chi Yundai was very respectful to the man and the student.



Xiangshan Avenue at night.

Xu He got out of the taxi dragging his suitcase.

"Are you there?" His mother called.

Xu He just said "hmm".

"I heard that the Third Young Master is back and left you alone in Xiangcheng?" Mother Xu paused here, wanting to ask if you can return to Jiangjing in the future, but she didn't ask for fear of making her son sad. "Ahe, don't worry. Maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought."

Not that bad?

Xu He looked at the surrounding buildings and found that they were indeed not as shabby as he had imagined, and the road was also newly built.

"I know that the eldest lady values ​​this place," he forced a smile to comfort his mother, "maybe Miss Bai is also very good."

His mother didn't say anything else. In fact, both of them knew that Miss Bai was from Xiangcheng. No matter how good Xiangcheng was, how good could it be?

There wasn't even a sixth-level martial artist to support the stage. Coming here was equivalent to being exiled, and the place where Xu He was exiled was not even the Xu family, but an unknown martial arts hall. It would be extremely difficult for him to return to Jiangjing in the future.

Xu He didn't say anything else.

He quickly found the Xingyi Martial Arts School following the navigation.

This place is at the gate of the scenic area, the lighting is not bright. Compared with the glorious Xu family training base, the Xingyi martial arts school is not big, and there are many tourists at the entrance.

The people passing by are ordinary people.

Having thought of this before coming, Xu He knocked on the door without any expectations.

The door was opened from the inside. A middle-aged man in white training clothes opened the door. His forehead was covered with sweat and his eyes were like cold stars. "Teacher Xu He?"

Xu He was frightened by the man's aura. He calmed down and said, "It's me."

"It just so happens that Miss Bai has been waiting for you for a long time," Jin Kai smiled and opened the door to let Xu He in. "I am the owner of this place. This time, thanks to you for saving Chang..."

Xu He followed Jin Kai in surprise, and when he entered, he saw people training on the left.

There were not many people training at this spot. One person was swinging the Changquan. It seemed that the dust raised by his fists could be seen. The moves were something he had never seen before.

Xu He was secretly puzzled in his heart. He could see that these people who practiced martial arts were not amateurs.

He followed Jin Kai through a corridor to the backyard.

In front of the stone table in the backyard, a girl was sitting lazily on a stool next to it. She was wearing a blue and white school uniform with her collar open, her legs slightly crossed, and one hand on the table, tapping on her cell phone.

She was tilting her head and comfortably taking the orange handed to her by the middle-aged woman. The dim light in the yard cast a layer of golden glow on her.

"Miss Bai," Jin Kai took a step forward and reported to him, "the people are here."

Bai Mi peeled the orange slowly, looked at Xu He, and raised an eyebrow: "Six sections?"

Although the girl in front of him looked young and delicate, Xu He felt inexplicably pressured. His heart tightened: "Yes, Miss Bai."

Although he suffered internal injuries, he was indeed a sixth-level player.

Bai Su had already heard Jin Kai explain that Xu He was the savior. She broke open a slice of orange and threw it into her mouth. She put her elbow on the table and thought for a moment: "Have a fight with Master Jin."

As soon as they arrived, they were about to fight. Xu He hesitated for a moment, but still put the suitcase aside and looked at Jin Kai apologetically, "Fists and feet have no eyes, please forgive me."

Although he had suffered internal injuries, with his experience in the Xu family, it was no problem for him to deal with an ordinary person from the border town.

Master Jin tightened his belt, raised his hand gracefully, and grinned at him.

Xu He looked serious. He stepped back with his left foot and directly took out his long fist and swung it towards Jin Kai's face!

Jin Kai blocked his right hand and cut him off with his backhand. He was a power type——


Xu He was thrown to the ground.

"Ah," Bai Su stood up. She carefully observed Xu He's condition and tilted her head to talk to Jin Kai. "He's a little weak. Take him to a medicinal bath tomorrow to see if he can adapt."

Jin Kai nodded and went outside to prepare the herbs.

Only Xu He was lying there in confusion, looking at the starry sky above his head.

Isn't it said that there aren't even any sixth-level people here?

Shouldn't he be the only sixth-dan master?

Why can't I even beat an ordinary gym owner?

Why is the script different from what he expected?


After Bai Xi made arrangements with Xu He, she took out her cell phone and opened the conversation with Mao Kun.

Mao Kun: [Two million]

She was referring to the invitation in her hand.

Two million. The price on the black market was four times higher than the first time.

Baishen had a blank expression on her face.

When Jiang Fuli stopped the car, he saw her lazily leaning against a tree with her schoolbag in her hand. She was wearing a school uniform, with lazy eyes and a simple and plain look.

Behind her is the entrance to the ancient street. The show has become very popular in the past two days. People are constantly flowing on the street, and the lights have turned into spots of light, all of which are reduced to her back.

He rolled down the window, honked the horn, and motioned for her to get in.

It's hard to park here.

Bai Mi got in the car and fastened her seat belt. Her phone automatically connected to Bluetooth. Jiang Fuli drove the car into the traffic flow. "Why didn't you hear the words?"

"I forgot." Bai Mi lowered his head and slowly selected the words.

While listening, I flipped through Xu Nanjing's WeChat——

[still coming back?]

On the phone, Xu Nanjing had just boarded the plane. When he was about to turn off his phone, he received a message from Bai Shi. He was happy——

[I can't come back in a short time. The delay is too long.]

Bai Mi tapped her phone with her fingertips: [Give me an address to send something]

He replied with an address and asked: [Would you like to send me some special products? ]

White smilax: [. ]

She leaned back and asked Jiang Fuli, "Are you familiar with Xu He?"

Jiang Fuli drove the car steadily. "Nan Jing said that this man is a branch of the Xu family and is trustworthy."

Xu Nanjing knew that the martial arts hall was Bai Shi's place, so he would naturally inform Jiang Fuli when sending someone there.

on the phone.

Xu Wenyao sent her a message of concern, asking her if she was under a lot of pressure from studying recently.

Bai Su replied, "It's okay."

The car gradually drove towards Qingshui Street. Jiang Fuli put his hands on the steering wheel, tapping his fingertips slowly, "Don't you want to eat first?"

"It's still early today," Bai Xi lowered her eyes and swiped the screen of her phone. She was going to go back today: "I want to go back and have dinner with grandpa."

Jiang Fuli stopped talking.

The car arrived at Qingshui Street. Jiang Fuli parked the car and walked inside with Bai Mi. It was a rare peaceful moment.

Jiang Fuli stood on the left side of Bai Mi, walking slowly, with street lights and moonlight above his head, his profile immersed in the light, his brows sparse and elegant, quiet yet cold.

The two of them stopped at the street light at the corner. Jiang Fuli stopped and turned his head, looked at her, and opened his hands slightly.


At the same time, Jiang Jing.

Mrs. Xu is here.

It was a rare occasion for the Xu family to have a meal together. Old Mrs. Xu looked at Xu Wenyao with a bad look on her face. "It's been a few months. How long are you going to stop quarreling with Shuyun?"

Xu Wenyao put down his phone, picked up his chopsticks, and said simply, "Grandma, we broke up."

The Qi family was a connection that Old Lady Xu had managed to establish with great difficulty, and she would never allow Xu Wenyao to be confused at this juncture.

Old Mrs. Xu was about to get angry.

Xu En looked up to stop her, "Mom, our old man's birthday is very important this year. We need your opinion on what gift to give this year. The board of directors and I haven't thought about it yet."

Main family?

This was the first time Ji Mulan heard this word since she married into the Xu family, and she couldn't help but look up.

She naturally knew that in a place like Jiangjing, the Xu family was just a third-rate family. However, even this third-rate family was the place that she and the Bai and Song families had been chasing for so long. So, what place was the "original family" that the Xu family was talking about?

"That's right." This matter was listed as the top priority of the Xu family this year, and Mrs. Xu's attention was diverted. "Take some gifts and ask the Qi family, and the daughter of your old classmate. I remember she is a talented girl from the Calligraphy Association? See if there are any collectors among their acquaintances who can sell us calligraphy and paintings."

Butler Xu nodded and said, "It would be even better if we could have the original works of Liang Zewen and Bai Xiangjun."

Mr. Chen likes Liang style, so that circle has more or less some preference for Liang style.

Xu En knew that Mrs. Xu was talking about Xu Yajun, "I will ask them."

"It's a pity that no one in our family studies calligraphy," Old Mrs. Xu put down her chopsticks, feeling very regretful. "In terms of value, we can't compare with those big families in Xingjiang District. It would be best if we could give something that suits the old man's taste. Maybe if he's happy, we can move back."

As long as the old man likes it, it can be a person or an object.

Hearing this, Xu Wenyao's heart moved, and he looked at Ji Mulan: "Has Ah-Shan learned calligraphy?"


Xu Wenyao had seen Bai Shi's calligraphy.

It is neat and has its own style, which looks very good.

"Yes, I remember it too." Xu En also nodded.

This time, Mrs. Xu finally looked at Ji Mulan with some surprise, thinking in her mind: "What kind of handwriting did she learn?"

Ji Mulan smiled awkwardly. Bai Shen had never studied calligraphy seriously. "No, it's just Jianghu style."

Ji Mulan himself had never seen the official style.

Jianghu style?

Old Mrs. Xu didn't know much, but she knew it wasn't very popular. She lost interest and turned to look at Xu Zhiyue who was sitting next to her: "Yueyue, eat more. The college entrance examination is coming soon. Don't be too stressed. You have to make our Xu family proud. It would be even better if you can be seen by our family members."

"Madam, Miss Zhiyue ranked second in this monthly exam." Butler Xu flattered her.

Ji Mulan also looked at Zhiyue gently and with some pride, "Yueyue's grades have always been good."

The second place in the country is also the runner-up.

Ji Mulan couldn't help but wonder, if Xu Zhiyue was her daughter, would Bai Qiming still treat them like this?

Old Mrs. Xu was naturally very satisfied with Xu Zhiyue. "I remember that Ah Xu was also a senior in high school. Is she okay?"

White smilax?

Ji Mulan paused. She hadn't contacted Bai Shi since Bai Shi left Jiangjing.

Xu Wenyao next to him said, "A-Xu is doing very well in his studies now."

He had just asked Bai Xi in the evening. Senior high school students are under a lot of pressure. At that time, one of Xu Wenyao's classmates didn't survive and suffered from depression, so he always cared about the learning status of Bai Xi and Xu Zhiyue.

Both are pretty good.

"That's good." Old Mrs. Xu nodded and said nothing more.

She was just asking out of politeness and wasn't curious about Bai Shi's grades. Anyway, they were not as good as Xu Zhiyue's.

After dinner.

Old Mrs. Xu took the Buddhist beads to the temple, praying for Xu Zhiyue to have a good time in the college entrance examination.

She has been doing this every day since Xu Zhiyue entered her third year of high school. Xu Zhiyue is also the hope of the new generation of the Xu family.

Next to her, Butler Xu handed her a stick of incense and said, "Don't worry, Miss Zhiyue has always been ranked second in the joint examinations in the past few times. This year's runner-up will definitely be Miss Zhiyue. Maybe the old man over there will meet Miss Zhiyue."

"Ancestors bless you," Old Lady Xu bowed three times quickly, "I must make sure Zhiyue does well in the exam."


Outside the house, Ji Mulan and Xu En went back.

Although the two men reconciled with the old lady, they did not live in the old house.

Xu En didn't drink today. He sat in the driver's seat and said, "A-Xu is going to take the college entrance examination too. I want to go back to see her in two months. It may not be realistic to send her to take the exam. Do you want to go back with me?"


Ji Mulan subconsciously covered her stomach, fastened her seat belt, and looked up, "My dad is here, the doctor said my fetus is unstable."

The child is still young and the mother is elderly.

Xiangcheng is too far away. After taking a plane, you still have to drive for several hours, and the roads in Xiangcheng are not easy to travel.

If Bai Xi had always been so caring and excellent with Xu Zhiyue, she might have gone back, but...

Ji Mulan didn't want to take the risk of returning to Xiangcheng. She didn't want to respond to this matter and changed the subject, "The family you just mentioned is..."

"You know Jiangjing also has people in the circle," Xu En drove the car out of the gate, "Master Chen is from the Chen family. You have studied history, you should know the Chen family."

"Descendants of General Chen Ye?" Ji Mulan was shocked.

"Yes," Xu En nodded, his eyes were extremely deep, "and our Xu family is comparable to the Chen family, and the clan is so huge that it is unimaginable. We were once considered their branch, but we have left the clan. It is very difficult to go back."

Xu En sighed.

Ji Mulan looked at the road ahead, and Xu En described to her a world she had never seen before in just two sentences.

The Xu family, the Chen family...


The next day.

When Bai Xi arrived at the Xingyi Martial Arts School in the evening, there was a group of young boys and girls queuing up at the door. They were all students who were going to take the arts examination next year and came to register this year.

She carried her bag through the corridor to the back.

There was a large wooden barrel in the backyard, and Jin Kai was throwing medicinal herbs into it.

Xu He stood beside him. Today he was not as cold and aloof as he was yesterday. Instead, he looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing Bai Xi, they both looked towards her, "Miss Bai."

Bai Xi put down her schoolbag and played with a white handkerchief in her hand. She stood in front of the wooden barrel and asked casually, "Why are you willing to come to Xiangcheng?"

Logically speaking, Xiangcheng is so remote that people from the northern city are unwilling to come here.

Xu He never lied. "I was seriously injured and had a chronic illness, so my father asked me to come here... Besides, I don't want to stay in the Xu family. Don't worry, Miss Bai, I will never have second thoughts."

His voice is bitter.

Before, he was also very ambitious in the Xu family. His relatives all thought that he could make a name for himself and get close to Mr. Xu, becoming the right-hand man of the next head of the family.

After he died of his injuries, his father no longer valued him.

To their family, he was nothing more than an insignificant abandoned child.

Bai Xi flattened the towel in her hand and tilted her head to look at Xu He: "Do you want to be treated?"

Do you want to be cured?

Xu He was stunned.

It's not that he hadn't thought about treating his illness a few years ago, but he had been to all the major hospitals in Jiangjing, had many X-rays taken, and had a lot of blood drawn, but the doctors only prescribed blood-replenishing and qi-boosting medicines for him to recuperate.

At first, his father found various famous doctors for him, but they all said that this was the only way and the root cause of the disease could only be slowly cured.

Xu He himself was also discouraged and realized that there was really no cure for his illness.

"I..." Xu He looked at Bai Xi, his throat a little tight, "Miss Bai, can you cure it?"

"Okay, but it will take time." Bai Wei noticed last night that his steps were unsteady, his lungs were weak, and his heart was insufficient.

This was a common disease among veteran soldiers in the military camp, and she was very familiar with it. She had studied with military doctors in her past.

The girl in front of him was too young. She was wearing a plain school uniform and holding a silver needle in her hand. When she looked at me, her calm eyes were inexplicably convincing.

Xu He clenched his fists and said, "Ms. Bai, I am not afraid of waiting. I can wait for ten years."

Bai Shi was silent, "It won't take that long."

She pointed to the stone bench next to him and asked him to sit down. "I'll see the patient first."

Xu He placed his hands flat on the stone table.

Bai Shi put his hand on his pulse and lowered his eyes in thought.

Xu He kept watching her expression nervously.

Five minutes later, Bai Shi withdrew her hand. "It's just as I expected. With the help of medicinal bath and acupuncture, it will heal faster. I'll give you an injection first."

She casually pulled up the sleeves of her school uniform, letting a few strands of bangs fall on her forehead, exuding a sense of laziness. Her slender fingers were holding the needle.

Find the Chongxian Point on his body.

She inserted the needle one by one, and the last needle was placed on the Sima point of the foot. In order to replenish the earth and produce gold, Chinese medicine must seek the root of the disease.

"How is it?" Bai Shi took a step back and looked at him.

Xu He opened his eyes and said, "I don't seem to feel anything."

"Yeah." Bai Xi slowly withdrew his gaze. It was enough as long as he could still speak.

Not paralyzed.



Lu Xiaohan was outside taking street photos of the local customs and people. When Bai Xi came over, she had just put away the camera and asked, "Are you okay?"

She walked towards Baishen with a camera in her hand.

"Not yet." Bai Xi remembered that there were a lot of express delivery stations at the corner of the street, which were convenient for travelers to send local specialties home. "I'll find a express delivery station."

"You want to send a package?" Lu Xiaohan greeted Grandpa Tao at the corner of the street, then grabbed Bai Shi's sleeve and led her to the front. "Here, where do you want to send it?"

There are all kinds of express delivery stations here.

Bai Xi followed behind Lu Xiaohan and tilted her head, "Which courier is the cheapest?"

"Let's go to the post office," Lu Xiaohan led her to the end. The two of them passed by a bunch of express delivery stations such as SF Express and ZTO Express, and finally stopped in front of the green postal express station. "It's the cheapest."

There are the fewest postal workers, and there are several couriers among them.

Seeing someone coming, the woman inside put down the package in her hand and took two steps forward, her eyes fell on Bai Xi, "Are you sending a courier?"

"Yes." Bai Xi took out a golden invitation from her schoolbag. "This is it."

The woman took it and saw that it was an invitation.

She didn't notice, so she bent down and scratched around on the ground, finding a box that wasn't too damaged, "Beauty, can I send it to you with this?"

Bai Mi is not picky, "Okay."

The other party took a form and asked Bai Shi to fill it out.

On the express delivery note, Bai Shi was afraid that others might not be able to read it clearly, so she wrote her handwriting very neatly. After she finished writing, she handed it to the other party.

The woman took it and looked at it. She was stunned by the official script. She couldn't help but look up at Bai Shi for a second longer, and then noticed the address: "Is this being sent to...Jiangjing?"

"Yes." Bai Xi nodded. Xu Nanjing said that he would not come back this time.

The woman didn't ask about other people's privacy. She packed the invitation quickly. To prevent it from getting damaged, she carefully wrapped it in a layer of plastic film. "9 yuan."

Bai Mi scanned the code quickly.

Lu Xiaohan watched the woman packing. When Bai Shi finished paying and left, she hesitantly asked Bai Shi, "Why does the thing you just sent look so much like something a good person would use to play table tennis?"

Lu Xiaohan had a deep memory of when Zhang Shize showed Bai Xi's invitation letter.

The wind blew, bringing a slight chill. Bai Shi played with his phone and said lazily, "Almost."

"Five hundred thousand?" Lu Xiaohan's voice was a little out of tune, and he looked a little confused: "You just sent it out like that?"

No insurance either?

Baishen: "…"

Another possibility is two million.

Lu Xiaohan turned around and went back to the express store.

Bai Shi's cell phone rang. She looked down and saw it was Wang Xin calling.

Pick up.

Wang Xin called to thank Bai Xi, "Ms. Bai, this time it's all thanks to you. I'm going to bring Yan Lu into the team, and we have to sign a confidentiality agreement this time, so I can't contact you often."

Yan Lu has been very popular these days. Before Dayong was aired, Wang Xin had already found several high-quality scripts for her.

Bai Xi listened and looked at Lu Xiaohan. She thought Lu Xiaohan would return the express delivery.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaohan's solution to this was——

Wrap it with two more layers of film.

Bai Xi silently withdrew his gaze and turned his eyes to the door, looking at the hustle and bustle outside the house, and said in a casual voice: "Okay, I will hand over the last song to Dean Jian tomorrow, and I will not release new songs in the short term."

Wang Xin was stunned for a moment, "You are..."

The street lamp next to him turned on. Bai Shi reached out to grab the leaked light and said lazily, "I want to retreat and prepare for the college entrance examination."

Yes, Baishen is also a senior in high school.

Wang Xin thought of the hotly searched NO.14. Netizens had deified Ning Xiao, the fourteenth place in the national exam.

But she remembered clearly that NO.14 was Ning Xiao's account, and Ning Xiao——

At that time, I was asking questions about Bletilla striata!