
Being adopted by Mei Mei in JJK

I am simply allowing my imagination to flow freely, without any constraints of logic. Meet Sai, an orphan who was taken in by Meimei. What could possibly go wrong? Discover how he harnesses his extraordinary powers to delve into the lives of those around him, altering their destinies. Please note this is just a Fanfic and my first time writing so "GO EASY ON ME"!!! Naturally, I do not own Jujutsu Kaisen. If you haven't had the pleasure of watching the anime yet, I highly recommend it. Trust me, it's absolutely amazing!

Moody_Passerby · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Losing it

As we approached a place surrounded by dark forests, we encountered numerous cursed spirits and crazed humans engaged in a violent battle. Both groups had completely lost their minds, attacking and devouring each other with reckless abandon. Witnessing such chaos was unbearable for me. Normal humans couldn't see cursed spirits, but the intense concentration of curse energy in the area allowed them to sense their presence. This caused them to act irrationally, like loose cannons. Not only were they attacking each other, but they also turned on themselves, escalating the violence even further. It was a truly disturbing sight.

I saw a 10-year-old being beaten by an adult with a bat and later that person started eating his body parts, one by one. When I saw this, I lost my mind and I had nothing that could cure people of this madness and when they saw me, they started attacking me. I dodged and tried not to kill, but I could not do it as there were many and I could not just fly away or dig away as I had one person behind me, so I just increased my lands and swept them away like flies and kept moving.

I thought I would take a break after reaching a clearing, but as soon as I settled down to relax, the sleeping beauty began to scream. I tried to stop him, but he was uncontrollably angry and continued to trash the area like a rabid dog. Eventually, he used his curse technique, which created a stream of yellow flames and started spraying wildly.

I tried everything to stop the sorcerer, but nothing worked. Poisoning him or putting him to sleep didn't do the trick because he was gaining resistance in the realm we were stuck in. Before I could even process it, I ended up decapitating him. I was shocked and couldn't believe that I had killed the person I had been trying to save for so long. I gave it my all to protect him from curses and humans, but in the end, I was the one who took his life. I started crying, but then I just let my emotions out in this crazy realm and started laughing uncontrollably. I couldn't stop myself - I had completely lost it.

I suppose this ability was what I awakened after devouring the soul because the next moment I transformed into a massive, human-shaped mesh with multiple hands protruding from it and began to move forward. I devoured everything in my path, including humans, curse spirits, and trees. After circling, I eventually came across a large clearing where people were attacking one another because they had lost their minds. It looked like a scene from a zombie apocalypse.

I immediately divided my body into six parts, making myself into a tiny version of myself with a giant head and only my hands and feet for movement. I also developed large canine teeth and began killing and devouring every human that came in my path. I even transformed my eyes into a large hole with rounded teeth and moved around killing humans based solely on instinct. After severely beating one of my clones, I once again combined all of the clones to form a massive head that had no body or eyes but only a large mouth full of canines where my mouth and eyes should have been. I then began rolling around, becoming a rolling ball of death that would appear wherever I went.

After clearing out the area, I screamed at the top of my lungs. It was inhuman, but it felt satisfying to let it out. I continued on, transforming back into a massive, deformed worm.

Next, I encountered the remaining curse sorcerers. However, their eyes looked lifeless. Without hesitation, I transformed into a massive devouring head and rolled towards them. Just as I was about to smash them, one of the sorcerers kicked me hard, sending me flying like a ball. This sorcerer had a pretty solid physique, I must admit.

While airborne, I sprouted fleshy bat wings and glided back towards them. As I got closer, I transformed into fleshy woven threads, easily dodging their attacks. I added thorns to each thread and spun them towards the sorcerers, but they managed to dodge them.

I then morphed into a fleshy slime and attacked them with sharpened tendrils. Each tendril was like a sharp knife with a mouth attached to it. It was quite a sight to see, I must say.

Every time an attack misses, I yell, get enraged, and launch another attack right away. As they instinctively avoided my attacks, I became more and more frustrated. Eventually, I was unable to control myself and transformed into a large, fleshy piece of cloth, which was so large that I gave them no space to avoid. Once I grew, I just engulfed them in it and added tiny mouthpieces everywhere on the cloth, devouring them crazily. They attempted to defend themselves, but it felt like being trapped in a cloth when someone kidnaps you, leaving you with no choice but to yell and stand there shouting until they were finally devoured.

As I was moving forward, I came across a group of grade 1 curse spirits feasting on humans. I didn't really pay them much mind and just went on a rampage. However, I ended up getting a few injuries because I was attacking without any real plan. I decided to use black roots to help me out, but I couldn't control them very well, so it turned into a chaotic roots tornado. I even summoned a big carnivorous plant to join in on the fun. While I was still in my ball form, the black roots tossed me around, helping me clear out the area. Eventually, all the grade 1 spirits were dead.

I kept going on my rampage without realizing how much time had passed. I don't know how my stomach was able to handle all the humans, spirits, and other things. I attribute it to my disaster plant technique, which absorbed nutrients from the fleshy beings, and my idle transfiguration technique, which stored souls in my body for later use.