
Chapter 74

—🕊Zenaku Yasuda Yugi (POVs)

I was at the kitchen usually cooking food for the King and Queen, they will arrive after a few hours, they even called on the phone.

My brother and I, are preparing for their arrival for the next hours, they supposedly to arrived for a few months but when they received the news about the Project A, they immediately wants to come home.

This day, we need to protect our little Yurina for that dangerous project, that project experiment is about human demon, it means the project will only be a success if the person they will perform an experiment is a human half demon, and our little Yurina is in danger that is why.. We will be preparing ourselves to protect her.

" I already put some protection on her room and for the entire house and the ground, just to make sure." My brother said and I just nodded.

" Are you sure that you already put everything what I said? " I said as I looked at him and he just nodded and so I smiled to him.

" Already did, Velthazor even helped me. " He said and so I nodded.


" Commoners, that nurse in the vameth school where my commoner is attending, you two be more careful with that woman." Velthazor said

( The nurse inside the vameth school?? )

" The nurse? There are lots of nurse inside that school." Yoru said and so I nodded in agreement.


" Indeed Commoners, but there are two nurse womans, they are twins and one is suppressing bad energy, and I feel like she will hunt down my commoner." Velthazor said as he licked his paws.

( Two nurse.. And one is suppressing bad energy.)

( This will be very hard to guess who.)


" Though commoners, you don't need to worry that woman who is suppressing bad energy, is not a nurse in our school, her twin sister who is suppressing a good energy is the one who is a nurse in our school." Velthazor said

" But, we can't trust that two twin sisters, even if she is suppressing a good energy, she might cause harm to our strawberry. " Yoru said and so I nodded.

" And also Velthazor, keep an eye to your commoner, I saw her skipping classes when I was at the demon black market. " I said and both of them looked at me.

" But don't worry, I give her a necklace that has a tracking device, that means we will know wherever she goes, with the help of our rings that we are wearing today. " I said

" So.. This ring that you just give to us will help us? " Yoru said and so I nodded.


" Commoners, I'll be napping at the library, don't wake me up, I'll be taking my beauty sleep. " Velthazor said and walked away swaying its white tail.

" Yoru, it is already time, go and pick up Yurina immediately, someone might come and get her." I said and he then nodded and leave.


( He will come back.)

" Uh... Where is the key?  " He said and so I just sighed again.

( He always forgets the key..)

I then pointed him where the key is and he then just smiled to me and I just sighed, he always forgets the cars key everytime he picks up little Yurina from the school.

—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

When the bell rings loudly like a freaking dinosaur, I was just walking when I saw a woman outside the gates school.

( Wait... She looks..)

( Miss Nurse A from the clinic.)

( But.. I can tell the difference that she isn't Miss Nurse A from the clinic.)

( Her hair is definitely different, her height, her boobs, and her lips, too different, and her face is a bit mature.)

That is how I can tell the difference between two people who has the same face.

( Could it be its Nurse A twin older sister? )

( Just like Sephie and Shan.)

( Though, Sephie/Sephra and Shan...)

( Both of them has a young face look.)

But like what I said, I can tell the difference between twin sisters/brothers, by just looking at them for a few minutes and I can remember someones faces for a long time.

I then walked towards to the gate, the gate then suddenly opens widely and then the woman who was standing in front of the gate comes inside the vameth school, she wasn't looking at me first but I saw one of her eyes looked to me.

( Wow. That was creepy as hell.)

( She has four eyes, didn't see that coming.)

As I went outside at the vameth school and looked at the other female students who has wings at their back then flies off and some has butlers to come and picked them up.

( Could I really make it to the red moon? )

( Am I still alive before the red moon rises? )

( Why do I have to drink my mommy and daddys blood in order to be a full blooded demon? )

( I just can't stop thinking about this stuff.)

( What if before the red moon rises, I was already dead? )

( No, I won't let that happen.)

" Yurina!!! " I then turned around just to see twin demon sisters running towards to me.

" Are you waiting for your butler to come and picked you up too? " Shan said and I just nodded.

( As always, because I don't have wings like any other demons.)

" Oh! Thats our car! Will see you tomorrow then! And nice to meet you. " Shan said and she then dragged her older sister Sephra, and when both of them went inside their car they then wave their hands to me and so I did the same thing.

( Gosh... I can't believe I'm going to say this.)

( But.. I think demons are also cute too! )

( Whenever they looked so evil, they are so cute and I can't stop to adore them.)

( Did you know that Humans is the most evil creature in the human world? )

( Humans can kill their own kinds.)

( Can even kill their own family just to have that money or power, especially those people who are rich, wealthy or too rich.)

( Believe me, they are the most dangerous and evil creature living on the human world.)

( That is why now that I'm here at the underworld.)

( I just can't stop laughing at them and adore them for being trying hard evil demons.)

( I thought demons or so whatever they are, I thought they are more evil than the humans.)

( But now that I am here, I can't stop laughing and adore them for being adorable.)

( I don't even care anymore if they will find out that I am human living at their world.)

( I can even kill them whenever I want to.)

( I can't believe a human like me will soon rule over their entire underworld...)

( Sooner or later.)

" Your butler isn't here? " I heard someones voice and when I looked who was it, it was just Yasha.

( Him again.)

" I'm still waiting." I said

" We'll, don't go around without someone besides you, you might be in danger and no one could save you." He said and so I looked at him.

" Yasha." I said and he then looked at me.

" If someday I will went missing, would you come and looked for me?  " As I said that, he was just staring at me and then smile.

" Of course, I will come and save you every time you want." He said and I then stared at him for a moment.






*kill* *kill* *kill*

*kill him*

As I keep staring at him, I also heard the whispering on my ears, I then looked at him again and went closer a bit.

" If I went missing and the one who captured me asked you to kill yourself, would you kill yourself in exchange for my life? " I said while looking at him and he then smiles.

" Yes." He said and smiled

( Gosh.)




After he said that, I then hit his arms so hard and so he looked at me confusingly.

" W-what was that for?!  " He said and I then glared at him.

" That wasn't the answer I expected you idiot!!! " I said and he then smiled.

" Then what do you want me to say? " He said and was smiling.

" If someone ask you that question, you have to think of a better solution without killing yourself you freaking idiot!!  " I said and he just laugh.

" We'll, my answer is better than that." He said as he smiled.

( Ugh.. Demons seriously.)

" And besides. My answer is true. " He said and so I looked at him.

" If I'm going to kill you, would you let me?  " I said and he then looked at me.

" We'll, if its you, then it is fine for me, at least a beautiful and sexy demon killed me." He said and so I just smiled.

" But what if, it wasn't me, what if someone was just copying me and kills you?  " I said and he then looked at me and he then placed his hands on my head.

" One answer. I can tell differences. " He said and smiled.

" What if hundreds of demons will copy how I look and how I act and even my voice?  " I said and smiled to him.

" Then I'll asked them a question that you are the only one who knows the answer. Easy. " He said and smiled

" Oh! Here is your butler, you should go now, be careful and do not talked strangers pumpheaded." After he said that his dark red fire wings than comes out and he then fly away and after that I then walked towards to Yoru and smiled to him.