
Being A Manderly Was Not What I Was Expecting (ASOIAF)

When a dead man was expecting to go to heaven, he suddenly finds himself in the world of ice and fire. And only with some minimal help from the one who sent him there. But at least he knows the world and has his memories. Lets follow him on his adventure. All of it from the world to most of the characters belong to George R.R. Martin. Only the OCs and the differences belong to me. Have a good reading.

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All of it from the world to most of the characters belong to George R.R. Martin. Only the OCs and the differences belong to me. Have a good reading.


'It is dark. What is this? Where am I man? Wait a minute, was that majestic being a dream or real? He said planetos and westeros. What does it even have to do with it? It is just a novel. It seems George R. R. Martin is famous even among the godlike being.' Then I suddenly felt that I was pushed into a wall. 'My body... I have a body again. Oh thank god. But why am I in such a tight place. Where can it be?

"Push my lady. Push" a deep voice said. 'Someone is here.' But just when I tried to shout out for help, I found myself getting squeezed through a narrow hole head first. 30 minutes of agony later what felt like days I was finally out. When I tried to breath a sigh of relief, I realized that I couldn't. And that is when I panicked.

I gave my every being to breath just one more time. Then something got out from my mouth. It was some slimy liquid. After it got out I took a deep breath and released it. But something unexpected happened. Instead of releasing a breath, what came out was a baby's cry out of my mouth. It was then I could properly open my mouth. But what I was expecting didn't happen. My eyes were not working properly. Everything was blurry. All I could see was some blurry silhouettes.

'I can't see... My eyes! No. Just no.' This time I really started to cry. Yet again the voice was of a baby's voice. Then I was handed to some giant. "It is a boy Lady Lyessa. I am sure the Lord Wender will be happy. What shall his name be?" The one who just handed me to the lady silhouette said.

Then I stopped crying and listened intently. 'Those are humans. Not some giants.' I looked at my hands. And realised that they were baby hands. I was the one who was small. Then things in my mind clicked in place. The majestic being's words. Me being small. My eyes and those people's words. 'Oh hell no.' I cursed internally. "His name will be Willard. Willard Manderly." Said the lady.

Then the woman sent the old man away and opened her breast and brougt my mouth to it. While still trying to come to the terms of my situation. I instinctively opened my mouth and sucked on it. While thinking 'I will deal with all this when I wake up' I slowly drift off to sleep.


When I woke up the next morning, I realized that none of it was a dream. It was all real. Slowly I thought about what I heard and saw. Well technically I didn't see much with those shitty eyes but anyway. Oh talking of shit. I guess I just shat. And if the smell is any indication then yes I did.

But it seems I was not the only one who smelt it."It seems that the little lord woke up. Come here lets change you and feed you my lord" the woman who I supposed to be my maid. Because the woman took me and changed my diaper. 'Is it even a diaper? I will just say they changed my ass cloth. Yeah better. It is so humiliating. What did I do to deserve this huh?'

Then she took her breast off her clothes and started feeding me. After she was done with me, she put me down on my cradle. And kept doing gods know with the sheets on the other side of the room. It seems she was my wetnurse and maid at the same time.

Yesterday, they called me Willard Manderly. But I don't even know who he is or I am for that matter. Okay as much as I know I am reborn in Planetos. And in westeros as a lord's son. I am Willard Manderly. My father's name is Wender. Yet again someone I am sure I didn't see or read about. My new mother is someone I don't know either.

Which year is it even? The only thing I know is I am born in the North. But what if I am born when House Manderly was still in the Reach. No, no. I think the being who sent me here said Planetos, Westeros, North. And by the judge of the cold around me I would bet my new ass cloth I am in the North.

The only consolation is that I didn't have any family left on Earth. But now it seems that I have a new family. What a joy. I am a fucking baby. Where is even my father? And mother as well for that matter. The old man that was with my mother yesterday must be the maester. Okay everything with time. At least I am a noble from a strong House. And another thing I was thankful for was at least they speak English.

Wait a minute the one who sent me here said I had a power. Extraordinary Health was it? He said it is not a good power yet I can't help but be grateful for this power. Especially when game of thrones was played as if a child's game. I wonder who was he? Was he a god? Or something else? He didn't even let me speak.

But I heard that he said next when I was brougt to him and when I was leaving. That must mean he is responsible with people's reincarnation. But he also said that when will this punishment end. That means there is someone more important than him who can punish someone like him. Not that it is that important when I know there are literal gods in Game of Thrones.

It seems that I am stuck here for the foreseeable future. That means I need to prepare for the Long Night if they will come soon. Or the dragons. But before I know the year there is naught I can do. Especially when I can't even hold my shit and pee.

Okay first things first start drink my mother's or wetnurse's milk as much as I can and grow up as fast. Crawling and walking, listening to the people around. Try to find books and learn. Show how smart I am. Run as much as I can so that I can physically grow stronger without damaging my body. Now that I think about it, wouldn't my power help me in that regard. Because it will help me heal much faster. Something to test later.

Then the become a great knight and earn some renown and fame. And try to use my modern knowledge to build my lands to get rich. 'But how will I even do that? In self insert fanfictions protagonists keep pulling knowledge out of their ass every few minutes. They introduce four field rotation for farming. But I don't know how to do that. Yes there are four fields. But what do they grow? Ugh so frustrating.'

Then someone came in to the room "My lady." Said the maid and curtsied. "Nysa bring my son here" said Mother. It seems my mother is already up and walking. Walking slowly but details are not important. The maid hurriedly took me up from my cradle and brougt me to my mother.

My mother, it seems is a beautiful young lady. And by young 19-21 years old at least. Now that I look around focusedly I can see a little bit better than yesterday. 'Is it something that happens with babies or because of my power?' I wonder. 'Because it is too fast. As much as I know babies sees blurry for months. Or maybe I know wrong. Who knows?'

"My beautiful baby." She said lovingly while caressing me with care. 'Okay I gotta admit. I really may see you as my mom if you keep showing me such love lady' I thought in my mind jokingly. She was looking a bit pale. But just yesterday she gave birth to me so I think it is normal. 'Thinking it like that still makes me feel weird. Someone gave birth to me and I was fully aware. Okay maybe not fully but you get the gist of it.

"After the war ends your father will come back to us. And he will love you so much. Do you understand me? He will together with the Targaryens end the usurper bastard Blackfyre. Then he will teach you to rule our lands." Mother said. It was more like she was consoling herself more than me.

'I gotta say woman you just raised all kind of red flags. But thank you for the information.' It seems that the Blackfyres are still around. That would put me between Aegon IV Targaryen known as the Unworthy and Jaeharys Targaryen II. There are decades between them but at least dragons are dead and I don't have to worry about them. And now I have a better picture of my situation.