
Being a joke character is not easy

Well I am a newbie writer and from India. So first of all namaste. I have seen many novels written by authors from different countries but there are no indian novels at all. This really makes me a little mad. So I am writing this story. I am writing this just for fun , so if there s any mistake pls forgive me for that in advance. Any ways , pls support this little author by just following two ways. 1. Pls review my work in the comment section and give me your thoughts. 2. If like my novel then add it to your favourites. And that's all. Bye Bye and happy reading ' U ' .

MrRabbit52 · Lịch sử
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I don't wanna be a joke, please (2)

Hah, I had a nice sleep after long time , wait why the hell everything infront of me is so dark . No...no...no wait my first question should be where am I right now. Everything is so dark I can't see anything .

What the heck even my hands are not visible due to so much darkness. No I have to ask some one ; if there is anyone here or not.

Hiii... Helllllooooooooooooo...

Is any one here , hello any one, please anyone respond even if any ghosts or spirits then you can still respond , I don't discriminate between ghosts or humans.

A Few Moments later...

Heck why no one is responding , what ever, what should I do now , come to think of it didn't I died. Wait... Wait.... Wait.... that means am I in heaven , no no heaven can't be this dark that means am... am I in hell , no....no.... this can't be happening , its impossible I never did any thing bad or any committed any sin. I have always been a good mama s boy , then why I will be sent to hell instead of heaven .

{ Story teller:- Tell them honestly you never did anything bad }

( Well truly to say maybe , once in childhood I stole some money from my brothers piggybank , then one day I did a prank by throwing color water balloons on our neighbours bald head, it was truly a funny incide.... wait why the hell am I telling you all this , no I never did anything wrong , I was always good boy , hey just tell me why the hell you suddenly disappeared out of nowhere , your customer service is really bad, looks like I really need to change you.)

{ Story teller:- Ahh I now had enough of this ok then bye bye , you are now on your own}

( No no no wait wait , why you are getting so much angry , I was just teasing you, Hahahahaha we are like best buddies will you leave your best buddy like this.)

{ Story teller:- "...." }

Ok so where am I right now , huh what is this ? why a white screen came out of no where and what is this video started to play on it all of a sudden.

A video is being played on a white screen, in it a handsome boy wearing very rich clothes can be seen running towards a middle aged couple .Looks like the kid is from a wealthy family but who is this kid ? after that video ended several video's like that started to play one by one and I saw each and every one of them until the end , I viewed them stun fully as if my eyes were glued from them. After the last one ended , I took a breathe of relief, my eyes were paining after seeing so many video's continuously.

Ok then , now what ?

Wait, why a black hole appeared under my feet out of nowhere, no....no... holy shit

Ahhhhh, somebody help me, I am falling down noooooooooooooooooo . During the fall even I was so scared , a sudden soothing smell enveloped me, as I fall asleep.

'Rajkumar' please wake up.

No, I don't want to please , let me sleep for 5 for minutes mom.

Rajkumar , I am not her late highness, the esteemed Maharani, but I am your servant Vikshu , please wake I up my lord, or his great highness, the Maharaj will punish you again.

No....no please just for five more minutes, wait a moment, what ?

I opened my eyes in a sudden shock and wake up in a jolt, seeing my such reaction. The other party recieved a double shock and staggered back a little. I looked around received a total shock as the room inside which I was sitting is totally a unknown place to me.

I asked him in a impulse,

Who are you? What did you just say? Where am I ? Who is the prince? What the rubbish about queen and king are you talking about? Tell me did you kidnap me? Please I beg you , don't kill me, I don't have a single penny , I am telling you the truth, please live me?

The old man infont of me, was totally dumbfounded , maybe due to my behaviour , his mouth was hung so open, that even a large elephant could fit inside it !!! . He somehow came out from his daze and told me.

" Ehhh.... Rajkumar, what are you saying your highness, what happened to you? Can't you recognize me, its me , your old servant Vikshu , and you are the third prince of this kingdom, the third child of his estemeed highness the Maharaj and the late Maharani."

" So you are telling me , that I am the third Rajkumar of this kingdom ?"

" yes , your highness."

" Haah, but how that can.... wait a second , didn't I die a few moments ago , in the hospital and after that I went to that dark place, and now this old grandpa is telling me that I am a Rajkumar. Umm a can it be ..... ?"

" Um , grandpa can you give me a mirror ."

" ahhh, your highness why are you calling me by grandpa, did.... did I do any mi... mistakes , if I did any mistakes, please please for... forgive me your highness, I beg your highness."

" Ehhhhh, no...no...no grand pa why are you acting like this , I just only asked for a mirror, can you take me to one, you don't have to apologise , for that ."

" Ahh hah ah okk your highness ."

this granps is really acting weird, why is afraid of me, as if I am going to eat him alive, really all weird things are happening today to me.

When I stood infront of the mirror and removed its cover, I was totally studdened by seeing the reflection in front of the mirror , it was the reflection of a boy of the same age as me but his beauty, handsomeness and attractiveness was on a totally different level from me. Shoulder length black hair, sleek sharp jawline, high nose bridge, sharp straight eyes with dark brown pupils. His beauty can be compared to those of hollywood and bollywood actors and models. After observing myself for a few more minutes, working by brain hamster along side the same time.

The only conclusion that came to me is that I have been " transmigrated".

Wow, I really can't believe, I really experienced transmigration, like those transmigration strories on those web novels. From the background setting may be I have transmigrated into a historical type of webnovel , like those heroes from xianxia novels. From my heavenly looks, may be I am the main character, the hero.

Still I need to be sure , that I am not day dreaming, should I pinch myself ?

Ouch... it hurts, but I am really happy I am not day dreaming. Hooho my dream finally came true, I always wanted to be the mc of a webnovel / manhwa / manga . Ok so now , what should I do ? I always prayed god to atleast give me a health in my next life, but god gave me super duper bumper combo package with good looks as well as a good background.

Hahahaha... , I Rony Singh will dominate this world .

{ Story teller:- You are really so delusional , did you loose some of screws while transmigrating, because of you I can't narrate the story properly , what a idiot !!}

( Do you always have to be so blunt and sharp tongued infront of me, you always shatter my dreams with your blunt words , can't you be a little sweet to me . I am the hero of this story right, the guardian of justice , shouldn't you show me respect.)

{ Story teller:- Hah.... if you are hero, then I will just commit suicide , instead of narrating the story }.

( Wait , did you say I am not the hero , of this story, then who I am ? what is my name and character setting in this story? Hey... tell me the truth if I am not the MC then why did you start to pester me , till the first day I entered the hospital, I was even shocked when I first heard your voice. )

{ Story teller:- This is why I am talking now , with a blabber mouth like you, so listen to me carefully without panicking, first for your name , your name in this world is " Vikram Singh " as for your character setting , you better know yourself than me, you remember the story , right , my estemeed highness}

Did....Did you say ' Vikram Singh '.

No....no this can't be happening , its imposible, say that its not true, you... you are joking with me right .

{ Story teller:- NOPE " U "}.

Nooooooooooo........... I don't want to be that ill fated joker, That super damn joke of character, where ever he went, his ass was kicked by the MC.

I don't wanna be a dancing clown, please.

Please support my work and cheer me up.

Give my work power stones, as it is hungry for more.

Have any ideas, so write in comment section , without any fail.

Then I will be able to set up my work on a large scale.

Bye, Bye ' U '.

From your little author " Mr Rabbit".

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