
Behind The Screen!

Warning: This is a yandere romance novel. Kanzaki is your average everyday guy. He has just finished college for a degree he didn't even care for but luckily by the grace of God he was able to get a job that he liked much more than the one he got a degree for. He became a V-Tuber! Kanzaki was quickly becoming a streaming sensation at an astonishing rate but there was always one person that commented strange things about loving Kanzaki. Where will this lead? Read to find out!

Unmasked63 · Hiện thực
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114 Chs

Knock Knock

Kanzaki spent a lot of time walking on the street but after a while he decided that he had done enough cardio and went back inside completely tired and worn out from the long day he had. The cardio added to the tiredness but the thing that made him the most tired was his stream that day. He had a ton of fun and he wouldn't have changed a single thing about it but the mental strain was a lot.

Mental strain wasn't always from something bad or something strenuous. The best example would be if he were to go to an amusement park or someplace similar, after an entire day of riding the rides and walking all over the place it was normal to be tired which is how he felt.

Due to this when Kanzaki got home he quickly got in the shower washing himself as fast as he could before jumping into his bed and going to sleep so that he could wake up the next day bright and early to start streaming once more.

"HEY MAN STOP BEING A OSTRICH AND GET UP! I SWEAR KIDS THESE DAYS SMELL LIKE AN APPLE WHEN HE DOES A FLIP ON TUESDAY MORNING! I SAID GET UP NOW! REEEEE!" Kanzaki's alarm woke him up immediately with the sound of his voice shouting different strange profanities.

Kanzaki rubbed his eyes letting himself wake up before quickly turning off the obnoxious alarm, 'Well at the very least it works.' He thought to himself laughing. It was so good that he even momentarily thought of proposing it on the Shark Tank show he had watched so much.

Once Kanzaki was awake he went about his morning routine and checked his personal messages seeing that as usual there was no response at all which was beginning to concern him more and more but he had something else to worry about since there was a knock on his door.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Is anyone there?" A female voice said outside Kanzaki's door.

'Who could that be?' Kanzaki thought to himself as he turned off his pc and began walking toward his apartment door. There was a tiny little hole in the door that allowed him to peek outside and see who was there but when he did the person he saw was someone he didn't expect or know in the slightest.

It was a tall woman that looked to be slightly over 6 ft tall which was more than 5 inches taller than Kanzaki. She was wearing a grey overcoat covering most of her body along with larger black shades but the one thing Kanzaki noticed about the shades was that it was a very popular brand. It was so popular that each pair of sunglasses were priced well over $1,000! Her long black hair went down her back and was partially seen on her shoulders. It looked professionally done and Kanzaki knew that she was beautiful despite her covering most of her body.

After seeing the person at his door Kanzaki lowered his guard a little bit and went to open the door. He quickly opened it revealing himself for the first time to the woman at the door. Kanzaki may have thought she was beautiful but he was not going to spend 10 minutes getting ready for what seemed to be a short conversation so he was in his normal everyday clothes that included white shorts and a black t-shirt that said Atari on it.

"Hi nice to meet you I'm Selena! I'm the new owner of these apartments and just thought I would introduce myself!" The girl in front of the door said introducing herself as Selena.

'Pretty name.' Kanzaki thought to himself.

"It's nice to meet you as well. I'm Kanzaki." Kanzaki said with a smile reaching his hand out to shake hands. He did expect her to not grab his hand immediately but what he didn't expect was her to not grab at all and go completely silent.

Kanzaki looked toward her eyes wondering what was wrong but she was just staring at him with a strange blank expression with her mouth slightly opening and closing as if she wasn't certain what to say.

"Sorry did I offend you somehow?" Kanzaki said awkwardly chuckling as he brought his hand back.

Right as Kanzaki was pulling his hand back it was suddenly grasped by both of Selena's hands as she began shaking his hand up and down in a strange handshake, "No no no, not at all! I was just surprised by how great your name is. Sorry about that!" Selena said laughing slightly as she continued holding his hand despite not shaking it anymore.

When Kanzaki looked down at her hand still on his he was confused and didn't really know what to do so he began trying to have small talk, "I see you're married?" Kanzaki said gesturing toward the diamond ring on her wedding ring finger.

When Selena saw this she let go of his hands finally and brought it up higher to make it easier to see as she rolled it around, "Yeah it's a ring I got when I got married." Selena said with a frown as if she didn't like talking about it.

Kanzaki missed this expression since he was too focused on the large diamond sitting on the ring, "Is he one of the owners as well do you guys own it together?" Kanzaki asked further into what her husband was like since he was genuinely curious about what kind of man could pull a lady like this.

"Not at all. I'm the sole owner of it all. Me and him don't really buy stuff together, or talk at all." Selena said before mumbling the last part under her breath which Kanzaki didn't catch and decided to ignore since he had finally picked up on the fact that she didn't like talking about her husband.

"I see. I'm surprised someone the same age as me is able to buy a large place like this!" Kanzaki said suddenly praising the fact that the girl in front of him was so ahead in life while he was super far behind with a degree he didn't even want. Matter of fact, he didn't even have anything he enjoyed until a few days earlier.