

The air at the Night Shade pack that morning was light, fresh and sweet. Happy buzzes filled the atmosphere; their Alpha has finally found his mate

"Have you heard?" one of the woman working in the kitchen asked

"About Alpha Orion finding his mate?" her fellow worker asked back

"He has finally found his mate" the third woman said

"Bless his heart. Such a fine man" the first woman said

There were questions, rumors, inquiries going on in the pack

She barged into the Orion's office

He signed

"Doesn't she know how to knock?" he asked Julian

"She knows how to" he replied

"Then why doesn't she?" Orion asked

Julian shrugged

"Maybe it's just you" he said

Chloe went over and gave him a peck on the cheek. If it happened before, Orion would have felt a pang of envy, but because he had found his mate, seeing his two friends together didn't affect him as it would have

She flipped hey hair at Orion and say down beside Julian. Iron rolled his eyes at her

"What do you want?" he asked

"Do I need to have a reason before I come see you?" she asked back

"This is the Alpha's office, Chloe"

"Ah, is that so? I forgot for a moment. My bag" she said not feeling bad a nick

Julian chuckled

"Just forget it. There's no point talking to you" he said

She leaned forward

"What are you going to do next?" she asked

"What do you mean?"

"Samantha" she said, mentally face palming herself

Just her name only made his heart rate fastened

"Your heart is going to burst" Julian teased

"Shut up" Orion said, earning a smirk from Julian

"Are you not going to see her again?" Chloe asked

Orion gave her a glare

"Are you nuts?" he asked

"Exactly. So, how are you going to see her again? Won't you make like a plan, or something?" she asked

"He's not going for a mission, Chloe" Julian said

She scoffed, leaned against her chair, crossing her arms while holding the pointed look on her face

Orion considered ignoring the look, but signed in defeat

"Well I guess I can't just walk up to her and tell her that I'm a werewolf and she's my mate" he said

"Why can't you?" Julian asked

Chloe sent an incredulous look his way

"Are you trying to make him mate less when he hasn't even had a real conversation with her?" she asked

"I actually have" Orion interjected

"Sure you have. And the sun's navy blue" she said

He sent her a glare which she only shrugged off

They were interrupted by a knock

"Come in" Orion said in his gruff voice

The there of them stood up at the sight of the previous Luna and the pack healer

"Mom. Anna" Orion called and offered the seat to his mom

"We are the only ones here, Orion, no need to be so formal. And you're the Alpha, sit where you belong" Chelsea, Orion's mom said, taking a seat on the sofa by the wall, followed by Anna

"I think you need to drill that information into his head. That's the only way he would understand that that seat belongs to him now" Chloe said, sitting back down. Orion and Julian followed suit

"Chloe" Anna protested

She signed, and

"We don't need to be so formal, mom" said

"Besides, we've been friend even before you conceived us" she added

"That doesn't mean you get to speak to the Alpha like that" her mom argued

She was about to argue back, but didn't get the chance

Chelsea touched Anna's shoulder lightly

"He's the Alpha, but they're also friends. Bosom friends actually" Chelsea said

"I don't mind also, I've become very adapted to the fact that it's going to be easier to fill up a bucket with a fork than to change her" Orion said

"That's true" Julian agreed, causing Chloe to roll her eyes

"How do I always get to be the center of attraction?" Chloe muttered, but it wasn't lost on the werewolves ears

They all chuckled

"Anyway, what brings you two here? Not that you aren't allowed here, or anything like that" Chloe asked

"That's right. We have come to know that you found your mate. Is that correct?" Chelsea asked

"How do you know that?" Orion asked

"Everyone knows" Julian said.

A matter of fact

"And how in the world did they know that?" Orion signed

Nobody bothered to say anything

"So, is it true?" Anna asked

"As true as fire being hot" Chloe replied, earning a glare from Orion

"What? They would have left this place knowing the truth anyways. Why not just make it sooner?"

You know why, Orion told her in the mind link

As if signalling to her, Chelsea squealed

They all winced

Oh, I see, Chloe responded

Orion gave her a I told you look

"Really?! Oh my goodness, Orion, I'm so happy for you! How's she like? When will she like to meet us? Works she like to meet us? What's the next thing to do? Have you marked her?" she said and asked at once

"She's human" the three of them said at once

Chelsea calmed down

"She's human?" she asked

Orion nodded waiting for her next reaction. It wasn't a bad thing to have a human for a mate, but having a wolf was better, especially for an alpha

Chelsea shrugged

"Well, I guess that might slow things down a bit, but there's no course for alarm" she decided

Chloe smiled as she held her hand

"I've always known this, but you're so cool" she said

"Unlike your son" she whispered the last part even though she knew she could still be heard

Chelsea smiled

"I know I'm his mom, but I have to say that you're right" she agreed, also whispering

"We can hear you" Julian, Orion and Anna said

"We know" Chloe and Chelsea replied giving each other a high five

The air was playful for a while, before Orion turned serious

"We don't have time for this" he said

"I agree. You might lose your mate sooner than we thought" Chloe said

"We are not thinking anything" Orion said

Chelsea and Anna said up

"We'll leave you guys to do your thing" Anna said

"You aren't going to help?" Julian asked

"Oh, we know you guys got this" she replied

"And besides, I may no longer be the acting luna, but I still have things to do" Chelsea said

"And I'm still the acting pack healer' Anna agreed and they left