
Chapter 2 "The Authority of the 10 Cities


Li Yan did not hesitate.

The water orb spun smoothly for a moment, then burst open, and the woman's visage leapt out from within it, her watery features extremely vague and indistinct.

Li Yan and the woman locked eyes for a while, both momentarily speechless.

What happened to the fiery-haired woman in black...

Li Yan thought silently.

"I've read that novel too,"

Li Yan's heart skipped a beat as his mind raced to blank, trying to think of nothing.

The fiery-haired woman in black was the protagonist of a popular serial novel he used to like a lot, also named Yu Shiqie, whose experiences were... enticing.

But the remark just now was only Li Yan's inner monologue, yet it was pointed out directly by this woman made of clear water before him.