
Beginning the legend of Spartan Fire restaurant

Create a Legend (CAL) is the game where Legends are born. Kit's dream is a little different than most who join the virtual reality massive multiplayer online game. He is going to make a stamp on the world with his very own slice of heaven. He aims to open his own restaurant and hopefully turn it into the never achieved before level five restaurant. Will he be able to succeed? Will he fade into the background like many others before him? Join Kit as he navigates the vast empire of CAL, trying to achieve his dream, meeting new friends and killing some monsters. (Currently reworking, completed up to chapter 51)

Jomegs · Du hí
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207 Chs

We will just brainstorm a way to get it done!

The familiar screen caused heart palpitations. This was the first time just looking at the screen affected him so much. His eyes hadn't even roamed to the new information available, and he was already in a state of extreme euphoria.

He closed his eyes to settle his heart, he was worried he would miss some information if he didn't review it in a calm state. Once his heart stopped fluttering, he opened his eyes once again. He opened the section on the promotion requirements.

Spartan Fire Restaurant Promotion Requirements

0/1 star promotion token

4,573/1,000 customer visits to Spartan Fire Restaurant, complete

Chef Level: Advanced Novice/Beginner

Employees: 9/1, complete

Magic multiplier plate: 1/1, complete

Create a menu: 5/5 meals, 2/2 drinks, complete.

Kit wanted to kick himself as he looked at the missing promotion token. He forgot to ask Grandpa for one before he left the town hall! This hindsight could easily be rectified. Kit felt his palms start to sweat, he quickly wiped them on his pants then continued to skim over the rest of the information.

His eyes didn't wander far down the writing before he felt his heart stutter, this time it was not from extreme joy. A feeling of incredulity washed over him, how on earth had he forgotten that he had to raise his chef level to beginner before the promotion could be activated! Kit felt all his excitement fizzle. How could he have been so stupid!

The immediate response to that thought was to open his chef promotion information. He didn't think he could cope with another setback if he was missing any of the requirements.

Requirements to next tier, beginner chef.

Create 10 dishes: 15/10, complete.

Create 6 drinks: 6/6 complete.

Unlock 10 chef skills: 15/10 complete.

Reach level 35: 49/35 complete.

Reward: Yellow mystery box, 100,000 experience, 5,000 culinary points.

Relief flooded him when he saw that all the requirements were met to promote himself to a beginner chef. This feeling soon disappeared and was replaced with frustration at not being able to complete his restaurant promotion.

Disappointment flared inside his chest towards himself, how could he have missed something so important! He had been planning for this promotion for so long, he really felt like a fool.

He wanted to go and hide from everyone as unrealistic thoughts started to break into his mind. Pictures of his friends laughing at him for thinking he could achieve his dreams swam in his vision. He felt incompetent right at that moment, if he could miss a simple thing such as overlooking the requirements needed for his restaurant promotion, what else was he overlooking?

Kit rubbed his temple and tried to dispel the negative thoughts. Mars noticed something was off about Kit and came over to whisper in his ear. "Kit, what's wrong?"

Tears pooled in his eyes, Kit quickly blinked them away. He didn't want to lose it in front of so many people. The clear concern in Mars voice touched him and helped to disrupt his negative train of thought. "Nothing, I was just being stupid." Kit pinched his thigh to help distract himself.

Mars studied Kit's face intently. "No something is wrong. Are you not able to promote the restaurant right now?"

Kit wasn't surprised that Mars had guessed what was happening. He had practically flown towards his restaurant earlier. Now he was in an emotional mess, it didn't take a genius to guess the answer. Kit couldn't voice the words as he got himself together, so he just nodded his head in reply.

A warm set of arms wrapped him in a hug. "Alright, it's not a big deal. We will just brainstorm a way to get it done!" Warmth flooded him at his friend's gesture, a feeling of reassurance that making mistakes was ok swept across him.

Kit patted his friend on the back to signal he was now ok. It was nice to have someone else to depend on besides his sister. Once again, he really wished that Mars was his brother in real life.

Kit realised Mars was right, brainstorming with his friends was a good way to overcome obstacles in his path. Kit decided to take some time to get himself together before he discussed a formal plan.

He would need to speak to Snickers as well, he was glad she wasn't here at this moment. Seeing her disappointment would just add to his feelings of guilt if he didn't compose himself properly beforehand.

As if he had summoned her with his thoughts, the delicate elf walked through the back door. Her eyes sparkled as they landed on him. "Kit, I saw the golden rain over the town hall and came rushing back." She started rubbing her hands together and the twinkle intensified. "Are you here for what I think you are?"

Kit knew he was about to deal her a blow, she was just as invested as he was in the restaurant. He had suffered the same fate moments ago, he didn't know how to word it to soften the blow, so he just took a breath and dived in. "No sorry Snickers, it's not time yet. There is still something I need to do before it can happen."

Confusion filled the gazes of Bree and Crackers, they couldn't follow the train of the conversation. Mars patted his shoulder in comfort. "Is there anything I can do right now, Kit?" Mars inquired.

Snickers jumped in straight after him. "You just say the word Kit and I will do whatever you need." There was no blame on her face only concern. As much as the Snickers was a pain in the arse sometimes, she was supportive when he needed her to be.

They both looked at his crumpled expression, he had just started to pull himself together but looking at Snickers for some reason made him start to fall apart all over again. He squeezed out a tight smile, he knew he looked disappointed but there was nothing he could do to change that fact because it was true.

He had been all pumped to get his promotion today, so the blow was hard to deal with. He waved his hand and started to walk outside. "Give me a moment, I need to get my head straight."

As he walked out the door, he started to think of all the things he would need to do to get this promotion done. He would need to make travel plans to Fairweather town to visit the culinary guild. Then Kit remembered the market stall he was going to implement, if he was going to Fairweather town then he should also get the market stall up and running. He didn't want to waste time going back there later if he was already making a trip now.

All of this would push his promotion back further. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair and started to walk through tropical terrain on his land. A Piabbit started following him as he walked. He had no destination he was just aimlessly walking trying to clear his head.

The Piabbit that had been following him started walking in front of him and started to lead him somewhere. Kit didn't feel like going back to his restaurant just yet, so he followed the Piabbit. The pair of man and animal finally stopped at an entrance to a small cave.

The Piabbit turned to Kit to make sure he was still there, then walked into the cave. Kit had to get down on his hands and knees to follow. Curiosity overcame his disappointment as he made his way through the tunnel.

Kit brows shot up upon entry, hundreds of the dark blue Trembling desolate flower of survival filled the cavern. The bell shaped flowers looked absolutely stunning, Kit couldn't stop his hand from reaching out to start harvesting the flowers.

When the Piabbit didn't stop him, Kit swept the room clean just leaving the base of the plants in the ground. Excitement crept back upon Kit as he thought about the flowers. When the one from yesterday had disappeared inside the book he thought it might take a while to get his hands on one again.

He didn't know what this flower could add to one of his creations yet, but he was sure it would be something amazing when he remembered that even the book of plants could not decipher what the flower's information was.

Kit had spent a bit of time in the cavern with the Piabbit and with the distraction of the flowers had turned back into a rational state. He now felt like he could go back and discuss what needed to be done with everyone. He turned to the Piabbit with grateful eyes, it had given him just the distraction that he needed.

"Thanks, I needed this!" The Piabbit let out a delighted squeal. With the Piabbit's reaction, it made him feel that the Piabbit had intentionally brought him here to cheer him up. Kit could only smile, maybe the Piabbits wouldn't be that bad of an addition to his family.

He made his way back to the kitchen with the Piabbit trailing behind. As soon as he reached the door the Piabbit ran off, Kit entered to see Snickers and Mars were still inside. He was still buoyant because of finding the flowers so gave the pair a beautiful smile.

Snickers startled at his expression, raised a curious brow, Mars just grinned. "Thought about what to do?" queried his friend. Kit nodded his head in reply.

"So, what do you need from us?" Mars looked like he wanted to take action straight away. That was fine by Kit, he would give Mars a job very soon.

Kit returned the smile and started to explain that he would have to return to Fairweather town. A creepy grin started to spread across Mars' face after he mentioned Fairweather town. "Oh, then I am definitely coming this time, I have a score to settle with that Chef Nutmeg!"

When Kit looked at Mars his scalp tingled. A crazed twinkle had crept into Mars' eyes to accompany that grin. Kit was very happy that he wasn't the target of that look, he wouldn't like that expression turned upon him.

Snickers interrupted his appraisal of Mars. "This actually works out well Kit, we would need Leonard to build the upgrades to the restaurant. He will need some time to return so it's not a big deal that the restaurant promotion is delayed for now."

Snickers was tapping her chin in thought, Kit waited to see if she had anything else to say. "We really need more items for the menu too. So, I think even if you promoted the restaurant today, we should not start the upgrades to the restaurant until you get a few more creations under your belt."

Kit finally dissipated all his earlier negative thoughts. Snickers was right, he hadn't been ready for the official promotion today. Just because he thought he could promote his restaurant didn't mean he should.

His restaurant upgrade should be a grand event, proper planning would be needed or else it would be like when he opened his restaurant, a massive flop! He wanted to draw in a big crowd for his one star promotion.

"Snickers, I think we will leave the planning for the promotion until I get back. I will leave for Fairweather town tomorrow. I'm going to set up the market stall while I am there, so I won't have to return at a later date, unless it's for promoting my chef level." He would use the stall to drum up business for his restaurant while he was there as well.

Kit felt his excitement build once again towards his restaurant promotion. This time he was going to plan properly instead of going with the flow. If he wanted his business to become world renowned in CAL, then he needed to adjust his mindset to go along with that.

The first step was to implement his first star of his restaurant with a bang! Before that could happen, he and Mars would be going on an adventure to Fairweather town. Kit had missed travelling with just the two of them. This thought alone made him happy to be travelling once again.

Mars left Kit in the restaurant to go and get preparations ready for their trip tomorrow. Kit decided to spend the rest of the day trying to create something else for the restaurant, he wouldn't have much time on his travel for experimenting, so he wanted to get some done now.