
Beginning in the End

it is a story of normal young man called amos?many mysterious surround's him even he doesn't know and did he ever tried to find?? nah! in his daily normal life?something unexpected happens to him in that very normal day and due to that very mystery after falling asleep changes the whole course of his little life.

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synchronisation ||

On the other hand ,the young man had his enthusiasm down now but that did not managed to get in his head as he remembers his purpose.

"Oh! right.can this thing work now that I have synchronised??we have to quickly escape." He spoke up quickly while questioning himself as he reminds both of them.

[Order has been received] it informed immediately.

[where does host wants to go ?] It adds questioning him.

The young man was following the instructions the girl gave her and did not used his mind a least therefore he did not know what to do afterwards.

"Umm??well i don't have any idea about that ,she told me when it's ready to go ,i gotta call her but didn't said where to where we should go to." It wasn't surprising he did not know what do as he was pondering over the question AI asked.

"But i guess, going anywhere would be fine in this situation." It was right decision to him when he told AI in this situation when he was giving instruction to it.

As the young man was going at the current pace as it was a dream and had no idea where to go nor he can decide where they should go .

Nevertheless, escaping from metallic balls was what they had to do and although he knew it could be possible they still can follow them.

And from his senses,it was wise decision to go somewhere it can't come or somewhere on advantages place but he did not wanted to decide it and thought to first escape then they can decide to go anywhere after the girl comes inside.

[Informing host , balariam can already escape in 0.1 sec if host's gives his order and does not need to worry about being attacked by fealtro's] it told him to assure his safety.

"That sounds good." He felt assured after hearing it.

"So, shouldn't I have to call her first ." Remembering what he now has to do he ponders.

"We.are.ready.to.escape." in a loud voice,he shouted to convey the girl.

He was sitting comfortably and relaxed without moving from his fluffy seat when he shouted out loud as he seems to have loud and strong vocal and his voice echoes a little in the surroundings and reached to a gorgeous ear.

The girl was running chased by fealtro's and curved her body immediately in the air with her whole body a little in the air as there was only a little distance from the surface to touch her shoes while curving from her right hand side upon hearing the sound as her eyes looked bright and full of life upon hearing the words.

she halts immediately by putting a instantaneous force on the ground when she landed with her puffed futuristic shoes and as it was a pitch dark but her body could clearly be seen doing all that due to the energy coming from the lessers.

"Finally." She spoke looking focused from her eyes.

the young girl presses from her shoes downwards on the ground and sprinted as she leaps in the air instantly , splendidly and calmly while at the same time when she still was in the Air after her leap as if she knew the white lesers were approaching from her right side towards her.

Exquisitely she lean her whole body from her left looking horizontally in the air in a focused look as she was spinning from her left side smoothly and slowly by dodging the lesser passing through her straight a little close from her head when she still was in the air and her body spinning slowly from left.

Her left leg was lifting in the air from her left side and apparantly it was the reason she could still move her body when she just took a leap from the ground a moment ago, she seems to have an outstanding battle sense as if she has fought my battles .

She stretched the lifted leg up towards the sky gorgeously while her body rotates from her left while she evades the lessers passing her side ,up , down and up swiftly and smoothly.

The lessers passed through her straight without harming her a least with no more than a Inch gape between them and her body.

She launched herself while her whole body was continuing to rotate when her leg reached in middle and her front body face towards sky.

Afterwards she leapfrog the bushes acting as if boundary in that forest from her kick while dodging one more lesser which passed by the space her body was rotating at.

It was spectacular scene at what she did as all of it happened in 1 second but it felt like she did quite a lot of thing,huh!.

Her shoes lands at the pitch dark ground across the bushes while her face looked with pure confidence even when the fealtro's turns towards her from her far to the right side .

Unexpectedly even after this much running and dodging all those attacks she still has no sweat on her face and looked the same as before.

After her landing she immediately dashed and ran while rushing towards blariam not much further at her front .

"Ohh!she still looks fine with no scratches like AI told me and this things Called fealtro's are quite stubborn to chase her so stubbornly."His face looked surprise when he spoke up and wondered after all this time it finally came to his mind.

He was calmly watching at the girl coming towards blariam running for her life from the inside to the outside as the door of the blariam was still open and he was talking to himself and having his time he had nothing to think and rememberd questioning himself as to why the fealtro's are attacking her now.

"Hmmmm.wonder why are they attacking her?are they her enemies or something???."he ponders over the question in his mind.

"Or something else??well,i don't know the scripts of sci-fi animes and movies,so I don't have any idea about it."

Although that was only for a second as he didn't bother to use his mind and ignored it as she entered hurriedly to the inside and the door turns from nano matter to matter door when she had stepped inside immediately.

"Huu , quic..." Inhaling a long breath while trying to say something out of her mouth.

the young man was still watching at the girl in focused eyes as if he is waiting for her to speak whatever she wanted to speak while sitting confidentially and quietly and innocently as if watching a show.

"Um???" He quietly noted what she was trying to speak as his right eyebrows rose up.

"Quickly!escape dammit." She spoke out loud as she added and reminding them looking confused as to why the young man was watching her as if he was sitting in his home.

"Stop gawking at me and hurry,we gotta escape to where we were at back." She yelled at him while giving instruction.

Not caring her situation he was listening to her silently talking hurriedly while shouting at him in confusion but now he seems have his answer found as she told them where they should go.

"Um!You heard her, right??" While looking pure calm he reminds AI.

[I do,then blariam now will be going back to the previous location] it answered him immediately.

"it can escape in 0.1 seconds, so we will not be attacked by the fealtro's but wonder where are we going to now." After telling AI he talks to himself as to where will the script of this dream is going to now .

The walls becames transparent with small cube shaped appearing on it and the outside could be seen as if it's a feature in it to see outside ,so it could be that one can't see from outside to what is going in inside but the young man didn't notice what the outside looked liked as he was staring the girl sitting confidentially and silently.

"Hah,damn.finally escaped that thing,it doesn't seem like it followed again." She breaths out looking tired and mentioned fealtro's,it seems she was worried it could follow them but now looks relaxed knowing they have escaped successfully.

"Make me another seat." while taking a step forward she ordered AI.

As the young man was sitting on only one seat seemingly to be seen inside of blariam but she was ordering to make another as if it was normal for a seat to appear just from air.

And surprisingly when she was walking to the right side of the seat the young man was sitting on a new same looking seat appear as if created from non matter to matter,she flopped down on the seat as the young man was looking at her calmly and noticed something at his front.

"Woahhh!that looks amazing huh! I wonder where are we??."in utter amazed he spoke up.

"And what is that thing??did the the walls became transparent just now??." He adds while questioning himself at the sudden the look while looking by turning left and right his head around to look at the surroundings curiously as the surrounding at his left and right was as if space was folded and colourful light could be seen .

The blariam was floating in the dark space and time when looked from a little far and it was surrounded by beautiful colours of lights as if it was not moving but still in it's place which looked breathtaking when looked at.

Noticing him acting strange, the girl's eyes opened up while she was calming her mind laying relaxed on the seat and turns her head towards him.

"Hmm!!??who are you??." When she noted his unusual behaviour she asked in smooth and calmed tone.

He was taken aback and went silent when he heard her questioning him that .

"hmm?now ,how do I answer her?I am confused." His eyes looked shocked as if he realised something looking silent while his forehead veins twisted when his eyebrows came closer to the middle in confusion.

" I did saved you ,did you hit your head or what??." He answered while mocking her.

Knowing the fact that it was a dream but telling her that he was in his own dream is nothing but foolish thing to do and it was hard for him to decide on what to say .

So he answered whatever on the moment which also can answer her question while without telling about his dream.

The girl spring up and now that there was enough bright light she can be seen clearly wearing almost full sleeve dark brown colour cloth covering her half thigh while her leg was completely empty and her shoes had the same colour as her both cloth which was buggy and the puffed shoes covering her ankles with dim but clear light blue colour strings on both of their surface.

revealing her beautiful and smooth , shiny and clear legs while her hair was dim golden silver colour and her eyes was purple makeing her look nothing but gorgeous although she had innocent face but it suited her unknownly.

She was looking at him all over as if she only noticed his features now in Confusion.

"what are you wearing??I have never saw such clothes before even in our slums nor history." Looking innocently confused she commented on his attire.

He thought dumbfounded by what she said " I do admit ,my clothes doesn't look as futuristic as her but I feel wrong something in her last word."

The young man was wearing a simple although not luxurious black suit but it still was of high quality and apparantly for the girl who was wearing a futuristic clothes which doesn't seem to be even made of using normal methods but looked more like it was made from special elements and research so what she said was right from her point of view.

He thought "Well, it's a dream and all,so I can't explain her.hmm, should i think to wear a futuristic cloth while thinking that she will think of me as a person from future and it will happen but.. i don't have much idea on what futuristic clothes look like .so,I will think later when I found some afterwards ." While contemplating on his own what to do about his attire.

The young girl was looking confused at his clothes and as the young man did not bother to say much after hearing her .

Since she asked the young man her mind now was focused and she remembered something notable.

"AI, where were we previously?? why was there a forest and buildings and now this guy ?? explain to me.did we end up in some island or somewhere?." As her mind now was calm and she asked AI looking confused from her eyes while maintaining her composure.

[answering to the host's question in simple words,the host has travelled space and time and arrived on an unknown planet with not even radiation exposure] AI answered to the question the girl asked it.

However the young girl was shaken up when she heard it say that and paid her attention at her front and at the back of the young man when she was looking at him while talking she saw outside space and her face looked perplexed the more she looks.

She thought "awawa,tf is going on?? and where the hell am I ??what is this thing I am on it??and all about time and space travel, the situation in itself is something i don't know about what is going on?nooooooo.... my..my mind. it can't take it anymore or think what is going on here? or even start to think about where to think."the young girl was befuddle while looking arround when AI was telling her .

Furthermore hearing it say that ,it seems she was quite confused by her both privious position or vehicle she was resting comfortably in and maybe their was something more which made her not even able to think anything.

In simple conclusion she was confused by this situation in itself, shocked by her situation she had not much to say and fell silent back on the seat.

"I am totally fucked, huhh!."she spoke while looking towards looking up as if whatever it was in her mind earlier she just didn't wanted to touch them.

While at the same time after what AI gave a simple answer to her and the young man hearing what AI told seating as if having thought in mind and thinking about his current situation he finally knew it was not a dream and no other thought ran other than.

"Damn,I am seriously Fucked huhh?."he spoke up looking silent as if there was nothing more to think but only that word.

Both of them had spoke up at the same time and hearing swearing from one another in confusion they turns towards at each other looking calm and contrast to that they found out the fact about how deep in shit they are.

"So,you are someone who lives in the past time huh??no wonder you look different than human's i have ever seen." With calm look as if she was in a tranquil water wonder while looking at the young man.

"Then, let's first introduced ourselves.my is name alice." Adding to that she introduced herself.

Although alice had travelled to the past she was not surprised or looked curious about it and thought to introduce her as they didn't knew about each other until now even after going through all that.

The young man looking at her calmly not faze by her stunning and gorgeous features also had the same thought that he should get to know each other and his situation.

"Ti.." he blurted out.

He stoped as he said those words out of in hurry and looking at him composed she muttered.

"Ti..???" While expecting what he was going to say she mumble questioning.

"Amos." He spoke suddenly.

"It's my name." And added as he introduced himself.

He thought "uhh,I was almost going to say that name of mine.my pride will go down if someone other than 'they' call me from that name because I am used to hear from them." Feeling as if something secret or serious was he about to say but still looked calm as before.

It seems amos lied about his name or was hiding it for some reason when he blurted out in the middle but it also does not seem like it wasn't his name from his face and the way he told.

However alice seems to have other thoughts coming in her mind at the moment as she looked around remembering something.

"Wait,i forgot about the situation again." She spoke out looking surprised in realisetion of her situation.

"what are we riding now???and how the fuck did a travel mobile which is used as a normal vehicle can travel time?? " Looking perplexed and confused she questioned herself.

"The hell are we in??and how come i didn't noticed this soft seat I am seating on??even latest models does not have such features, wasn't it said it was only a latest model?." While she was looking around and noticed the seat looking more confused the more she questioned herself.

she was in a confused state and talking as if she didn't knew herself what she was riding and thought it was a normal vehicle's latest model.

Then again ,in light of her her questions. apparantly ,blariam was not a travel mobil if even the latest models does not have it's features.

Moreover,if it was something of newer model she should know of it as she is from future herself but she doesn't seem like to know rather it felt as if it was something she didn't knew herself.