
Beginning in the End

it is a story of normal young man called amos?many mysterious surround's him even he doesn't know and did he ever tried to find?? nah! in his daily normal life?something unexpected happens to him in that very normal day and due to that very mystery after falling asleep changes the whole course of his little life.

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solving the questions |

The atmosphere and everyone was silent but Amos still seems to be deducting something from his face.

"Soo!!ummmm..." Talking whilst still thinking not sure in mind.

"Does it mean , blariam can only travel through time and space ??am i getting right or not??."Amos spoke trying to join all the broken confusion in his mind and come up with a answer confirming them what he deducted out.

Hearing amos talking everyone started to pay attention to him and alice spoke. after her shut mouth from the earlier joke "yup,you are right amos."

"no wonder ,you ended up in my time and space rather than saving that dude who was captured because of your stupidity." He was treating her a stupid while moving his pupil towards liam in normal look.

When liam Lough's cheerfully "Ahaha, thanks for worry...."liam was thankful for his worry but Amos interrupted and in annoyed face and spoke coldly "This fucker, really seems to want to die."

Thinking in her mind alice started telling her confusing"but what I am confused about is the reason it travelled to your time where I found you near it when I got out a little far from it chased by the fealtro's."

Alice was looking focused from her eyes while explaining her confusion to the group and hearing them both amos,ars and liam looked surprised at her question.

As if she had found a question which everyone sitting doesn't have an idea about and looked like they had started to think about the question alice was asking in their mind.

Everyone was silent after alice asked the question while looking silent and expecting someone to say about the question.

ars looked silent too , as if he was troubled by this question."..."

"although alice told me about her situation but i don't know yours." Asked amos.

ars spoke tilting his face at amos as alice turns towards him immediately and liam looked like he stoped thinking about the question and started to listen to their conversation.

Amos was sitting confidentially as if thinking about Alice's question but in his mind he was confused about what Alice's question meant.

And immediately looked at ars as had just asked him, in Confusion eyes ".....??"

"I was sleeping." Tells them immediately.

"And?after that??." Listening in Focus ars asked again.

"I met alice while walking on the walkway."

He was calm and confidentially answer with no doubt on the face.

Ars became silent after hearing amos's question."..."

"!!???what about before you were walking??why were you there where i landed!?."Alice was making a gesture with her both hands when asking amos the details of his answer as it did not answered what ars had actually asked.

And of course Amos did not known of it and just had answered him without thinking.

"Yeah!what she says is ,I am curious about too." when liam asked after her looking interested and curious face.

In confused eyes on his face "the fuck!!?? didn't I said I was sleeping??." And annoyed by her question replied again not understanding what they meant a least .

"No, that's not what I was asking??why were you walking on the walkway!!?." but alice again asked with a gesture of her both hand for the question amos could not understand she was asking and of course the answer he gave to them was also the thing she could not understood.

So both of them were confused without knowing what the question was and what the answer actually was not they had other way to ask.

"....." Silent dumbfounded by her questions.

"The fuck are you talking about ,like an idiot??." Scolded her for not understanding what he told her again and again.

"I have already told you,I was walking after I slept." Told again as if telling her last time.

Amos said looking at alice as if looking at someone dumb and she became silent after what amos said as if thinking something in mind because how sure Amos looked and she wasn't that much of an idiot to not understand that.

While liam thought looking at them calmly "

" I can't seem to think anything about the situation, better let them solve it."does not get involved a least .

"So,want do you think was the reason you were there??you see,i think it's a very important to solve it to know the reason the blariam travelled to your space and time."

Knowing Amos does not seems like he knows what alice was asking her in more roundabout way so he can understand asked.

Ar wasn't like both liam and alice who are a little dumb and although he speaks less but that's what makes him look cool not to mention the intelligency he has it was easy for him to ask in way Amos understand.

And with no doubt on his face Amos immediately understood his question and answers "What!!?? wasn't that a simple sleepwalking what I was doing?." And tells as if it was simple thing.

Looking at him as if he can read him ."hearing at the situation amos talked...." asked "then have you ever sleepwaked due to your lucid dream??and ,what if it wasn't a sleepwalking? because from Alice's words,you get lucid dream daily,so you should be quiet used to lucid dreams and can control your body even if you are in sleep."whilst reminding him he described his situation in detail so he doesn't get confused as to why he was asking something like that.

"...." Silent.

"Fuck." Realised immediate in utter sock from the inside.

Amos was silent for a second as his eyes looked as if he had gotten more deep in water than he was and now has no way to escape while alice and liam were looking as if question was going to be solved when ars was involved.

Ars thought when amos's face turned like he had no idea what was going on "..yep,I knew it." as if he knew.

"You have never encountered such a situation and that's why you look confused about it." Ars knew amos did not had the answer from his face and was totally confused not being able to think,so he gave a hand to calm his mind down.

As amos thought hearing him "So I was looking confused huh!!." Realising without knowing what he looked like.

"Hmm, although I had thought about this situation to happen but i didn't had time to sort out my thoughts as things kept coming one after the other." Remembered in his mind.

When he remembered something again in a little surprise "Oh!damn,I had forgotten about that!!when I was walking on the walkway and was confused at the situation but forgot later what I had forgotten and now i remember...????." Confused at his last word as if realising something.

and now amos was confused more than ever with his eyes in sock."Oh!!damn,so what do i remember now??the thing which I was confused about or about me forgoting my confusion!!??" His eyes looked deep in thought while he was thinking about that.

"....." Silent.

".....i shouldn't touch such a forbidden thing's and focus on the situation." while still in sock mind amos calms his mind completely forgoting all that while composing himself.

Alice pondered after hearing ars mention amos being confused"Hmmmm, indeed! he was confused ,no!more like he didn't know what was going on when I saw him."Looking at amos while remembering the moment when she saw amos standing on the walkway.

"amos,why don't you asked blariam for the reason."Liam spoke immediate looking at the situation getting nowhere asking amos.

"I was thinking the same thing."while amos looked like he was thinking the same thing and replied normally.

In his mind happyly he thought after Amos replied him "Haha,amos seems to have started talking normally, although i don't care how he talks but it seems we can become closer little by little."liam was feeling a little better after amos didn't got pissed on him.

"for some reason I think it won't have the answer to what amos is going to ask."

Ars was looking at amos while tilting his head up a little high as if he had guessed inside his mind.

amos knew what could be liam thinking about but he ignored it for now "I can almost hear what that bastard is thinking but i should leave it for now."

"hey AI!?do you have any idea about what are we confused about!??."And asked AI to what they were confused about as amos didn't know himself as to what to ask it.

[blariam does not have any information on the host before synchronisation] it responded with and answer.

While everyone were looking as if they can get something from AI to get out of the situation they are in ,leaving ars out who had guessed what it was going to say.

"Well then,what about other things!!??you know right!?the things we are confused about?." It was surprising for him to have realised finding answer wasn't easy and asked while making hand gesture to talk to AI as he still didn't knonw what he should actually ask.

[balariam only travel's through the time and space when host clearly states his destination] it tells the one of the answer he wanted to know.

[the year near a decade they will travel and distance, in light years] adds informing him.

AI was telling him while everyone was listening and ars seems to look like he was right from his eyes and apparantly amos has not understood a thing while hearing with his clear and innocent looking eyes as if he understood.

"But i didn't specify anything though ,so shouldn't it be stuck in the space and time rather than travel through ?." Immediate after its finishing of the sentence alice spoke after hearing in confusion and doubt.

whereas liam was looking as if he had something in his mind."Hmm,it could be because you were attacked by the fealtro's and landed on the time and space where amos was."And tells telling them what was on his mind.

"That sounds about right." It was a convincing answer so she immediately looked like there was no confusing remaining.

"I guess." There wasn't any Confusion nor anymore question in his mind so he just agres with what he said.

Listening to both of them looking like they had the answer as ars wasn't looking jumping to conclusion.

[pointing to what liam said upon analysing..] whereas AI informed them.

[..blariam's final position was near the location where it had landed due to time space turbulence] adds telling them .

Everyone was surprised at what AI informed them of and ars looked like he understood it's better to leave it completely whereas Liam looks like he wasn't caring that much about the question to begin with.

"huh??but i never gave that order so,how does it have a final location!??." Confused she questioned it .

"Wut tf is going on!!??are we solving question or finding new questions!!??." His face and eyes looked more confused at what AI informed them.

[.... blariam does not have any orders from the host,alice] it answered at alice's question.

She understood upon hearing it and didn't bother to question on over it anymore "Um,so was it someone other than me who already had planned to travel the time and space!??."and started to guess different thing calming her mind from the inside while amos was looking silent.

[before host alice became host , blariam did not had any host nor it was used by anyone] an confirmed answer from it was was given upon her question.

"Aw ,fuck." Alice looked like ,she really did find out a new question like amos said than solve the previous one and now even after shifting to another thing she could go nowhere.

Everyone became silent,with no sound coming due to their atmosphere . after some time of silence ars looks like he was going speak.

"So,you are joining our team right,amos?." And asked as if he knows amos will join it from looking at his behaviour in his mind.

"sure." Agreed.

It was his plan from the beginning so it was obvious he will join and getting know it all was necessary thing to do as he can't just join without knowing anything.

At the same time he agreed in his mind there was something else going on "Like hell i won't join!if i don't join then my little life will be over after coming in the end and ending up dead From hunger." A serious problem he now got to know more which made him to not be able to have any reason to disagree.

"Welcome to our team,amo.." kind liam welcomed him but would amos like it ?there is no way.


"ghaaargh...that hurts amos!!why was tha..."

In pain he screams a little asking amos the reason and he was going to say why was that for .

Amos hit liam with the metal he had lifted up twice times to warn liam at his forhead while ars and alice didn't care what was happening between them.

liam looked a little hurt with blood popping out from his head and holds his head in pain as the metal bounced on his back and falls on the back metal.

"What!??did you forget what I told you,you little shit,huhh!!??." Totally looking pissed from his face and direct eyes looking at him reminds.

"To shut the fuck your mouth or I will hit you,you annoying bastard." Adds telling him in still another annoyed face.

With that,amos gave liam the reason he asked while looking silent,he thought in normal face."what the heck is that guy's head made of?? although, i didn't hit using my full strength but he only got a little hurt in his head." Surprised by the hardness of his forehead.

"I thought,if I blow his head hard enough.he won't act like annoying but i guess I was mistaken, gotta put more strength when I hit him next time." Even after knowing the hardness his head has and hitting him ,he does not look satisfied and thinks he will hit again but until when ,he himself did not known of.

"Although,i don't know if I will be able to hold back and blow his head completely." Wonder the possibility.

For some reason Amos does not like an kind person nor someone who acts in the same behaviour as was the same liam which was apparent the reason of his increased in annoyence.

Not to mention he also feels something is off when he cheerful smiles making him more annoyed.