
Beginning in the End

it is a story of normal young man called amos?many mysterious surround's him even he doesn't know and did he ever tried to find?? nah! in his daily normal life?something unexpected happens to him in that very normal day and due to that very mystery after falling asleep changes the whole course of his little life.

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35 Chs

giving a name ||

After deciding on functions he needed to do as if he already had thought it through tells it .

"Umm,so first of all .sent every information to my mind when I needed to be or want to know something because I kinda feel like idiot who doesn't know anything or I can ask others as i think it is stupid to ask when I know nothing in this advance future,no ,future of the end." Orderd the first function.

There was more than 3 thousand years of gape between his time and present time he is in currently which is nothing but a fantasy land to him who has never ever bothered with futuristic things.

So for him able to imagine the current technology in mind or understanding wasn't even possible and could only rely on blariam's information of technology transfer in his mind.

"and for the next one,if i remember exactly you could sense where alice was in the 2nd chapter when I had entered in the blariam . so i think you can also search nearby, right??." Asked confirming the privious noted thing .

[Yes , previously it could be searched 1km when host alice was the host but after the synchronisation, searching hundred kilometer's in the surrounding is the distance it can search] AI tells amos confirming his question .

"That sounds like a good thing ,huh. If I had know it earlier , i would have found that fruit called whatever and didn't had to waste my time ." Now that he heard it's sentence regretted knowing the use it has.

In the starting when amos had asked if alice was dead or alive to himself whilst inside the blariam , AI had informed the situation to him clearly .

Which was the reason he guessed immediately that it can search around and with what AI said it seems it was way more than he had expected .

It is even possible to cover the whole island and the sea area in wide range for searching for eatable things but because he didn't do that now thinks .

[It is of outside function and in the previous situation travel mobil being not able to come anywhere near the island blariam could not come out in the matter state continuing the host to look for eatable things by himself] it was the reason and also it's reply on what Amos was talking by himself.

But there is no way Amos will let it be remembering the sufferings to the very body clearly.

He did not accept whatever reason it gave him ,his face became angry, teeth greeting each other and vens coming onto the face while his eyebrows and eyes looked as if he clearly was pissed quite a lot hearing it's reply as if there was no other solution while talking to AI in sudden "so ,I was fated to get lost in there for three fucking days and almost died from hunger??.well whatever ,start searching when I needed and warn me from any danger and if someone senses your searching, immediately stop searching and tell me the reason on that moment as it can be troublesome if someone uses that to find me." Calms down a little as he knew it was useless to get pissed on that and told it the another function.

His attention on the the words are clear and remembers everything even if it is normal talk and asked "Alright,by the way,alice said or was it ars??.forget it ,they said you didn't maintain something like energy in me when we were in the island." Mentioned the talk to AI as if he thought it was something sticking in his mind for some reason as if important and not wanted to forgot it.

Tells what he couldn't remember [it was alice,as for the question host has asked.when energy is maintained inside the body such as breathing air and the bodily functions to the cellular or gene level properly without a waste,a human could last longer without eating whilst having the same amount of strength] it was the reason alice doubted why Amos looked like that because blariam maintains his energy .

It seems like what amos asked was important to him because he was almost died before and hearing AI he thought it looks like it was way more important than he thought it to be .

" So why aren't you maintaining my energy??if it's this amazing would I have to beg them like an idiot and down my pride,huh??." In clear eyes noting what AI said asked looking in pride as if he did not liked the least what he did.

[the energy was already being maintained inside the body but due to the host not having enough energy after getting leg regenerated and not eating for a week endd up in the previous situation ,so host did not had any other option at that time but to beg like a fool] answered what he asked whilst making fun of him.

amos understood the obvious word it spoke but he did not had any way to make a argument remained silent "...."

Changing the subject he get's to do what he was doing " yeah!and also, immediately tell me if I came across someone strong enemy in the future who i won't be able to defeat and send the information in my mind by calculating the fight between both me and the opponent ,All the ways to defeat the enemy.so I don't end up like in the previous situation ."

Remembering what happened in the privious situation about his adventures and things he did,amos knew it was a situation where he could have got in more troubles .

But it also helped realising him to be more careful about such situation's further happening in the future and although he could find out something thing's like earlier but it's too slow.

And although his plan worked but that was all because amanter did not payed much attention on him which won't happened again with other opponent.

"And yeah!can you tell what abilities someone with the extra has??." Asked something he was thinking possible to know of.

As the extra having an ability in each of the future human's, so if possible to know, it will help him a lot in many ways.

Directly answered [no, abilities are more complicated than the curious host thinks and only the surface energy can be sense but it cannot be done more or the ability user will immediately know and will interrupt before one can know even 5% ] even advance such as blariam is not able to do anything much about extra .

Precisely told in detail as if it was normal sounding as if extra really is not as Amos can even imagine.

[which is same as not knowing but it's defferent if it is someone weaker or synchronisation increases more] add telling and hinting clearly to amos as if blariam does not have something it can't penetrate through.

"That sounds more like i gotta increase the synchronisation rate more." It was obvious for amos and replied to it at what it hinted him.

Fully feeling really safe ended "Alright then,now that this problem is done." As if something was on his mind he wanted to do.

"I have thought of a name because I don't like the current sound of both blariam and AI,not to mention now it's a part of me ,so i gotta treat it the same like i treat myself. " From the very earlier he was thinking about a new name he prepared for blariam and AI .

In other words both will be called with only one name as AI is to boring and blariam is not the name he has given.

"So your name will be inos.in from infinity space and os from chronos ,which sounds right with the name and the ability of time and space." Named AI as if he has thought it through deeply.

[understood]AI liked the name and follows his orders.

[Changing the name given to the model 26 to the name current host has given.....]and started changing it's name.

It had told amos it's model earlier which was 26 in the noid series which is the stronger than even extra's.

[The name has been changed to inos and both blariam and the AI which gives and helps the user in information and other things will be called ,inos]

"now that we are done with that, time to go out And see what's going on outside." Making his mind Amos decide to walk out of the room and also in the place he was in to see outside.

As now that he has time he should look around where he is and get to know all and came down from the bed which was thick as human sized white and fluffy large bed and he looked like small child on whilst coming out because of it's thickenes.

As he walked near to the door leading him outside,the door immediately opened after sensing him near at it.

Noticed someone to the right "Hmm!!,who is that?." Muttering himself.

When amos just step out of the door he noticed ,a 12 to 13 year old golden and cool looking boy going towards on amos's right not much but few steps near a room in the passage between the rooms,in the passage had dim light but not much to not be able to seen the person's face clearly.

So amos could clearly see him as his senses has increased a lot more whilst looking at the boy in the confusion standing near his door as the boy noticed him muttered and stopping outside his own room.

Turns smoothly and calm as if his mind was always focused "Don't stare at me like that, looking at your confused face i won't say much.i am in the same team as you and I live here ,my teammates should have informed you , right?."

The boy looked like a smart child but he had mature look at how he acts and genius mind from his thoughts while talking .

Not letting Amos know he was thinking or other person or even blink from focus as he already has seen through him "Hmm,from his confused look I can see that .he is confused at the both the situation and me and of course he looks like he forgot what he was confused at ,so now he is more confused." Geussed all the things going on in amos's mind as if he can read mind.

"And I can already see he is one of our teammates because he was staying in one of the rooms ,i should immediately tell him important things rather than talk too much which will be not good as he won't understand anything if he starts questioning."

the young boy has though about the situation from what was going in a second and also came up with solution.

Amos remembered "yeah!they did say there was another guy in the team,so you are that one?but why are you looking like a kid??did something coused you to deaged?? it's future,so it is possible."

after what the young boy said Amos was listening to him silently and shocked from his look as he had thought,it would be some amazing person because of how they were talking about the child and now amos is questioning his age, looking amazed as if trying to think what could be the reason while looking like solving a mystery.

"Man ,now you are talking funny nonsense. as you can see I am indeed a kid and did not have deaged like you are imagining in your mind." Replied as if he felt funny hearing him smiling a little from the side looking handsome.

But it looks like the young boy did not cared a least at what Amos said as he was listening amos speaking and spoke after he finished talking like he was focused and silent from his eyes and calculating everything every second and also gave him chance as it would be unfriendly of him.

"for real?heh.i sure have ended up in a wierd team." His all answers were answered so his little confused mind became normal.

With what the child tells him about him being indeed a kid and amos realised how wierd his team was when he puts all of them together but he also doesn't seem like he cares much on how others are.

"You seem like an interesting guy but we will talk some other time as i have something to do for now,by the way my name is apolvis and everyone calls me apo ." Spoke still in focused maturely and introduced friendly to amos.

"You can call me whatever you like." As it was good thing to always hear others when becoming acquaintance he gave him free choice and does not seems like what he said sounds like he is lying.

"apo is good ,I will call you that." It was short and good name to call which Amos clearly will like to call even if some other teammates won't.

"Sure.then,See ya." Goes to his room bidding to meet later.

After talking with apo Amos came walking front towards the stairs made of complete unknown metal and also at end of the passage where light was bright .

What he was walking on was metal too,it seems like the all of the things were made of metals .

"Hmm!?...." Noticed something.

"this thing is something like an advanced stairlift."

when amos came near the end of the stairs ,a soft and fluffy human shaped figure grabbed him and sends him to the down on the surface smoothly with bothering him to walk down the stairs.

after what amos had told inos ,now he got the information send inside his mind ,so he immediately knew what it was.

Amos looked through in the place he ended up and it looked like it was something like the dining room in present time .

had beautiful purple and gold colour walls with white and soft looking seats in the sides and at amos walks looking around towards his front where was an extra space out of the dining room to look outside in a rectangular shape metal.

"let's see where are we now as i don't know where I am because earlier I was in a different place and now I am in a different place." He was talking to himself remembering where he was at time after getting his leg injured.

[the place host is staying at is called a caios which can withstand radiation's,the surrounding around this caios are such many other caios's where other humans are living in currently] inos informed what thought was running inside Amos's mind.

"...." Silently Amos heard what it informed.

Amos kept walking towards the extra space out of the dining room as he wanted to look outside and know where he is now when Inos told him by searching everything around the caios as amos had ordered it.

When amos came out of room and stood onto the extra space he saw something to his left.

And when you look from a little afar to able to seen the place clearly while he was looking at something down.

The place amos was at had all bright clear white colour on the outside,in it's back down down was something like a training place surrounded with metal walls and it's ground was soil whilst the area outside of it was made of metal.

Ars was seen lifting heavy as big as a Amos sized looking like a lifting metals which made all the muscles on ars's body clearly terrifying.

From the way he was lifting it up and down was cracking on position he was standing on the ground when he was holding it with his both hands and liam seems to be training close fighting techniques a little fare to his left with non human like figure.

while alice was just running as fast as she could on the sides circling the whole training place they were on ,yep , only just running as fast as she could.


"...." Silently landing.

Amos jumped down after he saw them and lands on the ground smoothly while looking silent on how the others were still busy in their own training knowing he came down.

Which clearly meant and Amos understood how focused they were in their training and won't even care to glace at him but Amos did not wanted to disturb too .

With that he knew he has now wait for them to finish training.