
Beginning in the End

it is a story of normal young man called amos?many mysterious surround's him even he doesn't know and did he ever tried to find?? nah! in his daily normal life?something unexpected happens to him in that very normal day and due to that very mystery after falling asleep changes the whole course of his little life.

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35 Chs

challenge |

[After an 4 hour and 24 minutes]

After an few hours later everyone stops their training at the same time slowly like they had set time on when to stop their training whilst walking towards amos calming his breath talked.

"You seem to have woke up !!why are you eating that gedos fruit??." Noticed what Amos was holding in his hand and asked as if stopping him.

But not hearing ars's words continues chewing and after gulping a whole spoke answering his question "Because it is for eating,duh." As if he didn't understand what ars meant takes a bite again.

"..." At his reaction when ars was stopping him became dumbstruck in silence as if he could not argue any further.

sitting on a non living being looking figure's back by making it stand on it's both knees and hand on the ground still continuing eating gedos fruit not minding a least what ars said to him,it was same figure as the figure liam was training with.

In side's there were many heavily looking metals place to use for lifting and few figures standing motionlessly and obviously amos ide one of those so he can sat and wait for them until they stop.

"Did he not realised,what he is doing right now??." Spoke liam walking calming his breathing.

From far side alice walking calming her breathing "That sure is how amos does things from his behaviour until now." Talked remarking on amos's as if she knows him well and did not look surprise at all.

Both alice and liam were walking from sides in far distance while talking about amos,it seems he did something which shouldn't be done but they did not cared to hurry to stop him.

"What?did you forget ,you were dying earlier without being able to eat?." Ars asked stoping at his front reminding him.

"That jerk, he is still eating without stopping even after what we told him.is he really that idiot to not realise that?. " Looked shocked as Amos should really stop of they have told him to do so but still continuing biting on the gedos.

"Hmm,i guess,that's how amos does things but he should have something in his mind if he had done.of course it could be possible,he really didn't realise what he is doing." He knew amos won't listen to them either way and thought the possibility.

Whilst talking at front of ars sitting Amos replied to ars "That's why I am eating to fill my hungry stomach now because I was almost died because of not eating for a week. Although,this much won't be enough to fill my little hungry stomach but it can keep me going for few days without dying."

Liam and alice came near amos stopping at front of amos continuing eating the fruit and had almost finished it when amos replied to ars question.

Although,ars,alice and liam were stopping him from eating it any further but they did not force him as if it was his choice and looked at him finishing eating his fruit in his hand.

"....!! " Noticed something .

Amos thought while looking at them after finishing his fruit ."Hmm,I got another information send in my mind. so that's why this guys don't have any sweat on their body or looking to be breathing much harder after they had done this much training."

"Due to the extra, maintaining their bodily functions properly and that is why they have good circulation of energy. well ,i should Stop caring such a little thing's everytime." looking at them humming in his mind as he got information in his mind ponders.

"This emptyheaded idiot..!!!" Scolds alice staring intensely from her eyes.

Alice scolds amos as if he was doing something very wrong when he finished eating up and stoped in the middle of her sentence immediately as something came inside her mind suddenly.

"You should know by now how hard it is to find even a little food as this much ,so you should have better ate it little by little like we do." Talks to Amos after watching him finishing the whole fruit.

Ars was telling amos ,who was not bothered to even listen Alice's scolding or look towards both of them.

what ars said was how they do and manage their food consumption to the silent looking amos.

"..." Focusing on thought came in her mind silently.

while alice started to think from the look of her silent and calm face after stopping in the middle of her sentence.

".....dammmit." in few seconds alice realised something and closed her eyes making a mmnmm sound as if she was thinking as hard as she could while clinching her both fist.

Worriedly at her acts asked looking at her "Are you alright,alice??why are you being like that all of sudden??." Liam immediately realised something was wrong with alice.

She replied immediate answering for the act she is doing "I can't think of a proper way to argue with him , after hearing and thinking about his answer in my mind.my mind tells me he is doing the right thing for some reason but I still think something is wrong,I have to think,think,think....."

Liam who was checking at her a Little worriedly because how she was forcing herself to think hard when she was telling him and try's to think more hard whilst closing her eyes to focus.

On the other hand ,Amos replied at what ars said to him "Tf,do you think this one fruit gonna even fill my little stomach??not to mentioned, eating it Little by little.what do you think,am i a bird or a little rabbit who can fill his stomach just by eating a little,huh??.

Amos immediately made an annoyed face as he burried's his face glaring intensely at ars with questions .

But not bothered a least he remained coolheaded and silent. "..."

"Don't look silent all of a sudden.speak, you bastard." Asked burying his face more closer the his front with more annoyence for unknown reasons.

while ars remained coolheaded and silent,liam was listening to Alice talk in a face as if he understood at immediate,what alice was talking about.

It wasn't ended ,yes . Amos did not stop continuously burying his face into him more close focusing on eachothers eyes whilst still in his annoyed face "And ,why the fuck ,you always act cool??huhh??and also,that coolheaded face of yours ,it pisses me off. Whenever I look at it." Closing his both eyebrows to the centre of his forehead.

But ars still remained silent"....."

Explaining out of her mouth to both liam and herself sh was talking "He didn't ate anything for a week ,so it wasn't wrong to eat it all now after he was hungry for a week but....but, it still is sounds wrong to me and ...." Forcing more as if an answer was stuck inside her head and she hasn't able to remember until now what it is , forcing her to force concentrate to remember that.

Alice was talking to herself at same time and trying to think as hard as she could,it was a scene where one person was calm and other completely pissed off close to his face whilst liam was none and was smiling for unknown reasons as for alice ,yep,she was still trying to think as hard as she could.

Alice was pressing her head by both of her hand as she forces her head with more strength to think hard "I..I...I can't seem to think what is wrong, aaaaaarrrrgggghhhh...i have to think more harder....."

"Mmnnnmmm." as if she was putting all her energy in her mind while making mmnnmm ,sound.

lookind at her liam immediately talked as if he knew the answer while smiling as if he understood that if he doesn't say now ,something really wrong is going to happen to her."

Living by eating a little by little is better than dying when he doesn't get any food,am i right??." Told the thing he geussed alice could be trying to remember all this time.

Suddenly she went back to normal after hearing the words spoken by liam "Ohhh! that's totally it,you are amazing liam." Turns to his side as if she remembered now .

"Thanks." Smiled cheerfully.

"I got what you mean but how are you going to live without food if we don't get something the next day?." Ars was asking not bothered by a least at amos's wierd face.

Turning towards at Amos "Yeah! that's what I was telling him too but he is not even paying attention to what I am telling him." Alice goes along at what ars said .


When ars asked amos who had pissed face it became normal the instance after hearing ars .although, amos was pissed but his mind also is focused and calm inside ,so he started to listen as he knew what to do and all that he did was nothing but a little fun and his annoyence was real.

When alice came from side complaining how she was ignored by amos as if she wasn't here to begin with which was true in Amos's eyes.

and liam,who knows amos better than anyone remained silent at alice's side.

As if it was an obvious thing tells them replying to their questions "I don't really have any plan or anything as I don't know the area around but i think it is better for us to go in the ocean to find food when we couldn't find any food on the island, their's no way I can live with this little food.i have to find more foods or i won't be able to enjoy my life in the future."

Understanding he will say that alice told him "But ocean water still has some radiation's ,so the creatures living in it also have radiation in them for a long time. making them not eatable by a human."

Previously she did tell Amos the condition the whole world is in and ocean which has unknown amount of creatures will be affected by the radiation and mutate to the degree it can't even be done anything.

Next to her ars knowing the fact how he wanted to change the food situation continued after alice "although,we can find some less radiation affected creatures because of some reasons but it's rarely as sea itself has many radiation's ,so it's same as if we look on the land.

After his talking,to the Alice's side liam "Because if we enter in the ocean,our body can get radiation's from the water and we can wear "artreona" but we don't have that,so we shouldn't do that amos."Warns him mentioning something.

Focused in his mind a thought was running when alice was talking to him.

"Well,I knew that , ocean which has larger proportion than land sure will have radiation's but it's future, so it gotta have a way to remove radiation's from the fishes or make it less and..." It was obvious thing amos knew nevertheless he had thought it through too, to solve the food issue when the team were telling him while listening them silently.

"...ocean is quite deep and because of that, there are many creatures in it's Deeper part where light can't go nor they are affected by radiation's much. so I am sure there gotta be many things we can get if we get there as it is future ,so I am sure there are many ways we can go there to look for something ." Thinks through more deeply for the reason he decided that.

amos knew what to do to in order to find eatable things while ars Seems to have guessed what amos was thinking and spoke.

"hmm,i think.there could be some fort we could raid in the ocean ,so we can go after making a plan." Reveals telling the future thing they were going to do.

Looks at him hearing his talk "So,we gotta plan , huh??who is gonna do that?hmm, could it be that apo kid I met outside of the room??my senses tells me he isn't an average child." Mentioned them apo he met in the passage.

amos immediately knew who could be the person to make plan for raid as he knew how wierd his teammates were except for ars who is little smart.

"You met apo!has he woke up?." Alice confirmed hearing him mentioned the young boy's name.

Nods at her questions telling her "Yup,he was going inside his room when I met him and he introduced himself."

"mm,his time for waking up was 5 hours ago ." Next what Amos said liam get's in conversation remembering.

When everyone heard apo was awake all of three of them seems like they have been waiting for this.

Looking silent as if there was something in his amid "..."

"now that I remember,i wanted to know who is the team leader." Asked all of them still sitting looking front.

Confidentially "of course, that's me." To his question ars answered in pride and strongly smile a little which looked quite cool as ars himself is cool guy.

"..."silent alice looking at him.

"....." Silent liam looking at him.

When amos asked who is the team leader,both liam and alice were silent to his question when ars spoke as if he really was team leader but both liam and alice does not seem like they object him.what could be the reason??.

Standing looking serious spoke eyes to eye with ars"I was expecting you to be the team leader because there is no way this idiots could be the team leader." Making a direct remark about their behaviour whilst looking at front towards ars.

Unexpectedly even after directly remarking on their behaviour alice and liam did not make any arguments.

Smiling a little handsomely in focused eyes looking at ars's eyes confidentially challenged "Then , it's decided.i gotta defeat you and I will be the team leader."

Ars hearing him his face looks as if like he was expecting amos to say that while both alice and liam quickly started to get away from them.

Accepted in coolheaded look "Sure, I don't back away from a challenge." And get's his darkblack metal in his hand unknowingly looking quite strong when holding.

"good,then we fight without wasting a time." Willfully tells.

Running Immediate smartly alice talks to liam "we should let those idiots fight while we watch." Not caring the least to stop their fight.

Worried for amos "but ,i wonder.would amos be able to fight ars ??ars is this strong without even using his full power and amos is even weaker than us, does he have some trick up his sleeves ?." Asked her whilst running along.

Alice running front and talking to him replied answering to what liam asked "Amos is way smarter than you think, there's no way he would have challenged ars without knowing he can win after seeing him fight before and ars also knows that . That's why he agreed." Reveals telling something he couldn't se through.

Ars and Amos were talking in the back when they were talking here running hurriedly as if to not get cought in their battle.

Alice who is dumb unexpectedly understood everything about amos and even what was ars thinking which sounded about right which doesn't fit her personality at all.

As Amos had thought before to become team leader when he gets stronger and now was the moment as he has seen quite clearly the power level everyone has.