

My name is Luke Bronson and I am an hired assassin or hired gun to one of the most prestigious organizations in the world based in Africa. We operate in groups of ten with some of us holding one of the most lucrative positions on the continent of Africa. We were once children stolen and kidnapped from our homes and from different parts of Africa to be sold into modern day slavery, but luckily for us we were saved by an amazing lady with her own gang of rebels who got us out of the mess and made us into strong soldiers that we are today. We got ourselves together to make sure we put an end to slavery and kidnapping which has been going on a rampant since the United Nations has turned their backs on us and are only into what benefits them alone. Many people are sold into slavery, prostitution and killed everyday to have their organs taken and given to some rich person around the world on a black market so that they can live longer. We targeted some positions around the world to make us more legit and enable us to move in broad day light without being noticed by the government or the African Union as we fight crime in our own way of justice. We have a businessman with a very large powerful company of his own, we have a politician amidst us getting us clearance to all areas of the world Incase we land ourselves in trouble sorting out diplomatic issues for us, we have ourselves a capable lawyer who knows what she is doing as she was also someone stolen from her home and from her family, we have ourselves another amidst us a computer expert with his own company and also one of the most devastating hackers on earth, a pilot who could get us in and out of anywhere we want to or wish to and of course the rest of us all soldiers and killers who won’t hesitate to pull the trigger. We all vowed for one thing and one thing only and that is at the cost of our lives we shall take revenge and shake the world, those who destroyed our lives and took everything away from us shall feel our wrath so that more children like us wouldn’t have to go through the same thing we did.

Alao_Blessing · Võ hiệp
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Swimming is one huge big task and if you don't get it right without proper life support equipment down in the ocean, you might end up dying. We swam for about thirty minutes before finally reaching land then getting rid of all our equipment into normal cloths. I had the bag filled with weapon and cash with me making easy for Miremba and Lenora to move swiftly and fast. Missing wasn't a hard task, but getting out of the fucking area without barging into the fucking police officers and the stupid checkpoints set around the area was the problem. The coast guard wouldn't spot flying the stupid choppers around also as we were just about lucky enough to be evasive not to get caught before we got to land. Lenora wasn't the one to give into situations that quick as she thought about ways to get out of the sealed out area she said look, the ship is about to make port very soon, and with that been said, we must get out of this area before one bastard falls into pressure and rats us out. I said to Lenora worry not, I think this aspect is well covered by the man, if anyone tries something, he said he will cook up a lie to protect us. Miremba kept guessing how they kept finding us and knowing our movements since we have stayed under the radar since our departure from Tripoli, I and Lenora thought hard on it also and figured out maybe it was the phone they gave to us and if it's still live then it will be a serious problem getting away from their grasps. We got ourselves equipped and put some silencers on our guns setting the phone up around an abandoned building close to the port if anyone would bite the bait and come, out trap caught a very big fish. It was one of the high rank officers of the notorious organization and he had with him just five men so that means someone in the office apart from the colonel is also involved with them making it easy to dispatch the police at will. Lenora took off her clothes and hijab walking slowly towards their direction I said to myself as crazy as ever, always using her sexuality to draw in her opponent. She killed every last one of them but leaving the leader alive to question him about somethings we would like to know but the fool was reluctant to talk making Lenora finish him off with a bullet to the head. We stole their ID's then went on our way as we took their cars leaving straight for their rented apartment hoping we might find some information out when we reach there. It was a nice subtle area just a few minutes drive to the Benina international airport and with that said that means they have been deployed here the minute they found out about our trip on the ship.

We went in at night to avoid suspicion locking the door behind us we began to ramshackle the house looking for what we could get our hands on until we found a very big fish just swimming in the pond fin their secret lies. Things that was far beyond us leading back to the time we were kidnapped twenty years ago, it has been on since then falling from one ring leader to the other, expanding the business all across Africa and across the world. The dark market of Africa's shameful acts which the model citizens all across the countries in Africa are involved in lying about their modest life and how they fight for equality and the justification of the people. All fucking lies I say, Miremba was able to find files about Emmanuel lolly Jackson, one of South Africa's biggest names and gangster, it's was quite the unbelievable that he was funded and protected by this bunch of bastards. The files went back years before his death, how they expanded and conduct business in the sex slave industry, Miremba said to me this is unbelievable. We sat for hours reading everything dating back to the early two thousands where he was trying to force his way into glamor and power with the help of the organization doing the dirty work and killings for him as long as it brought them profits. The painful parts about all this documents we found on their hard drive doesn't show enough evidence to lock the perpetrators in the law supporting them from the dark end up for good. There are no names of important figures, no companies or bank details to trace back and connect to, they did their business leaving no loose ends behind and for that to happen, you will need a very strong and powerful person at the top to conduct such cleansing for you. I said to Miremba and Lenora keep digging, all we need is just one name, one link, one company, one organization to get this suckers and I'm sure we would. Lenora said to me something is not right if you read all this very well, while will they kill Emmanuel lolly Jackson when everything on paper here doesn't add up, look at it very well something very strange is happening here and yes it's not a normal execution but one with pure intent to silence others completely. Miremba found something strange also in the files which involves the Russians and how the Russian mafias conduct secret business with him in the South African underworld sex slave market. The Russians also supplied him with regular fresh cargo from the Eastern European market consecutively having their passports seized from them and forcing them to be sex workers with a few benefits to it or end up with worse luck if they dare defy their orders. Life's a mess said Miremba, how can we get this to the proper authorities when we have no idea who or whom we are talking to as they could also be a member of the organization. We only have one option and that is to get it to Egypt as I have a connect out there who can help sub deliver this into the right hand guys so please one more stop before South Africa, we are going to Egypt then when we get to South Africa, I have a guy there he knows what to do with this type of information. I said to her I have a good friend in Angola I will like to get involve on the searching and also my friend from Algeria, they will be of good help before we arrive in South Africa and will be able to give us vital information. Miremba who was most interested in the case kept digging looking for files to use and link up to at least find something concrete was able to learn something new as she stumbled upon the lucrative amass of money they made during the World Cup hosted by South Africa with various kinds of public figures making a tycoon fortune from the sex market. Miremba said to us the lack of police involvement in this also should everyone questioned, the South African police gave more power to their fire to burn higher and brighter giving them more courage to do as they will. Child prostitution and women prostitution has remained a cancer which nobody tries to talk about or deal with and its fast growing into a billion dollar company world wide. Lenora relived her moments as she said to us most people saw me and thought I was a beggar but didn't try to listen to me, I had just few minutes a day to fetch an errand for the men but everyone I asked for help ended up turning their backs on me. It's so unfortunate what the world is becoming because of greed, money and power, we need to do something now or we might end up regretting it later in future.

I had a terrible life also but I can never compare it to what they both faced with Miremba and Lenora stolen from their homes, watched their people and village murdered, their families killed then sold to a world of sexual slavery, my nightmare can be said to be a pinch of salt to what they went through. Lenora said to me I have something here but after we are through in South Africa, we might need to travel to Russia. I said to them my Russian is not that fluent with Miremba saying to me you don't need to do the talking, we will handle that for you. What next I said to Lenora as she took a few pictures of herself, Miremba and I, she worked her magic on the passport she saying to us we have more ground to cover now and we are far behind on time, I already sent an email to Lina about the information we found out and told her if our movements, we are going to then airport and leaving for Cairo Egypt to immediately.

We waited till morning to leave the hotel but thanks to instincts we were save before anything awful could happen. They didn't hear from their men so they sent out scouts to look into the case for them as I stood to check out the window, I saw a few cars right across the street just drinking in to park I woke Lenora and Miremba as it looks like we have overstayed our welcome. All eyes will be on us now I said to them both but they don't know where we are for sure which is also an advantage. We parked just a few blocks away from the fucking hotel as we rigged the room with explosives, we thought to ourselves that will keep them busy until we make a clean get away. I wasn't done myself, after we managed to get to the streets, I told Miremba and Lenora to get the car ready as I set explosives to their cars also then going to join them as we drove to the airport. The explosion at the hotel room managed to kill a handful of them as they saw a car drive off along the streets they rushed to their cars opening the door which activated the explosives killing the remaining few still alive. One was still breathing who called in to his superiors about what just happened that their location has been compromised and lost their target. We got to the airport bought our tickets with fake passports to leave the country, we sat waiting ten minutes for our flights to be ready for take off. We sat the news with most channels holding the coverage of the hotel and car explosion, the kind lady next to us said what a shame the country is becoming, Lenora said to her may Allah save us all. We waited till our flights took off as we dispose of our guns and any other things that might incriminate us at our usual drop off point which we have at every country, Lenora said to me onboard why are you so angry and quiet, I said to her because my target got away and we are losing time on the job. Miremba told us both not to speak of work anymore, we don't know who might be listening, all that kept going though my head at that point is how far and wide is the organization and who is the head of the food chain.

We finally arrived in cairo with Lenora's connect waiting for us to pick us up at the airport, we wasted not our time to spend out there. As we got into the car we told him about the information we found and what he needs to do to help us, he said to us please be careful, I am also working on a case here involving Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, it's a case the government have been trying to solve for a long time and I am finally getting close to it. Our government here is turning a blind eye to it but I can boast about us finishing the job and landing them all in court.