
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 7: Black Flame Amaterasu

Koda looked at Sakura with his eyebrows slightly raised. "You..."

Sakura nodded slowly, ripping off her jacket, revealing her lean muscular arms as she stared down Koda with pure hate. "That's right, I'm the number one!" She yelled, rushing Koda faster than he could react and smashing her knee into his stomach.

Koda coughed as he couldn't breath, the feeling of her fist slamming into his nose and sending him flying back reached him just as he landed on the concrete sidewalk.

"Get the fuck up you trash," She seethed, grabbing him by the collar and twisting her body around to slam him back into the ground.

"I said get up!" She yelled, headbutting Koda, then elbowing him square in the jaw and sending him flying into the ground once more.

Koda jumped up struggling to regain his footing, blood trickling down from his nose and his jaw throbbing from the brutal assault. Sakura Amerasu stood over him, her eyes filled with unrelenting determination.

Sakura watched with a mix of frustration and curiosity as Koda rose to his feet, his battered form refusing to yield. She didn't expect her opponent to endure such punishment.

"I'm genuinely surprised you were able to stand... But now that I think about it, just die," She said, tears in her eyes as she backhanded slapped Koda, sending him twisting through the air, coughing as he slammed on the ground once more.

"You're less than trash, fighting dirty is the only way you can win or what? Disgusting," Sakura said, scoffing as she walked back over to Hiroko and Emi.

'I'm less than trash?' Koda thought as he looked up at the darkening sky. Soon it would be too dark to even see anything.

'I'm disgusting?'

Koda, for the first time in his life, felt something stir up inside of him.

"He'll be alright Emi, let's just get him to the hospital," Sakura said softly to the crying girl squatted next to Hiroko.

Emi wiped her tears, looking at Sakura with a soft smile. "Y-Yeah let's-" Emi stopped talking as her eyes widened.

"What's..." Sakura felt something hook onto the back of her collar, and suddenly she was yanked back. "Wrong." She finished as she flew back, flipping in the dirt with a cough before getting back up quickly and looking at the shaky Koda.

'Something is... Different.' She thought as she gritted her teeth, throwing her jacket down once more and looking at him with hate and disgust again.

"Couldn't get enough huh?" She asked with a scowl as Koda stood there, motionless.

"What'd you say again?" Koda asked as Emi was shaking behind him.

"His eyes... There's... Something wrong with that guy."

Koda's expression morphed into a wide smile. "You called me trash right!?" He yelled, his expression a creepy wide smile that left an unsettling feeling in Sakura's stomach.

"Shut the fuck up!" Sakura yelled as she rushed him.

However, Koda was faster, his hand moving quicker than Sakura could process. Her fist collided with empty air.

"You're so right," He whispered, twisting his body and catching her in the air with a fist to her solar plexus.

"Gagh!" Sakura flew to the ground as Koda walked toward her, smiling as she coughed and tried to breathe.

"I am disgusting aren't I?!" He asked as he stomped on her body, after two stomps Sakura rolled away, jumping up and looking at him differently.

She quickly rushed him again, throwing a kick to his head.

"Yeah... I am just trash after all," He said quietly as he used Sakura's thrown jacket to catch her leg, sweeping the other one and jumping down with her, his knees slamming hard into her face.

"Yeah! I'm disgusting aren't I! Hahaha!" Koda yelled, wrapping his thighs around her neck and restraining her arms with his legs as he slammed his fists into her face. Over and over and over again as she coughed and yelled.

After a moment he stopped, looking down on the now-unconscious girl. "Just like always... You fall." He turned and started walking out of the courtyard.

Koda sighed as he walked out of the park, stopping and turning and seeing Emi shaking behind him next to Hiroko.

Koda took out his phone, which had the screen cracked as he dialed a number. "Hello? Yes there's been an emergency at Kakoyama high school..."

Koda finished explaining the situation and quickly left the scene, leaving Emi in shock...


Strengthening Quest complete!

As he retreated from the school, Koda found a quieter spot to take a moment to catch his breath. His body ached from the brutal fight, but he couldn't afford to rest just yet.

Strengthening Quest: Quest 1 of 150

Description: Go to Central Ishiyama City and Challenge Kakoyama High's number 1

Rewards: [Leadership]{Max}

+1 all stats


People will naturally be drawn to you and look to you for answers. You are destined to walk the path of a leader, a king that your subjects can look to to protect them. One worthy to serve, that is who you are destined to become...

Name: Koda Ihono

Age: 15

Lvl: 2

Notoriety: 20(Commoner)

STR: 13

AGI: 10

DEF: 8

STA: 7

CHA: 3

Skills: [Street Brawler]{Lvl 2} Evade]{Lvl 1} [Iron Skin]{Lvl 1} [Glutton] [Leadership]{Max}

TP: 75

"Hah... I thought i felt stronger, so I don't need to use TP to level my stats? I can do it naturally?" He asked himself. 'Then does the original cap I can use TP on my stats not matter? If i train and do quests will they raise naturally and I can push past limits with TP?'

It was a lot to think about, and Koda didn't have the luxury of time. He was tired, bruised, battered, and most importantly, late for curfew.

It was now time for Koda's hardest quest ever.

Quest: Survive

Description: Avoid getting grounded by your mother

Reward: All stats +1,000,000

Koda returned home at 1 am, walking through his front door quiet as a mouse. Before he could even open his mouth he failed his quest.

"Grounded!" His mother yelled and sent him up to his room without his phone, not even noticing his bruises due to her anger.