
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 3: Fighting with Kuroda

The day passed quickly, and word of Koda's and Kuroda's after school fight had spread all throughout the school.

Once the students had all been released, everyone was gathered in the courtyard, forming a large ring where Kuroda and his four lackey's stood in the center.

"I thought I said after school ended? Did he really run?" Kuroda said loudly, causing the crowd to whisper among themselves.

"Hm? Was this just a waste of time?" A voice asked from the side.

Kuroda widened his eyes seeing the boy leaning against a tree.

"U-Uh Takeshi? I didn't think you'd come to a first year fight like this..." Kuroda said with his head slightly bowed as the older boy smirked.

"I just wanted to see if someone interesting finally showed up to this shitty school, plus I've been reading lots of novels and the slave rising up to the king position seems like a fun premise," Takeshi Tanaka replied as Kuroda nodded.


"But... I don't see our rising slave? So what now Kuroda..." Takeshi continued as he stepped into the circled, his eyes wide and his mouth gaping, forming a crazed smile. "Is it me Vs. You instead!"

Kuroda took a step back, shaking in fear before a voice spoke up.

"You are being too dramatic for our first years Takeshi, no need to scare the newbies," A blonde boy said as he stepped in the circle, stepping in front of Kuroda and smiling at Takeshi with his hands in his pockets.

"Is that... Daichi? Holy shit," A voice whispered from the crowd before one more older boy walked in, looking at both of his second year peers.

"So the big three gathered again? Why are you fucks sitting and watching these kids?" The last guy asked, looking bored as people murmured in the crowd.

"Fuck... It's Rio, should we just leave?"

But before the three could fight each other, or let the crowd disperse, another voice got their attention.

"I knew you were sneaky but bringing older kids to a one on one fight is a different level Kuroda," Koda said as he walked in the circle, dropping his backpack and glaring at all of them.

"Hah, like he could get us here," Daichi said, looking at the small and frail looking Koda who just glared at them with pure hatred.

"Hey hey slave, relax," Takeshi said, raising his hands and backing off. "We won't get in the way, you just made your seniors impatient is all... Good luck."

Koda ignored him and looked at Kuroda, who tried getting his swagger back in front of the seniors, stepping closer to Koda with a cocky smile.

"Since it was basically just me and Tsuga for the first years, if I kill you I'll just absorb the losers that follow him and become number one in our grade..." Kuroda said with a smile, and without any more talking he lunged at Koda, slamming his fist into his face.

"Glad I used those TP..." Koda muttered as he held Kuroda's fist in his own.

Name: Koda Ihono

Age: 15

Lvl: 1

STR: 11

AGI: 8

DEF: 6

STA: 5

CHA: 1

Kuroda pushed off Koda, looking at his fist with a questioning expression before gritting his teeth and lunging once again, this time faster.

Koda stepped to the side, relying on the instincts of the [street fighting] skill and slamming his knee into Kuroda's stomach.

"Fucking hell!" Kuroda yelled, suddenly speeding up and backhanding Koda across the face, the force of the blow sending him down to the ground as Kuroda rubbed his stomach in pain.

Koda coughed, crawling on the ground and standing up quickly, backing up as Kuroda rushed him, kicking him in the shoulder and sending him sprawling again.

"I don't know where you started training or where you learned boxing from, but I'm constantly over at the MMA gym, boxing can't help you," Kuroda said with a smirk as Koda landed on his backpack.

'He'll jump up and feint with his left before throwing a right hook, just like all boxers,' Kuroda thought just as Koda jumped up.

Koda feinted with his left hand, making Kuroda smile even harder as he raised his arms to block the left hook.

'Just block this then I'll do a simple front ki-'


Kuroda widened his eyes in pain as Koda smashed his backpack into his arms, the force blowing past his defenses and hitting him hard in the face, sending him flying off to the side as the crowd roared.

"I thought about it, even if I got a little faster, a little stronger, how was I supposed to kill all these monsters? Luckily... I found the answer," Koda said, unzipping his backpack and flipping it over, dozens of bricks falling hard out in front of him.

Kuroda stood up, blood gushing from his forehead as he looked at the bricks, anger apparent on his face.

"I don't need to be better at fighting..." Koda continued as he picked up one lone brick. "I just need to be dirtier," He lunged at Kuroda, stopping just before he reached the boy and winding back his left foot.

"Good thing it didn't rain today..." He muttered as he kicked his leg forward, dragging his foot along the dry coarse dirt and sending specks of dirt into Kuroda's eyes.

"Ahh what the fuck!" The boy yelled, his hand flying to his face.

Koda used the momentum to turn, spinning on his heel in a 360 and slamming the brick full force into Kuroda's right side, right in the middle of the ribs.

"I was also late because I was studying..." Koda smirked as Kuroda fell to the ground, gasping in pain as the crowd looked on.

Ryo, Daichi, and Takeshi all stared on, each expression different as Koda continued.

"I stopped by the anatomy class to grab a book... I wanted to see where it would hurt most," Koda finished as he dropped down on one knee, using the momentum to slam the brick into Kuroda's face once again, sprawling the boy out on the dry dirt.


"What the fuck!"

Kuroda lackey's jumped in, all four of them rushing Koda.

"Well I needed to fuck you guys up anyway," He whispered, jumping up and slamming the brick into the closest ones nose. It shattered, leaving him empty handed as the next one kicked out at him.

Koda slipped past the kick. "Besides the nose and the liver... The solar plexus is also a hurtful spot," He said as he slammed the top of his head into the next lackey's solar plexus, causing him to gasp and collapse.

"So is..." Koda said as he pushed the guy away toward the next one charging him. "The throat," He finished, slamming his fist into the next guys throat.

"Did you feel big earlier when you kicked me to the side?" Koda asked, looking at the last one, the same one who had sent him flying into the desks.

"I saved you for last on purpose..." Koda continued as he walked slowly to the shocked lackey, pulling something out of his pocket.

"'How do I beat them' I used to say, 'They're too scary. They're too strong. They're evil...' Those were such useless thoughts... I just need to be more evil."

The last lackey sent a kick flying at Koda, fear in his eyes. "And another spot... Top of the foot," Koda said as he unslid a box cutter blade and stabbed it into the top of the boys foot, holding his leg and keeping him off balance.

"Ahhh!" He screamed as Koda stood there for a second, he twisted the box cutter out and pushed the boy away.

After a moment he scrunched up his eyebrows, looking at the holographic screen. It didn't say quest complete as it had with Tsuga.

"Fuck, look at you spewing that corny ass shit," Kuroda said, standing up, still holding his broken nose. "This is why we always kick your fucking ass!" He yelled as he jumped at Koda.

"I couldn't care less if it's corny, it's just my thoughts."

Koda moved easily around the kick, stabbing the box cutter into Kuroda's leg and letting it slice through his flesh, a bloodcurdling scream escaping the boy as he fell once again to the ground.

"The quest said crush you... So I apologize in advance," Koda said, picking up another brick and standing above the crying Kuroda.

"Wait bro! You already won! I get it I'm sorryAHHH," Kuroda screamed as Koda stabbed the box cutter into the top of his thigh, squatting on top of him and slamming the brick into his already broken nose.

"Wait!" He screamed, another painful blow with the brick.

He grabbed onto Koda's collar.

"Okay we're sorry!" He yelled. Another smack with the brick.

"You're gonna kill me!"

Koda continued smashing the brick against Kuroda's skull over and over again, blood flowing from multiple cuts and broken parts of the boys body...

As he raised it once again he felt someone grab his arm.

"Alright slave that's enough, no need to go this far," Takeshi said, looking at Koda with a disgusted expression.

"Too far..." Koda repeated with a smile. "It wasn't too far when they did it to me... It wasn't too far when every single day of my fucking life I was forced into beating and being their slave every day. It wasn't too far when they would beat anyone who talked to me in a friendly way. Why is it too far now?" Koda asked, standing up with the bloody brick.

"Hey... Get your dirty hands off of me," He said, spitting on Takeshi's shoes. "Preaching about me going too far... And why are you all nodding your heads?" He continued, looking at the crowd with a wide smile.

"None of you ever stopped them when it was me... No one bothered to see if they were going too far when it was me... Why are you all looking at me like I'm a monster? Haha... No way you all thought this was some webtoon, I'm not some hero for you weak fucks. As far as I'm concerned... You're worse than this fucker."

The crowd was silent as Takeshi let go of his arm, breathing in and swiftly slamming his knee into Koda's stomach, sending him to the ground.

"I get your speech, but how dare you spit on my shoes..."

Takeshi looked down at Koda. The boy spit once again, landing on the older boys uniform pants as he looked up at his senior.

"Fuck off," Koda said with a smile.


Takeshi slammed his foot into Koda's face. "So you just have a death wish-" His words were cut off by the insane pain of having a brick slammed into your knee.

"Why the fuck are you interfering?" Koda asked, breathing heavily as he stood up and Takeshi dropped to the ground.

"You like kneeing people so much... I'll take that knee," Koda said as he slammed the brick into the other knee, Takeshi groaned in pain, slamming his fist into Koda's face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you slave!" He yelled, but he stopped quickly, pain rising in his hand as he realized he has broken his hand.

Right before it had hit his face, Koda had slammed the brick in front of him, successfully breaking Takeshi's fingers.

"You keep calling me slave... Let's play a game I'm sure Kuroda is familiar with... We played it all the time in middle school," Koda said with a smile as he stood up, ignoring the painful cries of Takeshi.

"It's a simple rock paper scissors, let's go..."

Koda did the standard rock paper scissors throw, holding up scissors.


Koda slammed the brick into Takeshi's knee again. "Let's play another match!" He yelled, and did it once again. Seeing Takeshi's broken hand still flat, he slammed the brick into his knees once again.

"Wow you always choose paper huh? Let's do it again. I'll do... Scissors!" With his words he slammed his brick once again.

"C'mon once more!" He yelled, picking scissors again and slamming the brick into Takeshi's legs again.

"Hey second year... Am I still a slave?" He asked innocently, standing up and dropping the brick, leaving Takeshi and Kuroda half dead in the same spot.

He calmly grabbed his backpack, dusting it off and leaving the crowd.

"Shit... We probably should have stepped in Ryo," Daichi said as they looked at Takeshi on the ground.

"What's this mean for the hierarchy? I didn't think someone that scary would go to this school... Fucking hell."

"Fuck the hierarchy, that's just fun kid shit... We need to snuff that problem out as soon as possible..." Diachi muttered as he opened his cell phone, making a call.

"Yeah? It's me, gather all the boys, and go ahead and round up Tanaka's kids as well, we're gonna have to kill a problem."


Koda went all the way home before opening the system again, looking at the new notifications after greeting his mother.

Quest Complete!

Level Up!

Hidden Quest complete!

New functions unlocked!

"Hidden quest?"

Hidden Quest: Raise your notoriety to the next level!

5(Slave)---> 20(Civilian)

Reward: 100 Tp [Skill Box] x1, [Item Box]

New Functions Unlocked!


Name: Koda Ihono

Age: 15

Lvl: 2

Notoriety: 20(Commoner)

STR: 12

AGI: 9

DEF: 7

STA: 6

CHA: 2

Skills: [Street Brawler]{Lvl 1+!}

TP: 125

'Hm? Why'd my stats go up?' Koda thought as he plopped on his bed, his body aching and sore from the earlier brawl.

With every "Level Up! Your stats go up by one automatically. Would you like to use 100 TP to buy a random box from {Gacha Box}

Yes No

"If I get the item box and the skill boxes, what's the point of this one?" Koda wondered.

With Item/Skill boxes given in quests, all items or skills will start at lower levels like level 1-10. Buying one from the gacha box has the chance of giving you a higher level item or skill.

"Alright... let's buy it," Koda thought aloud and clicked the yes button.

[Item Box] received!

'Was hoping for a skill... Open my boxes,' He thought in command.

3 [skill boxes] opened! 2 [item boxes] opened!

[Evade]{Lvl 1}

[Iron Skin]{Lvl 1}


[Bracelet of Resilience]{Lvl

[Chains of Fenrir]{MAX}

"What... The fuck is any of this?" Koda blurted, sighing and turning over, quickly going to bed...

Quest: The Titans

Description: Defeat Tanagawa Ryo and Suzuki Daichi

Rewards: 50 TP Each, [Leadership]{Max}

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