
Chapter 1 awakening

My name Shinrai dekinai Gomi I have always been mistreated in my life always getting insulted for my face and it all changes today the day that I kill my self as I looked out from the rusty railing preventing me from jumping of the roof of this un down factory I smiled at the fact I would be free from all of the suffering I kicked out the railing watching it fall and hit the ground I stood on the edge of the building when I herd a voice say "human don't you want vengeance for the way you have been treated don't you want to see those who wronged you suffer " I then locked around for the source of the sound then I replied " but iam weak i am fat and can't do anything to stop them " then a purple book appears in front of me at the voice says "then let me help you " I reach out for the book as everything goes black i wake up in a king size bed as a woman with glass and purple horns walks in saying young prince your father is calling for you I then sit up and say "where am I " the maid goes silent then walks off as I look around my surroundings i see gold weapons and meany other things but as I sit up and walk up to the mirror I see a different person I appear as a young boy with purple horns shaped like a crown and a muscular body I turn and see the purple book from before I walk up to it and open it as I hear a woman's voice not a demons this time say hello young prince how may I assist you " who are you and where am I" I replied without thinking the women's voice replies saying " you are a prince of hell Beelzebub you are inside your room in the castle of hell " I took in a breath then said " where is the king currently " then she replied saying " your father is waiting for you in the throne room hurry and meet him " suddenly a quest screen appears saying quest 1 meet your father the king of hell to earn 1 skill gluttony... Next time a prince with a endless hunger