
Chapter 2 The connection

So I can be something even more powerful than you? ...Yes he says happily.

But part of this partnership and well the power you will enjoy come with "baggage." So to speak... so there is a fucking catch! You bastard! I say annoyed.

Not a catch because it's not entirely negative here I will show you what it entails with this piece of paper.

He then with a flick of his wrist a document appears from thin air. He then hands it to me. Here peruse that for a minute. I take a look at the paper it reads.

Welcome Aric the first Here's the baggage

1. With the vast endless power your inheriting it will summon and or gather around you tons if not almost all the supernatural beings, and or phenomenon on this earth. Don't be surprised if lv 100 boss vampire kun show up at your condo lol.


2. You should provide a living and or tasks for your new servant (name not given yet)

3. Children made by you bumping uglies may create messiahs, demigods, or annoying prideful dicks.

4. Lastly to bring up the gathering of the supernatural once again. It includes the divine examples are Yahweh, Zeus,Odin, Satan, Jehovah and more as with its opposite watch out for smite attempts they a comin teehee.


So shall we get started sire.

...hmmmmm(MC thinking) fuck ya I can do anything I will achieve more and change more of this world in days since it's damn creation!

That's what I enjoy hearing sire now grab my palm and make your first wish :):):)

Ok for my first wish is to be the emperor of all gods in the sense that I ascend higher then a being of even the most powerful being in existence.

FIRST wish is my command Master Aric Allion. Now what is my name.

Well you give off a divine biblical vibe but your true bright form is beautiful and I think the name Hassan fits. Like Hasan Minhaj from Netflix.

I can take his form if you like

You can! That's cool but don't but try and look like him. I don't need unnecessary attention.

Yes sire.

"I shall take the name Hassan I am the beautifier of your eminence and do what you command.

I start feeling hot....very hot... is this what being microwaved feels like it gets so intense I wince and grit my teeth aching in agonizing pain holy shit this hurts.

After what seems like 5 minutes I open my eyes I must've passed out from pain that's a first for a boy with a nice life. Not much pain

I notice suddenly that the only light is Hassan but it's small coming from his head like it's a halo... still bright as f tho bruh. I look from my condo's patio to see it's dark outside

"How long was I out for Hassan"

-....not that long master and thanks for using my name he says smiling. Would you like to make a 2nd wish sire

Nope not tonight I wanna sleep as humans do tonight..... even tho was fucking human only moments ago!

End chapter 2 pt2 coming soon