
Chapter 5 Rewrite

Sam wakes up with a start, his heart racing. After the events of the previous night, he had finally managed to fall into a restless sleep. Rubbing his eyes, he makes his way to the bathroom and splashes some water on his face, the coolness helping to ground him.

As he dries off, Sam turns his attention to the Simulation Gem sitting on his desk. With a deep breath, he turns on his PC and checks the analytics. His eyes widen as he scrolls through the data - over 10,000 people have purchased his Batman: Arkham Asylum simulation, placing it in the top 10 of the trending simulations.

Sam leans back in his chair, a mixture of relief and disbelief washing over him. This could be the breakthrough he's been desperately hoping for. The rent money is no longer an immediate concern, and the validation of his hard work fuels a newfound sense of determination.

Glancing at the calendar, Sam notes that the rent is still due at the end of the week. He knows he can't afford to rest on his laurels. Refocusing his attention on the Simulation Gem, Sam begins to analyze the feedback and reviews, eager to identify areas for improvement.

Sam stared at the data, his eyes scanning the overwhelmingly positive reviews and the steadily growing Mana pool. A sense of pride and relief washed over him. His hard work had paid off, and the Hunters were clearly enjoying the Arkham Asylum simulation.

Clicking on the Simulation Gem, Sam was met with a readout of the accumulated Mana - over 2,000 and counting. This was a substantial amount, more than he had dared to hope for. He could use this Mana in a variety of ways, from ranking up the Gem to redeeming new skills within the simulation. Or, he could choose to absorb the Mana into his own personal reserves, bolstering his own abilities.

Sam leaned back in his chair, weighing his options. The rent was still due at the end of the week, and the extra Mana could provide a much-needed financial cushion. However, he also recognized the potential of further refining and improving the Arkham Asylum simulation. With a few days needed to fully absorb the Mana, Sam had some time to carefully consider his next steps.

Sam decided to prepare his rent payment first. He priced the Batman: Arkham Asylum simulation at $30, and with over 10,000 downloads (before tax), he has earned over $250,000. Quickly calculating the total, Sam felt a wave of relief wash over him. This was more than enough to cover the rent and then some.

Shutting down his computer, Sam grabbed his wallet and headed out the door. The crisp autumn air felt refreshing as he made his way to the bank. After withdrawing the exact amount needed for the rent, he set off towards Mrs. Evelyn's apartment, his steps lighter than they had been in weeks.

Approaching the familiar building, Sam took a deep breath and pressed the buzzer. After a brief crackle, Mrs. Evelyn's voice came through.

"Yes, who is it?"

"It's Sam, from apartment 3B. I have the rent payment ready," he replied, trying to sound calm and confident.

There was a brief pause before the door clicked open. Sam made his way up the stairs, his heart racing slightly. When he reached Mrs. Evelyn's door, he raised his hand and knocked firmly.

The door swung open, revealing the stern-faced landlady. "Well, well, look who finally decided to pay up," she said, her eyes narrowing.

Sam extended the envelope containing the rent money. "Here you go, Mrs. Evelyn. I really appreciate your patience."

Mrs. Evelyn snatched the envelope from his hand and quickly counted the bills. Her expression softened slightly as she realized the full amount was there.

"Hmph, about time," she muttered, tucking the money into the pocket of her apron. "See that it doesn't happen again, young man."

"It won't, I promise," Sam assured her, relieved to have the transaction behind him.

With a curt nod, Mrs. Evelyn closed the door, leaving Sam standing in the hallway. He let out a long, heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the past few weeks lift from his shoulders.

Sam decided to celebrate by dining at a popular local restaurant. He had been eating mostly instant food, so he was in need of a proper meal.

With a smile, Sam made his way to the bustling eatery, the aroma of freshly cooked food wafting through the air as he approached. As he stepped inside, the warm, welcoming atmosphere immediately lifted his spirits. He requested a table for one and was promptly seated by the friendly hostess.

Perusing the menu, Sam's mouth watered at the selection of hearty entrees and comforting dishes. After some deliberation, he settled on a juicy steak with a side of roasted vegetables, knowing he deserved to indulge after his recent trials.

While waiting for his food to arrive, Sam decided to check the comments about his simulation. Pulling out his phone, he navigated to the simulation's page, scrolling through the reviews. A sense of pride swelled within him as he read the overwhelmingly positive feedback. Many users had discovered the simulation through a popular streamer named Scarlet, whose playthrough had clearly resonated with the Hunters.

Curious to see Scarlet's take on the Arkham Asylum simulation, Sam opened a new tab and searched for her stream. It didn't take long for him to find her channel, which was currently live and attracting a sizable audience. He settled back in his chair, eager to witness firsthand how the simulation was being received.

As the stream loaded, Sam was immediately captivated by Scarlet's charismatic personality and engaging commentary. She navigated the gritty halls of Arkham Asylum with a mix of skill and enthusiasm, her reactions to the unfolding events eliciting laughter and excitement from her viewers.

Sam watched intently as Scarlet faced off against the Joker's henchmen, impressed by her mastery of Batman's combat abilities. The way she described the rush of adrenaline and the satisfaction of outsmarting her foes resonated with him, reminding Sam of his own sense of achievement in crafting the simulation.

When Scarlet encountered the Joker himself, Sam leaned forward, his heart racing in anticipation. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness, knowing that the Joker's iconic presence could make or break the experience for the players. But Scarlet's unwavering determination and clever use of Batman's gadgets had Sam grinning with pride.

As the stream continued, Sam found himself thoroughly engrossed, his own worries and concerns fading into the background as he lost himself in the captivating world he had created. The positive feedback and Scarlet's genuine enthusiasm were a testament to the hard work he had poured into this simulation, and Sam couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

Sam watched intently as Scarlet approached the elevator, his heart racing with anticipation. He knew that just ahead, a special event was about to unfold, one that he had carefully crafted into the simulation. Sam leaned forward, eager to witness Scarlet's reaction as she stepped into the elevator and experienced the unexpected twist he had designed.

Scarlet pressed the button, the elevator doors sliding open with a soft ding. Sam held his breath, waiting to see how the popular streamer would respond to the surprise that awaited her.