
Becoming The Admin Of A Dimensional Chuunibyo Chat Group Isn't Easy!

A man of unknown age and background died under unique circumstances, even his past being shrouded in a thick layer of mystery. He forgot everything about himself except for some 'memories' after he died and met an extremely muscular dog-eared man with a fluffy dog tail, ruining the fantasy of the man who adores fantasy so much, specially fantasy creatures such as beastkin, elves, and etc. It was an extremely disgusting sight, he thought. "Would bleaching my eyes remove this cursed image from my memory?" After receiving his reincarnator privileges, he embarked on his journey to reincarnation. Watch as Shirokami Shun, the Admin of a Dimensional Chat Group that mysteriously has only girls — and allows only girls — as its members. He is the only exception because the group chat is his. They travel to different worlds, gaining more unique powers and friends in the process. These journeys, although extremely fun in their own ways, were not without danger, though. …Especially when you have group members such as these guys. "I, the Great Archdemon, Queen of all Hell, shall conquer Earth! Ah-Hahahaha!" "Hah! I can see through your fake facade through my [Tyrant's Eye]!" "I'm the President and Founder of the Survival Club! There, we learn about things that we should do in case aliens, supernaturals, gods, or monsters invade our world!" "Hamburg-san~—" "—Is delish nodesu!" "Ehehe… I wonder if what I'm doing is correct? Umm… uuh… I'll buy this skill to not get hurt! I hate pain, after all." "*sigh*… Should I just change the name of this Dimensional Chat Group to Dimensional Chūnibyō Group…?" I'm extremely tempted to do so. Quest after quests, the group of wild cards and misfits will unknowingly do almost anything to somehow create troubles for themselves. From unknowingly provoking the villains to just acting like their normal selves and still somehow managing to create troubles in the process, this group will go around different dimensions to wreak havoc! Divided, they can't create too much waves. But together? They might as well send their résumé to the higher ups in order to become the next-in-line to becoming a God of Destruction or a God of Chaos. "EX—PLOOOOOOOOOOOSION!" "Wait, you're not supposed to be appearing here, you troublemaker!" "Hey Shun! Aren't you supposed to be my partner! Come back here in my dimension and help me manage the dungeon! Uh, never mind! Let's just go to another dimension and let us create a dungeon there!" "Which dimension are we going to now, Shun-san? Can I come? I want to make new f-friends!" Right… Why did I invite them in this group chat, again? Unknowingly, Shun got too used to the initial cast that he thought the girls he came across to and invited were all relatively normal in his eyes. Thus, the weird band of misfits continued to grow. ———————— Note: Don't expect a phenomenal quality of writing. I don't speak English during my daily life so expect some errors here and there. I proofread my chapters before posting it so there should be just a teensy amount of errors. Well, if something slipped by, then please tell it to me through paragraph comments! Genres: Adventure, Action, Ecchi, Harem, School Life, and Slice of Life. Tags: Alternate Universe, Beastkin, Beautiful Female Leads, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Cheats, Cohabitation, Demi-Humans, Demons, Dimensional Group Chat, Dragons, Dungeons, Eidetic Memory, Elemental Magic, Evolution, Fallen Angels, Fanfiction, Fantasy Creatures, Fast Learner, Game Elements, Game Ranking System, Goddesses, Gods, Hard-working Protagonist, Lucky Protagonist, Magic, Male Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Polygamy, Reincarnation, Swords and Magic, Virtual Reality, Wish Fulfillment, World Travel

JadePanda003 · Khác
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223 Chs

Is It Wrong To Think That A Dungeon Full Of Rabbits Is Easy!?

Hey, Shun here!

I've always thought that having strong rabbits in a game for me to fight would be a really interesting notion. However, now that I'm experiencing it, I really think that it was seriously a bad idea.

Rabbits are fast, nimble, and they are many in numbers. They breed faster than Goblins and they also mature faster than them.

Heh, now that I think about it, weak monsters that are turned into a strong one was never something to scoff at. This made me remember the time when I was reading that Re:Monster and Tensura in light novel format…

Yep, slimes and goblins should remain as is. No need to make them stronger. The same could be said for rabbits.


(Shun's POV)

"Tch! Why did I wish for game developers to create strong rabbit monsters, again?"

Right now, I am scolding myself for being an idiot and thinking that battling against a strong group of rabbits would be fun. Well, bad news, they aren't fun to deal with.

They are very agile and extremely nimble. Not only that, but their survival instincts as a previously weak race really gave them that strong intuition to avoid lethal attacks.

"The name 'Assassin Bunnies' couldn't be a better fit for you guys…" I murmured as I stabbed one on its forehead, completely depleting its health. I guess it's my saving grace that they have extremely low HP.

Even though they are fast and very nimble, I am still faster than them. I made sure that my attacks are accurate and precise to avoid loosing my streak.

I have a feeling that Ninjutsu is not the only skill I could get from doing this. Also, it gives me more damage so why not make it a habit when hunting?

While I was immersed in my internal monologue, the three remaining bunnies attacked me simultaneously. Unfortunately for them, I am now a ninja!



Along with the poofing sound, my 'body' exploded into white smoke and was replaced by a tree log. The next moment, I appeared behind one of the unsuspecting bunnies and quickly stabbed it in three different vital spots, the neck, the brain, and the heart.

The bunny didn't have the chance to scream as it immediately turned into digital particles that scattered through the air. Since the two remaining ones is still unaware, I immediately used [Body Flicker] and appeared behind another one.

Heh, I definitely look more like an assassin/ninja now. Should I find a replacement for my western sword and change it to a katana?


While letting out a weird sound, I stabbed the second bunny on its head and chest before slashing at its neck. Once again, my damage was enough to kill it.

"Thankfully, these bunnies have very low health."

While I was killing the second bunny, the remaining one turned tail and flee into the deeper parts of the cave. I didn't chase it since there is a possibility of traps being laid there.

Thus, I carefully traveled through the cave while warily inspecting my surroundings. Dying now would be too much of a shame, after all.

After a few minutes of walking through the dark cave, I saw the end of the tunnel emit a relatively bright light.

There might be a source of light in there, I thought.

So, while carefully observing my surroundings, I continued to walk, with the end of the tunnel as the goal. Eventually, after a few minutes of walk, I finally arrived at the end of the tunnel.

Because the lighting of this place is not so bright, my eyes quickly adapted to it. Then, what caught my attention was a badass looking rabbit sitting on what seems to be a throne.

This rabbit have this 'menacing' aura going on around him while he's sitting on his throne like an absolute boss. His 'paw' of sorts is resting on his chair while supporting his cheeks while his ruby red eyes are squinted, looking at me.

"You are the very first badass rabbit I've ever seen in my entire life…" I muttered as I looked at the rabbit with a wry smile.


Currently, I'm standing in front of a small throne where a rabbit with jet black fur is sitting on comfortably. What made it look so badass was the little dragon skull adorning its head.

Although it was only the upper half of the head, I could tell that it's the skull of an eastern dragon since there's a deer-like antler on top of the skull, just in between the ears of this rabbit. Probably to make this rabbit even more cooler, it has two daggers on its waist while it is wearing a silver colored boots.

Talk about designing such a cool rabbit. The gaming company or whatever it was who made this game really have a good taste.

The contrast between its jet black fur, the white skull, and the silver boots really made it look even more badass. I finally got to see such an intimidating rabbit boss, I'm about to cry tears of joy.

Anyway, I have around 20 Iron Swords inside my inventory so if ever my weapon breaks, I have many to spare.

While me and the rabbit is having a staring contest, it suddenly stood up from its throne, unsheathed its daggers, and pointed one of it at me.

"Squeak! Squeak squeak!"

"Umm? Are you telling me that I should leave if I don't want to die or something?"

Don't ask how I know what he's saying. Last bosses often say that to the hero who came to slay them.


Sure enough, it nodded its little head.

See? It could understand me. What a smart little rabbit.

"Sorry but no. I'm not gonna be leaving until I take your head off your shoulder and offer it to the villager auntie!" I exclaimed like some hero with overflowing sense of justice.

Damn, Rikka-san, Satania-san, and Mutsuko-san would probably give me a round of applause for acting like them. Am I slowly being infected by them?

I hope not.

I better stay more often with the cute Pochi, Tama, and Kaede-san.

Upon hearing my resolute refusal, the badass rabbit just calmly crossed its arms while nodding sagely. What the heck? It even knows how to act cool?

"Squeak, squeak squeak~!"

"Eh? Are you now saying that I should be prepared to die or something?"

Cliché lines. That's why I know of it.


Oh, it looks like I was right again. That's two times in a row now. Should I consider job changing into an animal translator?

"Enough said Mister Rabbit. I am here for a quest and I always see to it that I am able to finish my missions!"

It looks like it was convinced by my dramatic line as it raised its daggers and rushed at me at a very fast speed. It looks like its three times faster than the Assassin Bunnies.

As it approached me, I finally got to see the name of this boss mob.

"Even your name sound so deadly. Vorpal Bunny, eh. Really fitting name for the leader of many Assassin Bunnies."

As I commented on its name, I of course didn't forget to focus on the enemy in front of me. With full concentration, I rushed in as well, ready to strike.


One might laugh at how seriously I'm taking this fight but this is no laughing matter. This rabbit is almost as fast as me who is a level 18 with 215 stat points allocated in my AGI plus the bonus of [Ninjutsu I] that was doubled by [Extreme Speed].

Well, if I were to say it, this Vorpal Bunny should be around 400 AGI, much faster than any player or boss around, I think. This boss is probably made just for the sake of messing with the players.

However, unfortunately for them, they didn't expect someone like me to appear.

A second later, we clashed in the middle of this throne room.



The sounds of glass shattering echoed as my weapon got destroyed. Without showing a panicked expression on my face, I calmly took out another from my inventory.

"HAAA!" I shouted as I once again slashed at the enemy rabbit.


Once again, the rabbit blocked my attack, this time using his free paw which is holding another one of his two daggers.



Another one of my weapon shattered after another clash. Thinking that this would be counter productive, I decided to use my superior speed against him.

In a flash, I disappeared from my position and reappeared behind this Vorpal Bunny. With a stab, I tried to land a hit as fast as I could, almost hitting the rabbit behind its head where its not protected by the dragon skull.

However, that's just it. Almost.

With the sound of glass shattering once again, my iron sword crumbled into pieces. Since there is a short delay in me taking another weapon, the Vorpal Bunny tried to capitalize on that and launched at attack.

Thinking that I might die with this strike, I activated [Body Flicker] in conjunction with my [Substitution] jutsu. Then, once I appeared behind the Vorpal Bunny's back, a wild idea entered my head.

I don't have any weapon right now in my hands what I could use is a part of my body. And so, left with no other choice, I bit at its neck as hard as I could and took a chunk of its meat from it.

As I was chewing on the piece of meat unconsciously, I began to think that the developer of this game is seriously nuts for allowing players to eat monsters even though they are still alive.

「You acquired the [Speed Decides The Winner] skill」

It seems that because of my desperate attempt to live, I managed to get a skill from it. After briefly looking at the skill description, I knew that my idiotic attempt seems to have paid off.

Pulling out another iron sword from my inventory, I once again used [Body Flicker] and reappeared next to the Vorpal Bunny.


Without any hesitation, I plunged my sword on the Vorpal Bunny's throat. However, the Vorpal Bunny seems to have sensed my attack coming and parried it before trying to land an attack of its own.



Accompanied by the slashing and poofing sound is the sound of digital particles scatting mid air. Behind the slowly vanishing Vorpal Bunny, I stood there, holding up my Iron Sword.

The instant the rabbit tried to counter me, I immediately used [Substitution] before appearing behind it once again and stabbing it at the back of its neck, instantly ending its life.

「You have slain the Unique Boss [Vorpal Bunny]」

「You successfully acquired the [Untouchable Phantom] skill」

「You successfully acquired the [Fatal Aim] skill」

「You successfully acquired the [Flash of Life] skill」

Gee, that's too many skills at once. They're all dangerous sounding, too. What are the devs thinking, adding these skills to the game?


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

If you are liking the story so far, do consider visiting my ko-fi page! Link is here: https://ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031

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Note: For those of you who are wondering, what about your readers here on WN? Well, how about this. Since there's just a few of you who are really following my story everyday, every Sunday, if we managed to reach 100 Power Stones, I'll release a bonus chapter(same goes for when we reach 1k collections). Going over 200 wouldn't give you guys anything for now since my next free time is still unknown.

Author's Remarks:

※ Well, next chapter will be about him obtaining his very own Unique Series. I'm taking many liberties in this game but, yeah. Who cares about it at this point?

Special thanks to my supporters: Zayum, Sam Morgan, and Kaberial! Thank you guys for your support!

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