

In a world where martial arts reign supreme, Alexis stands accused of the unthinkable. He not only stole a martial arts manual and precious medicinal pills but also captured someone else's fiancée. His actions have labeled him as the ultimate disgrace to the Martial Way and a despicable presence among humanity. Known for his audacity, Alexis has crossed boundaries that others wouldn't dare approach. His lack of compassion extends to such extremes that he wouldn't even lend a hand to an elderly person crossing the road, and he would shamelessly snatch a lollipop from the hands of a three-year-old child. His disruptive presence knows no bounds, leaving even the brightest talents from prestigious families battered and defeated. Now, facing the united disdain of both humans and gods, Alexis finds himself on the brink of complete rejection. Countless martial arts experts of Ember Celestine harbor an intense and enduring hatred for Alexis, longing to dismantle him piece by piece. But Alexis remains unfazed. Instead, he calmly accesses the enigmatic "Super Hatred System," exploring its array of tantalizing options. With a stroke of his chin, he contemplates his vast collection of Hatred Points, pondering what he should exchange them for. Should he choose the sacred realm of Saint-grade medicinal pills, delve into the ancient power of the Primordial Pill, or master the unparalleled martial art skill known as the Null Palm? The allure of the divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron, also beckons him with its extraordinary might. It is a decision that will shape his destiny, even as the world despises his very existence. ------------------------ I DONT OWN THE COVER, I DOWNLOADED IT FROM PINTEREST.

BeggarProMax · Thành thị
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36 Chs


Martial Disciple Realm: Further divided into 9 levels.

First level of Martial Disciple Realm

Second level of Martial Disciple Realm

Third level of Martial Disciple Realm

Fourth level of Martial Disciple Realm

Fifth level of Martial Disciple Realm

Sixth level of Martial Disciple Realm

Seventh level of Martial Disciple Realm

Eighth level of Martial Disciple Realm

Ninth level of Martial Disciple Realm

Martial Warrior: Further divided into 9 levels as above.

And more-----------


Mastery Levels:





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