
Hate Her 03 – Mutual love? Mutual hate!

Shang Lu's response completely deviated from the expected pattern, leaving Lin Yanyan bewildered.

The Young Lady didn't know how to respond, or perhaps she was angry but hadn't figured out what was wrong yet.

But soon the last two guests arrived together, so Lin Yanyan didn't have any more time to think.

The first one was the second-ranked male celebrity, Director Song Zeqian, who was also the third Licking Dog who fawned over the female lead in the original plot.

He looked handsome in his black suit and seemed like a refined gentleman on the surface, but in fact, in the industry he was known for his sharp tongue.

But Song Zeqian indeed had the capital to be this way. He was only in his thirties but had become one of the most representative directors in the country for realistic themes. He directed and released three films, all of which received critical acclaim and high box office sales. The entire crew won awards at domestic film festivals.

However, such a genius seemed to have also hit a bottleneck. His fourth film encountered a Waterloo after its release at the end of last year, and was even rated as the worst film of the year, causing him to still be stuck in a creative bottleneck.

Of course, in the original plot, he would meet the female lead Ning Lin next, then he found inspiration in her and fell in love with her.

Even at the end of the plot, when Ning Lin successfully won the Best Actress trophy, the script she starred in was written by Song Zeqian.

Strictly speaking, Song Zeqian was not a celebrity in the entertainment industry, but because he had publicly mocked the acting skills of too many popular celebrities, his "popularity" was too high. The program team even nominated him out of the ordinary for the sake of topic interest.

It's just unclear how they managed to convince a director of Song Zeqian's status to participate in their variety show.

As for the third-ranked female guest, actress Jiang Jing is known for being a well-known drama queen. While her acting skills are indeed impressive, she has a tendency to steal the spotlight and interrupt others, which has made her less popular.

Finally, all six guests have arrived and the recording of the program can officially begin.

After introducing themselves, the first segment is reading negative comments left by black fans on the official announcement post of their show. After all, the show is called "The Most Hated Her and Him," so they need to select comments that represent the audience's feelings and explain why the guests are hated.

First, Jiang Jing reads the comments, as she is the eldest of the six and the show's producers have selected relatively mild comments that only hint at the issues without being overly critical.

However, Jiang Jing has always liked being praised. Although she was obviously unhappy, as a senior who has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, her attitude on the surface was still good, saying that she would try to fix this problem.

The second one to read was Song Zeqian.

The man leaned on the sofa and read out a mockery from a certain fan, saying that he had long been out of talent and was using his previous works to hype and gain popularity.

Song Zeqian smiled mockingly and said calmly: "Even if I am out of talent, even if your favorite traffic celebrity1 beg to participate in my works, I won't give them a chance."

The live broadcast room had both mockery and agreement.

[Song Zeqian doesn't have to be like this. Although he only has one bad movie, his last good film was three or four years ago, he looked like a genius because he just graduated then.]

[The fans of the traffic celebrities cursed Song Zeqian as they voted for him, but they cannot refute him.]

[Indeed, having three classic movies out of four is already a great achievement, and not everyone can work with Song Zeqian.]

Song Zeqian's words were too straightforward, so after he finished speaking, the others present had more or less surprised expressions on their faces.

Then Song Zeqian looked at them and asked: "What are you looking at? You can also cherish the opportunity now. Besides this variety show, we probably won't meet again, because with your acting skills, it's unlikely that you will appear in my crew. I will never use such traffic celebrities like you."

As she watched the confident Song Zeqian, Shang Lu couldn't help but think to herself, Is he really setting a flag here? His future goddess Ning Lin is also a traffic celebrity.

Suddenly, a voice that seemed not quite understanding rang out, "What do I want with this opportunity?"

Even though he was facing a famous director like Song Zeqian, Ye Lu smiled slightly and continued, "I'm an idol, I don't act."

Song Zeqian's expression stiffened.

The netizens in the live stream were amused.

[Hahaha, this is like punching an old master with random punches.]

[Ye Lu : You're strong, but we're not in the same line of work.]


On site, Song Zeqian's face looked very unpleasant, but he knew that arguing with Ye Lu would only make himself look more embarrassed. So he put on a pair of sunglasses to hide his expression and didn't say anything else.

The recording continued.

The remaining four young artists had even sharper comments written on their cards.

Because of this, the program intentionally stir up trouble by pairing them off to read each other's negative comments.

Xu Ze and Lin Yanyan were in one group.

Xu Ze was like an emotionless reading machine, reading the content on the cardboard. Although he didn't like to speak, he could accept something like pre-determined lines.

"Does Lin Yanyan think she's a real princess? She always looks down on people, is it to make us see the scar on the outside of her nose2 more clearly? Her arrogant attitude is really ridiculous, Your Higness the Princess should die early in the morning."

Originally a sarcastic criticism, after being read out in Xu Ze's unchanged tone, it inexplicably became a bit amusing.

Lin Yanyan's face didn't look good, she denied having had any plastic surgery, and then said that her character was shaped by her family's pampering, and people should just bear with it.

The barrage of comments on this was naturally not good.

[Come on, Young Lady, if you're so fragile, don't come to this variety show.]

[Hehe, I don't like it, and I won't bear it. I want to scold you, if you don't like it, just bear with it.]

Of course, there were also people who argued back.

[Lin Yanyan doesn't need to rely on fans and popularity to get resources. She doesn't need to snatch other people's resources. If she wants to act, she can just tell her Dad to buy the entire production crew. If I were her, I'd be even more arrogant than her.]

[The life of the Young Lady is so simple and boring]

As for Xu Ze's message card, it was filled with cliched criticisms, such as his limited acting skills and overly reclusive personality that made him unpopular.

Xu Ze was silent for a few seconds and only replied with two words: "I understand."

In fact, Xu Ze's acting skills were already among the top in the group of traffic celebrities, but his real problem was his personality.

However, nowadays, most people can understand and respect him, so the barrage is basically full of comments supporting Xu Ze.

[He doesn't affect anyone with his personality, so let's not worry too much about it.]

[The more I look at Xu Ze, the more I feel sorry for him. A normal person has to come to this kind of variety show just because he is not welcomed by those media reporters. (sigh emoji)]

Everything is developing smoothly according to plan. As expected, among these guests, Xu Ze is the most normal one.

Next, the last remaining guests, Shang Lu and Ye Lu, naturally were in one group.

She read out the content of the card: "Ye Lu, the parasite in the group, obviously not as popular as Xia Yuan, but always has a lot of parts. It's a shame that SN promotes you so heavily. A modern-day vampire."

Unexpectedly, Ye Lu, who was known as the hot-tempered little tyrant in the industry, rolled his eyes and shrugged indifferently, even speaking in a pitiful tone, "Think whatever you want."

At this moment, the barrage had both criticisms and people just spectating.

[I thought he was going to say something, but he can't even refute the 'shameless promotion' with a clear conscience]

[I actually find it quite funny, this is like a playboy's statement, 'if you want to think that way, I can't stop you' hahaha]

Next, it was Ye Lu's turn to read the black fan's comment for Shang Lu.

When he saw the card, he first paused, then glanced at Shang Lu.

"It doesn't matter, just read it out," Shang Lu said.

"Does Shang Lu think she's pretty? Always trying to get close to Jiang Yi, she wouldn't be delusional enough to think she can marry into a wealthy family and change her fate, would she? Women like her are really… annoying," Ye Lu finished reading and then crumpled the card in his hand, looking unnatural.

As an idol, he had no acting skills nor the ability to handle unexpected situations.

Shang Lu immediately realized that the content on that card was likely even more insulting than what Ye Lu had just read out loud.

So, without a word, Shang Lu directly reached out to Ye Lu and said, "Give it to me."

Ye Lu was taken aback, then used his poor acting skills to pretend he didn't understand: "What?"

"The card."

Ye Lu once again put on an impatient expression and asked, "What's so interesting about this…?"

Before he could finish speaking, the bunched-up card in his hand was instantly snatched away by Shang Lu.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were now all confused and didn't understand what had just happened.

[What is Shang Lu doing? Does she know that it's impolite to just snatch things from someone else's hand like that?]

[Ye Lu is right, what's so interesting about that? She's so weird.]

[Shang Lu has always been an annoying lunatic, she can't pretend to be normal for too long, haha…]

Meanwhile, Shang Lu lowered her head and opened the crumpled card.

As soon as she read the black words on it, she looked at the group of directors and nonchalantly asked, "I dare to read what's on this card, but do you really dare to broadcast it?"

The humiliating words have gone beyond negative criticism and become personal attacks and the most disgusting slander.

While netizens can leave comments freely on the internet, not every comment can be specifically selected and shown to her in the program segment.

The program team didn't know how to respond for a while, and the live broadcast had to be temporarily interrupted.

The screen was full of question marks, and no audience knew what had happened.

The director group immediately apologized to Shang Lu and expressed their embarrassment, indicating that it was their negligence in the review, but their words clearly implied that this was also arranged by the higher-ups, and they were only following orders and hoping that Shang Lu could forgive them.

One of the investors of the show "The Most Hated Her and Him" was Jiang Yi's media company.

Few people on the scene actually knew the specific reasons, so the atmosphere was quiet to the point of being eerie.

Lin Yanyan looked suspiciously at Shang Lu and then asked discontentedly, "Why can she close the live broadcast if she doesn't want to hear negative comments? Did she bribe someone? Well, my Dad has money too!"

She can also pay for privileges!

As a rare insider, Ye Lu looked at Lin Yanyan with impatience and said, "Could you please shut up?"

Lin Yanyan : "?"

The spoiled Young Lady who always demands the moon from the stars has never been scolded like this before. She was so angry that she immediately wanted to confront Ye Lu.

Although Jiang Jing didn't know the specific problem, she could tell that closing the live broadcast was not a small matter. As a senior, she naturally couldn't just stand by and watch them argue, so she quickly pulled Lin Yanyan aside and comforted her.