
Getting the skills to Teach the People

After taking his bath Thornir went to his room to rest after a long day of training and meeting with the Envoy from the Iron Bank.

But he didn't go to sleep immediately instead he laid there staring at the ceiling thinking about how he was going to advance his city to the next level since he doesn't want to rely on Foreign Merchants anymore and instead wants to become self-reliant.

And the only way that he can see that happening is if his people start to learn some major professions from actual medieval society such as Blacksmiths, Bakers, Artisan's, Etc.

But he doesn't have any knowledge of those profession's and the only way to teach them was to import foreign people from either Westeros or Essos.

But nobody wanted to come to his city besides Merchants so that would be a problem.

Thornir spent the next couple of minutes thinking about this before he fell asleep. And what he found himself in wasn't a dream instead it was a dark space with nothing but blackness all around him.

He was confused as to where he was at, but he also felt that this place was familiar to him.

Then suddenly he heard a familiar voice that made him turn his head "We Meet again"

Thornir was looking at this person no God who was the person that sent him to this world after his previous death in his other life.

"What happened, did I die in my sleep or something" asked Thornir since he thought that if he was meeting the God again then he must have died.

"Nope right now you are in a dream like state on your bed" Said the God "I only pulled you hear into this place to give you a reward for having 5k followers"

Hearing this Thornir got a little excited since a reward is exactly what he needed right now, He just hopes that it's something useful.

"Now I won't take too much of your time nor do I have that much time, so I will get right to, First since you have reached 5k followers you have started to run into problems that will only get worse from here, so I shall grant you a reward that will help you that" Said the God

At this moment Thornir felt all his problems going away hearing what God just said.

"So I shall give you the knowledge of various professions that you can teach to your followers but depending on how difficult the profession it may take years for one to Master it, minimum one year for each profession and once I grant you this knowledge it will take time even for your brain to take in all this information at once, so you will be in a deep sleep for a Month" Said the God

Thornir didn't care since one month was worth it as now in a couple of years his city can truly become a true medieval city.

"I see you have no problem with that, so I guess this is goodbye for now as the next time we meet will probably be in 20 years or so" Said the God as his image faded away

Meanwhile, Thornir lay on his bed still breathing but in a dream-like state. Once morning a maid had come in to wake him up, but she found that he wouldn't even budge, but she could tell that he was still breathing, so she immediately ran to get Val and Dalla.

Val and Dalla came immediately when they heard what was going on. And whey they got their Thornir was in the same state that the Maids said he was.

And while he looked like he was only sleeping he just wouldn't wake up when they tried to.

Val even shook him, but he still didn't wake up.

They were at a loss as nothing they tried made him budge, but they were strong and wouldn't just let this make them sad or lose judgment.

So they had all the Maids keep their mouths shut about this and not to tell anyone, or they would lose their lives.

They did this because Thornir rarely went outside the Keep anyway and mostly stayed inside, so the people wouldn't get suspicious if they didn't see him for a while.

Then they locked down the Keep and prevented anyone from leaving or coming in as there was also a possibility that he could have been poisoned and if that was the case whoever did it would wish they were dead if Val or Dalla caught them.

After securing the Keep they gathered all the original members of the Clan which included Stygard, Thorell, and Aranir and informed them of what was happening.

And of course they were all a little upset, but they knew that it wasn't the end of the world and panicking now would be bad for the city and the people who have faith in the king.

Double guards were put on his room door and around the keep while Val and Dalla remained in the Keep at all times suspending their training.

They hoped he would wake up soon, so they could know what was happening.

And while they waited for days which turned into weeks and eventually a month had passed.

Thornir opened his eyes and sat up on his bed holding his head since he had a small headache. That's when a Maid came in to perform her usual check up but this time he was awake.

She immediately screamed, making Val and Dalla who were nearby come running to see what was going on.

But when they got there what they saw was Thornir awake sitting on his bed.

"Val and Dalla what's happened whi...." He couldn't get the next words out as both Val and Dalla hugged him at the same time.