
Am I fast ? Or is the world slow ?

1113, Italy.

" It's good to be back. " say Sammael dressed in nobles clothes made with the finest materials, he emits a scholarly but cold aura. His black eyes gained a layer of wisdom after living a more than a century.

" Good to being back to with your family ? " respond Elijah happy to see his brother again.

" I mean in Italy. " answer Sam.

" Like always, your sense of humor is too subtle to be perceived as anything other than sarcasm. " say playfully Elijah.

The two walking and crossing several streets, the sun is hiding behind clouds, creating a strange atmosphere.

" So, more than 2 decades have passed since the last time we all saw each other, surely this time you'll stay with us. You are way more responsible than Kol and Nik, it will be pleasant to have the company of a mature brother." tell Elijah.

" And Rebekah ? Does she make you suffer too poor Elijah. " ask Sammael.

" Ah... Rebekah is constantly searching love, the fact that we can't have children is hard to accept for her. I think she just want to feel human again... " answer Elijah with an undertone of sadness.

" It's logical, an immortal creature have no need to procreate, procreation is nature answer to the short lifespan of humans. " add Sam with a toughfull expression on his face. 

Elijah observe the face of his brother before saying. 

" There is something different about you Sammael. But I'm not sure if that's a good thing. " admit Elijah. 

" I suppose time will tell. " finish Sam. The rest of the path is made in silence, they stop at the entrance of a luxurious castle, large enough to house all the Mikaelson. 

Hours later.

" Can we eat, I'm hungry I didn't feed today and I can't wait any longer. " say Kol like the gluttonous beast he is. 

" You are an animal, taking pleasure in drinking the blood of humans. All of you. " retort Finn with barely hidden disgust in his voice. 

" Finn, don't act like you are better than us. " respond Klaus. 

" Enough. Can we please spend a moment all together without it degenerate in arguments. Thank you. " reason Elijah ignoring the laugh of Rebekah in the background. 

Taking their place, servants enter and slit their wirst letting the blood flow in glasses. 

Sipping his glass of blood, Sammael listen to Rebekah speaking about the five hunter and in particular about a certain Alexander. 

" I'm telling you he is not a danger for us, Alexander would never suspect me and he would not hurt me. " affirm Rebekah with firmness. 

" You are foolish if you think he care about you sister. You're effort to find love blind you and keep you from seeing the truth. " answer Klaus to the speech of Bekah. 

" Niklaus. " interrupt Elijah to give a warning to Nik to stop antagonizing Rebakeh. 

The rest of the evening continues without incidents and was an excellent moment. 

A year later, Italy. 

Sammael dodge a slash, blocking a right hook, he counterattack with an open palm to the chest projecting the hunter against the wall. Twitching a finger a cracking sound can be heard made by the neck of the hunter broken by telekinesis. The hunter hand letting a dagger fall on the floor. 

While he inspect the dagger he feel a curse been placed on him. 

Taking a few minutes to analyze the situation, he concluded that killing a hunter of the five result in a curse placed on the killer. Fortunately with his unique ability, he easily siphone the curse. 

Sam hearing his brother Klaus screaming in anger, without waisting time rush to investigate. 

What he found is Niklaus, a sword in hands butchering the last 4 hunters and Rebekah sobbing on the bed. 

" What did he promised you ! You sided against your family, what did he promise you !? " ask Klaus in rage because of the mistakes Bekah made. 

After Rebekah explain to Klaus the story of the five, and their ultimate weapon a cure to immortality, the three of them take out the daggers of Kol and Elijah but as they prepare to do the same for Finn. 

" Wait, maybe we should let the dagger inside of him." propose Niklaus. 

" Finn is a pain in the ass but even him doesn't deserve that. " retort angrily Kol. 

" I agree with Kol this is a cruel thing to do, I don't think this is a good idea at all. " add Sammael. 

" Nobody ask your opinion Sam, you barely spend time with us in the last century, you don't know how Finn is. Complaining about everything, hating his own existence and ours. " answer Klaus, a few seconds of silence followed before someone speak again.

" How long do you intend to let Finn like this Niklaus ? " ask Elijah with resignation.

Seeing Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah have already taken the decision without listening to him or Kol, he stop trying to convince them. Sam also kept silent about the curse that activate when killing a member of the brotherhood of the five not wanting to disclose his siphonner abilities.

It is time to leave again think almost simultaneously Kol and Sammael. 

1201, England, County of Cambridge. 

It is going to be make 7 years since Sam start visiting the school of Pythagore and attending its classes, advanced mathematics and physique being the most interesting for him. 

This year he started a new project, an institution purposefully made for education. Of course he'll have to stay behind the scene, his immortality preventing him from staying too long in the same place if he interact with the population, unless he compel everyone to ignore the strange things happening around him he have to move from time to time. 

His musings are interrupt when his sense detect the smell of death, not hearing a heartbeat he conclude that this is a vampire, one of the hundreds his family stupidly spawned, infesting the world with vampires. 

Entering a dark alley Sammael use a spell. 

" Invisibilia. " cast Sam using magic to make himself disappear from the vampire vision who just arrived in the alley and start looking around searching him frantically. 

Observing the vampire, Sam doesn't recognize him, reapering behind him he grab him in a choke hold ready to break his neck. 

" Who are you and why do you follow me. You have 5 seconds to answer. " ask authoritly Sammael. 

" Let go of me ! " say with difficulty the vampire struggling to get free. 

" It's meaningless, the gap between our strength is too large, you are like an ant in front of me. 2 seconds remaining. " answer Sam strenghtening his hold. 

" Alright ! Calm down. I want to know how you are doing it, you are a vampire like me, how do you go out in the day, why are you not burned by the sun ? " reveal the vampire afraid for his life. 

" Oh, so it's just about that. Unfortunately you don't need to know the answer to this question anymore. " say Sammael. 

" What ? What do you mean by that ? " question the vampire cursing himself to have followed this man. 

" I am trying to built something here, and your presence could be a problem. " respond Sam with an almost regretful voice. Twisting his arm, the vampire fall on the ground dead. Leaving the alley a quiet whisper can be heard. 

" Concremo." say Sammael in a low voice. The odor of smoke begin to fill the alley while he goes out. 

1269, University of Cambridge. 

Students running everywhere, eager to learn more. On the building the motto of the university is written. Omnibus est scientia.

In a few centuries this place will already have create some of the most brilliant minds of the world, note with satisfaction Sammael watching the students go about their business. 

His discoveries in sciences are slow down by the lack of more efficient technology. He is in advance on his time, ironic considering his immortality. 

But on the other hand his study of magic advance at a really good pace, the next step would be to combine the two field and unified science and magic.

Sammael as already chose his next objective: to explore a mystery he still hasn't solve, what is really the other side. 

11 months later, in Greece. 

Following clues and stories tell by the descendants of Qetsiyah he discovered she was a native of Greece. But he also learned a piece of information that explain 3 important things. 

1° Why she create the immortality spell. 

2° For what purpose the brotherhood of the five exist. 

3° Who created the cure for immortality. 

Qetsiyah made the immortality spell, and for a reason that is usurprising, love.

She and a traveler named Silas fell in love and wanted to spend eternity together. But Silas duped her and become immortal before the wedding. Mad with rage Qetsiyah killed the woman she discovered he was truly in love with and trapped him in stone, the cure in his hand after that she hid Silas body in a secret location.

But her revenge didn't stop there, to separate the two lovers even in death she created the other side.

The story tell that now dead, she patiently wait for him to take the cure and die, trapping the two together for eternity.

Her descendants used a ritual to empower fives hunters, giving birth to the brotherhood of the five, their purpose is to forced Silas to take the cure and die. The five hunters Sammael met ignored their real mission and thoughts their purpose was to eradicate the vampires.

" What exactly are we looking for sir ? " ask a worker looking lost.

" I have no idea. Isn't it exciting ? " answer Sam watching the workers search the area for artefacts. After hours looking. Someone find something.

" Lord Ruthven, we find something." exclaim a worker holding a object in his hand. Lord Ruthven alias Sammael Mikaelson advance in direction of the worker and take the object in his hand. He use a fake name to dodge unanwanted attention, the one of the Bennett's in particular, they didn't appreciate him poking his nose in their "business". 

Immediately he can feel the energy inside the object, the talisman itself is a piece of bone carved in a square shape.

" Good, I'll look at this attentively later. Keep searching." say Sam, a few minutes later he leave the quarry and decide to go back to Athene tomorrow. 

Weeks later. 

Finally weeks of research come to fruition, the secret of the creation of the other side by Qetsiyah.Did she realized what she accomplished ask himself Sam.

She created an entire dimension and stabilize it, she link this dimension to our reality and it as exist for more than 1000 years so she must have bound it to something that could exist just as long. For the internal working, the anchor an immortal or an idestructible object catch the "consciousness" or what some call "soul" that is released after death and send it to the other side.

Sam immediately made the connection with Silas, the male doppelganger he used in his ritual was probably the double of Silas, maybe the female doppelganger are the ones of his true love who became immortal with him, after all Qetsiyah made two elixir of immortality and she didn't take it one.

Finally she programmed the dimension to only take supernatural beings. The destination of the dead humans is still unclear but maybe other dimensions exist and function like the afterlife. 

Sammael favorite theory on the subject is that the dimension or dimensions if there is more, trap the energy of the consciousness in them, if the souls were to escape or be released everything they are will go back to the universe and reunite with it. 

With the help of the talisman he managed to locate the grimoire of Qetsiyah. A wealth of knowledge belonging to one of the strongest witch. However complications start to present themselves.

The first problem: the grimoire is in the possession of the Bennett.

The second problem: only the blood willingly given by a descendant of Qetsiyah, a Bennett, can unlock the pages. 

The task will be difficult, true he can't die but a coven of powerful witches can still slow him down enough to escape with the prize. A plan is needed and he have the perfect one in mind.

While his family spawned dozens of vampires because of boredom or affection. Sam until today has only created 10 vampire, but only for experimental purpose, he killed 9 of the subjects and let one alive to observe how he would fair in the world. 

His offsprings are different from other vampires, their are like their creator Sammael immune to the sun and to wood, vervain only stop them from compelling humans but doesn't hurt them physically.

The vampires his family created inherit their weakness to wood, their kind are vulnerable to all types of wood, while the originals them are only affected by the white oak tree. 

However the vampires "diurne" as Sam call them can only be kill by decapitation, having their heart removed will also kill them definitely.

It seems Leif Ericson will finally be useful.