
Chapter Eleven_ Good actress(2)

"You finally picked up"those were the words i heard when i picked the call.

"Why?,do you miss me?"i said teasingly trying to piss her off on purpose.

She scoffed from the other side"Miss you?you wish."

"Then why did you call?"

"To check if you're still alive,after being such a pain in the a$$,the thing i wish most is for you to be dead,then Mason can be fully mine"I rolled my eyes in exhaustion, she was trying to taunt me but i won't give her the satisfaction of seeing me down.

"Is that why you called?"i said feeling bored already.

All i want to do was to sleep and rest my body, forget about all my worries.

"No, dad is vexed after you 'hit' me and 'ran' away" she said emphasizing on the word hit and ran.

"Wow,i must applaud you for becoming a good actress, you've definitely improved in being a liar"i said with sacarsm evident in my voice.

"You're becoming bolder by the day"i snorted with contempt.

"Do you want me to be like you, always cowering in the face of fear. Rose,if you have nothing tangible to say, i'll hang up"without waiting,i hung up and dropped the phone on the bed.

Immediately i laid on the bed,the softness and tenderness of the bed made me to fall asleep easily,i rested better than i had before.


Mason POV.

Frustrated,i threw the phone in my hand right at the wall and it shattered into pieces,i couldn't believe that she talked back at me and even disconnected the call when i was speaking.


I didn't feel like having any visitor right now,Ann was all i could think of. No matter how hard she tries to run, i'll find her and make her mine.

I used my fingers to massage my temples seething in anger,my door opened slowly.

"Get out!"i yelled at once at my timid secretary,"Boss,the..."in a few seconds,a file was flying straight towards her face.

She had barely escaped it when i threw another one, seeing her effortlessly trying to dodge the file was amusing.

She was like a toy to make me laugh"Boss, it's about Miss Ann"the next file that i was about to throw was stopped in mid air.

I looked at my secretary,her clothes has been rumbled and her hair look disheveled, she even limped and walked towards me.

I glared at her in irritation"No need to come further,speak"i ordered.

"While you were having your conversation with Miss Ann,the specialists were tracking her phone but it seems like she had changed it,we were only able to find out that she is living in a remote area"

I flinged another file towards her, unfortunately she didn't realize it in time and the file hit her fair face causing a bruise on her lips, and also a nosebleed.

I couldn't care less about her"What's that supposed to mean?,i wanted to know where she is. I didn't pay you guys to bring problems to my table but solutions. Tell the IT team that if they can't find where she is,they should consider themselves dead. Leave"her eyes turned glossy which further invoke my irritation.

She turned around"Wait..."i commanded as she paused and turned around.

"Get the cleaner to come clear this mess"she nods and walked away.