
Becoming A God

A young man who got killed and got transported in a fantasy world! His inly task is to become a demon lord! Will he be able to become the young demon lord? Read the chapters to found out more! Also, add my novel to ur list to read it will help me alot :3

TheGreatGuy · Võ hiệp
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3 Chs

The Training and cultivation

After 3 months of cultivation, heath finished cultivating, and then system notification rang.

Ping! "congratulations for the host for promotion from Spirit illumination tier 1 to Spirit Illumination tier 3!" "Host obtained 100 gold for breakthrough reward.

After cultivating for 3 months, heath and the others finally finished and came out of their own room, most of the kids have been promoted to Innate Realm, except ben, Freya, Cain and heath who got promoted to Spirit Illumination Realm.

After they came out, they have been greeted with lots of food prepared by the instructors.

The others are embarrassed because they haven't experienced being served like this how ever, heath walked straight to the table and ate, after others saw this, they immediately walked and sat and ate foods too.

While they were eating, instructors announced that they will be all participating in a life and death battle after they were done eating.

Obviously, the all of them except heath got surprised and dropped their food on the ground.

Then they asked with a mix expression,

"Why?!" they asked.

The instructors explained that whoever will win, they will be promoted to rank Demon cavalry or Higher Demon Ranks, if you got promoted to rank Demon cavalry commander, tou can choose a group of people and and can freely go out of this hellish training cave, one of the instructors said, we will be starting the competition after 4 months!, cultivate to become strong and prepare!".

The others feels excited not because of the competition but they are excited because they can freely get out of this hellish place.

The first place prize is a rank of commander, The second price is Cavalry commander and a Golden Core pill, the third prize is a cavalry commander, the rest who does not have a ranks are cavalry demon warriors!.

After hearing this, heath stopped and got backed to his room to cultivate again but got stopped by the instructor saying: "you there!, do not go back yet as i will be letting you chose your weapons and skill books".

"You can freely choose any kind of martial skill books and weapon you want, but be mindful thats after you chose your desired martial book and weapon, you cannot change them forever" said one of the instructors.

"Thank Our Demon Lord for doing this to you and giving you an opportunity to get strong and serve the demon lord!" said the head instructor.

The others shouted in a happy and excited expression.

After what they said, they all continued eating the delicious and juicy meats and soups to recover their strength and to prepare for the competition.

After eating the instructors lead heath and the others to the treasury room and said: "This is the demon vault of the demon latent cave!, This is where you will be choosing your own martial skill to practice, be mindful that you can only get one skill book!".

As the instructor said that, he then proceed to let heath and the others in to find their own martial arts.

While choosing a book heath got attracted to a book and walked to it and it read: "The Holy Divine Fire".

After heath done choosing, the instructors led heath to the weaponry and let him choose his weapon, After choosing heath choose the sword.

After everyone was done choosing their martial book and weapon, the head instructor immediately ordered heath and the others to go back and practice your martial books and weapons for 4 months

The others head back to their own rooms including heath.

After heath walked to his room a sudden notification rang on heath's ears saying: "Host, would you like to learn the [The Holy Divine Fire] for 100 gold?.

Heath nodded in agreement and learned the [The holy divine fire] heath immediately learned the Holy Fire.

He then started to buy martial book named [Sword Aura Manual] costs 10 gold.

Heath also learned the sword aura manually because he is short on money and cannot insta learn the book.

After a month of practicing the Sword aura he got a system notification that says: "Host obtained a skill [Sword Aura] (tier 4) [Upgradable]"

After learning the sword aura, heath bought a demon pill for 1 gold and sat on a crossed leg position and started to cultivating for the remaining 3 month.

"Congratulations for the host for realm promotion to Spirit Illumination tier 8 in just 2 months!".

ping!, "Host obtained 100 gold for breakthrough reward!.

Heath chose to open the system shop panel and found 1 bottle of exp and bought it.

"Host bought a bottle of exp!" , ping! "Host obtained 1 bottle of exp"

[bottle of exp]

- a exp in a bottle?!

-A bottle of exp providing 30 - 200 worth of exp

-The higher you luck is, the higher the exp you will obtain

After reading the description, heath drank the whole bottle.

"Host activated the system multiplier and host obtained 100% luck after drinking the whole bottle and obtained 200 exp!", ping! "Host leveled up 7 times and obtained 35 unlocated stat points.

After all the system notification ended, heath used all his unlocated stat points and decided to use them evenly.

(Current stats)


Strength: 119

Defence: 124

Speed: 127

Mana: 132

Demonic Energy: 122

After doing that, heath continued to cultivate and after a month, heath broke through again!

"Host broke through from Spirit illumination realm tier 1 to Spirit Core Realm tier 1!", "Host has been rewarded with 100 gold and and a 1 Common Summon Card".

ping!, system multiplier had been activated and host gained 1 Transcedence Summon Card!". "Host also unlocked the summon system panel"

Heath put his transcedence card to his inventory for future use.

After 3 months of cultivating and practicing, heath and the others finally can go out to there room and again they were greeted by a table full of food prepared by the head instructor.

After they were done eating, the head elder decided to announce that they will be starting the competition after they rest.

An hour later, the head instructor decided to say that they will be starting the competition and shouted at them to get ready.

Heath and the others got ready and prepare themselves for the competition.

Finally, the time they've been waiting for, the title and a freedom that they wanted to get after winning of course.

The Judge of the competition started explaining the rules that they can killed the enemy, or let them jump out of the battle arena, thats the only way to win.

After explaining the rules, the competition finally began and the first one to fight were heath and ben.

The judge started saying that after the bow, they will began fighting until someone died or jumps out of the ring.

After bowing, ben uses his skill [pierce] using a spear but heath evaded it, after heath evaded the attack ben ran towards heath's back and tried to stab his back but heath dodged it again, after ben constantly attacks heath, heath finally had enough evading and decided to slash ben's right arm, while ben was screaming in pain, heath uses his fist to punch ben's stomach, and causes ben to throw up lot of blood.

After that heath punched ben's face and got thrown to the wall and causing ben to faint.

Ben was immediately was ran to a nearby healer to heal ben.

After the fight the whole audience was in full shock and silently watched.

Heath won the battle and that causes him to have the first place.


Current stats

Name: Heath

Title: Reincarnate

Job: None

Realm: Spirit Core Realm

Tier: 1


Strength: 119

Defence: 124

Speed: 127

Mana: 132

Dark Energy: 122


Asura Demonic Technique

Reiki Footwork

Command (tier 3)

Sword Aura (tier 4)