
Become a devil

Hundreds of refinements become demons, and thousands of refinements become Buddhas. For Ling Xiao, he prefers becoming a demon, so a hundred refinements are enough! What kind of practice? It's nothing more than a few times when he sees the unhappy Yin, who wants to step on his feet a few times, and whoever wants to step on his feet a few times beats him... As for those who dare to rob women and money with themselves, they will be killed directly. !

spring651 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 Seven Souls Magic Art

Ling Xiao started to sit still. If Cheng Gantai saw it, he would at most think that Ling Xiao was closing his eyes and thinking hard about alchemy recipes and alchemy techniques.

Only Ling Xiao himself knew that he was using his spiritual power to cultivate various magic arts in the Seven Soul Demon Chain.

The first soul among the seven souls, Tianchong, mainly cultivates human space power.

Among the Tianchong Soul Stones in the Seven Soul Demon Chain, there is only one formation, which is called Ghost Beating the Wall. This array will make people lose their way, and it is an essential method used to abduct women and children.

Among the procedures of the seven souls, the second soul, Linghui, majors in the spiritual power of people.

In addition to refining medicine, mental power is also used for direct mental shock.

The scarlet-level spiritual power technique left in the Spiritual Soul Stone in the Seven Souls Demon Chain is called Demon Nightmare, which can cause people to have all kinds of fear and hallucinations. Those who are recruited will be in a trance at light level, and at worst, they will be mentally chaotic and become lunatic.

Of course, the limitation of this technique is that it can only be used to deal with red-level Chain Soul Masters. Even if Ling Xiao is upgraded to the orange level in the future, this kind of exercise will not be able to have any effect on the orange level chain soul master.

The third spirit of the seven souls is the spirit of the five elements of human beings. Among the spirit and soul stones in the Seven Souls Demon Chain, that five-element technique is called Ghost Fire Technique.

This kind of ghost fire technique burns people's souls and is very vicious.

And this kind of ghost fire technique can also be improved with the increase of the user's level, no matter what level it can be used.

The fourth of the seven souls is the power of the soul, which majors in the power of the human body. The Beimin Shenquan that Ling Xiao learned is the power technique used by the spiritual masters.

The power technique in the Seven Souls Demon Chain is a set of boxing techniques called Crazy Demon Fist.

Beimin Shenquan requires the human body to go with the flow to the greatest extent possible, and not to damage the body as the bottom line.

The mad magic fist is to maximize its own potential, and there are some moves that damage the enemy by a thousand, and damage the self by a thousand and five.

Except for lunatics, it is estimated that no one can make this kind of boxing.

The fifth soul of the seven souls is the center. Those who cultivate this soul can devour the souls of divine beasts or beasts, and then turn themselves into divine beasts and beasts that are swallowed by themselves.

The red-haired old man Ling Xiao saw that day was transformed into a dragon, and it is estimated that he devoured the dragon's soul.

And now, in Ling Xiao's Seven Soul Demon Chain, what Ling Xiao can devour is the soul of a red-level beast fang-dog.

"Fuck! Turn into a big dog that can bite people?" Ling Xiao asked himself that he didn't have the courage and "courage", and immediately gave up the idea of swallowing the big dog's soul, and then went to study the sixth human soul—— Refined.

Transforming essence into emptiness and transforming essence into reality are the two realms of essence.

Essence's attack method is quite special, it mainly allows people to attack or defend with the talisman drawn by their own blood essence.

The old man Wujing who used the talisman that Ling Xiao saw yesterday was a master of spirit.

Among the Seven Soul Magic Chains, there are two types of red-level drawing runes in the Soul Essence Stone: Turtle Speed Rune and Poison Miasma Rune.

Don't think about it, just by looking at the names of these two kinds of talismans, Ling Xiao can know what they are used for.

The last soul is called Yingpo, and the method of attack is to summon. Summons spirits or demons to fight.

The sword-wielding "Birdman" summoned by the purple-robed "old woman" Taishang Sect Master yesterday is a kind of spirit.

And the demon soul that Ling Xiao can summon now is just a knife-wielding skeleton so thin that it has no skin.

"There are quite a lot of exercises, hey, take your time!" Ling Xiao calmed down and sat on the floor of the medicinal material storehouse, practicing all the other magic exercises in the seven souls except the mad magic fist.

The seven soul stones on the Seven Soul Demon Chain kept flickering on Ling Xiao's chest because of the power of the Demon Soul. The dark red magic light enveloped Ling Xiao, making his fairly delicate face look very strange.

It's a weirdness of disproportion and incongruity.

Soon, the gray token in Ling Xiao's Seven Souls Demon Chain space quickly absorbed the dark red light on the soul stone, sucking all the darkness into the black light spot above the token.

Immediately, the black light spot shines brightly, and the inky area near it also emits a strange black light.

After the absorption of the black light spot, the red color emitted by the Seven Soul Demon Chains on Ling Xiao's chest turned into a bright red color, even brighter and more sacred than the red color emitted by the Spirit Master.

The sun quickly moved from the east to the west, until the moon rose, day after day, Ling Xiao was still sitting still...

"He sits like this every day, except for the occasional meal, for a month?" After Li Yuanhuan's report, Cheng Gantai had to look at his new apprentice again.

For other disciples, as long as they don't go out for a few days, they feel uncomfortable.

And this new apprentice has been homeless for a month.

With Ling Xiao's determination and perseverance, other than Li Yuanhuan of the Beimin faction, who else can match him?

Now, except for Cheng Gantai and Li Yuanhuan, everyone else has probably long forgotten. A month ago, they sent one more person to Beimin.

"Good guy! It's said to be cultivating alchemy, but it's actually such a method!" Cheng Gantai's face was full of approval: "Yuan Huan, as soon as this kid comes out, you immediately ask him to come to me... um, No, just come and let me know."

"Master, Ling Xiao... Ling Xiao has come out." While speaking, a disciple ran into the hall and reported to Cheng Gantai.

"There must be Xiaocheng!" Cheng Gantai was overjoyed, and hurriedly rushed to the herbal medicine store with Li Yuanhuan.

Seeing Ling Xiao again, Cheng Gantai seemed to feel that this Ling Xiao was completely different from the Ling Xiao a month ago.

Although he was covered in dust, Ling Xiao at this time felt very clean, especially his bright eyes, which looked so clear as water.

As soon as he saw Cheng Gantai, Ling Xiao smiled "shyly" and said, "Master, you are here."

If Cheng Gantai knew that Ling Xiao's shyness at this time was because he didn't study alchemy at all and felt embarrassed in the past month, he would definitely be half dead.

But Cheng Gantai didn't know, he looked at Ling Xiao's dusty clothes, smelled the medicinal herbs all over his body, and was so moved that he almost shed tears.

He opened his bows left and right, patted Ling Xiao's arms, and asked kindly, "Good disciple, are you tired?"

Ling Xiao said aptly: "It is worthwhile to practice alchemy for the sect, no matter how hard or tired."

Looking at Cheng Gantai's excited expression, Ling Xiao thought at ease: "Master, it's not that I want to lie to you. It's not good for everyone to tell the truth, it's good for everyone to tell the truth, and it's okay for you to tell a lie, everyone is happy, Isn't it great?"

How could Cheng Gantai know about those little Jiujiu in Ling Xiao's heart, Ling Xiao said so, and he was even more happy: "Today, your alchemy skills are small, we will have a good meal in the evening and celebrate for you!"

As soon as Ling Xiao heard about the food, his stomach started to growl.

He didn't eat much in the past month. He used to be hungry and full, but it didn't take so long. He was really hungry.

"Master, can you... change it to noon?" Ling Xiao put on a pitiful look and looked at Cheng Gantai expectantly.

Cheng Gantai: "..."

After a big meal, Ling Xiao returned to his small shabby house.

The big meal just now made Ling Xiao see a little bit of the doorway. The Beimin faction has a bright appearance, but in fact it is not comparable to the wealthy families in Beimincheng.

It is only because the Beimin Sect is a mysterious sect of spirit masters to those mortals, so the wealthy families near Beimin City send their children here to learn the arts.

A large part of the Beimin faction's income depends on the "tuition fees" provided by these wealthy families.

People with more money will send their children to better sects, so the number of paid disciples that the Beimin Sect can receive is very limited, and it has only just reached a hundred.

Other sects have their own industries in the secular world, and they can charge huge protection fees to their protected jurisdictions to protect them from being killed by demon soul masters.

The Beimin faction is a small sect. Not to mention that it does not have its own property, the only protection fee it can receive is the city within a few hundred miles of Beimin City, and part of it must be handed over to Luofeng Valley.

In this case, it is strange not to be stretched.

Ling Xiao was still surprised at why the Beimin Sect looked magnificent on the outside, but the disciples inside had to sleep on a bed similar to his own kennel bed.

However, Cheng Gantai said earlier that as long as he concocts pills well and sells half of those pills, the life of the Beimin faction will get better soon.

Cheng Gantai said to Ling Xiao very bluntly and directly that he was the source of wealth for the Beimin faction in the future.

Moreover, Cheng Gantai greatly praised Ling Xiao in front of all the brothers and sisters. Said that he had perseverance, was able to hold fast, and was willing to think for the sake of the sect, which made Ling Xiao, who was very thick-skinned, blushed a little in the eyes of all the brothers and sisters who were jealous and hated.

Thinking of the scene just now, Ling Xiao smiled and said, "Master, Master, make money, you don't need to say it, I also like it... Do you think it is, my iron broom?"

Ling Xiao said to the black broom, while holding it in his hand, he gently stroked it.

For Ling Xiao, once he knew what metal the broom was made of and how much it was worth, it was also an income.

For Ling Xiao, who loves money, this broom is his own son.

Although Ling Xiao is very rich now, he knows it himself, others don't.

"Huh? There are words on it!" When Ling Xiao touched a spot above the broom handle, a little roughness could not escape Ling Xiao's keen sense.

Ling Xiao quickly lifted the broom handle and carefully observed the vertical column of small characters on the handle of the broom.

Those are eight words as small as lice: "Sweep the ground every day, you can sweep the world."

Ling Xiao was startled: "What's the situation?"